Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2254: Short selling is also a way to save the market

After Solomon pondered for a moment, he then commanded: "Take out 100 billion and short-sell the abx index. Remember, sell slowly and spend all 100 billion within two days."

All traders received the order and got busy.

Upon hearing such an order, Hannibal and others had different expressions.

Hannibal couldn't help but ask: "Solomon, did you make a mistake? Chen Mo was shorting, and you actually followed suit? Is it because you think the subprime mortgage crisis wasn't big enough?"

Many people at the scene who did not know much about finance also raised questions:

"We raise funds for you, not to see you follow up and short the property market!"

"What we want is for you to confront Chen Mo, not to follow him!"

"Although I don't understand trading, I still understand long and short. Chen Mo is short, and you are also short. Isn't this nonsense?"

"I need you to give us an explanation!"


Solomon's face darkened, and he looked coldly at the people questioning him below, as if they were looking at idiots: "Are you questioning me?"

Hannibal said quickly: "Don't be angry. We are here to deal with Chen Mo's Kongshen camp. We don't want to see the Kongshen camp making money, nor do we want to make money from short sellers."

Solomon shook his head helplessly: "Hannibal, you are a soldier and have never been involved in finance. I don't blame you if you don't understand.

But some of these people have been professional traders before. I don’t understand it. They can’t understand it. "

Hannibal and others looked puzzled.

At this time, Michelle spoke: "In fact, short selling can not only create panic, but also squeeze panic and release panic faster.

This is called following the trend and taking advantage of the situation.

As the saying goes, things must reverse when they reach their extremes. When the panic is completely released, it's time for us to strike hard and swallow up Chen Mo's trillions! "

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Hannibal was still confused.

After all, he is the God of War, not the God of Finance.

The helpless Solomon could only explain: "The market has a self-regulatory mechanism. When the price drops to a certain level, it will attract some investors to enter the market to buy bargains or make value investments, thus supporting the market."

"Chen Mo's 1 trillion was spent, and our 100 billion was added to the short position bit by bit. The reaction from the K-line chart is that the power of shorts is about to bottom out."

"At this time, the bargain-hunting army will enter the market. We will release the good news that Bales and others have been rescued, and the officials will cooperate to declare that the subprime mortgage crisis has peaked and is over. Then, it will be the time when things will turn against each other and start a sharp rebound! "

"It's also the time when our funds come in and swallow up Chen Mo's 1 trillion in one fell swoop!"

After everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

Some people showed expressions of admiration and learning.

It turns out that short selling actually has this effect!

"Is there any movement at the Foundation?"

The abx index has fallen by nearly 13 points, and the effect of 1 trillion has weakened visibly to the naked eye.

But there was still no sign of his opponent on the market, which made Chen Mo look confused on his face.

"No, I haven't found any action from the foundation or the Overlord officials. There are only short sellers in the market now, and there are no rescuers."

Reported by Han Lihui.

As soon as he finished speaking, another trader suddenly said:

"Mr. Chen, the third master sent information. She said that the foundation just

A dozen accounts are in and they are shorting! "

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment and suspected that his ears had heard it wrong: "Short selling? Did you take the wrong medicine, or am I hallucinating?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, you heard it right, the foundation is indeed short selling."

Han Li confirmed the information again and said with certainty.

This sentence confused everyone present.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion on the scene.

"Is Solomon showing off his brain? He actually helped us short-sell?"

"Doesn't the foundation control the Overlord Fed? The Overlord Fed is clearly trying to save the market, so why does it do the opposite?"

"what the hell?"

"Is it the same as our boss's previous operation, where he made the money from short selling and refused to let the boss earn it?"

"It's impossible. If you do this, the little money you make won't be enough to fill the gap in the subprime mortgage crisis."

"This Solomon is so evil."


Amid the buzz of discussion, Chen Mo lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Chen Mo raised his head and asked Han Li:

"Old Han, how much short-selling funds does Solomon have, and what is the short-selling speed?"

Han Li responded: "The speed of short selling is very slow. There are only hundreds of millions and billions of people doing short selling. It is estimated that today's volume will only be tens of billions at most."

"I see."

Chen Mo looked like he suddenly realized something.

He Chaoling on the side asked doubtfully: "Mr. Chen, what do you understand?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Solomon seems to be short selling, but in fact, he is saving the day."

He Chaoling was confused: "He is short selling, but you say he is saving the situation? How is this possible? According to what you said

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Fa, if I give you a knife, am I also trying to cure your illness? "

Chen Mo said with a smile: "When ordinary people give me a knife, they are hurting me, but when a doctor gives me a knife, they are saving me."

Seeing that He Chaoling was still confused, Chen Mo explained straightforwardly:

"The reason for the sharp decline in the ABX index is no longer simply the subprime mortgage crisis. The biggest reason is investors' panic."

"Panic is like a pustule growing on a person's body. When an ordinary person cuts it off, the flesh and blood will appear, but a doctor can squeeze out the pus with small cuts and make the market bottom out."

"At that time, Solomon will definitely announce the news that Bells and others have been rescued, and then quickly close the position, go long on the abx index, and swallow up my trillions."

He Chaoling suddenly realized: "I understand. We were shorting 1 trillion for 10 minutes, which was creating panic. But now that Solomon is shorting bit by bit after our energy is exhausted, it is squeezing the panic in the market. To make investors think they are about to bottom out is to clear up panic.”

Chen Mo smiled and nodded: "Solomon doesn't know how many chips I have in my hand. He may think that I only have about 10 trillion of my own funds in my hand, and he predicts that I won't dare to mess around again in a short time."

"What a pity, what a pity, I, Chen Mo, am just a reckless man!"

After saying this, Chen Mo's eyes flashed: "In 10 minutes, we will hit another 1 trillion!!! The panic must not bottom out, and the line on the K-line chart must not calm down!!!"

"Yes!! Mr. Chen!!!"

Chen Mo gave an order, and one hundred and eight top traders from Moyuan Securities immediately started violent mode!

Super short orders worth tens of billions of dollars fell down like raindrops again. The decline that had slowed down on the K-line chart once again plummeted down three thousand feet! ! ! !

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