Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 401 Encountering the Queen of Cosmetics Quan Songyi

The waitress was very considerate and sent Chen Mo near the university town. Then she reluctantly gave Chen Mo a business card.

“Sir, if you need to rent or buy a car, you can contact me.

I can guarantee that I can get you the lowest price in the country. "

After a pause, the beautiful waiter smiled ambiguously and said: "If you feel lonely abroad and want to find someone to accompany you, you can also come to me."

Chen Mo: "..."

He can guarantee that as long as he opens his mouth, this beautiful waiter from the Yin and Yang Kingdom will be able to lie on his bed tonight!

"Although the men in the Yin Yang Kingdom are not good things, I have to say that the beauties are still very beautiful." Chen Mo sighed.

Soon, Chen Mo drove to the gathering place for translators mentioned by the waiter.

I saw college students holding signs with their foreign language majors and their foreign language major levels written on them.

Since Yin Yang Country is a developed country, it would be very expensive to find a full-time translator.

For college students like these, it is much cheaper, costing about 60 DaXia coins per hour.

If the school is poor, the price can even be reduced to 20 an hour.

When Chen Mo was about to find a translator that he liked, he heard a soft female voice coming from behind him.

"Sir, are you looking for a Korean translator?"

Chen Mo turned around and saw a girl looking at him timidly.

The girls' clothes are very tacky compared to other glamorous and avant-garde female college students around them.

It's like the clothes worn by rural people in Daxia.

But Chen Mo could tell that this girl didn't have a knife on her face like most foreign women.

Her delicate facial features are absolutely natural and extremely beautiful!

Even with her shabby clothes and rustic hairstyle, she still can't stop her beauty!

What surprised Chen Mo the most was...

This female college student’s skin is surprisingly well taken care of!

He is actually on par with Gong Ziyuan!

You must know that Gong Ziyuan has been pampered since she was a child, and has used all kinds of expensive cosmetics and beauty products since she was a child!


What does Chen Mo think? Why does he feel that this beauty looks familiar!

Chen Mo looked up at the sign she was holding.

Quan Song Yi.

Chinese translation: 10,000 Yin Yang coins per hour (about 60 yuan.)

Jeon Song Yi? !

Seeing this name, Chen Mo's eyes widened instantly!

This is the business queen Quan Songyi who later created high-end cosmetics brands such as Blue Button, Seagreen Mystery, and SK3! ! !

The cosmetics brand she created has a market share of as high as 45% in the world!

The total value is a terrifying 690 billion!

However, it is very shameless and very unfortunate that Quan Songyi married a scumbag right after graduating from university.

This scumbag's name is Jin Dongda. He is her childhood sweetheart and they grew up together.

The two fell in love in high school and got married as a matter of course after graduating from college.

After getting married, Quan Songyi's career has been advancing rapidly. From scratch to being worth tens of billions, it only took five years!

Although Quan Songyi has made great achievements in her career after marriage, her family has become a mess!

In order to make her husband progress, Quan Songyi spent a lot of money to send her husband to a university in a domineering country for further study.

And what about her scumbag husband?

Not only did she not want to make progress, she refused to go abroad for further study, but she also ate, drank and had fun every day, fooling around with various women, and even threatened Quan Songyi with suicide when she was pushed into a panic.

Perhaps out of scheming, Jin Dongda's two suicides were deliberately seen by Quan Songyi and saved by Quan Songyi.

Of course, after this happened twice, Quan Songyi was also afraid and did not dare to force Jin Dongda to study again. So what should we do?

Quan Songyi had no choice but to send Jin Dongda to be a small leader in one of his sub-groups. Unexpectedly, Jin Dongda, who was arrogant and arrogant, still looked down on small officials and positions and insisted on moving up.

Finally, under Quan Songyi's arrangement, Jin Dongda was assigned the position of vice president of the head office.

Although the company was founded by Quan Songyi, there were still so many other employees. When everyone saw Jin Dongda, the "Phoenix Man", landing such an important position, they were too angry to speak out. No one was convinced. of.

As time went by, the problems were exposed more and more frequently, and the voices of doubts and discussions from the outside world became louder and louder.

But the arrogant Jin Dongda didn't know how much he weighed, and he was not convinced when faced with doubts and discussions, so he always complained to Quan Songyi and made many unreasonable demands!

But after all, Quan Songyi's company is such a big company and it is not "playing house". According to Jin Dongda's approach, the company will be finished sooner or later.

Therefore, his unreasonable demands were not met.

But this didn't end there. Unsatisfied Jin Dongda began to drink more crazily. Not only that, he also drank like crazy every day and domestically abused Quan Songyi.

Quan Songyi tolerated it at first, but as time went by, Jin Dongda became more unscrupulous, and Quan Songyi became frustrated with him and filed for divorce.

But the most embarrassing thing is that Quan Songyi is pregnant at this time!

Quan Songyi, who has a very traditional mindset, did not divorce because she thought about her children.

But Jin Dongda had evil intentions.

He pretended to have changed and was completely obedient to Quan Songyi, which made Quan Songyi relax her vigilance and allow her to raise her baby at home with peace of mind.

Then, Jin Dongda formed a party in the company for personal gain, instigated many board members, and even forcibly fired the founder Quan Songyi!

At that time, Quan Songyi was nine months pregnant and her physical condition was not good. She was lying in the ICU of the hospital.

Jin Dongda took the board members and announced the expulsion of Quan Songyi in the ICU.

This greatly stimulated Quan Songyi, and the child was miscarried and could not be saved.

After being discharged from the hospital, Jin Dongda still did not let Quan Songyi go, and continued to use various means to stimulate Quan Songyi.

For example, the room she was given to live in was filled with dead baby toys.

He would make a baby cry in the middle of the night to scare her.

Let the gangsters block her and harass her.

She also found someone to convince her that she was a disaster and a bad mother who killed her children.

Finally, not long after, Quan Songyi was overwhelmed and hanged herself.

Jin Dongda succeeded in taking over all the assets of Quan Songyi and became the leader in the cosmetics industry.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo made a decision - to recruit Quan Songyi to join the group!

Instead of letting the scumbag Jin Dongda take over Quan Songyi's hundreds of billions of assets, why didn't I invest in Quan Songyi from the beginning and become her boss?

This will not only help her escape the tragic ending, but also help her become the leader of the cosmetics industry in the future.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo put a playful smile on his lips and said to Qian Songyi:

"You are 19 years old and only a freshman in college, right?"

"Your speaking skills are very poor. Who gave you the courage to ask for such a high price?"

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Quan Songyi's beautiful cheeks suddenly turned red.

Generally speaking, according to the normal process, only students in their junior year or above will work as translators to accumulate experience in advance and earn living expenses.

Quan Songyi is a freshman, and her spoken Chinese level is only enough to communicate with Chen Mo.

As Chen Mo said, she was not qualified to ask for 60 yuan an hour, not even 10 yuan an hour.

Quan Songyi obviously also knew this.

But she can't help it!

Her boyfriend failed the exam and now he comes here to study with her and has no source of income.

She had to find a way to make money so that her boyfriend wouldn't have to live so hard.

Thinking of this, Quan Songyi plucked up the courage and said in her shy and soft voice:

"Sir, for this price, I can not only serve as a translator, but I can also accompany you to do other things."

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