"What's going on? Another order?"

Wang Liang was not only stunned when he saw the crazy flashing TT, Xinbiquge

In the past, even on the days when popular products were released, there was almost no business after 12 o'clock, and there were even fewer people consulting. Therefore, young couples usually went to bed after 12 o'clock.

But I didn’t expect that after 12 o’clock tonight, so many people came to consult!

"Boss, is your celebrity-style dress authentic?"

“What’s the largest size for this skirt?”

"I'm 155cm tall and weigh 155cm. Can I fit it?"


What makes Wang Liang and Xiao Churan even more strange is that the large number of buyers who poured into his store were all inquiring about the best dress recently sold in the store.

This skirt is the same style that Xiao Churan carefully selected for celebrities. It sells for 299 yuan. The quality, workmanship and materials are very exquisite. It looks great when worn and shows off your figure. It is completely different from the high-end imitations and street stalls from other stores.

This is a product that Xiao Churan thinks can become the next hit, or even a big hit.

However, contrary to expectations, more than 1,000 pieces of this skirt were sold in a week.

Only a sales volume of 2,000 pieces is considered a small hit, a hit model is more than 10,000 pieces, and a big hit model must be 50,000 pieces. As for a super hit model with monthly sales of 100,000+, Xiao Churan never dared to think about it.

After all, no small and medium-sized sellers have ever produced those super popular items. They are all created by top brands through various marketing operations.

Xiao Churan believes that if he can create a big hit in his lifetime, he will die without regrets.

"Ding! You have a new order!"

When the young couple was wondering where so many people were inquiring about the skirt, suddenly the voice of a buyer placing an order came from the speaker.

Immediately afterwards...

"Ding! You have a new order!"

"Ding! You have a new order!"

"Ding! You have a new order!"


The continuous flow of order information made it difficult for the speakers to send out prompts. Before the last prompt had finished playing, the next four or five orders had already covered it.

"What's going on? I went there and 1,321 people placed orders for this skirt in just 10 minutes?!"

Wang Liang looked at the backstage in shock and said in shock.

"Isn't it because the system has a seizure?" Xiao Churan said in disbelief.

However, the two asked several users who placed orders and confirmed that there were no problems.

"Honey...are you still sleeping?"

Wang Liang asked confusedly.

"Go to sleep! Here's your chance to make a hit!!!"

What the young couple never expected was that a gust of wind came from nowhere and brought in a large number of buyers. The background kept prompting them with transaction orders, causing the two of them to sleepless nights and struggled until 11 a.m. .

"How many pieces have been sold?"

Wang Liang was not sleepy at all, but was very excited and asked.

"Let me check... 14,252 items!"

Xiao Churan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he said in horror: "Old, old, old... husband... please check again, did I enter it wrong?"

Wang Liang, who had panda eyes, quickly checked the computer screen: "That's right, wife, we sold nearly 15,000 pieces in one night!!! It's a record!!!"

No wonder Xiao Churan couldn't believe it.

Among the several popular models she has made before, the one with the highest cumulative sales volume was just over 12,000 pieces, and that was still monthly sales.

Now this dress has broken this record in one night and less than 12 hours!

It's almost like a dream!

Xiao Churan sat in front of the computer, counted it over and over again, and then used the computer to calculate it several times!

The combined sales of these skirts are more than 4.5 million yuan! And the profit was more than 750,000 yuan! ! !

Over 4.5 million yuan worth of goods were sold overnight, and the profit was close to 750,000 yuan! ! ! !

The young couple was stunned by the huge surprise and completely overwhelmed.

what's the situation?

What's going on?

Money is falling from the sky?

The two of them were excited, but also puzzled.

The sudden influx of huge traffic is simply incredible, right?

He made a profit of 750,000 yuan in one night. This night's harvest was worth the total profit he had made since opening the store!

Wang Liang and Xiao Churan didn't know where these buyers who appeared out of thin air came from, but they knew very well that they must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make money!

Especially Xiao Churan, knowing that this may be an opportunity to make a big hit. Once this opportunity is missed, the next time will be unknown.

The young couple quickly split up.

Xiao Churan urgently called the clothing factory that produced the skirt and directly ordered 20,000 pieces. He also ordered a batch of accessories to match the skirt, which were associated with the skirt's link.

Wang Liang urgently recruited a group of part-time employees as customer service and delivery helpers. While he continued to keep an eye on the treasures, he led people to deliver goods to more than 10,000 buyers.

Coincidentally, Niu Xiaowei is also selling goods from this clothing factory.

He customized a batch of ADI-like pullovers in this factory, completely copying other people's designs, and even the brands were labeled ADI.

The purchase price is only 50 yuan, but he dares to charge 150 yuan in the online store, and the sales are very good.

Niu Xiaowei has been focusing on promoting this style of clothing these days, and the sales are booming.

In the early morning, he called an acquaintance in the clothing factory and said in a coaxing voice: "Old Ma, hey, Old Ma! Prepare 2,000 pieces for me of the same product I bought last time. I’ll pick it up in the afternoon!”

2,000 pieces, this is already the sales volume of a small hit model!

The profit is enough to reach 200,000!

Niu Xiaowei was quite complacent.

Usually when I look for Lao Ma to buy goods, if I buy more than 1,000 pieces, Lao Ma will be amazed and compliment me.

After all, with so much goods coming in, the clothing factory can also drink a lot of soup.

This time he imported 2,000 pieces in one breath. I think Lao Ma would be so surprised that he couldn't close his legs!

Niu Xiaowei even thought about which restaurant Lao Ma would treat him to for dinner today.

After all, after giving Lao Ma so much business, it is right for Lao Ma to pay some blood.

But Niu Xiaowei never expected that instead of complimenting him this time, Lao Ma had a very cold attitude:

"Sorry, Boss Niu, the factory's production capacity is not enough, so I can't take your order."

Niu Xiaowei was stunned: "The production capacity is not enough? Are you kidding? This is a big order of 2,000 pieces! Won't you let other small orders move back?"

But what Lao Ma said made Niu Xiaowei unable to believe it:

"Boss Niu, the wife of your fellow countryman named Wang Liang just called me and wants to order 20,000 dresses from us!"

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