In the end, the members of the Obanmo family agreed to use diamonds to obtain mortgage loans from Ant Bank, and then use the money to purchase the diamond mines.

The reason why we chose Ant Bank is that since 1832, the Obanmo family has been cooperating with it for loans.

Whether you are buying diamonds from businessmen or smugglers in other countries, banks will provide 80% of the loan, and the interest rate is only 6% - far lower than the inflation rate.

By 1978, Ant Bank's loans for the diamond trade reached 8 billion, equivalent to 5% of its gross national product, and the only guarantee for these loans was uncut diamonds.

To this day, the diamond collateral held by Ant Bank even exceeded that of the Obanmo family for a time.

It's just that the Obanmo family has always paid interest on time, and these mortgages have become words on the books.

Cedric Obern came to Ant Bank on the same day and successfully obtained a 600 billion loan with diamonds worth 1 trillion.

After all, Chen Mo's "Broken Diamond Plan" is still in the early stages. Diamonds are still one of the most valuable jewelry in the world, and the two parties have cooperated for hundreds of years. There is no reason why the bank should not provide mortgage loans.

The next day.

Cedric Obern used the money to buy the diamond mine from Chen Mo.

In order to prevent Cedric Obon from discovering the loophole, Chen Mo signed the diamond mine under the name of an overseas shell company.

"Congratulations, Mr. Obenmo, your family once again has the exclusive right to price diamonds in the world!" Ulta congratulated with a glowing face.

If this acquisition is negotiated, he will receive a dividend of 1 billion!

After getting the money, he never has to work again!

The members of the Obonmo family also breathed a deep sigh of relief.

After signing and getting the mine, this group of people couldn't wait to hold a price increase meeting in the hotel!

"If it doesn't increase to 100,000 1 carat this time, I absolutely disagree!"

"What 100,000? Let's start with 150,000 1 carat! Don't forget, we just took out a 600 billion loan!"

"I'd say it's 200,000 and 1 carat. The poor can't afford it, and the rich can't afford it."


The Okumoto family, who were in a good mood, greedily discussed how much the diamond should be increased.

Cedric Obern said: "If the price increases too much, some customers will be discouraged. Diamonds should be divided into different grades. The highest grade ones should be increased to 200,000 1 carat."

From this point down, 100,000 1 carat, 50,000 1 carat, 10,000 1 carat, and some scraps can even be sold for several thousand yuan per carat. "

"After all, some decent poor people can still afford a few thousand yuan, and the base is not small."

The Obonmo family here still fantasizes that this time they can continue to use diamonds to make up for their losses in the gold market by relying on diamonds to seize the world's money, just like they did hundreds of years ago.

The other side.

After Chen Mo received 600 billion from selling the mine, he made his next move.

Moyuan Capital, Securities Department.

Chen Mo looked around and asked loudly: "Han Li, how are your preparations here?"

Han Li chuckled: "Boss, when you went to the Bear Country, all kinds of bad news were already being created here."

"At the same time, we swept into the shares of Ant Bank at a slow speed without causing much fluctuation."

"Once these bad news are released and we open a position to release goods at once, the share price of Ant Bank will definitely plummet!"

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! Pass my order, start opening positions and releasing goods now, and drive down the stock price of Ant Bank!"


"Everyone listens to orders, opens positions, and releases goods!!! No matter the cost, no matter the price, hit me hard!!!"


Following Han Li's order, as many as 300 Moyuan Capital traders began to operate on the keyboard.

In less than an hour, an extremely shocking scene appeared on Ant Country’s market!

One after another, sky-high price sell orders with a face value of 1 billion appeared on the market like elite soldiers arranged neatly and in unison! ! !

The investors of Ant Country instantly let out loud screams!

"God, what do I see?"

"The entire disk is filled with sell orders from Ant Bank of China!!! Each one is a sky-high price order worth 1 billion!!! There are hundreds of them!!!"

"Is this an international big short attack? This scale is 10 times greater than that of the Atomic Fund, which was once the world's largest short seller!"

“The stock price of Ant Bank of China is going to fall below the level! It may even be cleared and delisted!!!”


With such a terrifying shipment volume, even people who don’t understand economics or stocks understand that Ant Bank’s stock price is going to plummet!

Countless investors followed suit and the unit price was 5% lower than Chen Mo’s unit price!

They are afraid that the stock will fall into their hands and they will not be able to escape.

The share price of Ant Bank is falling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The opening price is 523!

After the sell order was placed, it plummeted 7% in just three minutes, triggering the "circuit breaker mechanism"!

The so-called circuit breaker mechanism, also called the automatic trading suspension mechanism, refers to the suspension of trading measures taken by the exchange to control risks when the stock index volatility reaches the prescribed circuit breaker point.

As for this mechanism, after Chen Mo was reborn, during a certain stock war, a stock was wiped out in one day, so the world financial organizations urgently came together to come up with such a thing.

Ant Country’s circuit breaker warning line is 7%. Once the market reaches this drop in a very short period of time, the circuit breaker mechanism will be triggered and trading will be suspended for 15 minutes!

In other words, Chen Mo was just shorting Ant Bank's stock, which caused a chain reaction that made the market unable to bear it and caused a circuit breaker!

Within 15 minutes.

The top executives of Ant Bank are as anxious as ants on a hot pot!

Don’t they remember which world’s super shorts they have offended?

Moreover, Ant Country is not a developed country, and the total value of the stock market is only 4 trillion!

Putting out so many empty orders at once, it was obvious that they were going to be killed! ! !

"Immediately notify the public relations staff to release our bank's performance report for this year! I want everyone to know that our bank's profit this year is very high!"


The president of Ant Bank of China roared, trying to stop the decline with financial statements and good news so that investors would no longer follow the panic selling.


His financial statements haven't been sent out yet.

The bad news from Chen Mo came one after another!

“Ant Bank of China’s internal profit situation is terrible, it was shorted by international short sellers, and its stock price plummeted!”

"Relevant news reports that the main business of Ant Bank has huge financial risks and is likely to trigger a bankruptcy crisis in the short term!"

"Today, the banking sector of the U.S. stock market plummeted collectively. The bank index plummeted by nearly 6%. This was the largest single-day decline in more than 2 years. Pessimism spread to the Ant China stock market. Experts remind not to touch bank stocks in the short term as there is a risk of being trapped. .”

"It is reported that the massive selling of Ant Bank of China's shares is not due to international short selling, but to important shareholders cashing out and reducing their holdings!"


All kinds of rumors are flying all over the world, some are true but some are false, some are false and some are true, and they are flying all over the international financial circle!

In an instant, the fake financial statement announcement from Ant Bank of China was drowned in a sea of ​​bad news!

When the market opened again, Ant Bank directly set a new record - plunging 7% in 20 seconds and triggering two circuit breakers in half an hour! ! !

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