Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1337 Strange things come to your door

Chen Mo suddenly frowned.

To be honest, Chen Mo himself quite supports Chen Lin's marriage.

Now that her conditions are better, she has money and a career, she is qualified to choose the person she likes.

It doesn't matter whether you are from the city or from the country. It doesn't matter whether you have money or not, but you must have a good character and treat Chen Lin well.

But at this time, Jiang Yan came over and said, "Let's wait until after the new year to discuss this matter. We won't have a blind date during the Chinese New Year."

Jiang Yan probably knew what Chen Mo was thinking and didn't give Chen Mo a chance to answer.

Although Chen Mo was born in a rural area, he went to school in the city very early and did not know much about the rural environment, especially the environment in Longwo Village.

If Chen Mo dared not to mention conditions, not to talk about money, but only to talk about character, I am afraid that all kinds of crooked men in the village will break through the threshold tomorrow!

No one knows Chen Lin's conditions better than Jiang Yan.

She has never been in love or married yet!

I have no experience in this area at all!

How sad would she be if she was cheated?

Chen Lin is so old, has money and a career, so she either doesn't look for it for the rest of her life. If she does, she must find a good one. If she finds someone who is not suitable, then she might as well stay single!

And even if we were to look for it, we wouldn’t be able to find it in this remote place!

All the men in the nearby villages who have the slightest ability to support their families have all gotten married early! ! !

Jiang Yan thought that Chen Lin would not come back here after the New Year anyway, so she just waited for the villagers to finish the New Year.

If Chen Lin really wants to find someone, then let Chen Mo help find a suitable one in the Imperial Capital or the port city.

The middle-aged woman didn't see Chen Lin and was visibly unhappy, but she didn't say anything and turned around and left.

"Humph, it's the New Year? The day lilies are cold after the New Year! Just wait, I'll be back soon!"

"Mom, do you think my godmother is going on a blind date?" Chen Mo asked.

"We'll ask your godmother for her opinion after dinner later," Jiang Yan said.

After finishing the meal.

The family sat in front of the stove, drank high-end tea, ate fruits, and made homely meals.

When the atmosphere was about the same, Jiang Yan asked directly:

"Linlin, someone came to your door today to be a matchmaker. Have you ever thought about what kind of match you want to find?"

Chen Lin was unprepared to be questioned all of a sudden.

find a partner?

Why is she looking for someone?

Now she has a career, can make money, and her image is not as timid as before. She will no longer embarrass Chen Mo. She will also be able to help take care of Chen Mo when he has children.

If Chen Mo needs tea, fruit, etc., she can deliver them to him on call.


Then he would have to marry into another man's family.

How to take care of Chen Mo?

She also wants to hold Chen Mosheng's grandson!

Moreover, once you get married, don’t you have to spend all the money you earn on others?


Definitely not!

All the money she earned must be left to Chen Mo and his children!

Outsiders don't deserve to spend a penny on her!

"Sister Yan, I...I don't want to get married..."

Chen Lin was a little scared. She was afraid that Jiang Yan would try to make trouble for Chen Mo again and ask her to get married and leave the family.

But when she saw the eyes of Chen Mo and his family clear...

Chen Lin's panic suddenly calmed down.

She knew that with the character of Chen Mo's family, they would never despise her as a burden.

Even if she never gets married, their family will always treat her as a relative.

"I don't want to get married! I want to run my business well. I want to wait until Momo and Ziyuan have children and do what I can to help them. Also, I don't want outsiders to spend my money, and I don't want to waste any of it. Energy and money are wasted on outsiders.”

Chen Lin took a deep breath and spoke what was in her heart.

"Well, it's okay not to get married. To say the least, even if you want to get married, you can't find a partner here! Marriage is for your own happiness. If it's a lot of drag and trouble, it's better to live by yourself!" Jiang Yan said.

The whole family had reached an agreement at this time, and everyone had discussed it. No matter who was the matchmaker, they all said that they would wait until after the New Year.

Anyway, the Chinese New Year is only two days away. After the Chinese New Year, their family will drive back directly and never come back.

"Mo Mo, what do you want to eat tomorrow? My godmother will cook it for you." Chen Lin asked happily after having the idea figured out.

"Let's order the nine-turn large intestine. Try to keep some of the original flavor of the ingredients." Chen Mo said.

When he went to bed at night, Chen Mo tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

"Can't sleep?" Gong Ziyuan asked.

"Well, maybe I have a little insomnia." Chen Mo said.

"Then let me pat your head, tell you a joke, and help you relax."


Gong Ziyuan climbed out of the bed, and while massaging Chen Mo's head, she said in her sweet and charming voice:

"One day, the elephant went to the toilet in the forest. After defecating late, he found that he didn't bring any paper, so he turned to the little white rabbit next to him: 'Hey, are you afraid of losing your hair?'

The little white rabbit shook his head: ‘Don’t be afraid! ’

So the elephant grabbed the little white rabbit and rubbed it on its butt.

The elephant finished lunch the next day and forgot to bring tissues again. So he asked the brown squirrel next to him: ‘Are you afraid of losing your hair? ’

The brown squirrel shook his head: 'Don't be afraid! ’

So the elephant picked up the little squirrel and rubbed it on his mouth.

After wiping, the little squirrel...the little squirrel said...poof hahahaha..."

"Say: 'Tiezi, I am the little...little white rabbit yesterday...'"

"Pfft hahaha..."

When talking about this, Chen Mo looked at Gong Ziyuan with wide eyes and a speechless expression.

Gong Ziyuan was already laughing so hard that she couldn't even close her legs, and she burst into tears. She kept hitting Chen Mo's chest with her right hand, laughing like "gagagaga".

Chen Mo: "..."

“On the third day, the elephant finished eating and forgot to bring tissues again.

So the elephant looked at the little hedgehog next to him and asked: 'Hey, are you afraid of losing your thorns? ’

The little hedgehog shook his head: 'Don't be afraid! ’

So the elephant picked up the little hedgehog and started picking its teeth.

After picking his teeth, the little hedgehog said to the elephant: 'Tie Zi, I... poof... I am the little white rabbit from the day before yesterday...'"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"The shit has dried, dried...poof hahaha...turned into thorns! Hahahaha...quack..."

Chen Mo said with helplessness on his face: "Why did I marry a wife like you who is so interested in poop and piss jokes all day long? Forget it, let's go to bed!"

Gong Ziyuan quickly grabbed Chen Mo: "You... listen to me! And the funniest thing at the end!"

“After the elephant knew that the little hedgehog was the little white rabbit, he immediately ran to the river to rinse his mouth. When he was gargling, the elephant was shocked to find that there was a little white rabbit next to him!

He asked hurriedly: 'Did you just take a shower while I was rinsing my mouth? ’

Little White Rabbit: ‘No, I’m not that Little White Rabbit. ’

The elephant breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the little white rabbit... hahahaha... the little white rabbit continued: 'I was just passing by the river to take a dump. ’”

"Quack quack..."

"No, I can't live with my little smile anymore... I'll live by this joke all my life! Hahaha..."

Chen Mo directly wrapped up his life and turned his back to Gong Ziyuan: "You continue to laugh, I have to go to bed."

After a long time, Gong Ziyuan finally recovered, got into bed, hugged Chen Mo from behind, and pressed against Chen Mo's back.

Chen Mo was no longer sleepy instantly.

"Husband, I'm not done yet with our godmother's blind date. I guess there will be a lot of people coming later."

Chen Mo was speechless: "Then why don't I just tell my godmother that she doesn't want to get married?"

Gong Ziyuan sighed: "You think too simplistically. Although I am not from the countryside, I have studied psychology. Now my godmother is the piece of meat that flies are staring at. There are too many flies who want to eat meat from her. , can’t be driven away.”

"I can't live even if I go back to the village to celebrate the New Year!" Chen Mo slept with his head covered.

And pray that the situation Miya Shion mentioned will never happen.

Early the next morning, he knew he was wrong.

Just after breakfast, someone came.

"Oh, Linlin, are you at home?"

Chen Mo didn't recognize the middle-aged fat woman talking in front of him, but he knew that this person had known Chen Lin since she was a child and was a professional matchmaker.

"Ang, I'm at home." Chen Lin said politely.

"Come on, let the sisters go inside and talk about what's on your mind!"

She smiled and pulled Chen Lin into the house, making it clear that she didn't want Chen Mo's family to listen.

Chen Mo said unhappily: "Is there anything we can't talk about outside?"

The matchmaker's face drooped: "I'm talking to your mother, what do you have to do here?"

Chen Lin was unhappy at the time: "Why are you talking to my son? Just do what Momo said, if you have anything to say, just talk here. Everyone is listening. If you don't want to talk, just leave!"

The matchmaker said angrily: "Chen Lin, we have been playing together since childhood. Do you treat guests like this?"

"Forget it, I know what you want to do here. Isn't it just to propose marriage? I tell you clearly that I will not get married, so you can go." Chen Lin said.

But the other party acted as if he couldn't understand human speech, kept talking to himself, and didn't take Chen Lin's rejection seriously at all.

"You are only over 50 and still young. How can you not get married?"

There was a hint of jealousy in his tone.

When Chen Lin was just kicked out of the village, although she was not very old, she was old, thin and dark.

Rural women, do you have any concept of sun protection?

If you work in the fields all year round, no matter how fair you are, you will be tanned by the sun. It is very common for your skin to have wrinkles and spots, making you look older.

In addition, Chen Lin was malnourished and her life was worse than that of ordinary rural women. She also suffered from polio. Not only was she black and thin, she also had some deformities in her body.

In the past three years, Chen Lin has not only changed in temperament and knowledge.

Chen Mo also spent money to force Chen Lin to treat her illness, perform corrective surgery, whitening and skin care, etc.

In three years, Chen Lin's whole person has changed drastically.

People in Chen Lin's family are born with milky white skin, but they get tanned the day after tomorrow. In this case, they can recover by spending a lot of money on medical beauty treatments, but the money is just a little too much.

Now Chen Lin's polio deformity has been completely corrected. Her body is straight, her skin is fair, her wrinkles have been removed with money, and she is sprayed with expensive perfume.

In addition, in the past three years, fruits, vegetables, seafood, meat and poultry have been fully replenished. The body has grown meat, and the figure is not only not shriveled, but also has a bit of plump beauty.

Putting on the custom-made luxury clothes that Chen Mo gave her, she looked like a lady from a wealthy family.

As both women, the matchmaker's life is much worse than that of Chen Lin, and her only advantage - appearance, is now gone in front of Chen Lin.

The matchmaker was extremely jealous and had selfish motives, so she wanted to introduce her brother-in-law to Chen Lin.

"Linlin, my brother-in-law is a very good person! He is strong and capable. He also has two sons, who are also good at work! If you marry him, you will have two biological sons. Then What else do you want as a godson?"

"You, just wait and enjoy the blessings!"

Chen Lin opened her mouth, but before she could say a word, the other party seemed to be in a state of mind and began to make arrangements non-stop.

"When you get married, let my brother-in-law and children help in your store. How can you handle such a big fruit store by yourself? There must be a man helping you!"

"From now on, you don't have to worry about anything in the store. Just leave it all to the three of them. You can just play mahjong comfortably at home, have fun, watch TV, and don't have to do anything else. How wonderful!"

This is the day the matchmaker most hopes to live.

But it is also the life that Chen Lin least wants to live.

She finally escaped from that boring life and found a job that suited her and reflected her own value. How could she go back to being a housewife?

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