Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 442 Profit of 50 million in seven days! ! !

Pheasant said in astonishment: "Boss, you gave "Legend" to Li Zheju's Internet cafe, and we also paid to help him with activities? Wouldn't the Demon Ape Internet Cafe die faster?"

Chen Mo smiled and said:

"Pheasant, you must first understand that it will take a period of time for our game to become popular. During this period, even if we are not doing activities in Li Zheju's Internet cafe, we still have to pay for activities in other Internet cafes."

After a pause, there was a hint of conspiracy on Chen Mo's lips:

"When the game becomes popular and Li Zheju's Internet cafe is full because of Legend, I will go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to report Hurricane Internet Cafe!"

"The reason is simple: it infringes on our intellectual property rights!"

"Because Li Zheju installed Legend without our consent and used Legend to promote events."

"Anyway, we didn't sign a contract with Li Zheju, and since the Hong Kong government has our people, Li Zheju will be mute and unable to speak out about the pain of eating Coptis chinensis. He will give us advertising and publicity in vain, and he will have to compensate us a sum. A lot of infringement fees.”

"Pheasant, think about it, what will happen to the Hurricane Internet Cafe at that time?"

Pheasant's eyes lit up: "Without Legend, who would go to the Hurricane Internet Cafe? No matter how cheap the Internet fee is, they won't go!"

"In addition to this trick, I also have a signal jammer. When the hurricane Internet cafe cannot access the Internet, it will completely collapse!"

"Under the continued losses, Li Zheju will definitely sell the Hurricane Internet Cafe at a low price. At that time, it will be the best time for us to cut leeks!"

Chen Mo smiled lightly.

Hearing this, all the senior executives, including Ma Teng, couldn't help but tremble in their hearts!

This strategy is too vicious!

It’s simply heartbreaking!

Then, Chen Mo said to Chen Haonan: "Haonan, go and arrange a group of juniors to maintain order in the Internet cafe."

After Legend came out, there were a lot of fights in Internet cafes, and some even killed people for a piece of equipment!

Chen Mo didn't want his Internet cafe to be reported for rectification when Legend was popular.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a few security guards in the Internet cafe in advance.

And Chen Haonan's younger brothers are particularly suitable for this kind of role. With these people around, anyone who dares to cause trouble is seeking death!

February 2, 2001.

Nearly a year after Chen Mo was reborn, the legend came out!

This kind of release, due to Chen Mo's advanced publicity methods, is ten times more popular than in his previous life!

"Legend" is basically installed in every Internet cafe across the country. In just one week, the number of people online has exceeded 1 million, and the number of registered users has exceeded 5 million.

And because it was the first online game, word of mouth spread from word to mouth, and Legend began to spread across the country like a plague. Even if you don’t play games, you have heard of an online game called Legend, which is now very popular!

"The "Crazy Street" guild is recruiting people. It requires a minimum level of 30 and a set of equipment that can fight Sabak. If you can't meet the conditions, don't come! "

"Brother Niu, I was hacked outside the city and my equipment was taken away by him. Come and help me!!!"

"Help your sister, didn't you see that the person was holding a dragon-slaying knife? I also gave away equipment in the past!"

"Warrior gg, I'm a girl, can you help me upgrade? 嘤嘤嘤~~~~"

"I'll go, Lao Wu, you're so disgusting, you actually pretended to be a woman in order to upgrade?"

Ding dong!

"The customer of Moyuan Internet Cafe No. 3 revealed the "Paralysis Ring"! The Internet cafe rewards you with a bottle of drink and 2 hours of free Internet time. Let us congratulate this player! "

"The customer of Moyuan Internet Cafe No. 3 revealed the "Paralysis Ring"! The Internet cafe rewards you with a bottle of drink and 2 hours of free Internet time. Let us congratulate this player! "

"The customer of Moyuan Internet Cafe No. 3 revealed the "Paralysis Ring"! The Internet cafe rewards you with a bottle of drink and 2 hours of free Internet time. Let us congratulate this player! "

The Internet cafe, which was already in full swing and as noisy as a vegetable market, completely boiled after the loudspeaker broadcast three times in a row!

"Let me go, who is the No. 3 machine? You are so lucky!"

"I've been swiping for several days and I haven't even seen a ring!"

"What does the paralysis ring look like? I have to go and have a look."

"I'll go over and watch too!"


For a time, many onlookers gathered in front of Unit 3!

This allowed users of Machine No. 3 to satisfy their vanity and experience the feeling of being a star.

The bustling scene of the Moyuan Internet Cafe started with that bottle of water seven days ago.

In this era, most of the people who come to Internet cafes are poor people, and few buy things in Internet cafes because their money needs to be reserved for Internet fees.

And when they heard that signing up for a 10-minute trial of Legend would give you a bottle of water, almost all users took action.

And this action poisoned Legend for life.

In this era when there is no online game, Legend is just like its name. Everything in it makes these people feel novel and exciting, and they can't stop. From students to adults, even some old people have become obsessed with this game. .

Even the boring tasks of killing monsters and upgrading can keep them entertained.

At this point, the legendary golden age begins!

What Chen Mo couldn't even imagine was...

Li Zheju is also obsessed with this game!

And he is very experienced in playing!

Only seven days after the server was launched, Li Zheju spent millions on it and bought a rich set of equipment.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Zheju immediately started clearing the venue, driving away all those who did not play Legend.

The city was to be attacked at eight o'clock. Starting at seven o'clock, the guild members (basically all from Li Zheju's company) came to this Internet cafe one after another. Then everyone took a rest, repairing equipment when it was time to repair it, and buying medicine when it was time to do so. medicine. At eight o'clock, everyone waited for the enemy to arrive in Shabak.

Because Li Zheju's trade union (guild) is very, very large, and its members are all rich, basically Shabak has become his home, and the entire district knows that no one can beat him.

"Invincible is so lonely~~~~"

Li Zheju shook his head and sighed:

"In reality, I am so successful, but I didn't expect that no one in the game can beat me!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a member reported:

"Boss, someone is coming to attack the city!"

"Oh? What kind of union is it? How many people are there? How strong is it?"

Li Zheju chuckled.

In his opinion, this was another one who came to die.

"'s just the other person..."

Members report.

"Alone? Hahahaha..."

Li Zheju laughed.

He had beaten the shit out of a large guild of several thousand people, but only one person dared to attack the city?


"Old...boss...the other party is 8l!"

"Huh? What 8l?"

Li Zheju said puzzledly.

As soon as 8l was mentioned, the members chatted endlessly with admiration.

Legend leveling is very difficult. Most ordinary players are hovering between level 40-60, but the 8L leveling up makes no sense. Just throwing money at it, you can level up about 20 levels in one day, and you can reach level 140 in seven days!

Moreover, 8L’s equipment is the best in the entire server!

Someone calculated an account and found that just for him to level up and buy equipment, he spent at least more than 20 million!

There are more than 20 million in this era! ! !

Just playing in the game!

You can imagine how luxurious the 8L is.

After hearing this, Li Zheju said disdainfully: "What can a rich man do? Our guild has 2,000 people. Can he kill 2,000 of us by himself?"

However, what happened next was far beyond Li Zheju's expectations.

One knife!

Just one knife!

Li Zheju was directly blacked out by this player named 8l!

Then, this warrior almost slashed wildly all the way, killing a large number of people with a half-moon scimitar, and another with a flaming sword technique.

Li Zheju spent huge sums of money to dominate the 2,000-person guild for a week, but this 8l killed them all in less than half an hour!

Sabak's siege was successful!

Li Zheju's face turned green!

I sat in front of the computer frustrated, unable to say a word.

On the other side, Chen Mo calmly quit the game.

That’s right!

He is 8l!

The money was actually recharged by Chen Mo and could withstand verification.

But the game company also belongs to Chen Mo!

The left hand pours the right hand, which means no money is spent.

This can be regarded as fulfilling one of Chen Mo's wishes in his previous life.

After all, in his last life, when playing any game, Chen Mo had the head of a leopard - zero charge!

Chen Mo has never felt particularly comfortable playing this kind of equipment comparison game.

Now, Chen Mo has become a money-making boss, and he can cut down players on a server. Only then does he realize that rich people have a different gaming experience than others!

The happiness of being rich is beyond the imagination of poor people!

The next day.

Just like the lively atmosphere in the Internet cafe, Moxin Game Company is also holding a grand carnival.

On a computer that monitors background data, countless data are constantly being refreshed, and a group of people are staring attentively!

The number of people online exceeded 3 million!

The number of registered users exceeded 10 million!

The game turnover exceeded 10 million that day!

The total turnover in seven days exceeded 50 million! ! !

Even the registered users of Moxin TT, which had been stagnant for a long time, were taken off!

All of this made the staff standing behind Chen Mo feel numb and unbelievable!

“I announce that the open beta of Moxin Games’ first online game has been a huge success!”

"All of you are great contributors to the company!!!"

When the game turnover exceeded 50 million, Chen Mo stood up and announced loudly to everyone including Ma Teng.

Ma Teng and other bosses flushed with excitement, but they didn't behave too outrageously.

But the group of recruited graduates were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves. They burst into excited roars, hugged and cheered together.

This sense of accomplishment is truly indescribable.


“Long live the boss!!!”

"Long live the legend!!!"

Seven days of fighting day and night, why are the nerves so tense all the time?

Of course it was to give Chen Mo, but also to give him a satisfactory answer for his first project in life.

Also to create a miracle!

Only at this moment did everyone relax their tense nerves and enjoy the joy of success!

"Everyone, please be quiet."

When the employees were almost excited, Chen Mo waved his hand.

Chen Mo, who was already majestic, proved his vision and strategy even more after leading the successful launch of this game. These people were completely convinced and in awe of Chen Mo.

So Chen Mo waved his hand and fell silent in less than three seconds.

"To celebrate the success of the open beta of "Legend", I decided to hold a celebration banquet at the largest hotel in Hong Kong City. One person from each department will be assigned to work overtime, and the rest will eat, drink and have fun tonight!"


"Oh my god, is this the legendary hotel where the per capita consumption is 10,000 yuan?"

“Long live the boss!!!”

Then there was a burst of cheers.

“Also, I announce that everyone’s salary will be doubled this month!”

There are only dozens of people in the entire game company, and most of them are interns, and their wages are pitifully low.

If everyone doubled, Chen Mo would only pay an extra hundred thousand, which was a drop in the bucket compared to the money he earned.

"Oh my god! Boss, don't say anything anymore. I'll have three drinks today!"

"What I earned in my first month as an intern is actually more than some of my senior brothers and sisters who graduated three years ago! Hahahaha...make me proud for a moment!"

"My salary this month has exceeded 10,000 yuan, am I proud?"


Seeing a group of young people who were so easily satisfied, Chen Mo nodded happily.

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