Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1610 IT elites from all over the world collectively kneeled down

In TT's own reminder function, the first thing shown to users is the one-click option to launch various apps on TT.

Take "Plants vs. Zombies", the most popular stand-alone game on the iPhone, as an example.

Its startup logic is:

If the "Plants vs. Zombies" client is not installed on this machine, click one-click startup to enter the official download page;

If you have installed the game client, you only need to click lightly to start and log in to the TT account without entering the account password.

This one-click startup function has been updated in Daxia, and the effect is very good. Almost all users after using this function are too lazy to manually enter their account password.

What kind of major update is this feature?

Isn’t this still a matter of moving over existing functions?

Countless industry insiders and local capital from overlord countries are overjoyed.

Sure enough, you, Chen Mo, are just pulling a stunt!

The fans who supported Chen Mo were slightly disappointed. After quickly passing through the first change prompt, they directly entered the second change prompt.

This change and improvement is one of the highlights of this new version of TT: free widgets!

Previously, there were only two buttons in the bottom column of mobile phone TT: "Message" and "Contacts".

In this update, another button "Dynamics" appears.

After clicking into the dynamic, users can freely add or reduce their favorite functional modules!

Reading, gaming, shopping, video, making friends and more!

There are hundreds of functional modules, you can add whatever you want!

You can read novels in TT, shop in TT, watch videos, etc.!

This moment shocked everyone!

In other words, TT will no longer be just a chat tool!

It is also a shopping software, reading software, video website, etc., a complex with countless functions! ! !

You must know that today’s mobile phones are not even popular with 16GB storage capacity. Most of them have 8GB storage capacity. You have to be careful every time you download an app!

Many users have to uninstall one or even several software if they want to play a game!

Now that TT has this function, it can directly save them countless storage spaces!

Moreover, whatever functional modules you need can be freely combined, completely in line with the DIY taste of Baguo people!

It was just after nine o'clock in the morning, and the office workers of Hegemony tried to form functional modules.

After playing it for a while, I couldn’t put it down!

TT has simply become a miniature smart computer, and this miniature smart computer only contains things that the user likes, and no other messy stuff at all!

Many practitioners were shocked when they saw this function that can be freely combined!

If users are more convenient, they will definitely have more time to stay in TT, and their traffic will be less!

From now on, TT will become the traffic entrance for countless apps such as shopping, video, and reading. Chen Mo can use TT to attract traffic to any type of his own apps!

However, 0's big update goes beyond that.

The "Discussion Group" function directly conquered the elites of Turtle Valley!

TT was first popular among the elites of the hegemony, precisely because of its unique TT group function, because it can greatly improve work efficiency.

But, the cost of the initial TT group function is very high.

First of all, the number of TT groups that can be opened with a TT account is limited. If not, you must have a sun level to open a TT group with 500 people; if you open one, one account can only open 10 TT groups with a maximum limit of 1,000 people.

This is only in terms of quantity.

If users want to organize a group chat, after creating the group, they must fill in the group information, create it step by step, and then invite users one by one.

Although in 2005, users who had not used "discussion groups" felt that TT groups were already very convenient, Chen Mo knew clearly that users' needs were endless.

A new feature that users find amazing today will be okay tomorrow, and will become cumbersome and boring before long.

If you wait until users feel trouble before making improvements, it will basically be too late.

Chen Mo directly threw the essence of the problem to Ma Teng: Office workers often need to organize groups. How to make the group chat function "lightweight" and "daily" so that the group chat function is no longer superior and is a function exclusive to paying users. This It is one of the keys to whether TT can become a national software and conquer the world!

Therefore, under the guidance of Chen Mo, Ma Teng made the group chat "lightweight" and the "discussion group" function came into being.

"Discussion Group" is a new product that allows users to quickly create group chats in one second. Its subversiveness to users is no less amazing than when "TT Group" was first launched!

The lightweight "TT Group" allows TT to achieve extremes in group chats that users themselves cannot even imagine! Once again, it has refreshed the understanding of Turtle Valley IT elites about TT, and it has also refreshed their understanding of TT product creation! !

Originally one of the core competitiveness functions of TT, TT group has surprised those users who are in need of group chat. Even though it has been launched in Overlord for more than a year, the popularity of TT group has not diminished at all, even Bill... The main function of the new version of sn developed for the next leader is the copied TT group function.

As a result, no one expected that TT would actually launch a new product that strongly complemented the TT group at this time, and its use was so simple that even a three-year-old child could learn it!

This function is completely free!

No account level required, no payment required!

No need to fill in all kinds of complicated information!

You only need to open a dialog box with one of the people, and then "pull" the people who need to join the group chat.

This fool-like operation and extremely time-saving group creation experience made this group of users who had just experienced the TT group function in 2005 as pleasantly surprised as children discovering a new world! ! !

Of course, in order to avoid functional conflicts with the TT group.

The tt discussion group has certain functional limitations.

Firstly, the maximum number of people is 50. Secondly, the discussion group does not open the function of applying to join. People can only be manually pulled in by members of the discussion group. In this way, the discussion group itself becomes a place where friends can communicate with friends, or with friends of friends. In this place, the relationship with real people is closer.

In addition, because the TT group has a large number of people and complicated personal relationships, users who apply to join the group must confirm it or be requested by the group owner and administrator before they can join the group.

The discussion group function is very simple.

Because the members who can enter the discussion group are all friends, or friends of friends, the network relationship is simple, and those who can pull themselves into a discussion group must be their friends, so they are pulled into the discussion group by mistake or maliciously. The possibility of discussion groups is greatly reduced.

Therefore, the discussion group has no verification process, no information filling process, and everything that can be simplified is simplified!

It seems that the product logic is nothing remarkable, but when many IT experts from Hegemony sat together and chatted in detail, their scalp suddenly felt numb!

This fucking speculation on user relationships, user experience, and user psychology couldn’t be more thorough! ! !

Countless IT experts’ knees are broken!

And precisely because the discussion group function is full of surprises, as soon as it went online, it immediately became popular among the TT user group!

Moxon's database shows that just half an hour after the new version was updated, 200 million discussion groups were created, and everyone is enjoying this feature.

This also allows female college students with only 4 dormitory members to realize the need for 4 people to build 5 groups, or even 10 groups.

There are also many like-minded people who have formed discussion groups among classmates, colleagues, and friends such as "What to eat after get off work today" discussion group, "When will the instructor gg" discussion group, "New tea tasting group at the next door shop" discussion group, and "Boiling Sheep Alliance" Discussion group…

In short, because the discussion group is free, unlimited and convenient, everyone can feel the pleasure of "building more groups" for the first time that only paying users can have.

You know, in the past, the number of TT groups was very precious. Even if they were used, they would use them sparingly. It was impossible to just set up a group with three or five people. Many people pooled money to open it and then created a large group of a thousand people to share it.

Now, all this experience has been overturned!

Users can use their hands to coordinate and create groups with friends at will, and their desire for control is extremely satisfied!

However, it was not these two major updates that really caused an uproar and shock in the industry.

When they saw that TT had provided three pages and even provided new features with special video explanations, IT elites all over the world collectively dropped their knees...

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