Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2477 The Third Brother Rebellion

Chen Mo knew that no people in any country in the world could be as greedy as the Monkey Man.

I want to incite them to do something in the factory.

That's so easy!

Especially the poor man at the bottom of the Third Brother, if he makes any excuses to make him feel that he has suffered a loss, then he will have to start a fight.

"Third Master, please find some people to go to Abe Fumio's factory to do something..."

A few days later.

Fumio Abe, with panda eyes, returned from the Monkey Kingdom to the Sakura Kingdom in embarrassment.

He couldn't remember how many times he had diarrhea.

Even in the next few days, Fumio Abe did not dare to eat. He would rather go hungry than eat a bite of food from the Monkey Kingdom.

The moment he set foot on the land of Sakura Country, Fumio Abe burst into tears and felt that the air was full of sweet smell.

The money has been spent, the high-speed rail project has been put into operation, and everything is finally on track.

Abe Fumio's current approach to settling the accounts is to mortgage the factory's shares to major banks, and wait until the Monkey Kingdom starts repaying the loan in 15 years, and then get the shares back bit by bit.

Home loans in Sakura Country can be loaned for up to 40 years, so if the cycle is longer, the major banks will not have any objections.

After returning home, Abe Fumio found the trader and asked: "How is the market situation in Croatia these days?"

"Reporting to the Emperor, Chen Mo's offensive has weakened. I guess their funds are almost exhausted." The subordinate said.

Abe Fumio thought for a while and said: "In a few days, after the market stabilizes, we will send out a wave of fake good news around the world and give away the goods. Remember not to tell other allies. "

The subordinate was stunned and felt a chill in his heart.

Fumio Abe is trying to break the harmony maintained on the surface by the New Six Nations Alliance and make his own money to run away! ! !

If you follow the trading logic, it is actually right to run away at this time.

The Croatian market will definitely fall in the long term. If Chen Mo stops short selling, it will violently rise with good news in the short term, attracting leeks from all over the world to take over. This is the best time to run away.

The further back you drag, the more dangerous it becomes.

Even without Chen Mo, it would be difficult to cash out a lot in the later period.

"But...will we make the Windmill Country, Yin Yang Country, Ke Country, and Ou League angry if we do this?" the subordinate asked weakly.

"A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. Our alliance is formed to repel Chen Mo. Now Chen Mo is dead. Let's cash out and run away. Is there anything wrong with it? There's nothing wrong with it!"

Abe Fumio said confidently: "Besides, there are only so many leeks. If we tell several other countries to cash out together, not only will the money not be shared, but there may even be no cash out. We must forget that we have The proportion of goods in it exceeds 50%!”

The subordinate nodded: "Okay, when the time is right in a few days, we will ship the goods!"

Abe Fumio nodded with satisfaction.

He looked out the window, the sun was shining brightly, and it seemed that the dawn of victory was right in front of him.

This protracted financial war with twists and turns that alarmed the whole world will finally end with Sakura Kingdom as the winner and the only winner! ! !

From the beginning to the end, Abe Fumio never regarded the Windmill Country and the Onmyo Country as allies.

When he was in the most difficult situation, these two countries actually didn't want to use any force, so don't blame him for backstabbing him twice!

“History is always written by the victors.

After I win the big victory, I can control black, white, justice, evil, wisdom and stupidity with one stroke! "

Abe Fumio raised his head to face the sun outside the window, shook it hard with his hand, and opened it again, as if he had the power to open and close the sun.

But the good mood didn't wait long.

A piece of bad news came.

The person in charge of the Monkey Kingdom Factory called Fumio Abe:

"Your Majesty, the workers are making trouble!!!"

On the other end of the phone, Fumio Abe heard very noisy noises and protests.

"Why are they making trouble?" Abe Fumio took a deep breath and asked, suppressing the irritability in his heart.

"It seems that the salary is too low..." the person in charge said.

"What? 800 a month is too low? Those people in the slums can't even earn 100 yuan a month! They can already earn eight times that of those people, why are they not satisfied?!"

Fumio Abe said angrily: "Wait, I'll be there right away!!!"

When Fumio Abe arrived at the factory on a private plane as quickly as possible, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Tens of thousands of workers in Wuyang Wuyang blocked the entrance of the factory. Shouting slogans and holding banners, the scene was quite spectacular.

"The monthly salary is 3,000 yuan, or we will go on strike!!!"

“We don’t want to be bullies whose blood and sweat are squeezed!!!”

"Sakura Country must give us the wages we deserve!!!"


Fumio Abe went around the back door and found the person in charge, Koshi Ishimura, to ask about the specific situation.

"Early in the morning, these tens of thousands of workers were like chicken blood, blocking the entrance of the factory, shouting slogans and holding banners. Their posture was like "Who is afraid of whom?"

"I don't know what happened. Anyway, overnight, they had to get a raise before they would work, and they said we had cheated them."

Ishimura Xiaozhi said helplessly.

At first glance, a salary of 3,000 yuan doesn’t seem high, right?

But remember this is 2008! ! !

Even if there is the butterfly effect brought about by Chen Mo's rebirth, even if Daxia's economy is almost 10 years ahead of the previous life, the average monthly salary in Daxia this year is only 3,421 yuan! ! !

If nothing had changed, the average monthly salary in Daxia in the previous life in 2008 did not even reach 2,000!

Even though Daxia has been recognized by the world as having a particularly good development in recent years, the average salary is only just over 3,000.

In the Monkey Kingdom, a country where the national monthly salary is only one or two hundred, workers dare to ask for 3,000! ! !

This 3,000 is equivalent to 2.5 times their current salary! ! !

Abe Fumio made a rough estimate. If he really agreed to this request, the salary originally offered to one Sakura worker would only be enough to pay six monkey workers. Wouldn't this cost his life?

Abe Fumio immediately stepped forward to negotiate: "Everyone, I am the leader of the factory. If you have any demands, you can tell me!"

"We have only one demand, which is a salary increase!"

"Yes! We won't work if we don't get a salary increase!"

"You only give me a salary of 800 yuan a month. You are taking advantage of me!!!"


The monkey worker said angrily.

Abe Fumio said with slight disdain: "Everyone, your demands are a bit too much! Your current salary is already much higher than the local salary. The salary levels we set are based on the local level, and food is included. live.

I think you should be content. "

The monkey workers were also angry.

They believe that their demands are not based on nothing.

"The average salary of ordinary workers in Sakura Country is 18,000 (converted into Daxia currency)! Even temporary workers can earn more than 10,000 a month! What about us?

For the same job, our average salary is only seven to eight hundred yuan! ! ! "

"Of course we won't be so unreasonable that we demand the same salary as in Sakura Country. We just demand that it can almost reach the level of Daxia Factory!"

"I also heard that your company in Sakura Country will arrange for employees to play with women. Now we are also required to play with women from Sakura Country!"


Fumio Abe became angry after hearing this.

This group of people who are not even enlightened and are worse than horses still want to play with the women of Sakura Country?

“It is impossible to add more money!!!”

"If you don't do it, there are people who will do it!!!"

“If you don’t want to do this, just pack up and get out!!!”

Fumio Abe exploded.

When the monkey worker heard Abe Fumio's attitude, he stopped working immediately.

A third brother in the front row got angry and took a handful from the back of his pants.

The next moment, Abe Fumio saw a yellow-brown strip-shaped object appear in his hand.

"Shit on you!!!"

The next moment, Abe Fumio felt that someone had forcefully stuffed something extremely smelly into his mouth.

Then he doubled over and vomited on the spot.

"Brothers, these Sakura people don't want a raise!!! Fuck them!!!"

Someone waved their arms!

Immediately everyone followed the example of the old man and dug into the back of their pants.

All of a sudden!

Shit like raindrops all over the sky was flying towards Fumio Abe and the factory leaders! ! !

Fumio Abe quickly became a shit person under full firepower.

This farce ended with the arrival of the monkey police.

But both sides refused to give in, and the situation became deadlocked.

In order to take revenge on the factory, a large number of monkey workers began to poop indiscriminately anywhere in the factory around the clock!

Regardless of whether it is on the factory road, in the sterile workshop, on the assembly line, or even on the roof of the factory building, you can see people squatting there and defecating using difficult movements! ! !

At this stage, the workers of the Monkey Kingdom still have some sense.

Shiting is considered uncivilized behavior at most in the Monkey Kingdom. If you are caught and forced to death, you will be given a verbal lecture and let go.

But if you damage the factory, you will probably be arrested and jailed.

However, there are too many people who can’t stand shitting.

The entire factory was surrounded by shit in one day! ! !

It has become a restricted area of ​​life that is almost impossible to enter!

Except for wild dogs who are ecstatic, no one can laugh when they see this factory area.

At the factory, if there are no workers, work will naturally stop.

Every day a factory shuts down means hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. What's even worse is that the striking factory mainly produces parts. If something goes wrong, it may affect orders from other factories. By then, the losses will be huge.

Fumio Abe was taken to the best hospital in the Monkey Kingdom for treatment that day.

Because he had amoebic dysentery that was more serious than Yuan Lang!

The difference is that Yuan Lang drank the juice from the stall, while Abe Fumio really ate shit!

Yuan Lang was so strong, but he was almost dead from this disease.

Not to mention Fumio Abe!

He didn't even have the strength to sit on the toilet and have a bowel movement!

Fumio Abe was lying on the bed, and soon someone had to clean the sheets and change his pants.

Later, both top and bottom came out.

Go down with the current, go up against the current, as if something is stuck in your throat, and the seven orifices spring out...

Fumio Abe’s assistant couldn’t stand him and went out to vomit several times.

Just when everyone thought things would remain at such a stalemate.

Monkey Kingdom is finally officially for sale.

They started arresting people!

The reason was that the Shenhou workers and the union were illegally marching. Not only did they arrest many senior workers, but they also forced them to sign a confession.

The next day, the Shenhou police detained hundreds of workers on the grounds of "not being approved". Even the president of the local union was taken away, and other "assistants" were also harassed by the authorities in various names.

This is great!

The original conflict between workers and capitalists directly evolved into a conflict between workers and officials!

The conflict escalated directly!

Countless Shenhou workers gathered together and discussed and decided to take advantage of the dark night to dismantle the factory equipment and machines, and even the furniture in the dormitory, and sell them for money, so that they would no longer have to work in such a black-hearted factory!

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