Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2271 The End of the World

Within one month, Baguo’s official housing price fell by 30%.

This is only based on statistics.

In fact, everyone knows that if a house is to be sold, even if it is cut in half, the buyer still has to install a lot of furniture, appliances, etc.

Coupled with the continued intensification of inflation, rising prices have made it difficult for many people in the hegemonic country to even eat.

During the economic boom, most common people in the hegemony scorned relief meals.

The relief meals are not very tasty. They are usually just a bowl of porridge, dry bread, and very cheap fried meat.

Only homeless people would receive this kind of free food, and even homeless people would pick soup kitchens where the food tastes good.

But in the past month, all the relief centers in Hegemony have been almost overloaded.

Regardless of the free food and supplies, everyone can receive them!

Many middle-class families who used to live a decent life had to put down their dignity and face and join the army of receiving relief meals and relief supplies.

After all, eating relief meals and taking relief supplies can save thousands of dollars a month.

The unemployment rate is also rising.

In the month that Chen Mo was shorting alone, the number of unemployed people increased by a terrifying 100,000 people!

And this number is still increasing with the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis!

This has also directly caused the crime rate to skyrocket in many cities in the Hegemony!

Now Chen Mo himself drives a bulletproof car when he goes out, and must be equipped with more than 4 bodyguards, and he will never go to any slums.

On this day, Chen Mo went out to talk about work.

While passing by a hospital, I saw a woman sitting on the steps in front of the hospital holding her child and crying.

Leng Feng took a closer look and then said: "Mr. Chen... that woman... seems to be the woman who sold the house through our agency before. Is her name Jessica?"

Chen Mo also saw Jessica, and he said calmly: "What's wrong with her?"

Leng Feng got out of the car and asked the person next to him, and then came back and replied: "After she was cheated when selling her house, she didn't have enough money to pay for her children's medical treatment, so in addition to her own job, Jessica took on three part-time jobs, and at the same time, she also worked on her own Sold in the community.”

"Even so, in the end, because of lack of money, the hospital stopped treating her child, causing her child to die. And she herself seemed to have a heart disease..."

Leng Feng said, his eye circles a little red.

Chen Mo said calmly: "Lao Leng, do you think she is pitiful? Do you think we deceived her and led her to this point?"

Leng Feng didn't say a word or nod, but the silence at this moment was deafening.

Chen Mo smiled and patted Leng Feng on the shoulder: "Old Leng, it's a good thing to have a kind heart, I understand you.

But if you think about it again, is it really our fault that Jessica has reached this point? "

"If Hegemony's official supervision was in place, and if Hegemony's medical institutions were not ruthless, would Jessica's child have died? Would she have made it to this point?"

"What's more, have you forgotten how the Overlord attacked Daxia financially in the past? Let me tell you, if we hadn't done that before, the person sitting on the steps of the hospital crying with his dead child would be yours. Wife, your child!”

Leng Feng's body trembled, and his cloudy eyes gradually became clear.


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Gritting his teeth, he nodded: "Brother Mo, you are right. A shopping mall is like a battlefield, and one party will always suffer heavy losses.

I would rather the hegemonic country suffers heavy losses than we, the people of Great Xia, suffer hardship! "

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Go and give her 10,000 Baguo coins, please show your appreciation, and the company will reimburse her."

Leng Feng shook his head: "It's not necessary. It is the Overlord officials who need to be responsible for her, not us. I would rather donate these 10,000 Overlord coins to the poor children in our Daxia."

Chen Mo felt comforted in his heart: "I'm very happy that you can think so. Lao Leng, from now on, you should see the essence through the phenomenon and don't internalize yourself.

What we are doing now is to cut off the future national destiny of the hegemonic country.

Because of our actions, there are millions and tens of millions of overlords who are in trouble, even worse than Jessica!

But at the same time, hundreds of millions of people in Daxia will benefit from this! "

Leng Feng's eyes became firm again, he drove the car and left with Chen Mo without looking back.

A few days later, Jessica became one of the many homeless people. Her physical condition was worrying, her face was covered with sores due to a disease, and her mental state was obviously problematic. She wandered around the city in a muddle-headed way, like a walking zombie.

A new day has arrived.

In Chen Mo's office.

He summoned Han Li and many other traders to make a new round of layout.

"The collapse of the housing and bond markets means that many banks, investment banks and companies, including Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie, will collapse!"

“We have shorted enough subprime mortgage bonds, and now major banks are also frantically shrinking their CDS business, so in the next period of time, our main goal will shift from shorting subprime mortgage bonds to shorting Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie and other companies. !”

"Oh, of course, short selling also includes credit cards and construction."

At this time, Han Li asked: "Mr. Chen, I can understand your short selling of companies such as Lehman Brothers and Fannie and Freddie.

But why credit cards and construction? "

Chen Mo patted Leng Feng on the shoulder: "Old Leng, tell Han Li why."

Leng Feng nodded: "Han Li, a few days ago, the nanny we hired in Baguo left without saying goodbye, leaving behind a mailbox full of credit card collection letters."

"I found that the nanny's monthly expenses are 10 times her monthly income!"

Hearing this, Han Li's eyes widened.

Monthly expenses are 10 times the monthly income?

This sounds magical!

Leng Feng: "The nanny relies on more than a dozen credit cards to maintain high consumption, and people like nannies are everywhere in Baguo.

Since the housing market boomed after 2000, borrowing for consumption and living has become the mainstream of Baguo people.

On average, each Baguo person has 5 credit cards. When the market goes down, the credit card default rate and mortgage default rate rise steadily.

And this will seriously drag down the real economy!

Among them, the most serious impact is naturally the credit card field and the construction field related to houses."

Chen Mo took a puff of cigarette and took over the conversation lightly: "The subprime mortgage crisis is just the prelude to a bigger crisis!"

"Our ultimate goal of shorting the Baguo housing market is to short the Baguo economy!"

"Children, the "end of the world" is coming!" Within 1 month, the official housing price announced by Baguo fell by 30%.

This is just the statistics on the surface.

In fact, everyone knows that if you want to sell a house, even if it is cut in half, you have to give the buyer a lot of furniture, electrical appliances,

coupled with the continued intensification of inflation, the price increase has made it difficult for many Baguo people to even eat.

During the economic boom, most people in the hegemony country sneered at the relief meals.

The relief meals were not delicious, usually just a bowl of porridge, dry bread, and very cheap fried meat.

Only homeless people would go to get this kind of free food, and even homeless people would choose the relief centers with good food taste.

But in the past month, all the relief centers in the hegemony country have been almost overloaded.

No matter what kind of free food or supplies, everyone can get them all!

Many middle-class families who used to live decently had to put aside their dignity and face and join the army of receiving relief meals and relief supplies.

After all, eating relief meals and taking relief supplies can save thousands of yuan a month.

The unemployment rate is also rising.

In the month when Chen Mo was shorting alone, the number of unemployed people increased by a terrifying 100,000!

And this number is still increasing with the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis!

This has also directly led to a surge in crime rates in many cities in the hegemony country!

Now Chen Mo himself drives a bulletproof car when he goes out, and must be equipped with more than 4 bodyguards, and he will never go to any slums.

On this day, Chen Mo went out to discuss work.

When passing by a hospital, he saw a woman holding her child sitting on the steps in front of the hospital and crying loudly.

Leng Feng looked carefully and said, "Mr. Chen... that woman... seems to be the woman who sold the house through our agency before. Her name is Jessica?"

Chen Mo also saw Jessica, and he said lightly, "What happened to her?"

Leng Feng got out of the car and asked the people next to him, and then came back to reply, "After she was cheated when selling the house, she didn't have enough money to treat her child, so Jessica took three part-time jobs in addition to her main job, and also sold in her own community."

"Even so, in the end, because of insufficient money, the hospital stopped treating her child, causing her child to die. And she herself seemed to have a heart disease..."

Leng Feng said, his eyes were a little red.

Chen Mo said lightly, "Old Leng, do you think she is very pitiful? Do you think that we cheated her and caused her to come to this point?"

Leng Feng didn't say anything or nod, but the silence at this moment was deafening.

Chen Mo smiled, and patted Leng Feng on the shoulder: "Old Leng, it's good to be kind, I understand you.

But think about it again, is it really our fault that Jessica has come to this point today?"

"If the official supervision of the hegemony country is in place, if the hegemony country's medical institutions are not black-hearted, will Jessica's child die? Will she come to this point today?"

"Moreover, have you forgotten how the hegemony country used to attack Daxia in terms of finance? I tell you, if we didn't do that before, the person sitting on the steps of the hospital holding the dead child and crying is your wife, your child!"

Leng Feng's body trembled, and his turbid eyes gradually became clear.


\u003cfont color=red\u003e # Every time verification appears, please do not use the invisible mode! \u003c/font\u003e

Gnashing his teeth, he nodded: "Brother Mo, you are right. The business world is like a battlefield, one side will always suffer heavy losses.

I would rather the Hegemony suffer heavy losses than the people of Daxia suffer!"

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Give her 10,000 Hegemony coins as a token of respect, the company will reimburse her."

Leng Feng shook his head: "No need. The Hegemony officials are responsible for her, not us. I would rather donate these 10,000 Hegemony coins to poor children in Daxia."

Chen Mo was very relieved: "I am very happy that you think so. Old Leng, you should see the essence through the phenomenon in the future, and don't waste yourself.

What we are doing now is to cut off the future national destiny of the Hegemony.

Because of our actions, the people of the Hegemony who are in trouble, even worse than Jessica, will drop by millions and tens of millions!

But at the same time, the people of Daxia who benefit from this will be in the hundreds of millions!"

Leng Feng's eyes became firm again, and he drove away with Chen Mo without looking back.

A few days later, Jessica became one of the many homeless people. Her physical condition was worrying. Her face was covered with sores due to her illness, and her mental state was obviously problematic. She wandered around the city in a daze, like a walking corpse.

A new day has arrived.

In Chen Mo's office.

He summoned Han Li and other traders to carry out a new round of layout.

"The collapse of the housing and bond markets means that many banks, investment banks and companies, including Lehman Brothers and Fannie and Freddie, will fall!"

"We have already shorted enough subprime bonds, and now major banks are also frantically shrinking their CDS businesses, so in the next period of time, our main goal will shift from shorting subprime bonds to shorting Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie!"

"Oh, of course, the short-selling targets also include credit cards and the construction sector."

At this time, Han Li asked: "Mr. Chen, I can understand that you short Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie.

But why credit cards and the construction sector?"

Chen Mo patted Leng Feng on the shoulder: "Old Leng, tell Han Li why."

Leng Feng nodded: "Han Li, just a few days ago, the nanny we hired in Baguo left without saying goodbye, leaving only a whole mailbox full of credit card collection letters."

"I found that the nanny's monthly expenses are 10 times her monthly income!"

Hearing this, Han Li's eyes widened.

Monthly expenses are 10 times her monthly income?

This sounds magical!

Leng Feng: "The nanny relies on more than a dozen credit cards to maintain high consumption, and people like nannies are everywhere in Baguo.

Since the housing market boomed after 2000, borrowing for consumption and life has become the mainstream of Baguo people.

On average, each Baguo person has 5 credit cards. When the market goes down, the credit card default rate and mortgage default rate rise steadily.

And this will seriously drag down the real economy!

Among them, the most serious impact is naturally the credit card field and the construction field related to houses."

Chen Mo took a puff of cigarette and took over the conversation lightly: "The subprime mortgage crisis is just the prelude to a bigger crisis!"

"Our ultimate goal of shorting Baguo's housing market is to short Baguo's economy!"

"Children, "The Day of the End" is coming!"

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