Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 112 I also want to take a bite of the meat of anti-virus software!

"Mr. Chen, I really have nothing to do this time, so..." Ma Teng lowered his head in shame.

Chen Mo didn't say anything, he just sat in front of the computer and opened Silver Chat.

After experiencing the function of Silver Chat, Chen Mo was quite speechless.

"Shameless! Shameless! This is simply plagiarism from Hongguoguo!

And they actually optimized it and compressed the package body!

How could there be such a shameless person in this world? ! "

Chen Mo cursed angrily.

Everyone looked at Chen Mo speechlessly.

Because the first person to use this routine... seems to be you, Chen Mo!

“Not only that, even the marketing plan is copied from your old routine, Mr. Chen.

But the most deadly thing is Yinshan Drug Dad’s implantation and drainage in his own software. "

Ma Teng opened the homepage of Yinshan Poison Dad, and immediately there was a conspicuous advertising space promoting Yinliao.

Chen Mo let out a long sigh.

He is very familiar with this routine!

In the previous life, there were actually many very creative small IT startups, but they simply couldn't get off the ground.

Because as long as they become popular, those Internet giants will immediately imitate and plagiarize them, and then divert traffic from their own apps!

No matter how good the products of small companies are, they can't compete with the huge traffic of giants!

Chen Mo originally thought that he would become a giant, and then use one move to conquer the world.

Unexpectedly, Yinshan actually struck first and used this trick on himself!

"They copied it really well, and their promotion plan is absolutely impossible for us to imitate and surpass."

Chen Mo first recognized and praised Yin Liao.

After hearing Chen Mo's words, everyone smiled silently, and the already depressing atmosphere became more intense.

"But there is nothing we can do about it. The other party has better funds, technology, cooperation channels, etc. than us. They are determined to copy us. What can we do?"

"So, if you want to turn the situation around now, there is no need to focus on optimization. Instead, you should let TT implement some other functions as soon as possible."

Chen Mo said.

Ma Teng asked hurriedly: "What function?"

Before, it was Chen Mo who added several functions such as TT show, TT avatar and local friends, which brought his company to ruins until it went bankrupt.

Now Chen Mo's words are like an imperial edict to Ma Teng and the others!

"How is the TT space function I asked you to develop before?" Chen Mo asked.

"The functions of TT space are too complex, and we still have many modules that have not been completed yet," Ma Teng said.

"Have the five modules of talk, photo album, diary, background music, and the dressing function at the beginning of the space been completed?" Chen Mo asked.

"These are key functions and have been completed a long time ago." Ma Teng said.

"Others can be developed in the future. These five functional modules are enough!"

How did TT in later generations attract a large number of users among young people?

It’s because TT space adds non-mainstream culture!

Among those students back then, whose space was not extremely flashy?

The spaces of those popular non-mainstream celebrities can even receive hundreds of millions of visits per day!

Better than many traffic stars 20 years later!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo added: "The friend recommendation algorithm in TT space needs to detect user data and carry out interest-based promotion."

This is the prototype of big data promotion.

To put it simply, it collects your data, conducts big data analysis, predicts what you like, and then works hard to recommend things you like.

"Second, the file transfer function must realize breakpoint resumption and server storage download functions."

Chen Mo's words made everyone's eyes brighten.

There is no software to directly transfer files on the Internet today. They usually send email attachments, which is very troublesome and can only transfer files within 10MB.

The most disgusting thing is that the current network is generally unstable, and the transmission is often interrupted in the middle, and the transmission has to be retransmitted.

The endpoint resume download and server storage download functions proposed by Chen Mo are actually the prototype of cloud storage.

It is foreseeable that once this function is implemented, a large number of users who use computers to work will fall into the arms of TT!

"The function is simple, but the server requirements are relatively high, but we have money now, so we are not afraid!"

Zeng Liqing said slightly excitedly from the side.

He was keenly aware of the forward-looking nature of this function!

If done well, perhaps this feature can change the way humans transfer files!

The other big guys present were all IT experts, and they all looked at Chen Mo with admiration.

In fact, these people have reached the ceiling level technically, but these functions mentioned by Chen Mo would be impossible for them to think of even if they were beaten to death!

This is why, in the IT world, the most talented people are always designers, not developers.

"The other thing is the voice and video functions."

Chen Mo continued: "I think Yinliao has already developed a voice chat function, let's just copy it.

The video function must be implemented as soon as possible! "

Video chat + making friends in the same city is simply a dating tool in this era!

How many men and women rely on video chat to vent their inner emotions and relieve their loneliness!

Ma Teng's eyes are brighter than the other!


They were stuck in a mindset before!

They always think about how to continue to optimize the existing TT to defeat Yinliao.

But I didn’t expect that the key point to break the situation is actually the function of “I have what others don’t have”!

Ma Teng sighed sincerely: "Mr. Chen, thank you for coming, otherwise we might still be trapped in anxiety and unable to extricate ourselves!"

Others also nodded in agreement.

“You must remember that the most important thing about the Internet is innovation!

In the next 20 years, Internet companies that stick to the old rules and sit on nothing will definitely not survive for three years! "

Chen Mo lectured.

After a pause, Chen Mo took a deep breath, closed the notebook, and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth:

"Okay, let's talk about the important points next."

"We will immediately develop our own anti-virus software - TT Security Manager, and let users use it for free!"

Hearing this, Ma Teng and the others showed horrified looks.

"He only allows Lei Jun to hit us, but he doesn't allow us to fight back? There is no rule that we can't eat the meat of anti-virus software!"

"Isn't his Yinshan poisonous dad the boss of paid software? We will make it free! Free forever! Never charge! Steal their users! Destroy their jobs!"


Ma Teng and others took a deep breath, shocked by Chen Mo's domineering attitude.

When they were struggling to figure out how to break the situation, Chen Mo actually thought of taking a bite back and capture a piece of the enemy's own territory!

"Mr. Chen... I have to say that your structure is so much higher than ours!" Ma Teng said with a wry smile.

This is not flattery!

The so-called best defense is offense!

If Yinshan Poison Dad loses his own position, how can he still have the energy to attack the communication software position?

“But... it’s not easy to get anti-virus software!

We don’t even have a virus database! "

Among the five, Zhang Zidong, who was the most skilled, raised his doubts.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed with a cunning light, and he grinned:

"Zidong, you are too young, your thinking is too simple!"

"As long as our anti-virus software can kill viruses that Yinshan Poison Dad can't kill, isn't that enough?"

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