Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2149 Hannibal knows the truth

"briquet material?"

Chen Mo laughed dumbly and didn't take his father's words too seriously.

at the same time.

Downwind Express Company.

This company is an express delivery company that Chen Mo personally led since its inception.

It started almost at the same time as Moxin.

After Chen Mo's operation and development in the past few years, Shunfeng Express has occupied 80% of Daxia's express delivery market share. .🅆.

Moreover, Chen Mo absorbed the advantages of all express delivery companies in the previous life and not only established his own storage warehouses and transfer points in various places.

Post stations, express lockers, express apps, various self-operated express services, and a model of high-paid express employees plus low-paid temporary workers are all available.

Today, Shunfeng Express has been listed on the Hong Kong stock market, and its market value has exceeded 500 billion. Experts predict that with the economic boom in Daxia, Shunfeng is likely to exceed one trillion in the future, becoming the first express company in the world with a market value exceeding one trillion. .

The current person in charge of Shunfeng Express is Chen Haonan, an old employee of Moyuan Capital and one of Chen Mo’s capable men.

A few days ago, in order to expand the business of Shunfeng Express, Chen Haonan entrusted Hongmeng Labs to help develop a batch of unmanned cargo aircraft.

The conditions require that the battery life must be long first! After all, Daxia is so big, and if the endurance is not long enough, then the aircraft’s cargo-carrying capacity will be useless.

Second, the remote control delivery ability must be very accurate! When it comes to express delivery, people want the goods to be delivered to the imperial capital. If you send it to the devil's capital, what a waste!

The third is that the load capacity must be strong and the stability must be good!

After receiving the commission from Chen Haonan, Lin Jian asked experts on drones from Hongmeng Lab to hold a meeting to study the feasibility.

When the experts put it all together, it seems that it is not very difficult.

So this order came next.

Chen Haonan came today because Lin Jian asked him to inspect the goods.

"This is our latest research

The requirements for the large-scale cargo-carrying drone we made are all as you said. Let’s test it together. "

Lin Jian said to Chen Haonan.

After several rounds of tests, Chen Haonan immediately smiled with satisfaction.

"Professor Lin is still the most cheating person!

Such a big drone, it is said that it has been built.

Just introducing a drone is enough for me to drive up the stock price! "

Chen Haonan said with a smile in his broken Mandarin.

"If Shunfeng Company can use drones to deliver goods, it will be a major event that will go down in history. At that time, we, Mr. Chen, must be invited to hold the launch ceremony." Lin Jian said seriously.

On the same day, Chen Haonan asked Shunfeng Company's publicity department to spend money on marketing and hype.

It probably means Shunfeng is going to use drones to deliver goods!

A scene from a science fiction movie has come true! ! !

It’s fast and stable, comparable to a Boeing airplane! ! !

The marketing accounts and media also all came together to praise it with all kinds of rainbow farts.

When netizens saw it, their expectations were high.

Foreign express delivery is appallingly slow, and our domestic express delivery has evolved to the point of using large drones!

How can you not be proud?

Some are happy and some are sad.


Ratan Shipbuilding Office.

Hannibal Caesar looked extremely ugly.

He never expected that Daxia would be so tough!

The second-in-command of the Commerce Department on my side was dispatched to accompany them. As a result, they didn’t get back even a cent of the money they blocked, and Pelosi and Douglas didn’t even get a cent.

But was arrested!

At this time, he stood up and paced back and forth in the office anxiously.

Now that batch of aircraft carrier blocking ropes has been seized by Daxia officials. Dali Group has also learned that the goods it wants are aircraft carrier blocking ropes and cannot be sold to itself. How can he find so many aircraft carrier blocking ropes in a short period of time? Ask for it?

Is it possible that I have to lick my face and beg Daxia officials?

Hannibal became angrier as he thought about it.

Pelosi is such a moron! ! !

He actually went to ask the Department of Commerce to sanction Dali Group! ! !

Maybe it was because of this sanction that Daxia officials discovered the clues!

If there hadn't been that sanctions list, maybe those blocking ropes would have been delivered to him long ago!

And that damn Dali Group!

I must have known that the blocking rope was impounded!

Now that you know, why don't you work overtime to produce a batch?

He paid the full price, but now he can't get the money or the goods, like a big grievance.

If people in the foundation and some of the country's major chaebols find out about this, I will probably be laughed at for a long time!

What worries him the most is actually the hegemon's national defense capability.

Products from other countries will result in loss of money at worst. Anyway, the dominant Fed belongs to the foundation itself, so it can print as much money as it wants.

But if the overlord doesn't stop him, his combat power will be greatly reduced! ! !

The biggest reason why a hegemonic country can be called a hegemonic country, in addition to being the world's number one economically, is that it is the world's number one in combat power! ! !

The aircraft carrier is one of the weapons that best represents combat power!

If the overlord's aircraft carrier fleet is downsized or its functions are reduced because it is not used for blocking purposes, it will definitely become a joke to the whole world!

! !

Once he, the second main god, reduces the combat power of the Overlord, I'm afraid his position in the Overlord's war party and the foundation will not be guaranteed! ! !

Just when he still didn't know what to do, there was a fierce knock on the door outside the office.

Hannibal, who was already in a bad mood, yelled angrily: "Get in!!!"

The office door was pushed open, and one of his confidants ran in.

After the man came in, he didn't bother to explain anything and said directly: "Mr. Caesar, please take a look at the announcement just issued by Daxia officials!!!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Hannibal suppressed his anger and picked up his phone to take a look.

I saw a news video above:

"Daxia officially announced the wholly-owned acquisition of Dali Group, and also announced that Daxia has the technology to produce the world's most advanced aircraft carrier arresting cables..."

After reading the news, Hannibal was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed again and again.

As the second main god, Hannibal is naturally a smart man.

Combined with the fact that the aircraft carrier blocking cable was seized by Daxia officials, and the unsuccessful lawsuit against Dali Group was countersued, Daxia officials announced the acquisition of Dali Group as soon as Pelosi and Douglas were arrested.

How could he not understand what was going on?

Hannibal Caesar stood up and shouted angrily: "Son of a bitch!! @ï¿¥ # %...% # "

"This is clearly a scheme done by Dali Group and Daxia officials!!!"

"They definitely knew before selling the goods that what we wanted to buy was aircraft carrier arresting cables. They even knew that our arresting cable orders with various countries had been booked for two years!"

"Okay, okay!!! The person who defrauded me of my money and arrested me blatantly refused to give me the goods!!!"

"If I knew who set up this trap, I would kill his whole family!!!"

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