"You...what did you say? How much money did you lose?"

Quan Songyi looked at Jin Dongda with incredible eyes.

"Shhhhhh... keep your voice down! Don't let the neighbors hear it! That would make me lose face!"

Jin Dongda immediately covered Quan Songyi's mouth and told her to keep quiet.

"Why did you lose so much? Didn't you and Boss Chen play for two dollars?"

Quan Songyi lowered her voice, but it already sounded like she was crying.

5 million! ! !

She was only paid 60 yuan an hour, so Chen Mo felt sorry for her.

According to the eight-hour work system, if Quan Songyi wanted to pay back 5 million, she would have to go without food or drink for 24 years to pay off!

Seeing Quan Songyi cry, Jin Dongda became angry and impulsively said:

"It's Chen Mo..."

At this moment, a cold white light shone on Jin Dongda's face.

Jin Dongda looked not far away and suddenly shuddered.

It turned out to be the light reflected from Leng Feng's saber.

"What's wrong with Chen Mo?" Quan Songyi frowned.

"No...it's...it's because I wanted to play bigger, but I kept losing. When I lost, I asked Boss Chen to borrow them. I borrowed so many before I knew it."

How violent Leng Feng was, Jin Dongda still felt scared when he thought of those steel-like fists.

So he didn't dare to say that it was Chen Mo's trap.

"Why are you so confused? What can we do with 5 million? How can we afford it?"

"Dongda, don't tell your parents about this yet. They are not in good health. If they find out, they will definitely be hospitalized."

Until this moment, although Quan Songyi was very angry, she still did not want to abandon Jin Dongda, and was even thinking about his family.

It’s incredible to say, but this is the idea of ​​the extremely traditional Yin Yang Kingdom women.

From the beginning to the end, never leave, as long as you identify a man, you will follow her without regrets, even if you are hurt all the time.

Only when you are pushed into a pit of fire, burned by the fire, and there is no way out, can you wake up.

In the last life, Quan Songyi realized Jin Dongda's true face just before she died.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Now, Chen Mo used some tricks to advance the process and caused Quan Songyi to suffer a lot of harm while still maintaining his innocence.

"Actually...there is a way to pay it back..."

Jin Dongda plucked up the courage and spoke bravely.

"What can I do? That's 5 million! It's equivalent to 900 million Yin-Yang coins!!!"

Quan Songyi thought Jin Dongda was comforting her.

How could there be a way!

Unless it's a lottery ticket.

"Songyi, I told you, don't be angry with me. You are the only one who can help me now."

Jin Dongda said cautiously.

"You said, as long as I can help, I will definitely do it!"

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend, and of course we have to face difficulties together."

Hearing this, Jin Dongda felt a sore nose and was moved in his heart.

After being moved, there is endless regret and pain.

There was once a true love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I regretted it after losing it. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If God can give him another chance, Jin Dongda vows to live a good life with Quan Songyi, instead of thinking about cheating some wealthy people in Daxia to get rich.

Unfortunately, Jin Dongda is not Chen Mo and has no chance of rebirth.

"Actually...actually, I think Boss Chen likes you quite a bit..."

Jin Dongda said cautiously.

"What do you mean?"

Quan Songyi frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

"What I mean...is...if you go to accompany Boss Chen a few times, if Boss Chen is happy, he will definitely not want to pay my debt."

After speaking, Jin Dongda lowered his head.

No matter how badass he was, he would not dare to look at Quan Songyi's clear eyes that slowly widened and were soaked with tears at this time.

"Jin Dongda!!! What did you say? Tell me again!!!"

At this moment, Quan Songyi's heart felt like it was torn apart, she was in great pain, her words were trembling with anger, and her tears like jade beads had long been broken.

"I said... can you go and accompany Boss Chen a few times? This is the only way I can repay my debt."

Jin Dongda clenched his fists and closed his eyes in pain.

He has no choice!

It was impossible for him to let Chen Mo sue him, and it was even more impossible for him to let Chen Mo tell his friends and family about this, otherwise he would lose face.

He could only sacrifice Quan Songyi.

"Jin Dongda, I am your woman!!!"

"Won't your conscience hurt if you say such words?"

"You're an asshole!!! Asshole!!!"

Finally, Quan Songyi couldn't help it anymore, picked up the pink fist, and kept hitting Jin Dongda's body, wailing.


Jin Dongda knelt directly in front of Quan Songyi.

"Songyi, I beg you, I'm really desperate!"

"If you don't help me, I won't be able to repay this money in my lifetime. I...I will go to jail because of the money I owe!"

"I...I promise you, as long as you help me this time, I will be good to you for the rest of my life!"

"Even if your body is dirty, I will treat you sincerely, pamper you, and love you forever!"

Jin Dongda cried bitterly and begged in front of Quan Songyi, kowtowing his head continuously.

Quan Songyi's eyes dimmed every time she heard Jin Dongda say something.

This is the look in the eyes of a young girl whose view of love has completely collapsed.

"Get up, I promised you..."

Quan Songyi's voice was hoarse, especially weak.

"Thank you! Thank you! Song Yi, don't worry, even if your body is not clean, I will not dislike you."

"You will always be my favorite woman!"

Jin Dongda said excitedly.

But these words made Quan Songyi feel uncomfortable again.

Is this the man she dreams of entrusting her life to?

Jin Dongda is gone.

Quan Songyi plucked up the courage and called Chen Mo, saying she wanted to meet him.

Chen Mo gave Quan Songyi the address of the villa he rented.

After arriving at the villa.

Chen Mo sat in front of an expensive tea set and drank tea calmly.

"Sit down." Chen Mo said to Quan Songyi with a faint smile.

Quan Songyi looked at the man in front of her carefully, as if she had never known him before.

He has made extraordinary achievements at a young age, has a net worth of hundreds of billions, is mature and steady, and the city is bottomless.

Based on Chen Mo's conditions, what kind of woman Chen Mo wants can't be obtained by just hooking his fingers, but why should Jin Dongda do that?

Finally, Quan Songyi couldn't help but asked: "Jin Dongda lost 5 million, was it your trap?"

Chen Mo nodded without even thinking about it, drank a cup of tea, and then said calmly: "Yes, it was a trap set by me."

Quan Songyi is very smart, and playing tricks on her will only arouse her resentment.

It's better to be honest and honest.

"Why are you doing this?"

Quan Songyi bit her lip, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.


Chen Mo walked up to Quan Songyi, pushed her against the wall, and said in an extremely domineering tone:

"I want you!"

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