Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1505 Summer Night Wind

Chen Mo does feel extremely tired these days. Although he always says that he is already the richest man and can live a happy life without doing anything, when things pile up, Chen Mo cannot throw away anything.

Now Chen Mo finally realized why the life of the richest man in Daxia in his previous life was always so hurried. He got up at around six o'clock every day, arrived at the company at around seven o'clock, had a meeting in the morning, took a private plane to another city at noon, and went to another city in the afternoon. He attends an event or holds a meeting in one city. When it gets dark at night, the private plane takes him to a third city. He still has to continue working when he gets there. It may be one or two in the morning when he goes to bed, and then he hastily After five or six hours of sleep, it's another busy day when I wake up.

As long as the business becomes big and the rich people reach the industrial chain and ecological chain level, they are basically very busy.

Chen Mo is even more like this now.

Moxin is a system, with its own industrial chain and ecological chain; Dibao is another system, with a different industrial chain and ecological chain; the rice ball delivery system is also different, not to mention Guge, Pingguo, and Chips Industries, etc., all the industrial chains are as huge as super aircraft carriers. Now Chen Mo is basically at the helm. Naturally, he is so tired that he vomits blood.

But Chen Mo had no choice.

Chen Mo finally understood why so many trillionaires were already so rich and still worked so hard, because the more their class fell, the harder they had to work.

The entire market regards itself as its biggest competitor. They are like a pack of hungry wolves, always staring at themselves, trying to find their weaknesses to attack.

The business world is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If Moxiang just holds a TT, then it is impossible for it to become a leading Internet company.

Brother Xiao Ma must always remain extremely sensitive to the enemy and expand his strength to maintain the industry. Therefore, in his previous life, he continued to launch TT Game Hall, TT Space, TT Show, TT Mailbox, and Prestige, and even established a film and television company. Entertainment company, doing variety shows, making movies, etc.

This is not because of greed, but to maintain the necessary layout of the industry. It is precisely because of the strong strategic layout and strong closed ecological chain that we can become the leader.

There will never be a monopoly in the Internet industry, only crises. If you want to avoid crises, you must become a giant. And if you want to become a giant, you must be comprehensive in the core direction.

Just like this takeout war, both sides have burned so much money that they doubt their lives, but before the dust settles, no one wants to give up, and they will continue to spend it even to death.

Chen Mo can be sure that even if there is no foundation or the business alliance of the five provinces, if he subsequently invests in certain fields and spends his own money, there will be people who spend money to fight against him, and Chen Mo can't prevent it.

Only by killing all your opponents and ensuring that you are always in the leading position can you survive!

At the same time, there are business partners who hope that they can lead them to new heights. Even at Chen Mo's level, even officials come to ask about the progress of certain industries every month, and use a very gentle attitude to encourage Chen Mo to speed up development and drive the people. economy.

Yes, Chen Mo now owns too many industrial chains, which can provide tens of millions of jobs. The jobs of hundreds of millions of people are closely related to Chen Mo's industrial chain. It also shoulders the important task of being a pioneer in the development of the country's high-tech industry.

Chen Mo is now shouldering the economic burden of the entire Daxia and moving forward. His sense of social responsibility and national responsibility makes him dare not and cannot stop!

"What are you thinking about?"

Gong Ziyuan gently lowered her head and kissed Chen Mo's head.

"It's nothing, I just felt a little tired suddenly."

Chen Mo closed his eyes, lying on Gong Ziyuan's long legs, enjoying his wife's head massage.

If it were three years ago, Gong Ziyuan, who had not started a business with Chen Mo, would have blurted out: "If it doesn't work, then don't do it. We are not short of money."

Anyone who can say this or think this way will definitely not become a billionaire.

Now Gong Ziyuan, like Chen Mo, knows that starting a business is not easy, and knows that Chen Mo's sense of social responsibility cannot allow him to stop or slow down.

"Leave the business of chip cooperation and sales to me in various countries. I have been following up on this for two and a half years. The business has stabilized, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"I'll help you relax. You have a good rest. I'll get you some delicious food later."

Gong Ziyuan's voice was gentle and a bit charming, which soothed Chen Mo's tense nerves.

As soon as his wife opens her mouth, she can make herself very comfortable.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo felt something. He closed his eyes and whispered softly: "My wife, I just want to lie in bed quietly and hold you. I won't sleep, so I will be very comfortable and relaxed."

Gong Ziyuan's voice was a bit coquettish: "Why don't you sleep? Isn't that enough for you? You're so careful that you'll get winded soon!"

Chen Mo smiled silly, hugged Gong Ziyuan's waist, buried his face into her arms, and murmured with his eyes closed: "I really didn't want to do anything, I just want to hold you and enjoy a moment of peace."

Chen Mo, who was extremely tired, seemed to have returned to his previous life, to the world where Gong Ziyuan was no longer around and he had wasted his whole life.

The body fragrance of the gentle and sensible beauty in his arms made Chen Mo feel a little unreal, as if he was in a dream, and he actually felt a little sad in his heart.

Half asleep and half awake, Chen Mo grabbed Gong Ziyuan's arm, let her lie beside him, and gently stroked her delicate face with his hand: "Ziyuan, I want to sing a song to you..."

Gong Ziyuan felt sweet in her heart and said softly: "Sing, I'm listening."

Chen Mo didn't think anything and just hummed:

"The evening breeze in the summer night blows you in my arms. Your hair is fluffy and entwined with me. The moon hangs in the starry sky and ties you to express your feelings. The wind that smells like you is the love I am still waiting for..."

Chen Mo's voice was soft, and because he was half asleep and unconscious, he forgot many of the words and just hummed, but he sang with great care.

This represents his obsession with Gong Ziyuan in his previous life, his dependence on Gong Ziyuan in this life, and his determination to be with Gong Ziyuan for a lifetime in the future. Everything, at this moment, all exploded in this song. inside.

There’s no technique, it’s all emotion.

At this moment, Gong Ziyuan looked at Chen Mo's face and listened to Chen Mo's soft singing, and her heart had already melted into a pool of spring water.

Although it only took a little more than four years from falling in love to getting married.

But Gong Ziyuan seemed to feel Chen Mo's passionate love for her for decades.

After humming the song, Chen Mo fell asleep again, but he was still muttering: "Wife, don't leave, okay? Stay with me..."

Gong Ziyuan caressed Chen Mo's face and said emotionally: "If I don't leave, I will stay with you...for the rest of my life..."

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