Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2212 Can’t see the future

"Then why doesn't she stay at the club temporarily?" Trevor asked.

"Miranda owes a lot of debt, and creditors go to the club every day to collect debts. How can the club still let her continue to work?

She is in debt to our overlord bank and cannot rent a house or open a hotel room. The only thing she can do is to be a homeless person. "

The neighbor said with slight disdain, seeming to be strongly dissatisfied with the bank.

"Isn't there a rescue station? Is there a hospital? Isn't it okay to live there? It's better than sleeping in it, right?" Trevor continued to ask.

"Sir, don't you know that our country's residents have long stopped allowing long-term residents? Now the government's regulations are that you can only stay for one day at most, and you must leave the next day. They don't care whether you are It’s difficult!”

"You expect the Overlord officials to save you, that's so funny! The Overlord officials will only protect banks and capital from doing whatever they want!"

After saying that, the neighbor said impatiently that he was going to rest, and then closed the door roughly.

Trevor felt very unhappy.

At this time, Trevor was mostly sober from the wine.

He didn't know why he was looking for Miranda, but he came here by accident.

Soon, Trevor asked the driver to drive to a homeless gathering place at the end of the street.

There are many tents stationed here, and at night, many people gather around a gasoline barrel burning wood to keep warm.

From time to time, Trevor also saw many zombie-like people with deformed bodies and depressed spirits walking slowly.

Some simply lay on the ground, with a pile of wine bottles lying around.

Seeing Trevor's frown, the driver thought he disliked this, so he said, "These people won't live long. Look at those lying on the ground. They don't even have the energy to eat. They will most likely starve to death." At this.

Those who walk with a stooped waist like zombies will soon be lying on the ground.

To be honest, there is not much difference between these people alive and dead. "

Trevor frowned and said, "But don't they have free food and water? Don't the officials receive a large amount of relief money every year?"

The driver smiled and said: "Relief funds? In the end, didn't they all go into the pockets of those charity organizations? Free food and water can solve the temporary problem of food and clothing, but that's all.

Do you think Hegemony is serious about solving the root problem of homeless people?

Let’s not talk about the problem of homeless people. Just talking about medical care. A slightly serious illness can easily cause the middle class to return to poverty or even become homeless.

Guess how many of those homeless people who look like zombies are suffering from pain-killing painkillers? "

"Our country has been in ruins for a long time!"

Trevor sadly discovered that even an ordinary driver seemed to see things more clearly than he did.

Drive all the way there.

The people and things on the road made Trevor seem to have fallen into another time and space.

Every day he was well-dressed and well-fed, and all his contacts were upper-class people. The waiters at the restaurants he went to were all highly qualified.

The hegemonic country he knew was a great country, the best in the world, where even if you were a homeless person, you would have free food and free medical care. People did not have to worry about their own livelihood, and the next generation could enjoy life happily.

But when night fell, what did he see?

A pregnant young girl was swinging on the street with her belly bulging, leaning on a telephone pole, trying hard to maintain her balance, as if a gust of wind would make her fall down, and her head was drooping and she couldn't lift it up.

I don’t know whose daughter or wife this is.

The passers-by passed by her and turned a blind eye to her, as if they were used to seeing her.

There are many girls with good looks and hot bodies on the street. They lie down wherever they go, not knowing whether they are dead or alive.

People behaving strangely can be seen all over the streets, and their mental state is clearly experiencing serious problems.

The driver told me that these people had been raped a long time ago

Chapter 2212 Can’t see the future.

Society, abandoned by the country.

Even if they want to live decently with their own labor, it is useless.

Their credibility is ruined and no one will hire them.

Not only that, the hegemonic officials also regard them as a social burden and a scourge.

In the entire homeless gathering place, there were more than a dozen police officers standing there as far as the eye could see.

Many homeless people had conflicts and even started fighting. It was as if these overbearing policemen didn't see them.

Trevor remembered that he had just returned from serving in the army decades ago and was almost assigned to be a police officer.

At that time, he was still looking forward to it.

Because in Trevor's eyes, the police are a sacred profession that appears to protect the country and the people.

Just when Trevor was thinking wildly, a cry for help sounded outside the car window: "Help!!! Let me go!!! Get away, you dirty bastards!!!"

Trevor was shocked to find that a blond woman was being pressed to the ground by six or seven homeless people and being humiliated at will.

That woman is the dancer Miranda!

Trevor hurriedly opened the car door, stepped forward, took out his weapon and fired a shot into the air.


"Get out of here!!!"

The homeless people were scared to death by the gunshots and quickly dispersed.

Trevor stepped forward to help Miranda, who was in a mess, and said with a frown, "Are you okay?"

Miranda, with a bruised nose and swollen face and a mess all over her body, nodded with a numb expression and said, "Thank you."

"Let's go, there are police over there, I'll take you to call the police." Trevor said.

When Miranda heard this, she shook her head and smiled very mockingly: "It's useless, they won't care. On the first day I came here, I was assaulted by more than a dozen homeless people. I went to call the police, but they didn't even bother. Leave me alone.

This kind of thing has happened countless times in the past few days.

They said it would be fine when the strong bums got tired of playing, or when I got sick. "

Trevor didn't believe it, so he pulled Miranda with a strong attitude and came to a policeman from the Overlord Country: "Mr. Police, this lady was just violated by a few homeless people. We need to call the police!"

As a result, the white policeman looked Miranda up and down and said disdainfully: "Why should a homeless man call the police? It's a complete waste of national resources!"

The black policeman next to him said: "Sir, we have seen too many people like you who think you are very righteous.

I advise you to stay out of your own business. "

Trevor said angrily: "Tramps are human beings too!!! They are also part of our overlord country!!! Is this how you policemen protect the citizens of our overlord country?"

The two police officers suddenly showed disdain on their faces.

"Can homeless people be considered citizens? Don't be ridiculous! Look at those zombie-like guys over there. Apart from having vital signs, how do they look like humans?"

"How do you know that this woman is not doing some dirty business with those homeless people? Let me tell you, in a homeless gathering place, it is completely normal for women to exchange their bodies for resources."

In the end, as Miranda said, the police of the overlord country didn't care about her at all.

"What I regret most in my life is that I listened to those real estate agents and bought those damn houses!"

Miranda left these words behind, turned around and staggered into the dark bridge cave, mumbling and cursing.

The driver on the side looked at Miranda's back gradually turning into darkness, shook his head and sighed: "I can't see her future."

Trevor lowered his eyelids slightly: "You have already seen her future."

Many people say they cannot see the future, but they actually see the future.

Chapter 2212 Can’t see the future.

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