Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2464 Sakura can never be replaced!

In the meeting room.

All the subordinates came here early and waited.

After a long time, Fumio Abe entered the meeting room with his beautiful bodyguard.

All the subordinates stood up immediately and bowed 90 degrees.

Fumio Abe waved his hand and sat down first, and then the subordinates dared to sit down.

In the workplace of Sakura Country, the culture of superiors and subordinates is even more prevalent than in small places like Jiangbei where Chen Mo is.

In Sakura Country, the superior is the sky, no matter how incompetent he is, you, as a subordinate, must show due respect on the surface.

After Fumio Abe sat down, he did not get straight to the point, but said:

"You are all highly educated talents, and you must know the history of our Homo sapiens ancestors when they reached the top of the food chain on the five continents?"

All the subordinates looked at each other, but still smiled and nodded.

"In the past, our human ancestors slaughtered and exterminated countless species in the five continents in order to survive and become the master of all things.

Using tools, fire, wisdom, and collective strength, they slaughtered all the giant beasts whose strength, speed, and attack power were far more than humans, and finally reached the top of the food chain.

So, I want to say that the road to the top of the food chain must be bloody and difficult.

And who is the overlord at the top in the global industrial chain?"

The answer to this question is self-evident.

Of course it is the Hegemony!

Even in recent years, a white dragon that shocked the world suddenly appeared in Daxia, overwhelmed the gods of the foundation, and stepped on the countries of the Owl Alliance to support Daxia.

But the blood of the Hegemony is too thick.

Even if the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, the position of the Hegemony in the industrial chain was still not affected at all.

Fumio Abe got the answer from everyone, nodded slightly and continued: "In the ecological niche of the international industrial structure, capital, technology, raw materials, and labor have formed a top-down contempt chain.

Whoever owns capital and technology is the undisputed hegemon.

Countries that master capital and technology can obtain excess profits in the international division of labor, create a large number of high-paying jobs, and provide their citizens with national welfare that is unimaginable in other countries."

"The hegemonic hegemony, the hegemonic country with strong capital, "favors" two countries at the two ends of the world.

One is the sunset handing over the father and son, and the other is our Sakura Country.

Then there are the four little dragons of Yazhou.

Capital and technology start from the hegemonic country and spread according to the will of the hegemonic currency capital To the whole world, and then built a hierarchical pyramid system that serves the hegemony of the hegemony currency.

In this system, the country that first obtains capital and technological advantages can seize the wealth of the next-level country, and the success of a first-developed country must mean that the latecomers need to make greater efforts to stand in the same position. "

Speaking of this, Abe Fumio said with emotion: "Our Sakura Country is at the second level after the Hegemony and the Sunset Empire, and the same level as the Crested Ibis Country and the Lanxi Empire, relying on the support of the hegemony's capital and technology.

We should thank the hegemony for its gift. It is the hegemony that established our modern Sakura Country civilization. Without the hegemony, there would be no Sakura Country! For this, we should be grateful!"

The subordinates nodded tacitly.

In fact, Abe Fumio has spies from the hegemony around him, which is something everyone knows.

The hegemony will never allow the master to be eaten.

This is why when some fields of Sakura Country developed to the point where they could threaten the cutting-edge technology of Hegemony Country, Hegemony Country mercilessly paralyzed the economy of Sakura Country through financial means represented by the Plaza Accord, and even reduced everyone from living a life of luxury to the "lost 20 years".

Before this, there were also top chaebols and high-end enterprises in Sakura Country who resisted, but the result was that Hegemony Country did not abide by martial ethics and directly arrested the executives of these companies. The charges could be made up at will.

Anyway, they just couldn't compete, so they just arrested your people.

Gong Ziyuan's arrest in Ma Daguo seemed to outsiders to be Ma Daguo's loss of mind, but in the eyes of these knowledgeable people, the essence could be seen through at a glance.

Isn't it just that you can't compete with Chen Mo and Moyuan Capital, so you just arrest your people!

This is why there are so many Hegemony warriors "protecting" them in Sakura Country now.

Even import and export indicators, and even the appointment and removal of the emperor, are subject to the intervention of Hegemony Country.

In this case, all the Sakura emperors who can get to the top are all Hegemony Country's licking dogs.

Everyone present knew that the path to the higher levels of the pyramid had been blocked.

The goal of Abenomics, created by Fumio Abe, was very clear: since exports and investment in the high-end market were to be suppressed by the hegemony, the Sakura country would not develop upward, leaving the high-end market to the hegemony father, focusing on developing its own domestic market of 100 million people and some low-end markets that the father did not want, and then establishing closer trade relations with countries at the lower end of the pyramid.

At the same time, through the continuous depreciation of the local currency and the restriction of foreign exchange, the Sakura enterprises were reduced from overseas investment.

After all, who would dare to take the money in the hands of the Sakura entrepreneurs that was sure to become more and more devalued?

In this case, the money could only flow domestically.

With this money, the traditional advantageous manufacturing industry in the Sakura country, which was declining, would quickly undergo a wave of industrial upgrading and technological innovation.

Externally, by creating a free trade zone or signing a bilateral agreement, the tariff barriers with countries other than the hegemony would be broken.

In this way, the export of goods in Sakura Country can also be more internationally competitive under the condition of currency depreciation.

In this way, won’t the economy survive?

Can’t Sakura Country get back the “lost 20 years” without offending its father?

Unfortunately, ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

What the government can do is always to adjust and adapt to the general environment, but it cannot reverse the general environment.

Abe Fumio’s plan for the Daxia, Sakura, and Yinyang free trade zones, which had the greatest chance of breaking through the shackles of the hegemony, was stopped by the hegemony’s tough order.

The competitive goods of Sakura Country are still rejected by the increasingly high tariffs of various countries, and the plan to strengthen foreign exports has failed.

Printing money has not been able to revitalize the manufacturing industry and increase exports. On the contrary, companies have reduced production because they cannot sell goods after expanding production capacity.

Money is printed more and more, but not many products are produced. The inflationary pressure in Sakura Country continues to increase.

On the one hand, young people in Sakura Country have low desires, and the elderly have no money. Our country has 100 million people but no consumption capacity and willingness.

On the other hand, because the Sakura government failed to open up the export channel, the enterprises produced goods, and the money could not be distributed to ordinary workers, so domestic demand could not be stimulated.

Sakura capitalists still tend to save cash or buy financial assets. They would rather watch the money in their hands slowly depreciate than invest in research and development and reproduction with uncertain prospects.

Of course, these are not the most serious problems...

Abe Fumio thought about this and finally took a deep breath and talked about the theme: "Behind the Sakura country, a huge country with a vast market of 1.3 billion people is catching up.

I think that Daxia is very capable and hopes to replace Sakura country and obtain the second level position in the financial pyramid established by the hegemony.

In this case, if we don't think of a way, we will be surpassed and replaced by Daxia!

Become a "beast" in the food chain that is cruelly slaughtered and exterminated by humans!"

"So, how can we prevent this from happening?"

After Abe Fumio finished speaking, his assistant immediately projected the PPT on the big screen.

I saw a line of words written on the big screen-the necessity of striving for the high-speed rail project in the Monkey Kingdom!

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