Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 983 Pension reform and funding gap solutions


On April 18, the Civil Affairs Department disclosed the information about the pension reform. This news attracted the attention of Ye Zishu, and naturally, it also attracted the attention of the whole people.

According to the disclosed information, it has a completely different operation mode from the previous pension model. The biggest difference is that all the elderly population is brought into a unified framework.

In the future, there will be no distinction between government officials, enterprise employees and farmers, and there will be no distinction in status. This is also the biggest highlight of this reform of the pension system.

It was also the idea that Ye Zishu emphasized during the meeting with the leader last time. He was naturally very happy that it could be reflected in the information revealed.

The future social wealth creation model will be different from any previous period, so it is natural to establish a suitable system to meet the needs of the new era, rather than stick to the original model.

Of course, judging from the reaction of online public opinion, the controversy is still quite large. The biggest beneficiaries of this pension reform should be the peasant group, after all, they had little interest in this aspect before.

Moreover, in terms of population size, their group size is also the largest. Faced with this reform of the pension system, they are naturally in favor of it. After all, they have benefited the most.

Those whose interests have been greatly impacted should be the retirees of the government and public institutions. In the past, they received pensions, which is not the same as that of enterprise retirees. Pensions are relatively large.

In the future, there will be no such obvious difference. There will be no obvious difference in the amount of pension received, and of course it will not be exactly the same. The difference lies in the contribution before retirement.

If you are an ordinary employee of the government or a public institution, there will not be much difference in the amount of pension you receive, but for meritorious personnel, the amount of pension will be higher.

Ye Zishu naturally has no objection to this. After all, doing so is beneficial to society. Although he emphasizes fairness, this fairness lies in not distinguishing between status and status.

It is necessary to give more favorable treatment to those who have made outstanding contributions to society. This is of great positive significance to encourage more people to make more contributions.

It’s just that the identification of contributions needs to be strictly checked. If the review is not strict in this regard, it will lose its due meaning and even bring a lot of negative effects.

Therefore, judging from the direction of public opinion, there are both supporters and opponents, and the two are almost evenly matched. Although the peasants have a large number of people, they are still not proficient in using the Internet.

If their sons and daughters hadn't played a significant role in this process, they might have fallen into a disadvantage in public opinion. After all, farmers are still relatively weak in terms of the resources they have.

Enterprise employees have different internal reactions to this pension reform. People with high salaries pay more pension insurance funds and can receive higher pensions in the future.

Naturally, he is not willing to let others share the benefits.

However, more enterprise employees' salaries are basically around the average line. For them, no matter whether they get more or less in the future, at least they have to be psychologically balanced, and the overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Since the voices of opposition and support are evenly matched in the overall trend of public opinion, it is difficult to convince anyone in terms of interests, and everyone is unwilling to simply give up their own interests.

So the topic turned to funds. The current pension system implements more pay and more pay. The funds come from individuals and companies, and the pensions of government personnel come from financial support.

Now that there are so many more farmers and elderly people coming in to share their benefits, how to solve the extra funding gap has become the battleground for the next fierce debate.

Funding is the key to this pension reform. If the fund pool does not expand, it means that the interests of existing vested interests will be greatly damaged.

In fact, the current average level of pensions is not high. Although it is increasing every year, compared with economic growth, it has always been lagging behind. The government is relatively conservative in raising pensions.

At present, the average monthly pension for people receiving pensions in society is only 4,000 yuan, which is 1,000 yuan lower than the 5,000 yuan proposed by Ye Zishu.

This is thanks to the previous conservative approach. Otherwise, raising it too high will bring great obstacles to the reform of the pension system.

As long as the scale of pensions is expanded, it will not cause much damage to those who already have interests, but the expanded part will be distributed to people who did not have pensions before.

Therefore, expanding the scale and sources of pensions is the key to this pension reform. To be honest, there was really no way to solve this problem in the past.

What most people think of is to increase the expenditure of enterprises on pensions, but in doing so, the competitiveness of enterprises will be much weaker, and they will be at a disadvantage in the global economic competition.

Although my country's economy is large and has certain regional economic advantages, economic globalization has not weakened, and has even been strengthened. Enterprises need global competition.

Therefore, this path that many people think is feasible is actually the most unfeasible. It can even be said to be a way of fishing out the water. Various problems will definitely arise in the future.

Therefore, the source of pensions needs to be obtained from public expenditures without increasing the operating burden of enterprises, but the funds in public expenditures are also raised from the society.

Public expenditure is actually fiscal expenditure. On the premise of not increasing the burden on enterprises, to increase fiscal revenue is mainly solved from two aspects.

The first aspect is to expand the scale of the economy. After making the cake bigger, even if taxes and fees are paid according to the original ratio, the total amount will increase. This is the main way to increase fiscal revenue.

Fortunately, my country's economy has been developing at a high speed in recent years, and its volume has reached a certain scale. It is precisely because of this premise that the government dared to accept Ye Zishu's suggestion and carry out the reform of the pension system.

If there is no such premise, no matter how hypnotized Ye Zishu's words are, the actual conditions are not met, and no matter how good the idea is, it will not help.

Of course, the reason why he brought it up is because he knew that the economic foundation is very important. He didn't mention it before because it was useless to say it at that time.

The second aspect is to increase the tax rate of high-income groups. At present, the highest personal tax rate for high-income groups in my country is 45%. He believes that it can be increased appropriately, and the maximum can reach 70%.

Although this approach seems to have greatly damaged his interests, it is actually not that high. The reason is that he seldom takes money from his subsidiaries for his own use.

This is not for tax avoidance, but he thinks it is unnecessary, and he cannot avoid tax, because the company's money is not equal to his personal money, and it can only be counted if it is taken out and transferred to his personal account.

The one who suffers the most is Ye Zihua, who earns a large amount of bonus income every year. If the income tax rate is increased, he should become the largest individual tax payer in the country.

But for Ye Zihua, he actually doesn't need so much money. He can't spend all the interest income every year now, and he is influenced by him. He should not object to this, and of course the objection is invalid.

The third aspect is to increase taxes without affecting economic development, such as inheritance tax, abandonment tax, personal asset income tax, etc. In this regard, my country's tax system itself should be perfected, but there are some deficiencies at present.

The emergence of these types of taxes will not have a great impact on the overall economic operation, but will help improve our country's tax system and avoid the continued widening of the gap between the rich and the poor.

The fourth aspect is quite special and requires the cooperation of Ye Zishu, that is, the collection of robot tax, as a large number of robots are used in the economic field.

The scale of wealth created by robots is also increasing, but this wealth has not been fully reflected in the income of residents, and currently belongs to invisible wealth creators.

For example, if the general-purpose robots of Kirin Basic Industries Group are produced on a scale of 50 million units this year, the total scale will reach nearly 100 million units.

The average income of these general-purpose robots is much higher than that of other employees. The state does not impose any tax on this, and it is all included in the income of the enterprise.

Obviously, the consequence of doing so is that the tax paid by enterprises is too low. Therefore, it is necessary to collect robot tax, and it is also a plan for the future.

If more and more jobs will be replaced by robots in the future, which will affect the employment of personnel, then if we want to continue to advance, we must balance interests.

Otherwise, there will be problems. The stable income of the people is the prerequisite for ensuring social stability. Otherwise, under the opposition of everyone, it is very likely that this process will be interrupted.

If this is the case, it will be a huge blow to social and technological progress. Obviously there are more advanced productive forces, but they cannot be used, and the loss must be huge.

From the moment Universal Robots was born, he knew that this would happen, and he also hoped to have one, but the conditions were not met before, so he didn't mention it.

Of course, at that time, Kirin Basic Industry Group still needed the income obtained by these general-purpose robots to increase production capacity, and generally did not generate too much income surplus, and it did not make much sense to mention it.

But after this year, their total volume has reached nearly 100 million units, and many costs have actually been recovered. It is meaningful to start imposing special taxes on them now.

To be honest, even if he does not discuss the collection of this tax this time, he still has to mention it. It seems that people who have a lot of money are stupid, but in fact this is an important step for him to achieve his next goal.

To others, money is wealth and a symbol of status. To him, it is just a tool to achieve his goals. The real wealth he considers is knowledge, and he is obviously rich enough in this regard.

Through the multi-pronged approach, the government's tax base has been greatly increased, not only to provide enough funds for pension funds, but also to build the unemployment fund mentioned in his last talk.

In the future, we will not need so many people to work, and in fact we will not need so many people to work now. It is just that the system is not perfect, and he can't use it even if he has the strength. He can only follow the previous model.

If an unemployment fund covering all the people is established, the enterprises under his banner will be able to perform to their full potential without worrying about social stability caused by unemployment or lack of economic motivation caused by insufficient consumption.

If the name of the unemployment fund does not sound good, you can also change its name to a social security fund, which is used to ensure that the living standards of the unemployed in the whole society will not decline and they can live a relatively affluent life.

In his view, the standard of relative affluence is that apart from not being able to buy expensive luxury goods, other aspects of life are not affected in any way. Not only are basic necessities of life guaranteed, but also the whole family can travel more than 5 times a year.

A sum of money can also be used every year to enrich their brains, so that they have the opportunity to get rid of unemployment through re-learning, make more contributions to society, and earn more income.

Although I will live a very good life in the future, it is not easy to work. It takes a lot of effort to make myself a useful person to society.

Before, he wanted to build a real utopia, but with the improvement of experience, he felt that doing so would only bury the entire civilization in the end, which was not a realistic approach.

But he doesn't want the people to live very hard, so that everyone can fully enjoy the fruits of technological and economic development, instead of being occupied by a few people.

That's why we propose such a structure, allowing people with incompetence to receive social security funds so that they can live a life without worrying about food and clothing. If they have ideals, they can also work hard to improve themselves and strive for job opportunities.

At this time, work is not just a simple increase in income, but the realization of self-worth. Not everyone is willing to be a rice bug, and they also want to be useful to society.

And those who get jobs do not always get jobs. When their abilities gradually fail to meet their needs, they will also lose their jobs and become members of social security funds.

In this way, a certain degree of competition is formed, allowing the society to maintain a certain vitality, but the competition will not be so cruel. Even if you lose your job, the quality of life will not decrease too much.

In this way, more people will fight for their ideals instead of fighting for daily necessities, and they will appear more advanced and civilized in comparison.

Sure enough, not long after the news was announced, Ye Zishu received an invitation from the relevant department, wanting him to serve as a consultant for the pension reform.

In fact, it is not easy to formulate a system. It is necessary to listen to the appeals of the people, and at the same time, listen to the appeals of stakeholders, and look at the problem from a higher perspective.

The newly formulated system must meet the needs of a considerable period of time in the future. If it becomes outdated within a few years after being formulated, the significance of system formulation will be much weaker.

As the mainstay of the domestic economy, his importance is beyond doubt when formulating this system, and this is what he proposed, so naturally there are many ideas.

Therefore, inviting him to serve as a consultant has three meanings: the first meaning is to let him participate, improve the system construction, and meet the needs of future development.

To be honest, many people actually don’t see clearly how the economy will develop in the future and how society will change, because the main force that really promotes development has always been Ye Zishu.

In the next stage, no one knows what revolutionary technology he can come up with. It is estimated that there are not many people who are more aware of the changes brought about by the emergence of existing revolutionary technologies than him.

Therefore, letting him participate is conducive to looking at the present from a higher perspective, or thinking about the present from a longer-term perspective, which is of very positive significance.

The second meaning is that inviting him may be able to solve the funding problem needed for system construction. As the country's largest asset owner and technology owner, the important role he plays in it cannot be overemphasized.

Without his participation, even if it has been formulated, if he does not cooperate, the effect of the implementation process will definitely be greatly reduced. Many people understand this.

The third meaning is to unify the understanding, invite him, the biggest stakeholder, and the system formulated will be fully recognized by him.

In the future, in the process of implementation, although he must suffer the greatest loss, he cannot complain because he recognized it at the beginning and participated in it as a consultant.

Ye Zishu was naturally aware of their small calculations, but he didn't care about them in the first place, so he didn't take them to heart and expressed his participation.

However, he is about to preside over the preparation of the college entrance examination papers. It will take a month or two, and he has no time to participate in the reform of the pension system.

And this kind of thing, I don't know how long it will take to reach an agreement, it is very time-consuming to go back and forth, and time is very precious to him, much more important than the so-called money.

So he intends to let Ye Ziqi participate on his behalf, no matter what the final result is, Ye Ziqi's suggestion can represent his own suggestion.

First of all, Ye Ziqi is his close relative. During the whole participation process, he will not ignore his own interests. If it were someone else, he would worry about whether he would be betrayed.

Secondly, Ye Ziqi has a legal background and is naturally rigorous. It is easier to see if there are loopholes in the system formulation process.

In addition, her IQ has greatly improved, she has never stopped studying, her ability has been recognized by him, and she has actually participated in social work. She is not a fool with an IQ.

In the end, he will not let Ye Ziqi participate in it unprepared, he will organize his thinking into a file, and let Ye Ziqi participate according to his thinking.

As long as everyone upholds the idea of ​​serving the public wholeheartedly, there won't be too many gossips. Of course, if someone has his own little Jiujiu, he will not be polite.

In his thinking, simply establish the social security fund and the new pension fund together, so as not to have to toss in the middle, but also to speed up the pace of reform of his enterprises.

At present, the enterprises under him seem to be dancing in shackles, which is a bit clumsy. If these two systems are established, they can also easily enter the battle and accelerate the speed of development and reform.

Reflected in the economic field, perhaps in the future, the miracle of economic development that is almost the same as before can be achieved, and the whole society will enter another level.

After Ye Zishu let Ye Ziqi plenipotentiary to represent himself to participate in the idea to communicate with the relevant departments, although the other party has some doubts, but still accepted.

Then Ye Zishu sorted out his thoughts and ideas into a file, sent it to Ye Ziqi, and then fully communicated with them through video calls.

After confirming that Ye Ziqi understands his true thoughts and intentions, he will not continue to pay attention to this matter. If there is any uncertainty, let Ye Ziqi contact him again.

But it is certain that if someone knows that he came up with a lot of "bad ideas", it is estimated that they will point at his nose and scold his mother, which will seriously damage the interests of many rich people.

Inheritance tax, personal asset appreciation tax, abandonment tax, and capital departure tax can all be said to be taxes that "harvest" the rich. Ordinary people may also pay one or two of them, but the amount is not high.

Because these will set a limit, it is difficult for ordinary people to exceed the limit. Only the rich with small assets will exceed these limits and can feel the pain brought by these taxes.

Of course, he is the one who loses the most interests, so although it seems unbelievable that he put forward this suggestion, it can definitely stop many people's mouths.

Not only that, he also put forward his own requirements for the management of these major funds, that is, to fully use artificial intelligence and general robot management to eliminate possible corruption problems.

Because once the two major funds are established, the turnover will be very large. If you just pick a bit out of them with a toothpick, it will be a huge piece of fat. It is inevitable that no one will be tempted.

If he can't guarantee that his contribution will be carried out fairly, then he will feel very uncomfortable. This is what he said to Ye Ziqi in the end.

At the same time, it is also the premise that he is willing to pay. If there is no such premise, he still does not know what will happen in a few years, so he insists on it very much.

In the last meeting, he had already expressed a similar point of view, but at that time he only mentioned it, and did not insist too much, because he should not have said more.

This time I just caught up with the time. I hope to promote the development of the entire national governance system to a higher level through successful cases. Otherwise, it will never be implemented. No one is willing to voluntarily give up the benefits they have obtained. This is human nature.

This time, he used his own selfless approach to forcefully push forward the process. If he suffered such a huge loss, and there are still people who want to seek personal gain from it, it is a bit unreasonable. People should have a bit of shame.

On April 25th, Ye Zishu finally received a call from Guo Dongsheng, inviting him to attend the wedding ceremony at the house where his mother lived.

In addition to him and Pei Qing, the presidents of his group were also invited. According to Guo Dongsheng's thinking, there was no need to invite them, but he was afraid that they would say him when they met in the future, so they invited them together.

Anyway, the scale of these personnel is not large, and there will not be much battle after the invitation. Of course, Ye Zihua is also invited. After all, the Tidal Group and Wancheng Foundation also have a lot of cooperation.

Since there are not a few days left, some gifts must be prepared here. The gifts that Pei Qing prepared are all jewelry. Although they are expensive, they are not particularly amazing.

Last time he said that he wanted to give a special gift, so naturally he couldn't break his promise, but he had a lot of good things in his hand, and he didn't know what to give, which made him very tangled.

The ready-made special items include protective items, but unlike the protective items he gave to his close relatives, the ones he took out this time have a limit on the number of times they can be used.

There is also the IQ-enhancing drug. After using it for family members last time, there is still a lot left. After struggling for a long time, I still plan not to give this gift.

They plan to give them a longevity-enhancing medicine, which is even more important to them. After using it, they can easily live to over 120 years old without disease or disaster, which can be called a miracle medicine.

Anyway, it's not too unusual for him, he planned to give one to Guo Dongsheng's mother in addition to the couple. When he went to his house last time, he had this idea.

Of course, the generals of the various groups under him cannot be ignored, but they are still young, and it will not be too late to give them after they retire, which can be regarded as a means of reward.

Therefore, the gifts he gave were protective equipment with a limited number of times, and longevity-enhancing medicines. For Guo Dongsheng and his wife, they were definitely special gifts, and they couldn't be bought outside.

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