Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 834 Seek cooperation from Baihu Technology Company


The previous news of Baihu Technology Company is still warming up. Although it has gained a lot of influence in public opinion and even improved our country's international reputation, the enthusiasm lasted for about a month and then disappeared.

The reason is that everyone does not believe it from the bottom of their hearts. After all, these plans are long-term plans, and there is no detailed plan time node.

Coupled with the deliberate guidance of public opinion, various popular science came out from the media to explain the difficulty. Although it did not directly deny whether Baihu Technology Company can do it, but the meaning is the same.

So the heat didn't last long, and it disappeared, and the aerospace department of the veteran aerospace power was relieved. Finally, it didn't have to follow the madness. Lying is also very tiring.

It's just that a few months later, Baihu Technology announced a more detailed timetable for the construction of the space station. It can be said that as soon as this news came out, no one thought that Baihu Technology was bragging.

After all, construction is about to start, and bragging needs to find a long-term goal, so that at least in the short term, it will not be slapped in the face. As for whether it will be slapped in the future, that is a matter of the future.

Therefore, everyone in the world who pays attention to this matter knows that Baihu Technology Company is not just talking, but is really implementing their aerospace development plan seriously.

It is even earlier than the time node they announced before. Before, they only said that their own space station would be completed 2000 years ago. Now it has been two years ahead of schedule, and the construction will be completed next year.

At that time, it was not certain whether the so-called International Space Station had been launched. As for whether the construction was completed, only God knew, so the intensity of public opinion this time was even stronger than last time.

Some media want to confirm whether Baihu Technology Company really has this strength, whether it is setting off a smoke screen, and found the national aerospace department, wanting to find out.

However, the space program of White Tiger Technology Company is a corporate action, not a state action. It is completely dominated by White Tiger Technology Company, and there is no need to explain their development plan in advance.

Therefore, interviewing the relevant national aerospace departments is doomed to return in vain, not to mention that they are currently cooperating very happily and will not talk too much in this regard, which is of no benefit to anyone.

To be honest, they didn't really believe in the space plan announced by White Tiger Technology Company before. After all, it was too sci-fi, and they felt that it was unlikely to be realized in the short term.

It's just that they didn't expect that they were serious. Shortly after the plan was announced, they came to seek cooperation with them, and the two parties quickly reached a relevant cooperation agreement.

The reason is very simple, cooperation is very beneficial to them, they don't need to pay for it, if the scientific research personnel under it participate, the salary will be paid by Baihu Technology Company, and they can get a higher salary.

the most important is,

Cooperating with them, although I don't know if it will be successful in the end, at least in the process of research and development, the scientific researchers have been trained, and they can learn new technologies to some extent, which can improve the professional level of scientific researchers.

This kind of cooperation can be said to be beneficial without any harm. Just like the cooperation between Baihu Technology Company and other military scientific research units in the past, isn't it now bearing fruitful results?

Now that the global public opinion is intensifying, for the people of countries without aerospace industry, they just need to eat melons with peace of mind. Anyway, such international news is very suitable for eating melons.

For people in countries with a little bit of aerospace industry, or who are also interested in developing aerospace development, they are a little anxious, feeling that they are falling behind, and if they don't work hard, they will fall even further behind.

This is not the main reason. The main reason is that everyone was a brother in distress before. Why can you stand out now and bring tremendous pressure to their rulers.

So they hastily announced their huge space program, regardless of whether it can be realized in the future, they will announce it first, and if they can't do it by then, they will just delay it with technical problems.

For the people of a country with a strong aerospace industry, there are mixed feelings, and some dismiss it, thinking that Baihu Technology Company is just trying to gain attention.

The reason is simple. The development of the aerospace industry is not so easy. Their country has worked hard, invested so much money, and a large number of outstanding talents have invested in it to achieve the current results.

Why can your company do it? Even if it is realized with the help of the power of the country, it cannot be achieved in a short period of time. Money alone is not enough, and a huge talent pool is also needed.

Obviously, our country's aerospace accumulation is not sufficient, and the talent pool is not sufficient. Even if civilian technology develops rapidly, there is still a big difference between the two.

Of course, there are also people who think this is true. The reason is that my country's technological development in recent years has been too fast, so fast that other countries in the world can't catch up.

Coupled with the outstanding achievements in economic development and the financial resources to develop the aerospace industry, apart from the rather magical accumulation of technology, nothing seems impossible.

Regardless of whether they think it is fake or think it may be true, they have more expectations for their country's aerospace development, hoping to use this to stabilize Baihu Technology Company.

For ordinary people, no matter how difficult the technology is, they only care about whether their country can do it. This is the glory of the country, and even if it can't be done, it must be done.

Such expectations and the influence of public opinion have put a lot of pressure on their aerospace department. Originally, everyone wanted to study carefully whether to follow the original plan or change the plan.

Now it seems that if it comes according to the original plan, there is no way to explain to the people of the country. Such a space station, which was lagging behind from the beginning, really cannot boost the confidence of the people.

So many countries gathered together and discussed it. Both the two aerospace powers felt that it was necessary to change their plans, and re-invest funds and scientific research resources against the space station of Baihu Technology Company.

But for many small countries, they just invest money in it to join in the fun, and let their astronauts go to space activities by the way, without mastering the core technology.

To put it bluntly, I am just an investor, and it is still a loss-making investment. I heard that I will invest more funds, and I don't know when it will succeed, and I don't even have a specific plan.

This kind of change is a big blow to them. Not only the previous investment was in vain, but now they need to invest more, which is not something they can afford.

As a result, many countries do not continue to invest for various reasons. Anyway, it is very simple to find reasons. The simplest one is that they have no money.

There are also younger brothers who are closer to the two major aerospace powers and have to continue to invest, but the funds invested are also very limited, just to give the two big brothers face.

Aerospace is a bottomless pit. The previous plan can still see hope, and the investment can still feel rewarded, but now it is against the space station of Baihu Technology Company, and it still wants to stabilize the pressure.

To be honest, they really don't have confidence. They have seen the renderings and analyzed the technical difficulty in it. They feel that it is impossible to realize it with the current technology.

Even if they underestimated the technical strength of the two major aerospace powers, the construction of such a huge space station would also consume a huge amount of funds, and these countries simply cannot afford it.

It’s just that everyone has to maintain the relationship with each other, so they can only invest a sum of money. As for the follow-up, there must be no follow-up, otherwise the space station has not been completed, and their own economy will be dragged down.

Among the two major aerospace powers, there is also a huge difference in economic strength, so there is also a huge gap in the ability to afford funds. It is possible for them to research technology, but it is impossible to invest too much money.

They have accumulated strong aerospace technology and excellent aerospace talents from their predecessors, but the economy is too bad, and they are in a state of powerlessness.

So this negotiation naturally ended without a problem, and they each had to go back to see what to do next, after all, they were not the ones who made the decision.

Ye Zishu spent more than half a month to sort out the technical information of the military equipment that he wanted to develop, and handed over all the technical information to Baihu Technology Company.

Among all the technical information given this time, the individual combat suit and holographic glasses are the two most eye-catching pieces of equipment. When used together, the effect is not simply doubled.

To be honest, Ye Zishu can actually come up with more advanced individual combat uniforms, but the cost is too high and it is not universal, so it is difficult to improve the overall strength.

The current cost of individual combat uniforms and holographic glasses is relatively acceptable. Together, the cost of each set is about 100,000 yuan, and Baihu Technology's selling price of 200,000 yuan is not too much.

In this way, there is still the ability to equip hundreds of thousands of sets every year, which can not only achieve popularization, but also bring a lot of income to Baihu Technology Company, which is acceptable to both parties.

In terms of army equipment production, Baihu Technology still chooses not to carry out it by itself, and will cooperate with other domestic companies. They will provide technical and key component support, and the other party will be responsible for the complete assembly production.

The individual combat uniforms will be handed over to Kirin Textile Industry Group to be responsible for the production. Their own technology in the textile field is very strong and they also have a good industrial foundation. There is no need for Baihu Technology Company to build another textile system.

Holographic glasses can be produced by themselves. After all, this kind of thing is still suitable for civilian enterprises. Although it is not as good as virtual helmets, it is not a star and a half better than smart glasses.

It's just that the parts inside can be purchased from outside as long as they can be purchased from outside. Most of the parts can be purchased from Xuanwu Technology Company or Qinglong Technology Company.

The part they are responsible for also has a good foundation. It only needs to weaken the relevant technology of the virtual helmet to meet the requirements. The complete production only needs an automated production line, which is not too troublesome.

This way of making money, although not so much, but the investment has also become less, and basically only need to invest in scientific research, which is the most suitable path for development for them who are currently short of funds.

Moreover, the main business of Baihu Science and Technology Company is space exploration, and its own participation in the production of army and navy equipment does not help their aerospace business much.

On the contrary, the aviation equipment they are responsible for producing has a more positive significance for the promotion of their aerospace industry, which is also one of the important reasons why Ye Zishu did this in the first place.

It is already late January, and it will soon be February, and the Lunar New Year is about to usher in. Ye Zishu has no plan to conduct scientific research projects before the end of the year.

Prepare to read through the annual financial report of the company carefully, and then find an opportunity to hold a high-level annual meeting. This year's work can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

Just when Ye Zishu was about to take a day off and read the annual financial reports of its industries, Lu Desheng, the president of Baihu Technology, unexpectedly called.

Generally, they would not call him if they could, because Ye Zishu didn't like it, and they would call him only when they encountered important matters and they had difficulty making a decision.

The same is true this time. They received news from the old M Space Agency, expressing their strong desire to cooperate with Baihu Technology on the space station.

Ye Zishu was taken aback when he heard this. Don't they want to be proud? They directly turned down their faces and asked Baihu Technology Company to cooperate, which made him a little overwhelmed.

But after thinking about it, I feel that there is nothing impossible. After all, they are a capitalist country, and the ratio of input to output must be considered in everything. If they invest by themselves, it is not worthwhile at all.

Instead of this, it is better to cooperate with Baihu Technology Company, which can not only save a lot of capital investment, but also learn more about the details of Baihu Technology Company in the process of cooperation. It would be even better if we can get the technology.

And asking for opinions here in advance is also a safe approach. If Baihu Technology agrees, they don't have to work hard on their own.

If you don't agree, you won't lose face. Anyway, this kind of thing will not be made public. Just go back and continue to develop your own space station project, and you won't delay too much.

"How do they want to cooperate?" Ye Zishu asked.

For Ye Zishu, the space station is just a business. Although it has many important meanings, as an enterprise, it is a practical problem for this project to bring them more income.

Of course, he wants the money, but the technology cannot be learned by them, so he is very interested in the way of cooperation. If they only use the space station, they can cooperate.

Anyway, the space station is originally operated in the form of international cooperation. Since other countries are allowed to participate, they will naturally not be rejected, as long as they abide by their own rules.

For him, the space station is the most basic sky project, and it is not that tall. If it becomes a space city in the future, it will be open to the world and not just for personal use.

But projects like the Moon project and the Mars project are relatively private and will not be open to the world. The reason is simple. There are actual benefits in it, and there is no need to rely on openness to obtain benefits.

There are a lot of natural resources on the moon. If you can occupy it alone, you will get much more benefits than cooperating with others. It is not difficult to earn money.

The Mars project is even more significant. If it is really transformed into a livable planet like the Earth, it will be equivalent to having an extra planet under his banner, and the economic value generated is immeasurable.

Therefore, it is even more impossible to cooperate with others on the Mars project, and to cooperate with others, except for a little financial support, other help is not great.

As for other people's opposition to his development of Mars, it will be up to them to oppose it or not. If they are really capable of developing Mars, their strength is enough to shut the mouths of many countries.

"They want to share our space station project so that they can participate in the whole process. They are willing to bear half of the cost. Of course, they will also take half of the future income." Lu Desheng said.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that this formulation was a bit absurd. Why did he feel that he was begging them just because they paid half of the money? It's beautiful to think about.

"Do you still want to talk to me about such a proposal? Do you think I will agree?" Ye Zishu asked in a serious tone.

Lu Desheng knew that Ye Shu was angry, so he said quickly: "I know Mr. Ye will definitely not agree, and I have already rejected them, but this plan is just a test for them.

In the future, we will definitely come up with a plan that is more beneficial to us. At that time, we must bother Mr. Ye, so we took this opportunity to ask Mr. Ye how he thinks about this matter, so that we can know what to do next. "

Hearing Lu Desheng's words, Ye Zishu finally looked better. He thought that Lu Desheng thought the plan was good, so it was really a problem with his head, or even a problem with his thinking.

"Cooperation is definitely possible, but it is not the kind of cooperation they imagined, but like other countries, after our space station is built, they can arrange their own astronauts to engage in scientific research activities.

As for the current space station construction process, I don’t bother them to participate. We have both technical realization capabilities and capital investment capabilities, so there is no need to cooperate with them.

This is my bottom line for cooperating with them. You can refuse all their requests beyond this bottom line, without worrying about face! "Leaf Book said.

"Will they agree to this? This is equivalent to abolishing their own space station construction plan." Lu Desheng said.

"How do you know that the other party disagrees? After all, the space station is just a place for human beings to conduct space research, as long as they think it's worth the money.

If there are two options in front of you now, the first option is to build a space station at a high cost, but it does not necessarily have an advantage.

Moreover, the construction cycle of a space station is extremely long, and the average cost of use is much higher than that of renting other people's space stations. The only advantage is that you can accumulate more experience in space station construction.

The second is to rent someone else's space station. The advantage is that the cost of use is lower, and there is no need to invest in energy management, and it does not delay their space research projects.

The only disadvantage is that it loses face and has no political significance. Faced with these two choices, which one do you think they will choose? "Leaf Book asked.

Lu Desheng was silent for a long time. To be honest, in terms of our personalities, no matter how good others are, they are not as good as our own.

So according to Lu Desheng's own wishes, he will prepare both hands. Before the construction of his own space station is completed, he will temporarily pay to use other people's space stations, and at the same time he can learn something.

As for how others would choose, it really stumped him, seeing that he hadn't responded for a long time, Ye Zishu had to say: "Actually, it's not difficult to imagine that they will definitely choose the cheapest way.

You may wonder whether they will make two-handed preparations. I think it is possible, but it is unlikely. The reason is that it is not worthwhile and the cycle is too long.

If you really want to save face and gain political prestige, you can choose other space projects, such as launching more Mars rovers, exploring Venus, etc., which are much better than continuing to build space stations. "

Lu Desheng didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I know how to do it!"

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