Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1921 A scam that can only be established by inference

In fact, Li Hejun realized the wrong meaning of "Don't walk when you see the road".

Of course, "seeing the road but not following it" means taking an extraordinary path, but the premise is that you must be realistic and down-to-earth. It is not that you choose a path that no one is optimistic about, that is, "seeing the road but not following it."

Vice Chairman Feng Dianbo immediately jumped out and was the first to oppose Li Hejun.

Feng Dianbo asked Li Hejun excitedly: "Do you know what major Dr. Shi Zhengrong, the godfather of photovoltaics, studied? What is he researching?

It’s a film! ! !

Professionals don’t engage in thin film technology, so how can we laymen make money from it? "

At that time, Feng Dianbo even held a board meeting to discuss this issue.

Feng Dianbo used 10 professional questions to question Li Hejun, each of which thoroughly explained the nature of thin-film solar energy that is not suitable for the current market.

However, when he asked the fourth question, Li Hejun knocked him down.

Years of smooth experiences have made Li Hejun develop the habit of being arbitrary. How can he listen to other people's opinions?

In this way, Li Hejun officially began to enter the thin film solar industry.

This year, Li Hejun flew his private jet and traveled all over the world to promote his photovoltaic industry.

He promoted a grand solar thin film plan to officials in many places.

In his plan, Li Hejun needs two years to achieve a production capacity of 2,000 megawatts!

You must know that the industry leader at that time, the number one solar company in the country, only had a production capacity of more than 1,000 megawatts.

This guy can open his mouth twice as fast as the industry leader!

This is nothing!

He plans to directly achieve the ultimate goal after 2008, that is, after the Olympic Games is held - the ultimate production capacity of 50 million megawatts!

By this time, the senior executives of Hanhang Group who knew the technology felt that their boss was crazy.

But Li Hejun stubbornly believes that thin-film solar energy is the future trend because of its light, thin and flexible characteristics.

point, so theoretically speaking, as long as there is the sun, everything can be covered with such a material.

Of course, Li Hejun's rise also coincided with the country's massive release of water to stimulate the economy.

During this period, regardless of whether it was Li Hejun or other large companies, the official loans were very powerful.

Of course, no one questioned him.

Some local high-level officials who understand technology questioned: "The production capacity you mentioned is the sum of the current global demand. Is it possible that you, Hanhang, are the only company in the world?"

But doubts are doubts, and Li Hejun still successfully obtained loans and land in various places.

The cost value of money, land and various resources has reached a terrifying 800 billion!

The values ​​of Li Hejun and Hanhang Group are also rising.

This year, Li Hejun became the richest man in Great Xia, until the White Dragon King Chen Mo rose up and defeated him with a crushing attitude.

Even so, Li Hejun is still the second richest man in Daxia.

But such days did not last long.

Soon, the photovoltaic industry ushered in a cold winter.

The world's crystalline silicon solar energy production capacity is severely overcapacity, and both the top and second-tier players in the industry are on the verge of bankruptcy.

But the strange thing is that in this year, Li Hejun directly announced that Hanhang Company had become the world's largest thin-film solar company and the largest solar power system integrator.

He also bought five of the top ten companies in the industry at bargain prices, as well as the world's top photovoltaic power generation research institute.

In the same year, Li Hejun also gave speeches everywhere to promote the benefits of new energy power to government officials.

He also goes on TV constantly to promote the various benefits of new energy power.

His face was so bright that everyone recognized him and

Hanhang Group.

However, the irony is that the concept of new energy has really taken off in later generations. New energy trams have almost defeated oil trucks. Judging from the results, Li Hejun’s initial bragging is really not bragging.

By painting the pie and telling stories like this, Hanhang Group was successfully listed, and its market value skyrocketed to become one of the top ten giant companies in the world.

Li Hejun's personal assets once soared to 3.1 trillion.

Shocked everyone for a moment!

Official media from various countries even came to interview him, hoping to learn from him and learn how to make a fortune.

At that time, Li Hejun could be said to be several times more prosperous than Chen Mo a year ago!

If he stopped at this time and sold Hanhang Company directly, he would definitely become a legend in business history!

After all, new energy has really taken off in later generations, and many of the things he boasted about back then have come true!

He can even become the one who beats the second horse of Daxia and steps on Amazon Lao Bei!

At this time, Li Hejun, without exaggeration, could kill 99% of the reborn people instantly!

Think about it, the reborn person with countless ways to make a fortune can't beat Li Hejun of this period, so how awesome is he?

It's a pity that Li Hejun was so ambitious that he forgot that he didn't have three heads and six arms.

When the private hydropower stations were built, Li Hejun still owed a lot of debt. If he could engage in the hydropower business with peace of mind, he would be able to quickly make profits and pay off his debts after the hydropower stations were built.

But after that, despite the opposition of everyone including the company and friends, he resolutely entered the photovoltaic industry, new energy and other industries, investing a lot of money and borrowing countless loans.

In the end, the new energy monster stock Hanhang Group created the darkest moment in the stock market - hundreds of billions of dollars evaporated in 24 minutes, and the price fell so much that it was suspended.

Countless stockholders and investors were cut off from the pie because they listened to his paintings, and countless people committed suicide by jumping off buildings.

In the end, Li Hejun, who was destined to become a business legend, was imprisoned on suspicion of fraud, and his cash-cow hydropower stations were also forfeited to pay off their debts.

Recalling this point, Chen Mo drew the stage Li Hejun was currently in on paper.

At this time in 2006, under his advocacy and operation, Li Hejun's Hanhang Group was still on the rise, with its stock price rising like a monster!

But Li Hejun still gives speeches in various places, solicits investment, and calls on everyone to buy HanBank's stocks.

It was his most exciting and glorious speech at the Imperial Capital Economic Forum, and it was also the investment that led him to go long.

After that, in less than three months, the time node will come to the darkest moment of Hanhang Group.

Chen Mo just wants to use Li Hejun to kill people with a borrowed knife!

This game can be said to be even more powerful than the one played by Feng Ya, the strongest chess piece he has trained for more than 20 years!

First, Li Hejun and Chen Mo didn't know each other at all, and they didn't have any interaction with each other.

Second, at this time, Li Hejun did not think that he was committing fraud at all!

In general scams, the scammers know that they are committing fraud, and they will show some flaws.

But Li Hejun didn't think he was a liar. He stubbornly believed that he had found a second good project to make money like private hydropower.

He is running the company seriously and benefiting society.

This kind of situation can only be deduced from the results to be a fraud, and there is nothing wrong with the process. Unless you are a reborn person, it will be difficult to see through it!

This is fucking scary!

In addition, Chen Mo placed chess pieces around Shang Li, repeatedly encouraging and hinting him to invest and become the master.

With Shang Li's urine, the possibility of being hooked is very high!

"Xiao Li, please be sure to ask Shang Li to be your backer before you die!"

Chen Mo murmured to himself.

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