Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety Four: Since then I have real freedom


Although various systems have been introduced one after another, it is already November, and there is still a lot of work to do in order to start implementing them on January 1 next year.

In this period of more than a month, all these laws need to be passed. If one of the laws is not passed, the entire plan may be delayed.

After all, this is an overall reform, and the legal provisions involved are the result of overall thinking. If a certain part fails to pass, there may be loopholes.

Ye Zishu is not worried about this. Since it has been officially announced to the public, it means that all these legal issues have reached an agreement, and things that change their minds halfway will basically not happen.

What he is worried about is whether it will be possible to establish a social security system covering the whole country in more than a month, and at the same time fully implement digital currency to replace the current banknotes.

Just when Ye Zishu was worried, Pei Qing ran over and told him if he had any cash at home, he had to take it to the bank in the county to exchange it for an equivalent amount of digital currency, and soon the banknotes would not be able to circulate.

"Why are you so surprised?" Seeing his surprised expression, Pei Qing couldn't help but say.

This matter was originally promoted by him. Although Pei Qing didn't care about many things, she still understood some things, not to mention that it was not a secret, after all, he provided the digital currency technology.

If there is no super quantum computer, digital currency can be realized using other technologies, but with supercomputers, any digital currency technology in the past may be cracked, which will inevitably lead to financial chaos.

"It's just that I didn't expect that it will be fully promoted so soon. When will the circulation of banknotes be completely stopped?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I heard that it will be completely stopped by the middle of next year, and the exchange has been given a period of more than half a year." Pei Qing responded.

Ye Shu nodded after hearing this. Half a year is enough time. In fact, since the payment platform has become more and more popular, the proportion of cash used has been getting lower and lower.

Danque Financial Services Co., Ltd. has made great efforts to promote offline payment, and the proportion of domestic offline funds using their payment platform is as high as 90%.

Therefore, the exchange task is not onerous, and many people may not even need to receive a personal digital currency card, and can travel around the world with a mobile phone.

There is still a big difference between a personal digital currency card and a bank card. The former is equivalent to a personal wallet. The digital currency in the card has no interest and is not transferred to a bank account. It is hung under the personal digital wallet account of the central bank.

In other words, the money under the personal digital currency card will not circulate in commercial banks and cannot be loaned out. It is a basic currency, and there is a huge difference between the two in the financial sense.

"you know too,

I don’t have cash on me, and I don’t usually need it. You can ask your parents to see if they need to exchange it. "Leaf Book said.

His father didn't have to worry, he was around the county all day long, and he was very well informed. His mother basically didn't go outside. She used to grow vegetables at home, but now she was obsessed with reading, and she was even more homely than Ye Zishu.

Maybe she will put some cash on her, and it is estimated that it will not be too much. After all, if she has any needs, she can tell her father directly, or let her daughter-in-law do it, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

Although Ye Zishu didn't have cash with him, he still gave Pei Qing his ID card and asked him to help him get a personal digital currency card in case of emergencies.

All domestic commercial banks can apply for personal digital currency cards. Everyone can apply for the first personal digital currency card for free, and the cost will be borne by the central bank.

You must know that the cost of this card is not low, because the technical content is very high, even if Qinglong Technology Company tries to keep the cost down, the cost of each card has reached 100 yuan.

At the beginning, the material of the digital currency card was provided by Ye Zishu. It has a very long service life. One person can use it forever. It is also fireproof and waterproof. As long as it is not deliberately damaged, it will basically not be damaged.

Then there is the function, which has the function of point-to-point payment, and can also use satellite signals to communicate with the background of the central bank, and uses encryption technology combining software and hardware.

The reason why the first personal card is free is mainly to promote digital currency. If a person wants to apply for multiple cards, he will be charged later, and the fee for each card is 120 yuan.

100 yuan is the fund paid to the manufacturer, and 20 yuan is the service fee.

After Pei Qing went out, Ye Zishu called up the relevant information of Tidal Group and looked at it. The financial institutions under the Tidal Group have been gradually connected to the central bank's financial institution digital currency system since June this year.

And cooperate with the central bank to carry out relevant testing work, don't think it doesn't matter if they don't operate personal deposit business. After all, digital currency is held by individuals, and corporate accounts and bank accounts will also be greatly affected.

In the past, it was just a string of numbers in the bank account, but now it is different. Each digital currency has a unique number, and it can be combined and disassembled to form a unique number.

The purpose of doing this is to be able to track the flow of any amount of funds. If you want to rely on the bank account tossing back and forth to achieve the purpose of money laundering, it will be completely useless in front of this system.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the money in one's bank account is a series of numbers, but in fact, the background clearly distinguishes the money, but in the specific operation and management, there is no obvious feeling.

This is deliberate. If there is an obvious feeling, it means that the cost of the existing bank operation will be increased, and the above-mentioned capabilities must be realized without changing the existing bank operation method.

With this ability, it means that the central bank has full knowledge of all financial data in the country, and can also understand the flow and use of funds in the market in real time, which is very important for real-time adjustment of financial policies.

Two hours later, Pei Qing came back and handed him a personal digital currency card that was processed in his identity, which was about the size of an ordinary bank card.

However, there are number buttons and some function buttons on it, as well as a rectangular display screen, which can display the numbers in the account, and you can also specify how much money to transfer when transferring money.

This display is not an ordinary display, but uses new technologies and materials, and its durability, fire resistance, and water resistance are much higher than existing display technologies.

Next to this card, there is also a fingerprint confirmation area, so that you can pay without a password. Otherwise, it is really troublesome to enter the password every time for confirmation during high-frequency consumption.

After setting up the digital currency card according to the process, directly use the short-range radio frequency technology of the mobile phone to scan the information in the card into the mobile phone, and form an electronic card in the mobile phone card package.

In this way, the mobile phone and the personal digital currency card are shared, and the mobile phone does not need to carry this card, which is more convenient to use, but the frequency of use is not high.

After all, the existing online payment platform is very mature, and there is no need to take money from the personal digital currency wallet. Of course, on the payment platform, you can also set your own personal wallet into it for easy use.

In fact, not everyone needs to apply for a personal digital currency card. There are few places where it is usually used. He also wants to apply for it to see the situation, and there is only 10,000 yuan from Pei Qingfang.

Personally speaking, the money will not generate interest when it arrives in the wallet. It is better to put it in the bank account. Even if it is a current account, at least there will be some interest. In terms of life convenience, it will not make any difference.

By December, the signboards of the county's social security fund units had been hung up, and Pei Qing attended the listing ceremony on behalf of Ye Zishu.

According to the post-negotiation regulations, whether it is a pension fund or a social security fund, all are managed by artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, and the government only sends supervisors and inspectors.

This is actually a major reform, but because there is no special report and no special explanation, it has not attracted the attention of everyone.

However, within the government, they still pay close attention to this management model, but they still don't know how effective it will be, and their personal attitude is still unclear.

In fact, not all government personnel like their jobs. In the final analysis, they are still looking for an errand. Compared with the outside world, it is much more stable, and most positions are not very lucrative.

If you can get money without working, I believe that quite a few government personnel are willing, so quite a few people are still happy to see the result.

The Local Social Security Fund Administration and the Pension Fund Administration are a set of staff with two brands and three main tasks. The first is to handle the registration of the local unemployed and pensioners.

The second task is to investigate the situation of registered personnel and pensioners, so as to avoid situations where someone registers as unemployed and then becomes employed again, or conceals other income.

At the same time, it is also to avoid the situation that the elderly die without reporting in time and continue to receive pensions, especially in this case, it is very likely to happen if management is not strengthened.

In fact, the reemployment situation of the unemployed is still very easy to grasp. The reform of digital currency and financial system makes it difficult to conceal the flow of funds. As long as there is an abnormality, it can be discovered in time.

The third task is to collect a special tax on robots for the social security fund. This tax does not go into the Ministry of Finance, but only into the social security fund, which is a special tax.

Of course, the source of funds for the social security fund is not just a special tax on robots. Every year, the Ministry of Finance will allocate some funds to make up for the funding gap of the social security fund. If there is no gap, there is no need to allocate funds.

Just when the social security fund was officially listed for operation, Ye Zishu held a special meeting with Kirin Basic Industry Group and Qinglong Technology Company.

If it is really going to be tried on January 1, the initial social security fund will definitely have no money, and it will have to wait until the second month to send money to the unemployed, because the special robot tax will not be paid until early February.

Generally, under such circumstances, the Ministry of Finance should temporarily allocate funds, but the scale of this fund is still unknown, and the registration of socially unemployed persons is still in progress.

Although he believes that domestic employment is relatively sufficient at present, but when it comes to receiving social security benefits, the number of people will definitely increase significantly.

First of all, the conditions for receiving social security funds are relatively loose. Anyone who is over 18 years old and younger than 60 years old can receive it, even if they are college students.

According to preliminary estimates, the number of people who will be able to receive social security benefits will be around 50 million, and will increase month by month, and the pressure on social security funds will also increase.

If 50 million people receive social security benefits in January next year, based on the per capita annual income of 200,000 this year, the amount of funds that need to be paid in a month will be as high as more than 800 billion yuan.

In addition to the full operation of the pension fund, it needs to spend more than 600 billion yuan a month, and the total needs are 1.4 trillion yuan, which is not a small figure. It is completely borne by the Ministry of Finance, and the pressure is also not small.

This matter was originally brought up by him, so naturally he couldn't say nothing. In order to support this decision, he planned to let his companies pay the robot employment fee for December in accordance with the "Special Robot Tax" in advance.

By the end of this year, Kirin Basic Industries Group has produced a total of 95 million general-purpose robots, and the average monthly employment fee is 35,000 yuan. If it is paid according to the "Special Robot Tax", it can pay 2.66 trillion yuan.

Of course, it is actually impossible to put so much money into the social security fund, because there is also a tax to be paid, and the tax is collected by the financial department.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Special Tax on Robots" and "Individual Tax on Robots", the robot individual tax is not directly deducted from the robot employment fee.

Instead, it is deducted from 80% of the employment fee that needs to be paid, and the remaining money is collected by the social security fund. It is not collected in total, but collected separately for each robot, and is treated exactly like ordinary labor.

Enterprises employing robots not only need to pay employment fees, but also need to pay pension insurance, medical insurance and maternity insurance, but they do not need to pay work injury insurance and housing provident fund.

The pension insurance money naturally goes into the pension fund. At the same time, when individuals receive social security benefits, they have to deduct personal pension insurance premiums and include them in the pension fund.

The medical insurance money is naturally included in the medical insurance. In the same way, when an individual receives social security benefits, the medical insurance money will be withheld and included in the medical insurance fund.

What is more special is the maternity insurance. According to the new regulations, women can use it for additional subsidies during pregnancy until their children are under the age of three.

Among them, working women not only pay their salary during this period, but also pay for their children's nutrition expenses. For unemployed women, they mainly use it to pay their children's nutrition expenses. After all, their income during this period is paid by the social security fund.

Since there is no need to pay work-related injury insurance and housing provident fund, although other expenses have been raised, such as the proportion of endowment insurance and maternity insurance, the overall burden on enterprises has not increased.

Of course, if enterprises were not standardized before, after this reform, they will inevitably face the situation of rising costs.

This time, he plans to pay a special robot tax for one month in advance, which does not include the part that the enterprise has to bear, only the part of the robot employment fee. Because the nature is different, his plan to do so is considered a strong support.

As for the advance payment of the robot employment fee of Qinglong Technology Company, he thinks that there is no need for it. On the one hand, the part paid by Kirin Basic Industries Group is enough for the social security fund to operate.

On the other hand, Qinglong Technology Company needs to greatly expand its production, and it is facing a certain amount of financial pressure. If he did not let Qinglong Technology Company turn over its profits last year, it is estimated that it would need to borrow money from the bank to expand production.

A temporary special meeting was held with Kirin Basic Industry Group, and then Kirin Basic Industry Group immediately contacted relevant departments and people from the Social Security Fund to hold a temporary meeting.

Communicate Ye Shu's decision with these departments. For these departments, this money is rain from heaven, but the name of the collection is very important.

It must not be collected in the form of a special robot tax. After all, the operation of the system must be compliant. If it is collected in this name, it is not compliant, and there is a problem with the procedure.

For this reason, Ye Zishu thought about it and made a special donation. The tax department needs to issue a special certificate, otherwise there will be problems in tax investigation and suspicion of tax evasion.

This matter was reached under the witness of the Ministry of Finance, the Tax Bureau, the Social Security Fund, and Kirin Basic Industries Group, and there were no procedural problems.

However, through this incident, everyone gained a new understanding of Ye Zishu's integrity, and even several leaders called him specifically to express their gratitude to him.

You must know that this is not a small number. Even if this part of the money has to pay part of the tax, the money that belongs to him is trillions of yuan. This is definitely not an exaggeration.

If someone took out so much money to donate, it would be worthwhile not to call to thank them, but to come to thank them in person. Unfortunately, except for Ye Zishu, no one would do this.

As for the gap in the pension fund, in principle, it will be taken from the social security fund, because in terms of classification, both of them belong to the category of social security and are managed together.

It's just that the expenses are different. The cost of paying a single pension is much lower, while the cost of paying a social security fund is much higher. That's why they are managed separately, and the sources of funds are also different.

However, under special circumstances, it is estimated that part of the money from the social security fund will be transferred to the pension every year. If there is a shortage of money in general, the Ministry of Finance will need to fill the gap.

Now that it is the end of the year, Ye Zishu deliberately learned about the expansion of the robot production of Kirin Basic Industry Group and Qinglong Technology Company.

Although the registration of unemployed persons has only started now, the number will certainly not be particularly large, because the exact amount of the subsidy has not yet been announced. If the income is much lower than the current income, there will not be so many people resigning.

But it is foreseeable that as long as someone announces the social security benefits they have received in the first month, many people will be ready to move and cannot resist the idea of ​​resigning.

Even if resignation seems a bit naked, there are many ways to get the company to fire you, just like the company has many ways to get employees to resign voluntarily. It is not easy to do good things, and everyone has the ability to do bad things.

At that time, we will face double pressure. On the one hand, employers find it difficult to find employees. Even if the salary is raised, few people are willing to do it, unless the salary they offer exceeds 50% of the social security fund.

Because there is a tax to pay, if the money in their hands is not significantly higher than the social security funds in hand, no one is willing to work, at least in the short term.

On the other hand, the social security fund needs more and more funds to pay social security benefits. Most of this money comes from the special tax on robots, and other funding channels are just supplementary.

Therefore, the production capacity of robots is particularly important. There must be enough robots to fill the labor gap in the market, and at the same time, there must be enough robots to earn money for the social security fund.

Even Ye Zishu can imagine that there will be a wave of resignation among the employees of his companies, although the average salary of his employees is much higher than the average salary in society.

However, the salary of his employees is not absolutely average. Some people have made great contributions and strong abilities, so they will naturally get more, and many employees get a lot less salary.

If you do the calculations and feel that you have worked hard and worked hard, and the salary you get is not much more than the social security benefits you get, some people just want to feel comfortable and quit their jobs and go home.

Especially construction workers like Wancheng Jiye, usually have a lot of labor intensity, and they have to withstand the wind and sun, and they may be injured. Improper operation may be life-threatening. It is really hard work.

Although they get a lot of money, many people don't care about less money if they can be comfortable, as long as they can maintain the expenses of the whole family, education and medical care can be guaranteed.

Naturally, Ye Zishu would not stop them, nor would he look down on them, because this is human nature, if life is not forced, no one would be willing to sell their bodies and souls, let alone their freedom and dignity.

In the past, there was no way. Only these people had to come out to work to create social value, to promote social development, and to let some people become masters.

It's different now. The emergence of robots and artificial intelligence has completely changed the traditional social development pattern. Ordinary workers don't have to be as involuntary as before.

He is desperately developing, isn't it just to wait for this moment? How could he look down on it, but he is happy in his heart, and finally let human beings gain real freedom to a certain extent.

Countless martyrs threw their heads and blood for freedom. In fact, they did not solve the real freedom, but only showed the restraint of freedom as naked as before.

And he just developed some science and technology, and he can do it with a little money. Compared with the contributions of the martyrs, his contribution is nothing, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Moreover, through science and technology and active profit sharing, he has allowed people to truly realize their freedom. These people no longer have to look at other people's faces, and they don't have to worry about it anymore.

From then on, they are free from soul to body, they can live the life they want, they don't run around day and night, and they can do whatever they want as long as they don't break the law or discipline.

After reading the internal materials of these two companies, he finally felt relieved. In fact, their production capacity expansion was completed at the end of November, and full production has already started in December.

Because it may be a bit too late for production in January next year, and a part of the inventory must be reserved in advance. More than 33 million robots go offline every month, and the production capacity is absolutely sufficient.

They even reported in their internal materials that many of his companies have begun to formulate employee turnover plans and follow the steps to replace robots.

The reason for doing this is to replace all of them with robots, the management cost will be further reduced, and the efficiency will be further improved. Even if the employment fee for robots is higher, it is generally more cost-effective.

The most important thing is that his management has actually accepted his ideas, but they had some concerns before.

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