Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1877 Take the opportunity to make a fortune

Under Gong Ziyuan's comfort, Chen Mo gradually calmed down.

Gradually, the two gradually adapted to the weightless environment of space.

And began to float in the cabin, experiencing the joy of weightless floating.

It takes about two days from entering the Earth's orbit to entering the Moon's orbit.

At this stage, a group of astronauts have been nervously recording various data and taking required image data.

Chen Mo and Gong Ziyuan were relatively free. After all, they were not professional astronauts.

Because the distance was relatively close, Chen Mo still did not forget to contact Lin Jian at this time and asked Lin Jian to convey to Masik that his "space tourism project" had started!

After receiving Chen Mo's order, Masik immediately took action and announced the launch of the blockbuster project on TT, Twitter, Facecook and major traditional media:

"SpaceX, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Moyuan Capital, will launch a space tourism project!"

"Our company's dream is to fulfill everyone's dream of space travel. In the future, we will even launch great projects such as the White Dragon King's lunar wedding and Mars immigration! Stay tuned!"

Chen Mo's moon wedding originally attracted worldwide attention, and the space tourism project launched at this time has naturally attracted the attention of people all over the world!

I believe that once Chen Mo successfully holds a lunar wedding and returns safely, SpaceX's space tourism project will definitely explode!

No matter how beautiful your scenery is, can you be more beautiful than the vast stars?

As a result, countless people quickly clicked on the introduction page of this project.

There are currently only four types of space tourism mentioned by Masik.

1. The parabolic flight of the aircraft.

Parabolic flight is not space tourism in the true sense. It only allows tourists to experience the feeling of weightlessness in space for about half a minute. Astronauts usually use this method to experience weightlessness during training. Tourists will take a parabolic flight in an aircraft used for astronaut training, and the cost is about 5,000 Chinese dollars.

Second, high-altitude flight close to space.

High-altitude flights close to space are not genuine space tourism, but they allow tourists to experience the feeling of being at extremely high altitudes. When tourists fly to an altitude of 18 kilometers above the ground, they can see the topographic curve of the earth under their feet and the dark sky above their heads, and experience a sense of boundless emptiness.

The planes Chen Mo plans to use to carry out this kind of tourism are all high-performance fighter jets. These planes can fly to an altitude of more than 24 kilometers. Each ticket for traveling on them is about 10,000 national dollars.

Three, suborbital flight.

Suborbital flight can produce a few minutes of weightlessness. Hongmeng Laboratory's private manned spacecraft "Pangu Kaitian 1" tourist spacecraft is engaged in this kind of flight, which is specifically used to make money.

After all, Chen Mo has invested one or two trillion yuan in aerospace technology. Now that the technology has matured, he must find a way to make some money back.

The spacecraft can experience several minutes of weightlessness between rocket engine shutdown and re-entry. The price of this kind of flight is about 100,000 Baguo coins per person per trip.

Four, orbital flight!

This is also space tourism in the true sense!

The spacecraft used by SpaceX to carry space tourists is called "Pangu Kaitian 2" and can carry 6 passengers.

Tourists will first receive training at the Hongmeng Space Base, and then travel into space on a unique spacecraft.

When the spacecraft rises to an altitude of 15 kilometers, the mother ship will launch the manned spacecraft "Pangu Kaitian 2" carrying the travelers. "Pangu Kaitian 2" will then rise to an altitude of 110 kilometers and lift them The wings fold up and sail around the Earth.

Travelers will be able to experience weightlessness for about 6 minutes in sub-orbit and get a bird's-eye view of the Earth above the dark universe.

This fourth project is Chen Mo's key project, and the price is directly set at 100 million hegemonic coins!

In fact, even if the price is set at 10 million Hegemon coins, Chen Mo can still make a lot of money.

But Chen Mo was obsessed with the price, which was set at a sky-high price.

After all, anyone who can afford 10 million Hegemonic coins to experience space tourism can definitely afford 100 million! Such customers can only be the top chaebols and wealthy families in various countries. In this case, why should Chen Mo be polite?

Of course, with so much money, Chen Mo had to pretend to satisfy the vanity of these customers.

In addition to experiencing orbital flight, the service content corresponding to the price of 100 million national dollars also includes accommodation in a 7-star hotel, physical examination, flight equipment, photos and video clips of the flight mission, astronaut flight training courses, etc.

If there is a need for a full live broadcast, it is not impossible, but that will be a different price.

Chen Mo also plans to launch his own "Moon Wedding" of the same style in the future, and the price...

I'm afraid only a handful of people in the world can afford it!

Perhaps in the future when the technology is particularly mature, this project can bring down the price, but currently, it may be difficult for ordinary people, even ordinary rich, to afford it in the next 50 years.

In addition to space tourism projects, Masik has also thoughtfully launched a relatively cheap "space funeral".

For only 10,000 Hegemonic coins, you can throw your body into space after death!

If there are really aliens in space and they happen to pick up your body, you still have a chance to be resurrected!

When people all over the world saw these tourism projects, they started to complain:

"This is too expensive!"

"The first two tourism projects can't even be considered space tourism. They just allow you to experience a parabolic flight! Do these cost 10,000 Hegemon coins?"

"My family's annual income is less than 5,000 national dollars. Are you crazy about money?"

"Please, everyone, you may not be able to afford the scenic spots in your own country or even your own city. What gives you the illusion that space tourism will be cheap?"

"The White Dragon King invested one or two trillion yuan in the moon landing technology! Do you think this money was wasted?"

"Let's break up. This trip is only for rich people."

"Rich people are not fools! I don't think rich people would take the risk of such a dangerous tourist project!"


Amidst the complaints and doubts, not long after, a pop-up message was pushed across the entire network on TT:

"The space tourism project launched by SpaceX has already been booked by 5,000 people around the world! Among them, the fourth tourism project worth 100 million national dollars has more than 3,000 people booked! Among them, there are many Qianhaolaiwu Superstar Tom Hans, well-known physicist Stephen Hawking, and Li Rong, the top executive of the Li family of Yin Yang Kingdom! The queue is currently 10 years away!"

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