Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1606: Build Haval into a private talent base

What does Great Xia lack most?

Not money or resources!

But talent! ! !

Especially top talents in high-tech fields, it can be said that from the founding of Daxia to Chen Mo's rebirth, they were in urgent need!

And every year after Daxia goes abroad for further studies, very few talents are willing to return to the country. It is a country with more brain drain than talent inflow.

And Harvard University is the university that produces the most talents of this type in the world.

If we can recruit a group of highly skilled talents from Harvard University every year, we will be able to completely solve this problem that has plagued Daxia for decades!

It is not even an exaggeration to say that if we can bring all the talents from Harvard back to Daxia, it will definitely be considered an achievement that will shock the ages!

After hearing this, Lawrence immediately asked: "Mr. Chen, please tell me what you have to say. I will definitely help you as much as I can."

Chen Mo smiled: "Harvard University's high-end scientific talents have always been world-famous. It just so happens that my Hongmeng Laboratory is very lacking in such talents."

"As long as Principal Lawrence is willing to sign a targeted talent export agreement with our Hongmeng Laboratory and provide Hongmeng Laboratory with high-quality and sufficient quantity of high-tech talents that meet the quality standards every year, then financing or giving speeches will not be a problem!"

Lawrence's smile suddenly froze when he heard this.

The reason why Harvard is respected by all countries is because it can cultivate the best high-tech talents in the world every year!

Among these talents, there are those who can develop chips on their own, those who can write hundreds of thousands of lines of code to create an operating system, and those who can develop mathematical models to simulate various financial problems...each of them is the eyes of the world. The peerless genius here! This is a talent that all countries are trying to grab!

90% of these talents will be absorbed by the hegemonic country and stay in the hegemonic country to shine in all walks of life.

The remaining part will be dispersed to major developed countries and become leaders in those countries' high-tech fields.

As for the talents returning to Daxia...

No more than single digits every year!

Moreover, most of this number of talents are still liberal arts students, which are completely incompatible with high-tech talents.

It is no exaggeration to say that Harvard University is the cornerstone of the country’s high technology!

Now you, Chen Mo, are going to take away Harvard University's most important resources and introduce them to Hongmeng Laboratory, which is affiliated with Daxia...

Isn't this using the talents of the hegemonic country to help Daxia develop?

If the common people and officials of the hegemonic country knew about this, they would all be furious and call themselves traitors!

Lawrence immediately shook his head fiercely: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry that I can't agree to your request. Even if I agree, I don't think the students in our school will be willing to work in Daxia."

Chen Mo smiled and stretched out a finger: "You can spend the 10 billion annual sponsorship fee as you wish. I don't ask where it is spent."

Lawrence swallowed, his eyes widening.

Even though he is a big boss in the education industry, Lawrence really doesn't have much money, and his annual salary is only 1.2 million national dollars.

Although this number is not enough compared to the previous one, it is far from enough to live a wealthy life in a high-consumption country like Hegemony.

After thinking about it, Lawrence still struggled and shook his head: "Mr. Chen, it's not about money..."

"20 billion!"

Chen Mo made it simple and clear before making a quotation.

Lawrence's heart was scratching like a cat.

He could sneer at 2 million, 20 million, or even 1 or 2 billion, show off his honorable name as principal, and angrily scold Chen Mo for insulting others.

But 20 billion...

Lawrence can't do it!

"Mr. Chen, I said it's not about money, the main thing is..."


Chen Mo increased the price again and gave Lawrence an ultimatum: "If you don't agree, I can spend the 30 billion to support a person who is willing to agree to my conditions to become the president of Harvard."

Lawrence's face darkened.

If I refuse, I dare not say it out loud.

It has to be said that the strategy of adding dates to a big stick has been tried and tested from ancient times to the present.

After thinking for a long time, Lawrence raised his head with blood-red eyes and asked Chen Mo: "Can I use this 30 billion sponsorship fee at will?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, the premise is that I must give priority to the talents cultivated by Harvard every year. As for whether they are willing to go to Daxia, that is a problem you need to solve.

I believe that since President Lawrence can stand out from hundreds of thousands of people and become the president of Harvard, such a small problem can definitely be solved. "

Lawrence nodded: "Okay! I promise you! What about Hongshan Investment Bank?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "I can promise you that when the value of TT is fully spread in the market, we will be the first to discuss financing with Hongshan Company.

I also accepted the invitation to give a speech. "

From now on, Harvard University will be Chen Mo’s private talent training base!

As the boss, of course Chen Mo has to brainwash his own high-quality Ma Zai in the future!

After Lawrence left, Chen Mo called Liu Piaopiao.

Today, Liu Piaopiao not only controls the resources of domestic celebrities, but also begins to develop abroad with Chen Mo's strong support, attracting and training celebrities from various countries to join the association.

Of course, the first prerequisite for joining the association is to be loyal enough, and the fatal handle must be handed over to Liu Piaopiao to prevent betrayal.

"Brother Mo, do you still know how to call me? You haven't called me directly for several years, right?"

Liu Piaopiao had a resentful attitude, but her voice was charming to the core. Just hearing this voice made Chen Mo tremble all over.

"Hegemon, get me some local members here. I need them to help me supervise someone."

Chen Mo didn't think he could completely make Lawrence compromise just by giving money and threats.

When the time comes, he will send some less outstanding talents to Chen Mo every year. If he messes up, Chen Mo will have to suffer the consequences.

Only when he has complete control over Lawrence can Chen Mo feel relieved.

Chen Mo accepted the invitation to speak at Harvard University! ! !

After the news was announced, the Harvard school was also actively coordinating the venue. After inquiring about Chen Mo's schedule, the school postponed the speech of the Yin-Yang Emperor originally scheduled for Thursday by two days, allowing Chen Mo to attend Harvard University. The speech was held in the largest auditorium, and the news was immediately announced to the entire school.

The news that Chen Mo was about to give a speech at Harvard University instantly swept the entire Harvard campus, and even the entire top university circle in the country!

The media and educational circles of the overlord were also collectively shocked!

The president of Harvard traveled thousands of miles to personally invite Chen Mo to give a speech at the school, which is enough to prove how much he values ​​Chen Mo.

This makes the media and education circles of the hegemonic country find it unbelievable!

In their view, those who can come to Harvard to give lectures, in addition to successful Harvard alumni, are the top officials of the hegemony, the richest man in the world, and the emperors of various countries.

As young as Chen Mo, he was invited by Harvard, and even the principal came to invite him personally...

It is definitely the only one since the establishment of Harvard!

Unconsciously, Chen Mo broke several records!

He is the first speaker personally invited by the president of Harvard since its founding;

He is the youngest invited speaker since the founding of Harvard;

At the same time, he is also the first Daxia native to be invited to give a lecture since the founding of Harvard. This refers to Daxia nationality, not foreign Daxia origin.

This news not only shocked the media and educational circles of Hegemony, but also shocked the media and educational circles of Daxia!

The official TV station of Daxia immediately conducted a special report on the incident.

The report introduced in great detail how high the threshold for being invited to speak at Harvard University was, and also specifically mentioned that Chen Mo had set multiple records in the history of Harvard this time.

Top bigwigs in the education sector, including the president of Teito University, the president of Qinghua University, and the director of the Education Department of Daxia, all jumped out to praise Chen Mo and called this incident "a glorious and significant event in the history of education in Daxia." ".

After the common people in the country learned the news, they were instantly ignited. Not only did they discuss Chen Mo's invitation to the Harvard president's house with enthusiasm, they even elevated Chen Mo to the level of a national hero!

Domestic media naturally spent a lot of space on this follow-up report!

And because of this incident, the stock prices of Moyuan's listed companies have risen three times in a row...

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