Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 828 Robot stand-in and super smart wearable device


"Why are there so many people watching?" Ye Zishu looked at the numbers on the TV and asked in surprise.

The number is much higher than he thought, the number shown on it is as high as 100 million+, are there so many people bored watching the new product launch conference of Tai Chi Group?

He acknowledged the influence of Taiji Group in the world, and almost everyone may deal with Taiji Group's products, but it should not be that so many people pay attention to the press conference.

After all, ordinary people only deal with Tai Chi Group when they are sick, and they usually use their smart wearable devices or their health care products at most, and they don't pay so much attention to their press conferences.

Pei Qing, who was sitting next to her, was all smiles. She was very satisfied that so many people paid attention to the company's press conference. This press conference is a super advertising platform.

Faced with Ye Zishu's question, Pei Qing said with a smile: "Under normal circumstances, it is really difficult to have so many people watching the press conference, but we have done a lot of publicity before.

Moreover, we announced to the public that we will announce epoch-making biomedical products at the press conference, which will bring good news to the whole world. Anyway, it is very mysterious and very attractive. "

Hearing what Pei Qing said, he felt that this number was normal. It turned out that a lot of publicity had been done, which whetted everyone's appetite, no wonder.

Originally, the Taiji Group had a very high mass base, and even people in good health had more or less contact with or even used their products, but now they are so mysterious, everyone naturally wants to find out.

What's more, with the huge advertising expenses, the media all over the world have to do their best to help promote it. It is estimated that all kinds of gimmicks have been used to whet everyone's appetite.

"Did you spend a lot of money?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Money must be spent, but most of it is still given to Phoenix Technology and them. Isn't it right-handed for you?

What's more, after this kind of publicity, there are also many self-media of tap water. Even without funding, they also made a wave of publicity for us for free, even better than the regular media. "Pei Qing said.

This is possible. What we media want is traffic. If there is a good topic that can attract a lot of traffic, it is not surprising that they produce content for free.

Taiji Group has such a gimmick, whether it is the brilliant achievements in the past or the speed of its rise, it is definitely qualified to be rich and colorful in the history of global business.

Such a legendary company is enough to brag about it from the media, so that people who don't know the truth can feel that this company is very powerful.

What's more, they are not bragging, they are telling the truth,

Taiji Group can indeed be called a legendary enterprise, and it is still closely related to most people.

Although a lot of money has been made from many people, the money is absolutely conscientious. Not only can they cure their diseases, but the overall cost is much lower than the previous treatment costs.

The most typical ones are all kinds of tumor diseases. In the past, only the early stages could be cured, and the skin peeled off even if they were not dead, and it cost a lot of money, which was very torturous.

The situation has changed fundamentally since the Taiji Group’s medicines became available. Early tumor diseases are no different from ordinary diseases, and can be cured after taking medicine for a period of time.

Even for advanced tumors, it is easy to be cured, and there is no pain in the treatment process. It just costs a little more money, but it is much better than no cure, and the cost is lower than the previous treatment cost. .

While Ye Zishu and Pei Qing were talking, Xiaohe, the robot next to him, said, "Look, the number of viewers has reached 110 million, and I think it should be around 150 million."

Hearing Xiaohe's words, the two looked at the screen. Indeed, 110 million+ had already been displayed. You must know that they only spoke a few words, and the number increased by 10 million.

"Do you think Xiaohe's prediction is accurate?" Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing.

Pei Qing took a look at Xiaohe, and seeing Xiaohe's confident look, she was a little undecided. After all, the robot can connect to the backstage and obtain more information sources.

Seeing Pei Qing's appearance, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xiaohe doesn't need to get data from the background for this kind of thing. If there are no special circumstances, they all act independently."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing immediately felt relieved, and said, "Although I also want to reach this number, I still think it's impossible. The estimated number will be around 130 million."

"Then let's put it this way, if Xiaohe is wrong, we will cook delicious food for us to eat at night. If you are wrong, hehe, we will..." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Pei Qing couldn't help giving him a blank look, but she nodded in agreement. After all, this was not considered punishment to her, and it was a bit gratifying.

Now it is only 5 minutes before the press conference starts, and the two of them are chatting one after another, and at the same time, they hardly take their eyes off the number of online viewers.

I saw that this number jumped every minute. Before the press conference started, the number had jumped to 150 million, and it continued to jump, and finally stopped at 160 million.

Seeing this number, Pei Qing slapped Ye Zishu's arm angrily, and then said with a flushed face, "Did you all collude to deceive me?"

"No." Ye Zishu didn't say anything, but Xiaohe next to him spoke.

"Look, Xiaohe said so simply, there is no need to lie to you about this, the main reason is that you are not confident enough in the influence of the company you manage." Ye Zishu said.

That's what Pei Qing said. In fact, she can't wait to have such a high number of online viewers. How many people want to achieve this effect but can't get it?

While the two were talking, the countdown had already started on the screen, making it look like a concert. The numbers started counting from 10 to 0, and the screen turned directly to the press conference.

I saw that the light at the press conference was not very bright, and it was not particularly clear to see. Suddenly, a light shot towards the exit of the backstage, and a figure appeared within the range of the light.

Ye Zishu and Pei Qing looked a little weird, because the figure at the press conference was Pei Qing, at least in appearance, it was no different from Pei Qing who was sitting at home watching TV.

What's more interesting is that whether it's movements or demeanor, Pei Qing is the same as usual. If someone tells everyone that this is a robot, no one will believe it.

This is a general-purpose robot tailor-made for Pei Qing by Kirin Basic Industry Group. Of course, it was also requested by Pei Qing herself, and the reason is that it can do many things instead of her.

For a press conference like this, if it was changed before, Pei Qing would have to explain it herself. After all, her popularity is too high, and the popularity might not be so high if she were to change it.

However, there are too many products at the press conference, and it usually takes five or six hours to talk about it. Most people are really overwhelmed, it is too long.

So she temporarily thought of using a substitute, so she quickly made a request to Kirin Basic Industry Group. After asking Ye Zishu, she began to tailor a universal robot that was exactly like her.

Under normal circumstances, Kirin Basic Industries Group strictly forbids doing this, as it will infringe on citizens' portrait rights, and it will also cause social chaos and bring great troubles to social management.

This is only when Pei Qing is willing, and after Ye Zishu's affirmation, Kirin Basic Industry Group dares to do so, otherwise they would never dare to do so.

After all, there is no such thing as a circle without rules. If they can mess around with themselves, technology will not only fail to become the driving force for social development, but it is likely to bring social crisis.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Phoenix Special Effects has many virtual characters. If there is no dispute over the images, it can propose customized robot services to Kirin Basic Industries Group.

In this way, the virtual characters of Phoenix Special Effects Company have entered the reality from the film and television screen, and can properly participate in offline commercial activities, which can bring more benefits to the enterprise.

However, even if it is a customized general-purpose robot, the robot still belongs to Kirin Basic Industries Group, and it will not become owned by the other party just because it uses the other party's avatar.

And because the production cost is too high, Phoenix Special Effects must authorize the custom robot to use its image indefinitely until the robot can no longer work.

Because once the image of the robot is determined, it is difficult to change, and the cost of changing is relatively high. If the other party only uses it once or twice, the cost will not be recovered at all.

Of course, if the other party does not use it, the robot cannot engage in business activities that are highly consistent with the avatar, and can only engage in work that does not match the avatar.

When Pei Qing saw someone exactly like herself standing in front of her, she was a little surprised. Even though she was mentally prepared, she still felt weird.

But then it helped her a lot. The robot Pei Qing did a lot of outing work instead of him, which could indeed reduce her work burden and give her more opportunities to rest.

Seeing such benefits, Pei Qing also reminded Ye Zishu to prepare a robot like this for each of its senior executives to reduce their work pressure.

The result was rejected by Yeshu. The reason is very simple. Not everyone is willing to have their jobs replaced by a robot, which will create a gap between him and the management.

Pei Qing is considered one of her own, and it was Pei Qing who proposed it herself. Ye Zishu thinks it would be nice to have a robot substitute, but others are not as close as they are, and some things still need to be measured.

Just like Ye Zishu himself, he didn't plan to get a substitute, and the reason is very simple, that is, one day he is really killed by others, and the substitute becomes the real master instead.

Now Ye Zishu is too important to the country, which is an important reason why he can be so safe. If there is a substitute robot, the risk factor may be even higher.

What's more, he doesn't need to engage in a lot of business activities, and spends most of his time at home doing research, and he doesn't need a robot stand-in to help him run around.

Moreover, the work he does cannot be replaced by general-purpose robots, even the artificial intelligence behind it is difficult to replace, and the use of robot substitutes is not very effective.

"Welcome everyone to the annual Tai Chi Group new product launch conference. I am Pei Qing, the keynote speaker for this launch event. This launch event is a bit later than usual.

The reason is that we have prepared a large number of new medical technologies for this press conference, and even the degree of innovation is no less than the first press conference held by Tai Chi Group. "

As soon as the words were finished, there was a commotion in the audience, because everyone was so impressed with the first press conference of Taiji Group. It can even be said that the press conference was revolutionary and had a huge impact on the global medical industry. Impact.

Pei Qing, who was on the stage now, told them that the new products prepared for this press conference were no less than the first press conference, so it was naturally difficult for everyone to be calm.

Not only the media in the audience, but also those who watched online quickly sent bullet chats to express their shock at this sentence. Fortunately, Ye Zishu closed the bullet chat.

However, it can be seen from the quick swiping of the message board that the audience expressed a strong interest in this statement. After all, their new product may be related to everyone.

"Let's introduce some upgraded products first, so that everyone can relax first. As for the finale product, we will definitely put it at the end. I hope everyone can wait patiently.

Our first upgraded product is the smart wearable device that everyone is familiar with. It stands to reason that there is no need to upgrade this year, because the version released last year is enough for everyone to use.

However, Qinglong Technology released smart glasses this year, which has brought great changes to everyone's lifestyle. In order to make it easier for everyone to enjoy smart life, we have to upgrade smart wearable devices this year.

The upgraded smart wearable device can not only support the direct connection of smart glasses, but also have better picture quality, and can support the processing and transmission requirements of the picture.

With this upgrade function, in the future, everyone can watch super blockbuster movies anytime and anywhere, and the AR scenes completed with the assistance of smart wearables will become more real and more powerful.

This is our biggest upgrade this time. In addition, we have many other upgrades. For details, you can check the company's official website after the press conference.

But here I want to say one more thing, that is, smart wearable devices already support satellite communication, and can share satellite communication cards with smartphones, bringing greater convenience to everyone's life. "Pei Qing said.

After the release of smart glasses, they have indeed been welcomed by consumers around the world. In just three months, the global shipments have reached more than 30 million, with sales of more than 10 million almost every month.

This is still due to insufficient production capacity. Qinglong Technology Company previously believed that the price of smart glasses was too high, and the sales volume would not be so high. Even the construction of production capacity of hundreds of millions of units per year is already a relatively bold approach.

I didn't expect that everyone's enthusiasm for buying is so high that the supply exceeds the demand. The reason is very simple. Smart glasses are an epoch-making technology in this era, and they can even be called black technology products.

With smart glasses, not only can you watch blockbuster movies with special effects at home and enjoy the ultimate visual experience, but also make the boring life lively and interesting. It seems that there are surprises everywhere in life.

Moreover, it can also provide help for everyone in study and work, and can penetrate almost every aspect of users' lives, and has irreplaceable characteristics of ordinary products.

As long as you buy it, you will become a loyal user of the product, so word of mouth is very good, not to mention advertising, it can sell a lot even by word of mouth.

It’s just that smart glasses are not without disadvantages, that is, their own computing power is relatively limited. After all, the space is so large, and there are not too many things that can be built in.

Therefore, if you want smart glasses to have more functional support, you must rely on the computing power support of external devices, and the most reliable supporting devices are smartphones and smart wearable devices.

At present, most people use smart phones as computing power support, but users feel that it is not too convenient, so there is a place for smart wearable devices.

As for whether smart wearable devices will affect the sales of smartphones, there is no need to worry, because smart wearable devices cannot communicate alone, and need to share communication with smartphones.

This is not because separate communication cannot be achieved, but to prevent smart wearable devices from severely squeezing the sales of smartphones, otherwise Taiji Group and Qinglong Technology Company will have conflicts.

The biggest upgrade of the smart wearable device this time is the graphics computing chip, which has led to a considerable increase in manufacturing costs, so it is even more expensive than before, and it is twice as expensive, and the price is as high as 4,000 US dollars.

This is also the result of a compromise. On the one hand, a higher price can reduce the sales volume of this product, thus giving more consumers a reason to buy a smartphone.

Everyone sees such a high price, it is better to buy an old smart wearable device and a smart phone, and the combined price is about the same as this new smart wearable device.

Only those who are not short of money will buy such expensive equipment, and for those who are not short of money, the more expensive it is, the more they can reflect their strength and status, and the cheaper is less attractive to them.

For Tai Chi Group, the money earned by the old and new products is actually the same. Because the hardware of the old model is more mature, the cost is relatively low and the profit margin is large.

Although the price of the new model is high, the hardware inside is all customized, and the sales volume is relatively limited, so the cost is naturally relatively high. In fact, the money earned is not much higher than that of the old model.

Most of the new profits were eaten by Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company. This is a compromise reached by the three parties. It cannot be that only one company can eat meat, and other companies can't even drink soup.

Smart wearable devices can drive images in a small space, which no one has thought of. The images are not just talk, but need powerful computing power support.

So far, the devices that can support 4k images are extremely limited, and a large number of devices only support high-definition images. The most typical one is a laptop, which basically has this configuration.

Only the desktop part has achieved 2k resolution, but it needs a higher-end discrete graphics card to do it, and the integrated graphics card can only support high-definition resolution.

The 4K picture can only be achieved by the high-end smart TV launched by Qinglong Technology Company this year, and the price is also very expensive, costing tens of thousands of yuan.

The price of devices that support graphics is very high. For example, the price of the home game console launched by Qinglong Technology Company this year has doubled the price.

However, the high-end smart phones of Qinglong Technology Company can only drive 4k screens, which are not supported for the time being, and the price also needs tens of thousands of yuan.

Beyond the technological level of the current era, it is necessary to pay a high price, so this kind of product is destined to be enjoyed by only a small number of people. Ordinary people should honestly use cost-effective products.

After a year or two, maybe the price of high-tech products can be lowered to be enjoyed by ordinary people. This is an inevitable law of the development of technology products, and everyone can accept it.

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