Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 470: You didn’t plant a spy in Shengda, did you?

The furious Chen Qiao vented his anger, and the office was completely silent. No one dared to speak up and try to get Chen Qiao into trouble at this time.

Chen Qiao took a deep breath and turned to ask his secretary: "Please report the specific data of the game to me."

The secretary hesitated for a long time, and then said bravely: ""Hot-Blooded Miracle" lost... 80% of the players in one day after "Zhengtu" was launched... This number... is still growing... …”

Chen Qiao: "..."


Chen Qiao's liver trembled when he heard it! ! !

His "Hot-Blooded Miracle" still followed the old path of throwing money at the market.

The card payment is so cheap and they have done so much marketing. Shengda has lost a lot of money in the past two months. They thought that if they could survive Legend to death, they could monopolize the market and start making money. However, Chen Mo went on a journey and killed him in one day. The market gained through burning money has been taken back!

How can this keep people from being depressed and angry?


Chen Qiao, whose eyes were blood red, breathed heavily for a long time before he calmed down.

"How is the revenue from "Zhengtu"?" Chen Qiao asked feebly.

"The daily revenue of "Zhengtu" today has... exceeded 20 million... and it is very likely to become the first online game in the Xia Dynasty with a daily revenue exceeding 50 million and a monthly revenue exceeding 1 billion..." The secretary said at the end, his voice It's as thin as a mosquito's whine.


Chen Qiao's voice was trembling, his body was shaking like chaff, and he spat excitedly: "Isn't it a free game? How come the revenue is so much higher than that of paid games?"

"Aren't those players clamoring to spend money on Zhengtu until it closes down? Why do they still charge so much money? This is unscientific!"

The secretary briefly introduced the charging points of "Zhengtu".

Chen Qiao's face immediately turned green.

"Bah! Chen Mo has such a dark heart! How shameless!"

"Why do you claim it's free for ten thousand years?"

"Tens of thousands of times more expensive than paid games!"

Chen Qiao is so envious and jealous! ! !

Especially after learning that if you want to continue to be the king, you have to top up hundreds of thousands a week. If you want to be the first in the district, you can't do it without spending millions. And if you want to be the first in "Journey", it will even cost When tens of millions are spent...

Chen Qiao really wanted to kill Chen Mo with a knife!

Is this a free game?

No vampire can suck as well as you, right?

"Liu Keunshuo, didn't you say that you are the chief designer of Legend? Why does Moxun's new game have so many gameplay methods that I have never seen before?"

Chen Qiao glared at Liu Genshuo with resentment in his eyes: "Isn't your kid eating the food in the bowl and looking at the two or five boys in the pot?"

Liu Keunshuo shook his head hurriedly: "Boss, I really don't know what's going on!"

"Okay, okay, it's useless to talk about it now."

"Just tell me what to do now? Do you want us to do it for free too?"

Chen Qiao said depressedly.

"Boss, I have studied this "Zhengtu". The reason why it is so profitable lies entirely in its gameplay fees."

"So, we can definitely copy the charging system from "Zhengtu" in "Hot-Blooded Miracle"!"

"I dare not say anything else. Just copy this one. We intersex people are the best at it, Smecta!"

Liu Keunshuo patted his chest and said.

"Okay, then I'll do as you say!"

"Go and copy it for me right away!"

"Meeting dismissed!!!"

Chen Qiao gritted his teeth, his eyes full of sternness.

the other side.

Shi Yuzhu, who was sitting in the office, looked at the rising statistics of "Zhengtu" in the background, and admired Chen Mo to an extremely high degree.

Following Chen Mo's instructions, Shi Yuzhu established a huge online game marketing team of up to 2,000 people, with branches in more than 1,800 cities, counties and towns across the country, using the channels he used to make health care products.

In the past few days, almost every Internet cafe has posted posters offering the free online game "Zhengtu" and a reward of 5,000 yuan for leveling up in the new area.

Not only that, Shi Yuzhu's team will also regularly organize charter activities, chartering more than 100,000 Internet cafes across the country, and inviting players to play "Zhengtu" for free. Such charter activities can cost up to 5 million in one time. For those small cities, the attendance rate is The profits of small Internet cafes with less than 50% are very considerable.

In addition, you can get a 10% commission by selling Yuanbao recharge cards for "Zhengtu". This has made the owners of Internet cafes across the country spontaneously become promoters of "Zhengtu".

At the same time, Chen Mo also targeted middle-aged people. On the computers of these people, 99% of them installed a software called United World.

Chen Mo directly spent money to implant "Zhengtu" into the world of the United Nations General Assembly. As long as you open this software, you will definitely see "Zhengtu".

Later, Chen Mo felt that this was not enough, so he spent money to unite the largest Windows piracy group in Daxia and gave them money to install "Journey" into the pirated Windows system.

During this period in Daxia, there were almost no genuine Windows systems!

This means that after your computer has been installed, my game will appear on your computer. Many people think it is a game that comes with the system, so they click on it out of curiosity and play it. After playing this game, they embark on a path of no return. road.

This time, Chen Mo spent 2 billion on marketing expenses alone!

The reason why he dared to spend so much money on so many fancy marketing is that Chen Mo was confident that he could make back all the marketing money thousands of times in the game.

Of course, the effect of spending money is also leverage!

Almost all the channels for sinking into the market were taken away by Chen Mo!

At this time, the big bosses of domestic game manufacturers realized that the sinking market in second- and third-tier cities was actually so much larger than that in first-tier cities!

Unfortunately, it was already too late for them to grab the meat again.

The channels have been taken away by Chen Mo.

Not only that, Chen Mo also played the trick of encircling the cities from the countryside, relying on the channels of sinking the market, and began to counterattack the first-tier cities!

Their hometown can no longer hold on, so how can they still have the energy to compete with Chen Mo for second- and third-tier channels?

Another day.

The conference room of Shengda Network Company.

Chen Qiao furiously slapped the table and cursed: "Who can tell me what is going on?"

"Liu Keunshuo, didn't you say that if you copy Zhengtu's gameplay, you can save it?"

It turned out that after "Miracle of Miracles" copied the gameplay of "Zhengtu" and was relaunched, it not only failed to restore the decline of the game, but instead caused the few players who were originally willing to pay to play "Miracle of Miracles" to switch to "Legend" Went over there.

Because these paying players feel that if they want to play well in "Zhengtu", it is too expensive. They might as well spend more time in a card-paying game and still play well.

Who knew that "Hot-Blooded Miracle" suddenly added so many payment systems!

It’s just point card charging, but if you add so many payment systems, aren’t you treating us players as villains?

And this time, let’s look at “Legend” again.

There is no recharge interface or game arcade inside. Everything you want can be produced with just one hand. Isn't it delicious?

Even though the point card is a bit more expensive than "Miracle of Miracle", they really only charge the point card fee and no other money!

As a result, this small group of paying players all defected back to "Legend" due to Chen Qiao's nondescript manipulations by mistakenly mixing paid and free games!

"Legend", which was originally struggling to survive, actually recovered again!

Chen Qiao was forced to have no choice but to announce directly: "It's free! We're free too!"

"Immediately contact the publicity department to plan a marketing plan and launch a free version of "Hot-Blooded Miracle"!"

""Hot-Blooded Miracle" is free for 100 million years. Log in and upgrade to level 50. You can choose to receive game props worth 9999 yuan or 100tt coins..."

When he saw the promotion of this game, Chen Mo almost smiled so hard that his mouth almost twisted.

The genius planning is in Shengda!

Sure enough, history is always surprisingly similar!

In the last life, in order to promote his side-scrolling game "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp", Shengda also played this set and upgraded it to get TT coins or left it to get props.

The results of it?

After receiving TT coins, all players chose to quit the game and continue playing the original game.

Not only did Shengda lose hundreds of millions of TT coins, but the game also became obsolete.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo saw this kind of genius operation again!

"Old Ma, let's go. When the free version of "Hot-Blooded Miracle" is launched, let's register two accounts and get some TT coins." Chen Mo said with a smile.

However, what Chen Mo didn't expect was that at 11 a.m., it was time for the free version of "Hot-Blooded Miracle" to open. As soon as he entered the game, he found that the game reported an error and could not log in.

Chen Mo went to the forum and found that all players had this problem.

"No, Chen Qiao can't even launch the game server, right?"

Chen Mo said speechlessly.

Soon, in the face of such a major accident, Shengda issued a statement: "Urgent notice, due to network fluctuations in the computer room, the game server failed to be launched, so urgent maintenance is required.

"Maintenance Compensation Rules"

From 11:00 to 14:00, ingots worth 10 yuan will be compensated every hour, for a total of 30 yuan ingots.

If maintenance is still ongoing after 14:00, 15 Yuanbao will be compensated for each additional hour of maintenance time. "

At this moment, both players and operators thought this was just a minor setback.

Chen Mo thought so too.

Just be patient and you will definitely be able to play the game today.

However, the wait ended at 9 o'clock in the evening.

The fault is still unresolved...

In the early morning, the game operation finally gave up the treatment and issued a statement asking players not to wait. They also promised that the server would be launched on time at 12 o'clock tomorrow morning.

At the same time, because the maintenance compensation far exceeded expectations, Shengda officials replaced the 360 ​​Yuan Yuan Bao that should be compensated with a Yuan Bao with a fixed price of 200 Yuan.

At that moment, the players were in an uproar!

"Bullying our players for not being good at math?"

“Since you said you’re giving it away, just be more generous, or don’t brag so much in the first place!!!”

"I'm broken. I'm still a long-time fan of "Miracle"! I won't play anymore and will go to "Zhengtu"!"


The game community was directly criticized by players. Ninety percent of the players of a game were given a one-star negative review before they had even tried it officially. It deserved the title of having the worst start.

Chen Mo looked at Ma Teng in confusion: "Operations and programmers over there, you didn't plant a spy, right?"

Ma Teng vowed: "Absolutely not! To say the least, I really have planted a mole, and there is no way I would let them make such a low-level mistake!"

Originally, everyone including Chen Mo thought that this was the end of the "Hot-Blooded Miracle" server opening controversy, right?

not at all!

At 12 noon the next day, yes, the same thing happened again, because the server exploded again!

This time, the official chose to play dead. It was not until 10 o'clock that night that the official issued a letter of apology and confirmed that the compensation reward would be game props worth about 2,000 yuan converted into cash.

At this point, the reputation of the free version of "Hot-Blooded Miracle" has actually begun to reverse. After all, the reward of 2,000 yuan equivalent to recharge when the server is launched is not a small number for most players. These compensation rewards have attracted a lot of people. As a casual player, the game popularity of the free version of "Hot-Blooded Miracle" has soared to the first place!

Chen Mo suddenly became a little frightened and said: "Isn't this Chen Qiao's marketing method?"

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