The next day.

Before the stock market opened, Falcon Group and Hollawood Capital both got ready and sat in front of the computer.

As soon as the stock market opened, the people in the Falcon Group were beating and smashing as usual!

The stock prices of 50 companies in Haolaiwu Circle opened low and continued to fall.

Seeing that the stock price is about to fall to the bottom!

All these bosses are in a hurry!

"William, when will the foundation's help arrive?"

"I'm going to go bankrupt if this keeps up!!!"


William Smith was also very anxious and said: "Why are you shouting so loudly? My company's stock price is also falling! Am I not anxious?"

"Everyone calm down first. The decline in the stock price is not large anymore and will soon level off. This shows that Chen Mo's short-selling funds are no longer entering the market."

This sentence is true.

Because Chen Mo's funds today mainly want to deal with the film and television companies in the Haolaiwu circle, and he no longer wants to deal with these petty peripheral companies.

After hearing this, all the bosses calmed down a little.

Indeed, as William said, the stock price has leveled off.

Although the stock price plummeted by nearly 70 or 80%, it did not go bankrupt at least, and the short-seller funds subsequently retreated and left the market. As long as the foundation launched their big move and drove Chen Mo away, they still had hope to pull the stock price back up.

However, just when the bosses felt a little relieved and thought that the matter was going to be over...

On the computer screen, suddenly a big negative line pulled downwards! ! ! !

Stock prices are plummeting! ! !

The stock price of the company shorted by Chen Mo, which had been flattening out, actually staged a crazy decline again! ! !

"What happened?"

"Chen Mo! It's Chen Mo who has stepped up his game again!!!"

"Chen Mo has paid, and he is going to use the money to bankrupt us!!!"

"Damn it, why is Chen Mo such a bastard?! I've already cut him to the heel, isn't that enough?"


at the same time.

In the Shelton Hotel.

In the hall, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, sunlight shines through the glass on the sofa and dining table.

At this time, a thirty-year-old beautiful woman wearing a high-slit cheongsam came over and said with a sweet smile: "Mr. Chen, what would you like to eat today?"

The beautiful woman is the manager of the Sheldon Hotel.

Because this place is very close to the Moxin Building, the hotel deliberately changed the manager to a Daxia person in order to please Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said calmly: "I want to eat something light today, I'm very angry today."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman nodded, said nothing, and retreated.

Feng Ya beside him said: "Mr. Chen, someone has followed the trend and shorted the market, and the amount of funds is huge. The stock prices of those 50 companies have almost dropped to the point of delisting."

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then laughed mockingly: "How ironic. Before I started in a hurry, the people from the foundation couldn't help but want to shear the sheep."

"Forget it, let them go dog-eat-dog. Anyway, my target has never been these small companies!"

Feng Ya nodded: "It's a big joke to inject this capital into shorting one's own stock price."

"What would these bosses think if they knew that they had been treated like dogs and that people were still focusing on their fat body?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "If you want to notify them, just let someone notify them. Some companies are irrelevant."

At this time, the beautiful manager walked over with her long legs and slender waist, pushing a cart of delicious food.

"Mr. Chen, this is a dish we specially invited the top chef from Daxia Kingdom to prepare according to your taste.

The main dish is the "Boiling Water Cabbage". "

As she spoke, the beautiful woman brought out a plate of food.

Looking over, four or five spread leaves set off a large water lily-like cabbage heart in the middle. The stems and leaves are as new as new, with no trace of cooking or blanching, just like a fresh cabbage; and that one A basin of clear soup, no oil, no color.

Feng Ya was quite curious and asked: "Can boiled cabbage be served on the table of the Shelton Hotel?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "This boiling water is not ordinary boiling water, and the cabbage is not ordinary cabbage."

"Chinese cabbage is not cooked, but blanched. Use a large spoon to ladle warm soup over the cabbage and pour it over repeatedly until the outermost layer of stems is completely cooked and soft. Only then can you put the cabbage into the soup basin, and then put it into the soup basin. Slowly ladle in the hot soup."

"As for this soup, it is even more difficult to stew. It requires the use of two authentic old hens from Jiangbei, black pork stick bones, tube bones, chicken breasts and lean meat, as well as countless fresh and exquisite ingredients such as scallops. It requires complicated processes and slow stewing for half a month to make it.”

As he spoke, Chen Mo gently took a spoonful of soup and put it into his mouth.

A faint sweetness and fresh fragrance spread slowly in the mouth, which greatly increases appetite and leaves endless aftertaste.

"It tastes good, but it's a pity that the orthodox state banquet method was not used. The soup should be simmered within 24 hours."

Chen Mo wiped his mouth and said calmly.

The beautiful manager was stunned at first, and then said helplessly: "Mr. Chen is so talkative! I can't even hide this from you. Because the work was done in a hurry, the master couldn't spare half a month to do it. Next time, please tell me in advance, Our hotel will definitely make you the most authentic boiled cabbage!”

Chen Mo smiled and shook his head: "No need, this is already delicious."

"In my opinion, it's a bit pretentious to ask a master chef to spend half a month making soup just for a slight surprise."

After the food was all served, Chen Mo was enjoying it while facing the camera and commanding: "The food is all here, Han Li, let the people in the Falcon Team start preparing to enjoy the gluttonous feast!"

Han Li chuckled: "Copy that!"

Immediately afterwards, the big traders from all over Daxia received the long-awaited order!

"Falcon Group No. 1 to No. 50, prepare to divest funds and move targets!"

"Falcon Group No. 51 to 100, targeting 50 film and television companies in Haolaiwu Circle, direction, short selling with all our strength!!!"

"100 falconers, please enjoy your feast!"

Conference room on the top floor of Haolaiwu Building.

William Smith and other 50 company bosses were on pins and needles at the moment, all trembling.

Because the short-selling funds at the opening of the market today actually increased instead of decreasing! ! !

At this moment, their company's stock price has been forced down to 90%, and it is on the verge of delisting!

Not only that, there are a lot of bad news today!

All the dirty stuff about many companies has been exposed.

What makes William and others very confused is that only they themselves know these black materials, and there is absolutely no way Chen Mo can find out!

From what channel did Chen Mo obtain this dirty information?

"What should I do? The bad news seems to have never stopped, and short-selling funds are still increasing!"

"Is Chen Mo crazy? He can't make any money with this short selling method!"

"Mr. Smith, please find someone from the foundation as soon as possible!"

William Smith had no choice but to nod: "I will contact Mr. Egger right away."

However, he just made the call.

At the door of the conference room, a phone rang...

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