Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2366 Sakurai Hiromichi's heart is broken

Most people know what terrible effects war will bring.

Because there are post-war scenes in many news, movies, and TV dramas, where people are displaced, cities are in ruins, and many unkempt children have lost their parents and cry in despair.

But most people don't know what terrible effects rising prices will have.

If war is a "meat grinder", then rising prices are a "blunt knife for cutting meat".

You may not feel anything after one or two cuts, but it will be painful after ten or a hundred cuts. The most terrible thing is that this blunt knife cuts you every day!

Some "weak" people (poor people) may not be able to bear the first cut and die.

Sakurai Hiro said helplessly: "It's useless for you to find me! The reason why Daxia suddenly took action was to help Chen Mo!

Unless we admit our defeat and withdraw from the New Six-Nation Alliance now, otherwise, Daxia will never be able to take back our fate!"

"For now, the only way is to end the hedging quickly and get the money from Chen Mo, so as to greatly ease the various contradictions and pressures in the country."

The two ended the conversation.

Sakurai Hiro felt very uncomfortable.

"Why do we in Sakura Country have to look to Daxia for food, vegetables and meat?

Why are our resources so scarce in Sakura Country?

Why do we have to live by the face of the bully?

When can we really stand up?"

The more he thought about it, the tighter Sakurai Hiro clenched his fist!

After a long rest, Sakurai Hiro wanted to check his phone to relax, but a few news made him feel even more depressed.

Title: Insufficient rice inventory, surging demand, Sakura people lamented the sharp rise in rice prices

Content: Sakura News reported that due to various factors, domestic rice prices continued to rise. The prices of food with rice as raw materials in many convenience stores and supermarkets have risen. Many Sakura people lamented that after the price of other daily necessities rose, "rice finally came."

According to the survey, imported rice has risen by nearly 80% compared with last year, and the purchase price of another cheap rice has also risen by 30% compared with before.

"Sakura Economic News" believes that there are two factors that lead to the rise in Sakura rice. First, the price of rice exported by Daxia has increased maliciously; second, the inflation caused by the impact of the Western subprime mortgage crisis.

The impact of the rising rice prices on the lives of the people of Sakura is huge. Rice firmly occupies a core position in the food culture of Sakura, and the production of food such as rice balls and sushi cannot be separated from it.

According to the report of "Sakura News", the person in charge of a store said that the original selling point of rice balls was cheap and affordable, but now they can only increase the price. The most popular rice ball product of the store has increased from 360 Sakura coins to 430 Sakura coins. Some customers said: "If the price rises again, I can't buy (this kind of rice ball) often."

In the food culture of Sakura people, the status of rice balls is probably similar to that of noodles and steamed buns in Daxia.

Many Sakura people, especially the poor, will choose to buy a rice ball to make do with a meal when they can't afford to eat.

Sakurai Hiroshi didn't expect that even rice balls, a food that guarantees food and clothing, have increased so much!

Read on.

Title: Tragic news: Cheap and delicious beef rice bowls are about to become history. The unprecedented rise in beef prices has impacted the lives of Sakura people.

Content: The average price of beef rice bowl in major fast food restaurants is about 430 Sakura coins. Considering that the price of ramen is about 1,000 Sakura coins now, it can be said that beef rice bowl is still relatively cheap.

However, looking back at last year, all fast food restaurants provided beef rice bowls at around 280 Sakura coins. In other words, in less than a year, the price of beef rice bowl has risen by nearly 50%.

Of course, overall prices have risen during this period, but according to the official consumer price index, the increase in the past year is only 5 points. It is much smaller than the price increase of beef rice bowl!

Why is the price of beef rice bowl rising so sharply now?

In addition to the reduction of cattle herds caused by global warming and climate change, the main reason is the economic development of Daxia. There are more beef rolls in the hot pot, and it is the Daxia people who have taken the beef from the bowls of Sakura people!

When Sakurai Hiro saw this news, his heart was even more mixed.

Because of the economic development of Daxia, Sakura people can't even afford beef rice bowls! ! !

"Damn Daxia people!!! Will you die if you eat less beef?!"

This is fucking stupid. You can't afford beef rice, but you blame people in some countries for eating beef every day...

This logic is really ridiculous!

If Chen Mo were here, he would definitely scold Sakurai Hiro: "Beef rice is getting more and more expensive? Where is it expensive? It has been the same price for so many years. Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open!

Sometimes, look for your own reasons. Has your salary increased over the years? Have you worked hard?"

Sakurai Hiro continued to browse the livelihood news, almost all of which were related to price increases and unemployment.

However, these did not break his heart. What really made him extremely uncomfortable was this piece of news.

Title: Sakura 70-year-old woman killed her 102-year-old mother and surrendered herself: unemployed at home, unable to support her


Sakura Police Station arrested a 70-year-old woman on the 22nd for attempted murder. The woman confessed to the police that she did this because she could not bear the pressure of supporting her 102-year-old mother.

It is understood that this woman is not poor. She saved 20 million Sakura coins before retirement, but it is still not enough to pay for her mother's medical expenses and living expenses, so she has to work.

Her mother can only eat rice with natto for every meal now. She hasn't eaten expensive foods such as fish, beef, and fruit for many years.

"I don't know why I am so tired. I obviously have 20 million Sakura coins in savings. If I were alone, at least I could eat meat and vegetables every meal.

My mother can no longer go to the toilet by herself, so I started to carry her to the toilet by myself.

I also thought about hiring a caregiver, but the caregiver fee is too expensive.

In the past two years, prices have risen too much, and our lives are only a little better than beggars. Every meal is natto with rice.

I've had enough, it's too hard, I'm too tired, I just want to end it all myself..."

The police also revealed that in addition to economic and psychological pressure, the 70-year-old woman killed her mother for selfish reasons - she wanted to go to prison for retirement.

Now the prison in Sakura is almost becoming a nursing home.

The number of elderly prisoners over 60 has doubled in the past decade. Many elderly people commit crimes deliberately to get food and clothing.

Now the economy of Sakura is in recession, and many elderly people are worried that they will not be able to find a job after being released from prison, so they commit crimes one after another to seek prison retirement.

According to the Sakura Daily, many elderly prisoners mostly commit theft crimes, and many of them commit crimes deliberately, with the purpose of going to jail. Here, they don't have to worry about food and clothing, and they can take a hot bath every two weeks. Some prisoners suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and the prison guards must receive nursing training to take care of them.

In response, netizens have invented a new term - "silver-haired prisoners".

Sakurai Hiroshi finally couldn't stand it when he saw this news.

"We must succeed in hedging Chen Mo!!! We must improve the current situation of Sakura's aging society!!! We can't let this tragedy happen again!!!"

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