Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1653: All the big moves of the dragnet are launched

On the same day, the Hongxing processing plant started working again and started producing Panda sugar-free series of drinks with full power.

At the same time, Panda Express has removed all Keko sugar-free series from the shelves and re-launched Panda drinks.

TV stations and media that had previously cooperated with Panda Beverage also received Panda Beverage's invitation to renew their cooperation and re-advertised their contract renewal.

With such a high-profile action, it is difficult not to attract the attention of the staff of Kekou Company!

Office of the President of Coca-Cola Company.

The assistant reported these situations to James urgently.

"Boss, aren't these actions of Panda Drink too weird? When our sugar-free series was first launched, they didn't do it. Now they are almost bankrupt and they start doing it again?

Isn't this crazy? "

The assistant said amusedly.

James frowned deeply: "When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. What kind of medicine is Chen Mo selling in this gourd?"

James can’t understand!

These days, the Coca-Cola OEM factory is at full capacity, producing billions of cans of sugar-free series in a day, and producing goods needed by more than 100 countries around the world in just a few days. The dealers have also signed cooperation agreements, so Waiting to get the goods to sell!

It can be said that all the market share has been taken by Coca-Cola. Any further actions you, Chen Mo, take will be in vain! No matter how much money you spend, it’s all in vain!

Then why does Chen Mo still do this?

Too much money to burn?

James felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Because according to his understanding, Chen Mo is not the kind of person who does useless work!

At this moment, the person in charge of the public relations department rushed in angrily:

"President, something big happened!!!"

James's heart skipped a beat: "What happened? Don't panic. Speak slowly!"

The person in charge of the public relations department trembled and said: "Some cancer patients have reported us, saying that our products caused their cancer, and demanding that we pay exorbitant medical bills!"

James said amusedly: "Isn't this nonsense? Wouldn't it be better to just ask the Legal Department to sue him for defamation?"

Head of the Public Relations Department: "But...there are too many people reporting...more than 1,000 people!"

James' eyes suddenly widened: "What?!"

If several people report it, you can counter-claim that the other party is defaming.

But if 1,000 people come to report it, you absolutely cannot handle it like this!

These people all have their own "vulnerable group buff". If they are not handled well, it will bring about a public opinion crisis! ! !

James thought for a while and said: "Someone must be deliberately stirring up trouble. Go and ask the leader of this group of people to talk to us and see what their specific conditions are. If it can be handled with a few million, then the money will be directly Just give it to him.”

The person in charge of the public relations department shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The first demand of this group of people is compensation, the second is that Coca-Cola executives apologize to them in front of the media, and the third is that we admit product defects and immediately remove all sugar-free products from the shelves. .

They are coming with such ferocity that the whole city has become aware of it. I'm afraid I can't handle even a few million. "

James said angrily: "If that doesn't work, just file a lawsuit directly. I don't believe they can win! Can any cat or dog blackmail us? Don't forget, we are the most valuable asset of the hegemony!!!"

However, the next moment, the vice president hurried in with a laptop.

He gasped: "James, look at this quickly!!!"

James frowned and looked at the computer screen.

Displayed above is the latest news released by the World Health Organization.

Just reading the title made James break out in a cold sweat!

"The latest experiments show that aspartame can cause a variety of cancers and is classified as a new carcinogenic additive by the WHO."

The content is the experiment performed by Claire.

The general meaning is that mice that ate food containing aspartame developed a variety of cancers, especially bladder cancer, with an incidence rate as high as 5%! ! !

The combined total cancer incidence rate is as high as 14%! ! !

This is dozens of times more frightening than the incidence rate of the highest level Level 1 carcinogens! ! !

With such an outrageous incidence rate, who wouldn’t get trembling after seeing it?

"Who did this experiment? I don't admit it!!! Immediately issue an announcement saying that the experimental data is too outrageous and we demand a confrontation with the experimenter!

We must not cause panic among consumers, otherwise we will be doomed! ! ! "

James growled.

The company has just spent 1 trillion to build a factory and hundreds of billions more on marketing. Contracts in more than 100 countries have been signed!

If consumers panic at this time and stop buying the company's products, it will be all over!

Vice President: “Okay, I’ll do it right away!”

After the vice president left, James felt as if there was a big stone stuck in his heart, and he couldn't breathe evenly.

"I still underestimated this bastard Chen Mo! He was too cruel!"

It is foreseeable that Chen Mo will definitely carry out a large-scale operation based on patient reports and news from the WHO to arouse consumers' distrust of the Kekou sugar-free series.

By then, Keko Company will have to give up at least 30% of its market share!

This 30% market share alone can not only bring Panda Beverage back to life, it can even make it the second largest beverage company in the world! ! !

"damn it!!!"

The more James thought about it, the angrier he became, and he smashed his fist against the wall angrily.

The assistant consoled him: "Boss, don't be angry. Even so, we are still the only one. Don't forget, Chen Mo's Hongxing processing plant is in a state of paralysis. If you want to free up production capacity to take our market share, it is simply impossible." impossible!"

James felt better now: "You are right, now Panda Drinks must find a huge foundry if it wants to mass-produce it.

We are the only foundry of this size in the world.

But no matter how much the loss is, I will never give any production capacity to Panda! ! ! I just want to choke him! ! ! "

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

At this moment, the office door was knocked again.

James cursed frantically: "Don't you have any ability to handle public relations crises? I have to make decisions on all the crap, so why should I hire you?! Ah!!!"

However, after the door was pushed open, James' expression was stunned.

Because the person who came was not an employee of Kekou Company, but a staff member of Baguo Food Safety Department.

They were all wearing uniforms, with their work IDs pinned to their chests.

James still knows the leader.

It was Terra Rhea, director of the Food Safety Division.

James quickly stood up, walked forward with a smile on his face and asked: "Director Tyra, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming? I'll have someone prepare your favorite 82-year-old Lafite and Grade 5a Wagyu beef!"

Tyra said with a solemn expression: "James, you are in big trouble this time. You should be mentally prepared first."

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