Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2045 Beautiful Reporter Dolia

Jabs couldn't stand it anymore.

He quickly escaped from Xiawei Mobile Phone Flagship Store.

The words of those consumers were like needles piercing his chest!

That night, Jobs bought a Xiawei mate10pro from a scalper at a high price and tried it out.

The results shocked Jabs!

This phone is as smooth as consumers say!

Hongmeng system is simply an improved and optimized product that combines the strengths of Android and iOS systems! ! !

The full-screen design and interaction are a stroke of genius!

There are also magical designs such as under-screen fingerprint unlocking and smart islands, which directly complete the experience! ! !

Even a person as conceited as Steve Jobs couldn't put it down after experiencing it, thinking it was simply a work of art! ! !

And think about his newly redesigned iPhone.

It still has the ancestral large bezel and the old prototype big buttons. The system is just the previous iOS system that deleted the bomb in the code.

Jabs was horrified to find that if he really just came up with such a product to compete with Chen Mo's mate10pro, he would definitely die miserably! ! !

At this moment, Jabs' cell phone rang.

It was the secretary who called.

"Hey CEO, it's bad, our company has been included in the sanctions list by Daxia!!! Please read the news I sent you!"

Hearing this, Jabs' pupils shrank and he quickly clicked on the news.

Sure enough, it said that Daxia officials had imposed a maximum penalty of 200 billion yuan on Pingguo Company for alleged monopoly and leakage of privacy!

All the charges are exactly the same as those used by the overlord when he sanctioned the company!

This makes it clear that Daxia officials are standing up for Chen Mo! ! !

Not only that, Guge Company is even worse than Pingguo Company! ! !

Daxia officials directly banned Guge Company on the grounds that it did not hand over source data and was unwilling to comply with domestic management.

The company handles all business in Daxia!

And also fined 200 billion! ! !

As soon as the news came out, the stocks of the two companies plummeted!

It fell directly below the previous lowest point and continues to drop!

Guge Company even directly applied for a trading suspension, and the resumption time is yet to be determined.

Jabs knew that the Riley brothers were afraid that Guge would fall directly and be delisted, so they had no choice but to suspend trading.

As a bright light in the stock market, Barclays even directly recommended investors to reduce their holdings of Apple stock!

Barclays Bank said that even if Pingguo can launch new phones in time, it will be difficult to compete with Xiawei mobile phones. It will still have a negative view on the sales and mix of iPhones in the future, unless Pingguo can come up with the Xiawei mate10pro A more advanced phone.

At the same time that the news of sanctions came out, Chen Mo also came out to make up for the damage.

Moyuan Capital and Xiawei Company announced that the Xiawei mate10pro series will be released overseas at the same time, with the sale price being 1,000-2,000 yuan more expensive than the domestic average!

And in terms of gifts and stuff, foreign ones are much worse than domestic ones!

As soon as the news came out, it directly detonated the entire Daxia Internet!

"Chinese conscience!"

"Hehe, finally let our countrymen experience a sense of superiority!"

"I am from Daxia, and I am proud!"

"Quack, a classmate from overseas just asked me to buy a Xiawei mobile phone on his behalf. I used to beg him to buy it on his behalf. Things are changing now!"

“Now I really don’t want to buy it, I’m not from Daxia anymore!”

"Don't buy it? Let me ask you first if you can grab it!"


Jabs realized that something was wrong and hurried back to the country to discuss countermeasures with the foundation and the overlord officials.

After the people from the foundation and the Overlord officials learned about this, the smiles on their faces were not to mention how ugly they were!

Pingguo and Guge Company, which was finally snatched back from Chen Mo, were almost destroyed by Chen Mo's actions!

The foundation, Pingguo, and Guge Company both lost money and lost their pants! .🅆.

"Mobile phones, especially smartphones, are the entrance to all consumers in the future! Chen Mo must not be allowed to monopolize it!" Solomon said firmly.

Originally, Solomon was very happy that the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates in recent months to harvest high-quality assets from various countries, but he did not expect that it would become troublesome when it came to Chen Mo.

Soon, Xia Wei's rush to buy mobile phones spread abroad.

After all, Chen Mo uses concepts and technologies that are more than 10 years ahead of this era, so his product power is naturally unrivaled!

No matter how much the overlord media publicizes that Xia Wei's mobile phones are not easy to use and unsafe, foreign users are still buying them like crazy!

There was even a bizarre scene of foreign scalpers coming to Daxia to purchase goods!

Now, even fools know that if this continues, Pingguo Company will be finished!

"damn it!"

After Solomon learned the news, he yelled angrily and cursed someone in the east.

The Overlord officials even jumped out and arbitrarily accused Chen Mo, and even announced that they would impose secondary sanctions on Moyuan Capital!

Regarding this, Chen Mo, who was in China, smiled playfully and didn't care.


I have the most advanced chips, the smoothest system, and the product chain and processing are all my own. What kind of sanctions do you want to impose?

If you don’t buy my phone, it will only make your hegemonic country lag behind the world in technology!

This is the confidence to have your own technology!

A few days later.

Chen Mo was in the office, accepting an interview with Imperial TV Station with a smile.

It's called an interview, but it's actually soft propaganda.

Bragging, talking and laughing, it was over.

"The boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and the most difficult road for domestic mobile phones has been completed. I believe that with the cooperation of Moyuan Capital and Xiawei Company, domestic mobile phones will replace foreign mobile phones and lead the world trend!"

Chen Mo smiled.

The host also smiled and made the concluding remarks: "Yes, from the rise of domestic mobile phones to being far ahead, they all point to the same path - technology is king.

Xiawei mobile phones have the most advanced chips and the smoothest systems, and they are all made in China!

Okay, thank you viewers for watching this interview..."

After the interview, Chen Mo generously took out 10 Taixiawei mate10pro mobile phones and gave them to the on-site staff.

The staff who received the gift turned red with excitement.

Of course they know how difficult this phone is to grab!

After sending away the people from Imperial TV Station, Chen Mo wanted to go back to accompany Gong Ziyuan. After all, Gong Ziyuan's belly was already swollen and she was expected to give birth in a few months.

At this time, He Chaoling walked in and said: "Boss, there is a reporter who claims to be the Los Santos Times and wants to interview you."

"Okay, let her in." Chen Mo said calmly.

"Hello Mr. Chen, my name is Doria."

A beautiful foreign girl with navy blue hair walked in with a smile.

The interview went well.

after an hour.

Just when Chen Mo was about to let her and the people from the Saint-Loduo Times leave, Doria glanced around, and the next second, all her colleagues walked out with understanding.

At this moment, only Chen Mo and this beautiful reporter were left in the office.

"Mr. Chen."

At this moment, Doria smiled slightly and said straight to the point: "I want to talk to you on behalf of the official Overlord."

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