The imperial capital of the Overlord, a manor covering an area of ​​100,000 acres.

A quaint castle has been located here since the founding of the Hegemony Kingdom.

As the New Year approaches in Great Xia, what is strange is that all members of the most powerful chaebol from the Overlord are gathered here!

They sat down in front of a round table made of pure gold. Everyone was wearing authentic dragon robes from ancient emperors from different countries!

As long as you see the emperor's robes on their bodies, you can tell which country their ancestral home is from, or in other words, which country this person controls!

Many self-proclaimed upper-class people are the richest man in the country, but they can’t even name these people!

Because they are the rich who truly control the world, who are "invisible" and "hidden from the court"!

If they want, they can even dissolve the Senate of the country represented by their dragon robes on the same day, and even re-establish the emperor!

In their eyes, there is no concept of country or nation.

And together they created an organization, which is exactly the name written on the doorplate made of gold, diamonds, emeralds and other rare jewelry at the gate of this castle - the Foundation!

The circle formed by the members of the "Foundation" has a complete set of belief value systems, organizational formation, selection mechanisms and activity rituals.

The name "Foundation" actually has a origin.

As early as 1,200 years ago, the big Western international capitalists had developed financial monopoly capitalism to its peak!

The family assets of these big capitalists can be said to be truly rich and powerful. The influence of the family is overwhelming, and even the king has to borrow money from them if he wants to spend money to fight wars.

But the side effects are also very obvious.

The greater the power of the financial oligarchs, the broader the opposition, the stronger the resistance, the more intense the dissatisfaction, and the greater the hatred.

The most frightening thing is that not only the common people and social organizations oppose and hate them, but even their own kings and ministers hate them. If these people join forces, the financial oligarchs will surely fall into a dangerous situation. .

After these big capitalists encountered several times of suppression and opposition, they finally understood this truth. So 1,000 years ago, everyone seemed to have made an agreement, and the big families in various countries disappeared from the public eye almost at the same time.

These big capitalists gave unanimous low-key explanations, saying that the descendants of the family are no longer interested in property control and want to pursue freedom, career, ideals and other nonsense.

Then, as time passed, it seemed that the traditional wealthy families gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and they were no longer seen.

Is that true?

In fact, the assets of these big capitalists who were already extremely wealthy thousands of years ago have not shrunk at all, but have been legally and reasonably hidden.

All the super rich people just "turned around" in front of everyone and successfully became "invisible".

The control and dominance of wealth has never left their family's control for thousands of years!

Instead of leaving, it was magnified!

However, now they are silent and invisible, but they are everywhere and omnipotent. They have truly reached the state of "invisibility". They mainly rely on agents to show off at the front desk, while they hide deeply. Behind the scenes, control the functioning of society.

And this perfect new wealth game rule is the huge "foundation system" that the West actually controls the operation of society.

The foundation avoids the estate tax, income tax, and gift tax that are as high as 50% that the rich hate most. What’s even better is that the investment appreciation of the foundation also avoids capital gains tax.

Due to the existence of the foundation, up to 2/3 of the total annual income of Overlord is tax-free.

The foundation only needs to "contribute" 5% each year to charity, but the way international big capitalists make money is more than just a mere 5% return?

What's more, this 5% of philanthropic investment can also be used to achieve social influence and academic research control, win a better social public opinion environment and legal policy tilt, and thereby obtain greater benefits.

The scariest thing is that these are all reasonable and legal! ! !

This is Lowe's "scientific donation principle": the more you donate, the more you control.

It is precisely because of the role of the "foundation system" for these rich people that they named this terrifying alliance of rich people "Foundation".

Every member of the foundation is the real richest man in that country, or even several or more than a dozen nearby countries!

These people are all Westerners, not a single Oriental!

The reason why they were able to get together hundreds of years ago and establish the foundation was based on an extremely long-term plan - to establish a financial system that can only be controlled by the foundation and control the world!

The ultimate goal of this financial system is to establish a unified world currency and then impose a "world tax" on people all over the world to establish a new world order.

For this ultimate goal, the first thing they have to do is seize more than 90% of the world's wealth and resources!

So far, the combined wealth of these people has reached one-third of the world's wealth!

"Gentlemen, the reason why I have summoned you to the Foundation for a meeting at this time is because the "sheep-shearing" operations we have carried out against Daxia in recent years have all failed! "

An elder wearing a yellow robe from the Sunset Empire stood up and said with a serious expression:

“Daxia’s unique stock mechanism perfectly resisted our financial attacks.”

"And the two short-selling operations on Hong Kong stocks in 1997 and 2000 ended in disastrous failure!"

"In fact, the ABS financial model I introduced to Daxia was discovered in less than a month!"

The elder frowned in disbelief and said: "According to my calculations, this financial model, which is like a tarsal bone, will not be cracked until at least 20 years!"

At this moment, the old man wearing the royal robe of the Lanxi Empire said in a deep voice: "Daxia is protected by an expert!"

"You mean, all our sheep shearing operations over the years have been stopped by that expert?"

"It's impossible! Our actions and plans are at least beyond the understanding of Daxia economists for more than ten years!"

"If what you say is true, then I'm afraid it won't be that easy if we want to achieve our goal."

Daxia is one of the largest countries in the world.

If you want to achieve the ultimate goal of the foundation, you absolutely cannot avoid this country!


The hoarse and dark voice of the old man from the Sunset Empire sounded again:

"Next we must seize Daxia's wealth more intensely from two aspects."

"First, soft capture. Promote our country's brand in Daxia as a high-end, high-end and reliable product, making them give up their own country's products, and even despise their own country's products.

These products include but are not limited to daily necessities, technology products, financial banking products, etc.

In the future, I need you to do it so that when people in Great Xia mention our Western products, they all give thumbs up, feel proud, and rush to use them!

When it comes to their local products, they feel low-end, poor quality, and low quality.

Of course, if a local product emerges in Daxia, we will immediately acquire it and gradually conduct soft deconstruction to eliminate it silently. "

"Second, grab it hard. Use more intense financial means to attack Daxia!

Among them, we focus on IT, supermarkets, food, technology, stocks, futures and other industries, spending huge sums of money to carry out monopoly actions! "

"By combining hard and soft, I believe that sooner or later Daxia's wealth will be plundered by us! The most wonderful thing is that we have never used any illegal means, and they don't even have the right to sue us!"

Wow! ! !

There was a round of applause.

The old man waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, and then said:

"At the same time, we must pay attention to the fact that no matter what financial attack is carried out, the existence of the "Foundation" must not be exposed! Must be careful! "

"Remember, once the "Foundation" is exposed, we will face a joint confrontation from all the major forces in the world! ! ! "

"Okay, the meeting is over, gentlemen, let's recite the purpose of the "Foundation" together! "


All the old men in royal robes stood up one after another, crossed their hands on their chests, closed their eyes tightly, and read aloud:

"We seize, we control, we conquer!"

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