Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1813 The Dragon King supports the spirit

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo followed the Huo family's motorcade to Huo Yingxiong's mourning hall under the farewell of a group of big shots.

Huo Yingxiong's mourning hall was decorated according to the highest standards. The tone was solemn and solemn. A large number of white chrysanthemums were covered in front of the portrait.

A row of wreaths made of green leaves were placed on both sides of the seats, the ground was covered with blue carpet, and a plaque in official script "In deep memory of Mr. Huo Yingxiong" was hung above the portrait.

At this time, there was an endless stream of people coming to the mourning hall to express their condolences.

The visitors are all the top industry leaders in the country!

The Hong Kong government also specially sent people to check the layout of the mourning hall. The maintenance carefully inspected every detail and told the staff not to be careless. They also brought a wreath sent by the emperor and placed it in a conspicuous place in the center of the mourning hall.

As soon as Chen Mo entered the door, countless big shots stood up and paid attention to him.

Chen Mo nodded slightly and walked over with a serious expression.

"Mr. Chen, you are here."

Dong Jianguo immediately came forward and held Chen Mo's hand.

"Are you here to express condolences too?" Chen Mo asked.

"No, I will preside over Mr. Huo's entire funeral ceremony.

He has made so many contributions to Hong Kong City, and I also want to see him off for the last time and express my feelings. "

Dong Jianguo sighed.


Chen Mo just nodded slightly and uttered one word, then walked quickly to Huo Yingxiong's coffin.

Standing in front of the coffin, Chen Mo's eyes were red and he bowed deeply: "Brother! I'm here to see you off on your last journey!"

Then, Chen Mo had someone send him an elegiac couplet written by himself: The strong wind knows the strong grass, the rough and sway knows the loyal ministers, Mr. Eternal!

At this time, Huo Zhenhua stepped forward and said, "Third uncle, when my father left, he left some words for me to say to you."

Chen Mo nodded: "Go ahead."

Huo Zhenhua said: "My father said that the preparation funds for the Olympics are still lacking, and a lot of manpower and material resources are needed to get through all the links. I hope you can take on this responsibility and fulfill his last wish."

Chen Mo was silent for a moment.

Because the various events in the Olympic Games are very expensive and not very profitable, they are purely for the sake of generating electricity for love.

When Chen Mo was reborn, the total budget cost of the Olympic Games was 150 billion Hegemony coins, but in actuality, the cost soared to 300 billion Hegemony coins!

Calculated according to the exchange rate at that time, that was close to 2.2 trillion Daxia coins! ! !

Even for the 2008 Olympics, the cost was much lower than more than ten years later.

The projects there are definitely not something that an individual can undertake.

The only person in Daxia who is willing to undertake Olympic projects is Mr. Huo.

To this end, the old man has spent more than 200 billion.

Because the old man knows that this is an opportunity for Daxia to show off its muscles, and an opportunity for foreigners to see the development of Daxia over the years!

Therefore, even if he sells the pot, he will help Daxia achieve this Olympics!

Everyone looked at Chen Mo lowering his head and thinking, and they all felt that this matter might be lost.

There is nothing wrong with businessmen pursuing profits.

No one is willing to do a loss-making business.

However, the next moment...

Chen Mo said loudly: "Go and help me contact the officials. All the funds for the subsequent Olympic Games will be borne by me, Chen Mo!

All manpower and material resources, Moyuan capital will be spent!

I will be responsible for all aspects of the process, except for the official ones! "

Of course, the condition is that Moyuan Capital becomes the general sponsor of the Olympic Games. In this way, naming rights can at least make up for some losses.

Huo Zhenhua's moved voice trembled: "Third uncle, I thank you on behalf of my father! Thank you for fulfilling this old man's last wish!"

Chen Mo waved his hand: "Don't thank me. Brother has already completed 70% to 80% of the preliminary work. All I have to do is finish the work.

Compared with your father, I am far behind.

Zhenhua, as well as Zhenyang and Zhenzhen, you three, listen, the Huo family will be left to you from now on. If you need help from your third uncle, just ask. "

"Thank you, uncle!"

Huo Zhenhua, Huo Zhendong and Huo Zhenyang burst into tears of gratitude at the same time.


Chen Mo nodded.

At this time, Tung Chee-hwa stepped forward and said, "Mr. Chen, the time has come. It's time to send Mr. Huo on his way."

Chen Mo nodded: "Okay, I will personally support my eldest brother's spirit and send him on his last journey."

Everyone was excited.

Originally, the Fuling Team was composed of business tycoons such as Zheng Yitong, Li Cheng, and Stanley Ho.

Now that Chen Mo has opened his mouth, these people have sent people to tell the Huo family: "My third brother is supporting the spirit. It is inconvenient for me to participate in this spirit-supporting team."

"The Dragon King supports the spirit...Brother Huo was truly rich and prosperous during his lifetime, but extremely sad and glorious after his death."

"Mr. Chen supports the soul, how am I qualified to stand next to him! If he alone supports the soul, it is worth the entire Hong Kong City business district!"

The Huo family breathed a sigh of relief and made a temporary change, changing the supporting team to Chen Mo alone.

On that day, in order to facilitate the smooth holding of the funeral, officials also closed some roads at 8:30 a.m., and many buses passing near the funeral home were required to take detours.

Ciling's funeral was held at 11 o'clock at noon. Huo Qigang, as the eldest grandson, wore an all-black gown, held his grandfather's portrait in both hands, and walked at the front with a serious expression, leading the entire funeral procession.

After that, there is Chen Mo who supports the spirit.

After that, there are the descendants of the Huo family.

At first, the Huo family even wanted Chen Mo to go to the front to give him enough face, but Chen Mo sternly refused.

After the entire funeral process was completed, Chen Mo personally shoveled the soil and laid his patriotic big brother to rest. Only then did he feel completely at ease.

At this time, although it was getting late, there was still an endless stream of people from all walks of life coming to pay their respects to Huo Yingxiong's tombstone.

Whether it was relatives, friends, former opponents, or even enemies, all of them sent Huo Yingxiong away on his last journey after his death, which is a testament to his high character!

Chen Mo was quite emotional:

"I wonder if I will be treated like this after I die."

Huo Zhendong said: "Third uncle, you have made so many contributions to Daxia, and your merits will last forever. Your treatment after death will definitely be higher than that of my father."

Chen Mo patted Huo Zhendong on the shoulder: "If I can see Daxia reach the top of the world before I die, then no one will care about me after my death, and I will be able to smile."

"Okay, you can go and receive the guests. There is no need to stay with me all the time."

Huo Zhendong nodded and left.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing glasses, a suit and leather shoes came forward and said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, I have something to tell you. I would like to take a step to speak."

Chen Mo looked at him doubtfully: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man smiled: "Let me introduce myself, my name is He Yaozhong, and I am the person in charge of Yaozhong Law Firm, a top law firm in Hong Kong.

He is also the private lawyer hired by Mr. Huo Yingxiong.

I'm looking for you because Mr. Huo has something he wants me to give to you. "

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