Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1736 Shared Bike War (5)

There is a cycle to doing shared bicycles, and it will take half a month if you do it quickly.

After May, after Gong Zili's factory received the order, the Little Blue Car Company told her within a few days that the products would be delivered by a certain date, and any products not delivered later would be discarded.

Gong Zili had no time to turn around at this pace, and by May, the batch of production equipment she purchased had just arrived.

After communicating with the Little Blue Car Company, the other party reluctantly agreed to lower the unit price and continue purchasing.

Just like that, Gong Zili almost gritted her teeth and worked until September.

During this period, Little Blue Car's products were constantly adjusted, causing the demand for the cars to change accordingly. Later, Little Blue Car simply made a major adjustment in demand.

This adjustment in demand almost cost Gong Zili half her life.

The 300,000 bicycles just produced have almost become scrap metal, and the dozens of newly purchased production equipment can only sit idle.

Gong Zili carried huge losses and kept persevering!

Because there is news that the Little Blue Car Company is about to go public in Overlord!

Once it is successfully listed, it will replace TT Company and become the giant company with the largest market value in the country! ! !

Gong Zili believes that at that time, it is a good time to list the factory to cash out.

But at this moment...

Green Orange Bicycle, Rice Ball Bicycle and Hello Bicycle were born!

The main focus is fashion, comfort, big data delivery, and differentiated competition!

As soon as these three companies came out, users went crazy to refund their deposits.

The little blue car looked like the building was about to collapse.



You can’t get your deposit back, but you still want to go public?

After listing, how could any fool buy the stock?

Nowadays, the market of Little Blue Car Company is sluggish, and the order volume has dropped from the peak to 0 without any excess!

Gong Zili felt like the sky was falling!

Now the bank is urging her to repay the loan every day.

Workers' wages cannot be paid.

There are just a bunch of squeezed bicycles in the factory that cannot be sold.

Gong Zili didn't know what to do at all.

I feel like I've made a mess, I've been busy for so long in vain, and I'm still in debt.

When Gong Zili first started her business, she thought that the worst possible outcome would be to simply go bankrupt and liquidate her business. Anyway, she could continue to be a rich second generation when she returned home.

But when it came time to start business, she faced so many workers every day and so many partners who worked hard with her.

That invisible sense of responsibility made Gong Zili realize that it was not as simple as she thought!

Unless you really have no conscience at all and can be so cruel as to treat all the people who work hard for you as nothing.

Otherwise, as long as you are a normal person with normal views, you cannot easily say that you should close down.

"Mr. Palace, my wages have been in arrears for a long time. Can I be paid this month?"

The deputy director asked Gong Zili helplessly.

He knew very well the condition of the factory and there was a high probability that wages would not be paid.

"I'm looking for a lawyer to sue the Little Blue Car Company and require Little Blue Car to pay our debt!" Gong Zili said with blood-red eyes.

The deputy factory director sighed and said: "Mr. Gong, it's useless to sue. As far as I know, not only is our factory owed money by Xiaolan Che, but also the old bicycle manufacturers such as Phoenix and Feige are facing tens of millions. Or even hundreds of millions in arrears.”

"Just this month alone, these established manufacturers have sued Little Blue Car Company and demanded a total payment of 1.2 billion!"

"Now the word for Little Blue Car is - drag! I'm afraid this lawsuit won't be completed until five or six years. By then, we will have gone bankrupt!"

When Gong Zili heard this, she collapsed on the chair, her face pale.

"Mr. Gong, if it really doesn't work... you should file for bankruptcy and liquidation. The things in the factory can be sold as much as you want. If you continue to delay, you will only owe more and more," the deputy director reminded.

"No, there are so many people relying on the factory to support their families. Even if the factory goes bankrupt, I have to pay my wages before it goes bankrupt!

I'll think of another way. "

Gong Zili found a deserted corner and smoked one cigarette after another with a decadent expression.

After thinking about it, Gong Zili silently took out her mobile phone and clicked on Chen Mo's phone number.

"Am I going to beg him in the end?"

Gong Zili was unwilling to give in.

She tried to call the number several times, but in the end she couldn't muster up the courage. She felt embarrassed.

Then, she found another phone number.

This is the phone number of a financial company owner named Hu Xin.

This man was interested in Gong Zili before, but Gong Zili looked down on him.

If she had no other choice, Gong Zili would never want to ask this bald boss for help.

Aster Building.

Chen Mo's office.

Gong Ziyuan was still more concerned about Gong Zili. She went to Chen Mo and asked, "Lili's factory should be going bankrupt soon. Husband, why did you predict at the very beginning that her factory would not do well?"

Chen Mo smiled and touched Gong Ziyuan's head: "A normal product must go through several trial productions before we can actually mass-produce it, and we must simulate the actual use. Only when there are no problems can we dare to mass-produce it; Internet The company's approach is to come up first and try it first, and then make changes if it doesn't work. However, this leads to conflicts in the front and rear links.

Even without the three bicycle companies I run, it would have been a matter of time before her factory was hit by a thunderstorm. "

Gong Ziyuan said worriedly: "I see that Lili is in a bad state recently. She smokes heavily and often drinks too much. Well... Husband, can I ask you a favor?"

Chen Mo: "Hey, hey! How many times have I told you, don't use the word "begging" between husband and wife! "

Gong Ziyuan smiled warmly: "I think Lili must have suffered enough this time and experienced the setbacks of starting a business. If she comes to beg us, can we help her pay off her debt?"

Although Gong Ziyuan was rich and had the ability to help Gong Zili, she still had to discuss it with Chen Mo because she had to spend so much money all at once.

If Chen Mo said no, Gong Ziyuan would never pay for it!

Now she and Chen Mo are a family, and there is no reason to allow cracks in her family for other people's sake.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "It's just a debt of more than 5 billion. If it can buy my wife peace of mind, I think it's worth it."

Gong Ziyuan was so moved that she knelt down in front of Chen Mo on the spot.

At this moment, Chen Mo's cell phone rang, and it was a message from Gong Zili.

Gong Zili: "Are you there?"

Chen Mo: "Not here. Ask again to block me."

Gong Zili: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Gong Zili sent another message: "Chen Mo, if, I mean if, I ask you to borrow some money, but with interest, will you lend it to me?"

Chen Mo even laughed.

The factory is about to go bankrupt, and you still want to borrow money to counterattack?

He replied without hesitation: "I don't feel bad if your sister spends one trillion yuan on me. As for you... I'm sorry, I won't even borrow a dollar!"

After Gong Zili saw it, her face reflected on the phone screen was full of tears.

a long time.

Gong Zili sent a message: "I understand, thank you brother-in-law."

Turning around, Gong Zili dialed Hu Xin's phone number...

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