Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1272 The Unparalleled War (15)

Things are unpredictable, and no one knows whether tomorrow or the accident will come first.

On this night, some people are sad and some are happy.

Inside the Royal Palace of Camel Kingdom.

Prince Abdul has just finished having sex with a top model, and is currently lying next to his pet lion, stroking the lion's fur, and enjoying ice-cold red wine with a satisfied look on his face.

He felt that it was extremely wise for him to cooperate with Chen Mo!

This is definitely God’s arrangement!

When Prince Abdullah first persuaded neighboring countries to short international crude oil futures, a large number of people jumped out to oppose him.

Especially when the Loefeller family made a very clear move to raise oil prices.

The Desert Merchant Alliance was unanimously criticizing Prince Abdul both internally and externally.

But Prince Abdul was stunned to withstand the pressure and said: "I will bear all the losses! The short selling must continue!"

When everyone was waiting to see Prince Abdul make a fool of himself, the result surprised everyone!

The Loefeller family actually stopped!

Oil prices fall again and again!

The short sale was successful! ! !

"Baby, you don't know the expressions of the business alliance members and my brothers today!"

"Hahahaha... I still want to laugh just thinking about it!!"

"One word, cool!!!"

Prince Abdul rubbed his pet lion's face hard and hugged it several times.

And right now.

On the largest oil field in Luotuo, several sneaky figures flashed past.

Then, there was a bang!

A huge explosion sounded!

The sound was so loud that it could be heard and seen for miles around!

Prince Abdul, who was sleeping on the lion, suddenly woke up!

He looked at the fire coming from the direction of the oil field in the distance and said in shock: "Someone is coming!!! What happened?!"

"Report to the prince, seems there is a fire in the oil field..." the servant said.


Prince Abdul suddenly sobered up. He angrily grabbed his servant by the collar and said with a ferocious expression, "Tell me, which oil field caught fire?"

"It''s the Hump Oil Field..."


Prince Abdul fainted immediately as if he had been hit on the head by a big hammer and hit the ground heavily.

The other side.

When Chen Mo was still sleeping, Gong Ziyuan shook him awake with a pale face.

"Husband, you...get up and take a look at this!"

Chen Mo rubbed his eyes and asked in confusion: "What's wrong, wife?"

Gong Ziyuan turned the laptop screen to face Chen Mo: "Look."

Chen Mo looked around and saw news on the screen that had just been uploaded.

A huge fire broke out in Tuofeng Oilfield, the largest oil field in Camel Country and the largest oil field in the world. The fire is currently fierce!

Relevant experts predict that the fire will prevent the Tuofeng Oilfield from restoring production capacity for at least three months, and the oilfield may be forced to close!

Just one piece of news, Chen Mo was completely stunned!

Even a three-year-old child can understand what this news represents!

The essence of futures trading is still a reflection of the relationship between supply and demand.

Now that the world's largest oil field has been unable to resume operations for three months due to a fire, this will inevitably lead to a significant drop in crude oil production capacity!

What happens when production capacity drops?

Of course the price has skyrocketed! ! !

That's the world's largest oil field! ! !

Nearly one-eighth of the world’s crude oil is produced there! !

"How could it be such a coincidence? A fire broke out at this time?"

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and instantly figured out what was going on.

This fire was definitely set on purpose by someone!

Some people don’t want oil prices to fall, let alone successful hedging in desert areas!

"Damn it, it's obviously going to succeed!"

Gong Ziyuan's eyes filled with tears, she bit her red lips and cursed fiercely.

No one knows better than her how much pressure Chen Mo has endured and how much effort he has put in to fight the futures war during this period!

See the dawn right in front of you!

Unexpectedly, an accident happened!

Gong Ziyuan thought a lot for a moment.

She didn't think about how she could continue to live a comfortable and luxurious life after she went bankrupt, but she thought about how to comfort Chen Mo so that he wouldn't be too sad.


Gong Ziyuan took Chen Mo's hand and said with a very serious expression: "Don't worry too much, I have learned a lot of cooking skills during this period.

It’s really not going to work anymore. If we go out and set up a street stall, it’s not like we can’t survive. "

After a pause, Gong Ziyuan said three words with firm eyes:

"I raise you!"

Chen Mo looked at Gong Ziyuan's serious look and felt that his wife was so cute!

"Don't worry, wife, even if we go bankrupt, we won't set up a street stall."


Chen Mo's eyes narrowed slightly: "I still have two cards in my hand that I haven't played yet! It's so hard for me to lose... it's as difficult as going to heaven!"

Then, he dialed his mobile phone number and gave it to Prince Abdul.

"Listen carefully, you must have people survey the locations I mention next overnight!"

"Also, prepare for the press conference..."

Overlord Saint Luodu.

Of course, like Chen Mo, Ross and Bahuite were shaken awake by their own people and saw the fire news.

When Ross and Bahuite saw the news, they almost jumped up in surprise! ! !

"I knew the foundation would not let go so easily! Haha, let's see what Chen Mo is going to do now!!!"

"It seems that the accident happened earlier than tomorrow."

As for the Shang Prince's Mansion.

Shang Ying and the people in the Yuan Lao Pavilion were so worried that they stayed up all night, and when they heard the news, they went crazy! ! !

"The foundation is so generous! It's really unbelievable!"

"If you can't do it with normal means, then you have to play dirty. The Foundation has always only looked at the results and not the process. Therefore, no one in this world can win the Foundation!"

"Hahaha, international crude oil futures will definitely rise sharply tomorrow! Let's be mentally prepared!"


Shang Ying clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Chen Mo, tomorrow is the day you die! This time, I don't believe you have any tricks up your sleeve!!!"

It was early morning in Daxia Kingdom the next day.

This is when the fourth trading day begins.

In just a few minutes after the market opened, the price of international crude oil futures rose from 80 yuan to 100 yuan!

Looking at the trend, this is just the beginning!

"Hey, it's starting!"

Ross said excitedly.

"Let's add fire to the fire and end this unprecedented battle!"

Ba Huite waved his hand domineeringly and said loudly: "Brothers, spend 3 trillion to enter!!!"

"Break the 300-yuan mark for me!!!"


As the news continued to ferment, it immediately hit the international market like a tornado, and everyone's panic was directly reflected in the futures market.

The sudden rise in a short period of time has blinded countless people. Just when people continue to think that the new price is the highest point, the price that refreshes again in the next second will slap them in the face.

Everyone is rushing for goods like crazy!

And at this time.

On the trading board, there was a scene that made all the financial professionals and the melon-eaters dumbfounded and trembled...

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