Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2325: Eat both long and short positions, and die no matter what you do!

Shang Li looked at the computer screen and saw the remaining 300 billion in the background, and fell into deep thought.

Where is my trillion?

What about the more than one trillion I earned with my life?

Why is it that after such a shock, I only have so little money left?

"Mr. Shang, stop it! Now it's obvious that the dealer is clearing the market and preventing outsiders from grabbing the meat.

Even if you add leverage, you only have 10 trillion. The Six Nations Alliance can crush you with just a little bit of capital.

What's more, there is an empty god! "

Su Youcai persuaded him earnestly.

In the high-end financial market, the strongest always kills, and there is absolutely no chance that the weak will steal the meat.

Now the bookmakers are so blatantly engaging in shock operations to clear the market, just to frighten those who want to follow the trend and grab meat.

The best thing to do now is to admit defeat. If you lose, you lose. You still have at least 300 billion in principal to make a comeback in the future.

However, as Chen Mo said in his blog post, players who dare to add leverage in the high-end financial market are all gamblers!

Shang Li was already red-eyed at the loss.

In addition, Shang Ying and Shang Zhentian have passed away, and no elders can control him.

Shang Li refused to accept it! ! !

There are 100 million dissatisfactions in my heart! ! !

He wants to continue! ! !

We must make back the money we lost!

At least the principal must be earned back!

"We can't stop, keep going! After the clearing is over this time, Chen Mo and the Six Nations Alliance will definitely have to make great efforts to short-sell.

This is my chance to get my money back! "

"Mr. Shang, what if Chen Mo continues to fluctuate? What if he wants to eat both long and short?"

Seeing that Shang Li's face had turned gloomy, Su Youcai thought for a while and could only say helplessly: "How about this? Let's take a long-term approach and follow the trend of short selling without using leverage. I can guarantee that this will be a sure profit."

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Shang Li shook his head and refused: "No, without leverage, even if Keguo goes bankrupt in the end, my 300 billion can be doubled to 600 billion. This is still the most ideal situation.

I can’t even make the principal! "

"Full leverage, must be full leverage!"

Su Youcai's blood pressure rose!

It’s so damn hard to be a worker!

When you encounter a boss like this, who can you talk to for explanation?

"Then let's wait for another two days and wait for the market to stabilize first. Chen Mo will definitely clear out all the people who are trying to grab meat in the next two days and then go short.

When all the people grabbing the meat are cleared and we enter again, I don’t think Chen Mo will bother targeting us anymore. "

This is what Su Youcai thinks is the safest way.

Shang Li still shook his head: "In that case, it is already the late stage of the battle, and there is not much profit left at all. Not to mention eating meat, I can't even take a few sips of soup."

Perhaps because he felt that Su Youcai was also thinking about himself, Shang Li softened his tone a little: "Well... let's do it this way, enter the market with full leverage, as long as you earn enough principal... No, as long as you earn 800 billion, you will leave. Not fond of fighting!

I estimate that just one wave of market movement is enough.

how? "

Does Su Youcai dare to say no?

"Okay, then I'll do as you say, I have no objection."

the next morning.

Before the market opened, representatives from the six countries went online again to video chat with Chen Mo.

Alexander sighed in admiration: "Mr. Chen, you are indeed a new generation of stock gods. This operation really opened my eyes."

Although Sakurai Hiroshi was unhappy with Alexander's flattery, he couldn't refute it. After all, Chen Mo's plan

The strategy is indeed very useful.

Park Deok-shuang, a hermaphrodite, interrupted directly: "It's just a shock operation. Normal dealers can do it. How can it be as good as you say?"

Alexander sneered: "All operations in the high-end financial market can be done by ordinary traders, including you. Then why are you not an empty god, but Mr. Chen is?"

Park Deshuang was speechless.

Alexander ignored this hermaphrodite whose mind was smaller than his real eyes, and continued to say to Chen Mo: "Mr. Chen, what are we going to do today?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said: "Bettors generally don't give up easily. Yesterday's shock operation will only persuade some to retreat. Today, we must have a more ruthless wave to make most of the fear leave."

"Well... today we will engage in continuous long and short oscillation operations!"

The so-called continuous long-short oscillation operation is very simple to say, it is to go long and exaggerate some people first, and when many people want to follow the trend and go long, then go short and exaggerate these people.

I've been here several times in a row, and as long as I increase the leverage, I basically can't escape the fate of being blown up.

After hearing this, the representatives of the Six Nations Alliance could not help but shudder.

Chen Mo would kill all of them if they just wanted to snatch Chen Mo's meat.

How would Chen Mo treat those people who were engaging in backstabbing?

But now is not the time to think about that.

Keguo is about to open!

"Follow the plan!"

Chen Mo issued the order, and the representatives of the six countries began to issue instructions to the traders in their own countries.

In the attention of investors and melon-eating people from all over the world, there is movement in Croatia's market!

At the opening of the day, the situation was even more tragic than yesterday!

The market opened down by 2 points at first, which made many betting dogs who followed the trend and shorted the market breath a sigh of relief and felt that there was hope for them to get their money back.

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Suddenly, the market rebounded without warning! ! !

Another blue dragon raised its head out of the sea and pulled straight up! ! !

The market soared 13 points again! ! !

All kinds of financial markets in the country of Ke were wailing everywhere!

"What's going on? Why did it rise again?"

"Did the empty god camp retreat? Where did the damn Chen Mo and the Six Nations Alliance go?"

"Did they join forces with the country of Ke to trick us in and kill us like pigs?"

"I borrowed usury to short, hoping to turn the tables today!!! It's all over now!"

"I even took out the treatment fee for my mother's cancer, and now it's all gone!"

"Damn Chen Mo, damn Six Nations Alliance, give me back my hard-earned money!!!"


This time, the shock operation directly pulled 360,000 people out! ! !

It created a history of the number of people who were blown up in a single time!

And all of these people who were blown up, without exception, were highly leveraged.


At this moment, Chen Mo suddenly gave an order.

"Why? Shouldn't we continue to chase the rise and kill all those who followed the trend and shorted to grab the meat?" Pu Deshuang questioned.

"Those who followed the trend to grab the meat are not only small retail investors, but also big shorts and large institutions from various countries. They will definitely hedge risks, that is, disperse funds to do long operations."

"And I guess that many smart people think that today we will definitely blow up all the players who followed the trend and shorted to grab the meat, so they think in reverse and choose to go long."

"I want to kill these people who think they are smart!"

Chen Mo sat upright in the boss chair and exhaled a smoke ring leisurely.

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