Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1693 Lying on the railing, listening to the wind and rain, waiting for the storm to come

Bezos was very satisfied with the outcome of this meeting.

Because large companies have many people and complex departments, orders are passed down from the top, one floor after another, and eventually there can be dozens of floors.

Once the management is not united, it is likely that the matter will change in flavor if it spreads.

Now that things are better, people are united, and work efficiency will naturally be higher.

“Boss, your idea is good, but we don’t have a list of sellers who have been cut off from the market.

Even if we want to contact them, I am afraid that Dabao will try their best to stop us. " Jon said.

"This is easy to handle!"

Bezos grinned: "Chen Mo shouldn't be greedy for this honor! He handed over a list above, which is probably the "death list" that led to the collapse of Dabao! "

Then, Bezos called Shang Li.

When Shang Li received the call, he was still very vigilant: "Why does Mr. Bezos have time to call me?"

Bezos: "I would like to ask Mr. Shang for a favor."

Shang Li hurriedly said: "I've been busy recently with the listing of Little Blue Car Company and its overseas expansion. The capital chain is relatively tight. If I borrow money, I'm afraid I won't be able to help much."

Bezos rolled his eyes almost to the sky.

How could anyone so bluntly refuse a partner’s loan?

Aren't you afraid that people will hold grudges and ruin your listing?

Bezos suppressed his anger: "Our capital chain is okay and we don't need to borrow money. I want Mr. Shang to help get a list. It's the list that Dabao handed over."

When Shang Li heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and immediately changed into another mask: "So that's it! This is simple! It's all on me! We are partners. From now on, the foundation will unify the world and we will all be one family." .

Doing you a favor is doing myself a favor, right? "

Bezos' mouth twitched: "Yes, Mr. Shang said so."

Shang Li: "Just wait, I'll find someone to get the list immediately!"

Not long after, Shang Li relied on his connections to get the submitted list.

On this list, a total of 5,623 Diobao stores are listed, all of which have been closed by Diobao.

The information in the list is very comprehensive, including the store name, registration time, number of users, amount of counterfeit goods sold, order number, sales quantity, and even the store manager’s ID number and contact number.

Bezos asked 10 people to be randomly selected for verification, and all the information was correct.

This list is indeed the list that Chen Mo submitted!

"I just went to ask for the list, and I got some information, saying that taking out treasures will normalize the crackdown on counterfeiting, and the second and third batches of lists will be handed in soon."

“Due to this crackdown on counterfeiting, the loss of Dabao is at least tens of billions. This is not the most important thing. The main reason is that the traffic loss of Dabao is very serious.

Because of this, the official gave Dibao tax incentives and the title of advanced anti-counterfeiting platform. "

Shang Li said.

Bezos couldn't help but be happy: "You Daxia people really like false fame! What are the worth of those shabby honors given by the official?"

"Chen Mo thinks that cracking down on counterfeit goods is a positive thing, but everyone in the e-commerce industry thinks that his move is so stinky that it stuns beyond recognition!"

Shang Li said with great interest: "Listen to this, Mr. Bezos has found a way to defeat Chen Mo?"

Bezos said with some pride: "It is absolutely impossible to defeat us in the short term, but in the medium term, differentiation and treasure hunting coexist, and there is great hope to erode the market and replace it in the long term."

Shang Li: "Awesome! Then I hope Mr. Bezos can be like me and make Chen Mo suffer a big loss!"

It was quite uncomfortable for Bezos to be pretended by someone like Shang Li.

But the list is coming, Bezos' goal has been achieved, and that's enough.

Taking the list, Bezos immediately ordered Jon: "Hurry up and make arrangements. Let the people in the operations department contact these store owners as soon as possible, and be sure to persuade them to open a store in Leda."

Jon nodded: "Boss, how should we communicate with these sellers? For example, what kind of policies should we give them, and how to ensure that they can operate on our platform with confidence?

After all, we are a big company, and we certainly cannot clearly state that it is absolutely fine if you come to my platform to sell fakes. We will ignore such remarks, so as not to leave any clues. "

Bezos smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. Just tell them that we don't engage in the trap of collecting treasures, and we will not interfere in any way with the goods sold by sellers. As long as we don't sell goods prohibited by state orders, everything else will be fine." ."

Jon: "Do you think it's okay for me to say this?"

"First, we will not replace the state agencies in controlling and rectifying platform sellers; second, we absolutely respect every seller and will never ban any Leda online store as long as it does not violate the law."

Bezos nodded with satisfaction: "That's a good summary."

Jon: "Actually, it's better to recruit the boss you want. The anti-counterfeiting campaign of Dabao is certainly a good thing, but it is too strong and bans stores at will. It is definitely taboo to put them on any e-commerce platform! Especially those that sell a lot of goods. The online store is simply not very good.

Not only will you suffer huge losses, but it will also cause many sellers to worry. "

Bezos nodded: "Yes, we are now accepting this group of sellers, and we can also provide a very good image in the minds of the sellers, letting them know that we are the ones who truly respect them.

In this way, they will be subconsciously separated from Taobao, and they will keep paying attention to us unknowingly, leaving a way out for themselves.

Later, if we take out the treasure and do something outrageous, we will definitely cause a large number of sellers to flee! "

Bezos: "First draw these sellers over, and then use them to sow discord among the seller group. At the same time, we will use means to slowly demonize and publicize various actions of taking out treasures. If we continue to do these tricks, as long as we find them later, A counterattack can be achieved with just one counterattack point!”

Aster Building.

Ma Fu Bao knocked on the door of Chen Mo's office, came in with a smile and said: "Mr. Chen, the third master of the "Parent-Teacher Association" sent information that the list has been successfully "conveyed" to Bezos. "

Chen Mo nodded, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Bezos probably thought that the list that he had worked so hard to obtain was the credit of the merchant."

"By the way, has Bezos taken action?"

"Here we go." Ma Fubao said with a smile: "The fake shop owner we placed on the list received a call from Letou Operations four hours after the list was circulated."

Chen Mo asked: "What does the operation over there say?"

Ma Fubao repeated the two points summarized by Jon to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo laughed loudly when he heard this: "Sure enough, Boss Bei is truly the godfather of e-commerce. He can keenly seize any opportunity and rack his brains to use it to turn over."

Ma Fu Bao was also happy to say: "Leda is really efficient at doing things. At this rate, all the store managers on the list will probably switch jobs to Leda within a few days.

It won’t be long before LeDou becomes the largest counterfeit goods sales platform in the country.

By then, if as you expected, the country has promulgated new laws to supervise the sale of counterfeit goods in e-commerce, then Leda will definitely not be able to escape the crime of condoning the sale of counterfeit goods! "

Chen Mo also lamented: "The business war between Internet companies is really difficult.

When you think it is an advantage, the opponent is likely to come up with some innovation to counterattack you.

Until the last moment, no one is sure that he is the winner.

It's even possible that the two of you are fighting here, and suddenly a third or fourth person comes out to disrupt the situation, and they win in the end. "

"Unlike the stock market or the futures market, a win is a win and a loss is a loss. In the short term, everyone uses up all their chips and knows the winner or loser without waiting for the results. And one of the long and short parties must die. Simple and clear."

Ma Fubao said with a smile: "If the business war is as concise and clear as the stock war, and the process is simple and rough, then I guess all the big companies in the world will be run by our family."

Chen Mo laughed: "Yes."

After a pause, Chen Mo continued: "Bezos is definitely sure that Daxia officials will not introduce laws to crack down on counterfeiting in the short term, so he thinks it is a foolish move for us to cut off the meat and crack down on counterfeiting."

"This gave him a chance. I'm afraid he is still laughing and calling me a fool in the company now. He definitely doesn't realize that I am using this trick to dig a hole for him!"

"Now, we just have to lie on the railing and listen to the wind and rain, waiting for the storm to come!"

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