Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1599 How big are your shoes and how big are my feet?

At this time, when he learned that Chen Mo was willing to see him and even held a separate banquet for him, Masik was very happy and proud.

What is the purpose of meeting Chen Mo?

To put it bluntly, it’s just a matter of friendship.

eBay currently intends to acquire its own PayPal, but the price is set at 1.5 billion U.S. dollars and refuses to let go, and it refuses to add even a penny online.

Although this quotation is considered a uniquely good price in the entire industry, Masik still wants to raise the price as much as possible.

And touching Chen Mo is undoubtedly the simplest and fastest way.

This is the godfather of the Internet. Once eBay knows that it has communicated with Chen Mo, the pressure will definitely double. Then it will release some news and hype it up, saying that Chen Mo is particularly optimistic about himself and PayPal. Can the price of PayPal increase?

Nowadays, the major capital investment banks cannot see Chen Mo. The fact that he can see him speaks volumes!

As long as Chen Mo touches porcelain once, the price increase will be at least 5 to 1 billion Hegemonic coins!

Taking a step back, even if the price can only rise from 1.5 billion to 1.51 billion, that is still a great improvement! If you can earn an extra 10 million just by eating a meal, no one would be a fool not to go there!

Now that Chen Mo agreed to have dinner with him alone at night, Masik knew that his plan would be realized soon, so he was in a particularly beautiful mood.

In the afternoon, Masik put on his best suit and went to the target restaurant alone to meet the legendary White Dragon King.

He has achieved such terrifying achievements at the age of thirty, surpassing the foundation and attracting the attention of all the capital in the hegemonic country. Even Masik admires Chen Mo from the bottom of his heart.

His partner Peter admired Masik's strategy very much and warned him before setting off: "I have already contacted the media. No matter what Chen Mo's attitude is, I can find a way to increase the valuation of Paypal. As for eBay, Here, I will slow down the negotiations first, they will definitely be anxious, and if they are anxious, the money may increase even more."

Masik nodded and said with a sly smile: "As long as we use Chen Mo to increase our momentum, eBay will definitely be under great pressure. Chen Mo's name is still very useful.

Haha, the White Dragon King must have never dreamed that someone would want to take advantage of his fame. "

This kind of hype has actually been around for a long time.

A long time ago, a novelist approached the then richest man in the world and asked him to evaluate his novel.

The richest man in the world was too lazy to talk to the novelist, so he gave him two perfunctory words: "Not bad."

Then tell the novelist to get lost.

After returning home, the world's richest man saw a newspaper headline that read: "This is a novel that even the world's richest man praised."

With this gimmick, the novel was indeed a huge seller.

The world's richest man can't stand it any longer!

I'm just saying something casually, why the hell are you using me like this?

Next time you dare to come to me, watch how I disparage your work!

Sure enough, the novelist published his second novel soon after, and then came to the world's richest man for evaluation.

Zi Xin, the richest man in the world, said, Thief Sun, let me catch you!

The world's richest man then angrily scolded the novel's contents as rubbish and unsightly.

As a result, the world's richest man opened the newspaper the next day and was stunned again.

The headline read: "The world's richest man became so angry after reading this novel that he rants about it"

Many readers are very curious about what this book is about, and why did the world's richest man get angry after reading it and rant about it?

So the novel sold out again.

The world's richest man is being taken advantage of again.

After some time, the novelist's third novel was published, and he found the world's richest man to review it.

The richest man in the world said to himself, good guy, just do it as hard as I can, right?

The world's richest man rolled his eyes and said on the spot: "I haven't read this book, so I can't comment on it."

I don’t say it’s good, and I don’t say it’s bad either. Hey, I won’t comment. Let me see what other tricks you have!

As a result, the novelist's third novel still sold out.

Because the title he chose this time was: "A Novel That Even the World's Richest Man Can't Give a Clear Evaluation".

How big are your shoes and how big are my feet? In short, as long as you dare to see me and respond to me, I will kill you.

This is what Masik used.

Regardless of whether Chen Mo evaluates him well or poorly, Masik can always find an entry point that is beneficial to him for publicity and hype.

Peter continued: "It would be great if Chen Mo also had the intention to acquire Paypal. He is a rich man with a lot of money. He won't feel bad if we extort him a few hundred yuan of national currency."

Masik shook his head: "Chen Mo has a similar business, and the acquisition is unlikely. Even if he really wants to acquire it, I'm afraid he won't be able to offer a higher price than eBay. Chen Mo is famous for his calculations."

Peter was shocked and said, "Does eBay think the same way?"

Masik chuckled and said: "Don't worry, eBay is not a big professional capital, they can't do such an in-depth analysis. eBay is now like a young man who has just been in an ambiguous relationship with a beautiful girl. At this time, the beautiful girl takes another look. Other men would be so anxious about this young man that they would not consider the possibility of a beautiful girl with other men. One more look would cause an explosion. What if the beautiful girl suddenly wears something revealing and then takes the initiative to go to a man's house for dinner? ?”

Peter chuckled and said: "You are still very cunning, not only scheming against Chen Mo, but also scheming against eBay. I'm just waiting for the good news of your triumphant return!"

Masik proudly said: "Don't worry, this time I am sure to use Chen Mo to increase our valuation by at least 50% to 80%. If Chen Mo is particularly optimistic about me and Paypal, this number will have to be doubled again!"

A few hours later, early evening.

Peter said to Masike: "I have already released the news to the media. Now the whole Turtle Valley knows that Chen Mo agreed to see you and even treated you to a dinner!

During this period when Chen Mo was rejected by Baguo Capital, you are the only one who enjoys this honor! "

Masik smiled to himself: "Everything is under my control! I guess eBay is already getting anxious. By the time Chen Mo and I finish our meal, eBay will be furious, hahaha!"

At this moment, Masik's cell phone rang.

The caller ID was Chen Mo's sexy and charming mixed-race beautiful secretary who had the temperament of an oriental beauty and the hot figure of a western beauty.

Masik quickly pressed the answer button.

He Chaoling informed him of the hotel room number and also told him some details of the meeting.

After hanging up the phone, Masik told Peter happily: "Chen Mo has also invited the media, and all the mainstream media in the world have invited him!"

Peter said in surprise: "That's great. If Chen Mo takes the initiative to expose your meeting, it will be more beneficial to us! By then, I will definitely be able to hype up your meeting even more, making eBay feel unprecedented. The pressure! Hahaha, I really didn’t expect it, God help me!”

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