Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1706 Good things are done

With this question in mind, Bezos convened another meeting with managers.

I didn't expect a good solution, but the result of this meeting surprised Bezos.

A middle-level manager who had just joined the company made a suggestion: "The current model of Letou is to provide traffic and act as a platform, but the bulk of the profits lies with the wholesalers and sellers."

"We can't expand the scale as a seller, so we can only find a way from the source of goods."

“My idea is that if we can scale up the products sold by Letao, conduct unified procurement of goods, and deliver the goods to sellers at a cheaper price.

We even bought some supply wholesalers' factories and started wholesale business ourselves, so that we can make profits from the five aspects of supply, sellers, platforms, express delivery, and buyers! "

Bezos was fascinated by what he heard and immediately exclaimed: "This is a great idea! Now our seller volume is very large, we are definitely qualified to negotiate with those wholesalers and get the goods at the same price!"

"In the early stage, not only can we negotiate the price, but we can also ask the factory to come up with special styles for us!"

Counterfeit manufacturers may imitate hundreds of styles of clothing every year. In the past, these products would flow directly to clothing markets across the country.

What Bezos means is to directly negotiate with the factory in the name of all sellers and ask the factory to free up 50% of the style production capacity specifically for Ledu.

And these 50% styles can only be purchased through Letou and cannot be purchased through any other channels.

In this way, Letou's user stickiness will be greatly improved. After all, exclusive products are always easier to attract users.

Bezos became more and more excited as he talked: "If this path works, we will build our own factory in the future and integrate production and sales! We won't let middlemen make the difference!"

Jon frowned and said: "Boss, I think this is too risky. According to the existing laws of Daxia, if sellers on our platform sell counterfeit goods, if they are really investigated, the platform's responsibility will be very small. If it lasts, it will be fined dozens of times." Mando was considered a top penalty.

But if we are involved in the manufacturing and wholesale links, the nature will change. "

Bezos immediately said: "Don't worry about this, I've considered it. We have many shell companies in our hands. Let's find a shell company whose legal person and shareholders we don't know, and let this company cut off all ties with us. I am just responsible for picking up the goods from the factory and sending them to various sellers in Letao through logistics.”

"Once the shell company is traced in the future, we will give up immediately. Anyway, we have no legal relationship with this company, and the officials can't investigate it. And I will not deposit funds in this company's account. Even if it goes bankrupt, then There is no loss.”

Jon hesitated: "But..."

Bezos interrupted directly: “Official authorities now generally give emerging industries a very wide space for development, and will only impose appropriate controls when the time is right.

E-commerce has only been around for more than a year, and the authorities will definitely not control it. According to my prediction, this industry will continue to grow wildly for at least 4 years before the authorities will stop regulating it. "

"To say the least, we are a foreign-funded enterprise, and Daxia is extremely cautious in imposing penalties on foreign-funded enterprises.

I know what you're worried about. Don't worry, of course I can't stay in this business forever. I will be like what I did with Amazon, first accumulate enough users, and then transform when the time comes, and then replace Dibao in one fell swoop!

Of course we can’t be a fake for the rest of our lives! "

In 2005, there were a lot of Internet people like Bezos who were immoral and did sideways things.

Especially for a large number of individual webmasters, they start by relying on various eye-catching pictures and content to attract traffic. When the traffic has accumulated enough, they will delete all previous content and launch their own original business and content. You can take a large number of traffic and users on a road to heaven.

The most representative ones are various pirated music, movie and novel websites.

There is no cost to pirate these things, and the relevant laws have not been introduced, so they use crawlers to crawl a lot of pirated content and give it to users for free on the Internet to make huge profits.

After they have enough users and traffic, they will either choose to be acquired and take the money to get out, or they will spend money to build a content team and transform themselves into a legitimate content website, erasing all their previous dark history.

Under a normal historical trajectory, as Bezos expected, after about five years, e-commerce has passed the barbaric development stage, and all aspects have become mature, and only then will officials step in to correct mistakes and remove the dregs. Take the essence and leave a healthy industrial model.

This is Daxia's consistent attitude towards emerging industries, because any emerging industry must be given a chance to make mistakes. Once it is not given any chance to make mistakes and is harshly intervened and managed from the beginning, then this industry will most likely die from the beginning. It’s warped.

Bezos thought he knew the management rules of Daxia very well, but he never expected that Chen Mo had already secretly intervened, collected evidence, and was preparing to take action against him.

Seeing that he couldn't defeat Bezos, Jon nodded and said: "Boss, as long as you pay attention to all aspects, then I have nothing to say."

Bezos nodded with satisfaction.

You'd be right to pay more attention, and Bezos wouldn't be angry with Jon.

"What's your name?" Bezos turned to look at the middle manager and asked.

"Boss, my name is Hao Ren." Hao Ren said with a smile.

Bezos; "This suggestion you made is good. I have adopted it. I will ask Jon to take you to finish this matter for me in the next two days!"

Hao Ren: "ok!"

Two days later.

Not only did Hao Ren and Qiao Qiao secure the special payment for LeDou, they even acquired two factories that produce clothing!

"Why did things go so smoothly? When I came to Daxia, it never went so smoothly." Jon said slightly suspiciously.

"Haha, wouldn't it be better if things went smoothly? Do you have to stumble and break your head to get things done before you feel comfortable?

Boss, there is a saying in our Daxia country called "No Ji Tai Lai", which means that when bad luck comes to an end, good luck will come.

We have been fighting with Chen Mo for so long, and we have always been unlucky, and now it's called Fu Jitai! Hao Ren said with a grin.

After hearing this, Jon relaxed and said, "You're right. Hao Ren, you are such a good person. It would have taken a lot of effort for your company to accomplish this matter without your company."

Hao Ren laughed and said, "That's right. With Le's salary, of course we have to do our best.

To me, this is called "eating the emperor's salary, being loyal to the emperor, and worrying about the emperor's worries"! "

Jon patted Hao Ren on the shoulder: "It would be great if all the executives in our company had your level of awareness and ability!"

Hao Ren smiled and said nothing.

After Jon left, Hao Ren walked to a deserted corner, took out an encrypted mobile phone, and sent a text message: "The good thing is done!"

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