Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1111 Sakura Coin War (3)

Sakura Country Imperial Palace.

A number of bank presidents reported:

"Report, foreign capital has stopped borrowing and selling Sakura coins!"

“The exchange rate of Sakura Coin has returned to normal levels and stabilized!!!”

"The spread of panic in the market has been contained and confidence has been restored!"

"The other party's loss this time is at least more than 30 billion!!!"

“We won this currency war!!!”

After hearing the reports from many bank presidents, Sakurai Musashi smiled happily and said:

"good, very good!!!"

"There will be a celebration banquet in the palace tonight, and I will personally entertain all the heroes!!!"

Hanzawa Naoki was about to speak but stopped.

Because Sakura Country’s foreign exchange reserves have been consumed by 30%!

Although the other party lost 30 billion, in terms of the scale of the currency war, 30 billion is just a drop in the bucket!

It won't cause much harm to the other party at all!

However, Naoki Hansawa is not too pessimistic.

After all, after the introduction of these two policies, short sellers can no longer borrow money from banks in Sakura Country, and there is no way to go short.

Sure enough, within the next half month.

There has been no movement from Chen Mo's side.

It seems that he has given up on shorting Sakura Coin.

And what has Chen Mo been doing in the past half month?

Of course Chen Mo can’t give up shorting Sakura Coin!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The economy of Sakura Country is at its lowest point. If you miss this opportunity, there will be no chance of another one!

In the past half month, Chen Mo continued to buy and borrow massive amounts of Sakura coins through various methods.

Although Sakura Country officially prohibits banks from lending Sakura coins to foreign investors such as Chen Mo.

But Chen Mo couldn't resist the temptation of various forms of interests.

Liu Piaopiao led all the ladies she trained to go out.

Cars, beauties, money, villas...

Whatever you like, Chen Mo will give it to you!

The vast majority of banks in Sakura Country are privately owned, with the exception of the head office, which is state-owned.

The presidents of privately owned banks are just employees of the company. How could they resist this temptation?

As a result, it didn't take long for these bank presidents to forget Sakurai Musashi's order and continue to lend money to Chen Mo.

Coupled with other financial institutions, companies, and even wealthy individuals, Chen Mo's team has almost exhausted all methods and means as long as they can get Sakura Coins.

At the same time, Chen Mo also united with 12 giants and used the public opinion machine to continuously promote the message that the Sakura currency will be devalued in Sakura Country and even the international market.

For half a month, more and more Sakura people believed this information, and went to the bank one after another to exchange their Sakura coins for Hegemon coins.

This leaves Sakura Country officials with less and less hegemonic currency and foreign exchange.

Half a month later.

Within Moyuan Capital Company.

Chen Mo asked Han Li: "How much liquidity do we still have now?"

Han Li replied: "In the past half month, nearly 1 trillion Sakura coins have been exchanged, and the remaining liquidity is about 200 billion."

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and ordered: "The time has come!!!"

"Han Li, pass on my order!!!"

"Sell all the 1,000 billion Sakura coins to me, and strive to hit the bottom of the exchange rate at once!!!"

"Ziyuan, go join the international media and continue to build momentum, saying that Sakura Coin is about to collapse! International giants have prepared trillions of Sakura Coins for short selling this time. In short, the more exaggerated the better, the goal is to make the Sakura Coin market No confidence at all!”

"In addition, all traders, in order to strengthen the financial pressure on Sakura Country, give me all the remaining funds to attack Sakura Country's stock market, futures market, foreign exchange market and other markets, and suppress it with all your strength. Don't be afraid of losing money or losing everything. It doesn’t matter! Our ultimate goal is just to short Sakura Coin!”


Everyone used all their strength, blushed and roared! ! !

They knew that Chen Mo was launching a general attack this time!

All the money, all the means, all the studs are on it! ! !

This time, it's do or die!

There is no way out!

Under Chen Mo's order, Han Li and others began to sell crazily in the Sakura Coin market! ! !

Massive Sakura coins worth 1 trillion poured down like dense rain! ! !

Such a terrifying amount of short selling shocked everyone in the financial industry! ! !

"Who is so cruel? He actually spent so much money on short selling!!!"

"Didn't Sakura Country officials not allow banks to lend Sakura coins? Where did these 1 trillion Sakura coins come from?"

“There are big bookmakers who are short selling, let’s follow up quickly!!!”


International public opinion.

On this day, the economic channels of almost every developed country released news that the Sakura currency would be devalued.

Coupled with Chen Mo's great skill, anyone who is not a fool can see that the Sakura Coin is definitely going to fall!

Early the next morning.

This scene happened in front of almost all banks...

The Sakura people, like locusts, burst through the door as soon as they opened it! ! !

They waved the Sakura coins in their hands, rushed to the foreign exchange counter, and asked to exchange them for Hegemon coins! ! !

at the same time.

Sakura Country’s stock market, futures market, foreign exchange market and other markets.

Huge short selling orders at sky-high prices continue to fall! ! !

The Sakura Country stock market, which had been declining, plummeted by 500 points at the opening of the market!

Countless international capitals, like crocodiles smelling the smell of blood, bravely followed the trend and went short!

The Sakura stock market began to fall in panic.

Naturally, these terrifying short-selling measures soon reached the ears of Sakurai Musashi.

Inside the Imperial Palace of Sakura Kingdom.

Sakurai Musashi's face was ashen and furious! ! !

"What exactly is going on?!"

"Why did the exchange rate of Sakura Coin plummet by 30% as soon as I got up?!!!"

"President Hanzawa, tell me, how did the other party get this massive 1 trillion Sakura coins? Tell me!!!"

Banzawa Naoki broke out in cold sweat and knelt down in fear: "Emperor, I...I don't know either..."

"We really strictly implemented your order. In the past half month, the head office has never borrowed a single Sakura coin!"

What this said actually has quite a lot of meaning.

The head office strictly enforces the order.

But other banks in Sakura Country are privately owned. Whether they strictly implement orders is beyond his control as the general manager.

Sakurai Musashi knew that this was not the time for accountability, so he could only say impatiently: "Use foreign exchange reserves immediately and buy Sakura coins!!!"

"In addition, we thoroughly checked all banks and found that someone illegally lent Sakura coins and arrested him immediately!!!"

Hansawa Naoki: "Yes!!!"

Although he said "yes", Hanzawa Naoki knew that the current Sakura Country Head Office was already a castle in the air and on the verge of collapse...

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