Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2019 The hegemonic capital collapsed!

All business representatives showed respectful expressions.

The capable Tian Ji Xing came forward to do things, which shows Chen Mo's weight on the official side!

Chen Mo smiled and faced the more than 4,000 entrepreneurs who represented Daxia's business community, and said calmly: "Some of you here are my partners, and there are also many who are my competitors, but today, I called everyone here. I hope everyone can put aside their prejudices and work together to achieve something big!"

Everyone looked puzzled.

After Chen Mo whetted his appetite, he said: "Hegemony Capital is about to come to the A-share market for a big harvest! And the intensity of the harvest this time will be unprecedented!

The stock wars and futures wars I led in the past were not even one-tenth of the size of this big harvest! Are you willing to have your high-quality assets harvested by others? "

boom! ! !

As soon as he said it, it was like a bombshell dropped in everyone's mind!

At this moment, even Chen Mo's competitors' expressions changed again and again, knowing that it was not the time to act out of emotion.

"Mr. Chen, what do you want us to do?"

"Mr. Chen, tell me, we will definitely cooperate with you!"

“We don’t want the hegemonic capital to harvest us!”

"Mr. Chen, should we learn from foreign countries and find ways to increase our own stock prices so that the capital of the hegemonic country cannot absorb domestic assets at a low price?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "Stocks need liquidity. If you do this, do you still want to sell your company's stocks?"

Some entrepreneurs wondered: "What should we do?"

"Do the opposite. Drive down the country's stock market, so that the hegemonic capital will never see the bottom! Let them buy it and lose money, make up for it after the loss, buy it after making up, and lose money after buying it. They will never be able to buy it all. "

"Even if we can make Hegemonic Capital appear profitable, hey, we will still lose money if we buy it."

"What we focus on is a way to fully mobilize strategic depth and effectively consume the enemy's supplies!"

Chen Mo's words were astonishing, as if they were earth-shattering!

Everyone was shocked!

How the hell is there such a way to defend against foreign investment?


But they thought about it carefully...

It seems that this situation is really feasible, and even A-shares have already fallen without bottoming out, and they have extremely rich experience!

" should we cooperate?"

another entrepreneur asked.

Chen Mo lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "Simple, once you find that foreign capital wants to harvest you, immediately divest high-quality assets, spin them off and list them, then spin them off again, and then list them in a shell.

If he wants to buy it, the company can sell it to him. Anyway, all the valuable stuff has been stripped out, leaving only a shell. "

"I think you must have much more experience in selling shells than I do. This is your basic knowledge. There is no need for me to go into details, right?

I called everyone here just to give you a warning so that you can be on guard against having your home stolen. When it comes to deceiving people, preparing company financial reports, and selling shell companies, I, Chen Mo, am ashamed of myself. "

Everyone blushed.

Everyone silently agreed.

In fact, it’s no wonder these people are so unkind.

The essential meaning of the stock market should be that companies borrow money from the market for development and give back to investors through dividends. The level of the stock price itself has no meaning.

But in the A-share market, investors think that one day I can steal your home at any time and make your high-quality company my own, so entrepreneurs simply create a shell and do business to trick you. Big money ball counting!

Let neither of us accuse the other of being unkind!

The brief meeting ended quickly.

Immediately after the meeting, major entrepreneurs received calls from their companies.

"Hey, Mr. Ren, the Securities Department has detected that a large amount of foreign capital has entered the stock market! Our stocks have been purchased crazily!"

"Mr. Lei, there are foreign investors who are buying stocks like crazy and almost all comers. I'm afraid they won't even be able to own our company in the end."

Can be bought! "

"Hey, Mr. Ma? The stock market is going crazy right now, and stocks are being bought like crazy for free! Should we follow up?"


All entrepreneurs suddenly felt shocked.

I know this is Baguo Capital coming to harvest A-shares!


Are they afraid?

It’s not certain who will be harvested by whom!

"Inform the senior executives to divest high-quality assets and leave a shell for these foreigners!"

"Increase issuance, increase issuance like crazy for me! Doesn't he like to buy it? Let him buy it! I'll see if he can finish it!"

"This is good news from heaven! Our company has been bragging about it for several years, but in fact the losses have been so serious that we don't want to lose it! You should quickly ask the major shareholders to sell all the stocks in their hands! When the sales are almost done, everyone will Resign and break up!"

"Great, this is the day I have been waiting for! No one in China believes in our financial report! You can tell it is bragging at first glance, but these stupid foreigners actually believe it! Hahaha..."

Then a strange scene happened.

Hegemonic Capital led by the foundation aggressively entered the A-share market!

Think tanks and experts have calculated "high-quality stocks" based on company financial reports and news performance. They are buying and buying like crazy!

It’s like killing Buddha when Buddha is standing in his way, and God is killing God! ! !

In the first few weeks, such a huge and terrifying amount of money came in, which naturally drove the market to rise wildly!

The dominant credit rating agency Moody's is also frantically publishing good news to the outside world and raising the credit rating of A-shares crazily in order to cooperate with capital to harvest A-shares!

The initial rating outlook for A shares was "negative", but as capital came to harvest, it was upgraded to "stable"!

In short, with all kinds of cooperation, the foundation and Hegemony Capital think this is a sure thing!

But buying and buying...

Capitalists realized something was wrong!

How come a few weeks have passed and the expected surge has not occurred?


r\u003eOn the contrary, the stock prices of the stocks they bought began to fall?

Many foreign capitalists have made even more bizarre discoveries...

They are just buying stocks. Why are they still holding 70% of the stocks of the company to which they belong?

What is the difference between this and acquiring the company?

I just want to buy shares, I don’t want to acquire it! ! !

A few more weeks passed.

The hegemonic capitals discovered something outrageous again.

The prices of the stocks they bought are falling like crazy!

The market is also falling!

They come in once and lose money, come in twice and lose money, come in three times and still lose money!

If you continue to advance, you will lose again; if you bite the bullet and buy, you will lose again!

I can’t buy them all, I really can’t buy them all. The stocks of those companies are being issued as if they were life-threatening. They are more issued than waste paper!

The scariest thing is...

The financial reports of those companies in the A-share market are actually fake!

From the perspective of Hegemony Capital, this is something completely unbelievable!

If you dare to falsify financial reports in a hegemonic country, the company will be fined and even the boss will have to go to jail!

But in A-shares, it seems that this kind of thing is as ordinary as eating and drinking.

In this case, you have no way to use financial reports to deduce the status of a certain stock!

All experts and think tanks are useless!

Less than a month has passed and this group of hegemonic capital has collapsed!

"This is not an A-share. This is clearly hell!!!"

"Wtf!!! The stock market in Daxia is so weird!!! Why is it that all the good news is gone and it's still falling?"

"This is not the direction of the stock market. It is just like trying your luck!"

"I kept buying and selling, and somehow I became the actual controller of dozens of companies, and those companies were all shells! It was simply inexplicable!"

"Why don't you just grab the gun and grab me, it'll be faster!"



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