Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 825 Universal Robots Finally Approved


After training these people, Ye Zishu had no reason to stay here any longer, so he returned to the capital with some security personnel.

Some of the security personnel were left behind, and they returned to the capital with three general-purpose robots. He kept one at home, so he and Pei Qing would not have to worry about doing chores at home from now on.

Then send one to Pei Qing's house. Although Ye Zishu is not very willing to go to Pei Qing's house, the relationship between Pei Qing and herself is a bit special now. Giving one to her parents can also help something.

The remaining one is going to be sent to Guo Dongsheng's mother. Although Guo Dongsheng is also in the capital, he usually has to go to work, and the situation is much better with a robot accompanying him.

As for his hometown, it is very useful to have Kirin Basic Industry Group send two of them directly to help his mother as a helper, so that he won't have to worry about food for the whole family.

Of course, the ownership of these robots belongs to Kirin Basic Industries Group, and they need to pay for labor services, which is equivalent to hiring these robots.

The cost needs to be borne by each of them. Whether it is Pei Qing, Guo Dongsheng, or Guo Dongmei, they are not short of this money. Although the cost of hiring a robot is expensive, it is not a big pressure on them.

Since the robot has no identity, he cannot fly with him, so the security personnel can only drive the robot back to the capital, which is a troublesome place.

If the robot can also obtain a legal identity, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, just let the robot fly by itself, which is why he wanted to give the robot a legal identity.

Regarding the issue of the identity of the robot, Kirin Basic Industries Group is actively discussing this matter with relevant departments, but this kind of thing is still unprecedented, and no one knows how to deal with it.

Therefore, during this period of time, many departments have participated in the discussion of this matter, but Ye Shu has been staying in the laboratory and has not paid much attention to this matter.

Before leaving, the person in charge of Kirin Basic Industry Group reported the progress of this matter to him. Although the process was very complicated and difficult, the overall result was good.

Although a universal robot is a tool in the final analysis, it is different from ordinary tools after all. It has become the consensus of almost all relevant departments to strengthen the management of universal robots and promote the legal use of universal robots.

It's just that the topic of discussion is not limited to general-purpose robots, but about citizenship and household registration system, which has become an increasingly prominent issue in today's society.

Now the domestic economy is completely different from before, with a large number of rural population moving to the cities, and the previous household registration management model seems a bit backward.

Therefore, the relevant departments are preparing to carry out a series of reforms to the citizenship and household registration system by taking advantage of the legal identity management of general robots.

If you put it before, it will be more troublesome to get it.

Citizenship reform is not a big issue. After all, it is just a matter of identification. As long as it can be done technically, there will basically not be much resistance.

But the household registration system is a bit troublesome, because household registration is linked to many welfare systems, and it is obvious that there will be resistance from local governments in the reform process.

After all, local government resources are limited. If rural household registration can be easily converted to urban household registration, it means that government resources will be severely insufficient to maintain the existing system.

Unless it is a rich area with good fiscal revenue, these reforms can be implemented, but there are still many less affluent areas in the country, and it is very difficult to do so.

For example, the county in his hometown is not short of money at all now, and the household registration has become useless. Whether it is an urban household registration or a rural household registration, they can enjoy the same benefits and treatment, and there is no difference.

This welfare treatment does not require rural people to buy houses in the county, because the county's finances do not need to rely on land, and the county government is not so keen on selling land.

The question now is that if even robots have legal identities and can work and move freely, then all citizens in the country should also be able to move and settle freely.

Free migration has basically been realized now, but there are certain obstacles to free settlement, because the city is unwilling to provide the same urban public welfare for rural household registration, especially for those with rural household registration in other places.

For example, in schools, it is more troublesome for children with non-local hukou to go to school. Even if they can go to school, the cost of paying is much higher than that of families with local hukou.

Even if you pay a higher cost, you may not be able to obtain the same quality of education. This is one of the reasons why foreigners do not have a sense of belonging in the local area, and it is the most important reason.

Of course, it’s not that no one proposed not to give universal robots a legal status, because it doesn’t make sense, after all, robots are not human, and it’s a bit nondescript to mix them together.

It's just that after Kirin Basic Industries Group showed the general robot to the opponents, they no longer thought so, because the general robot really can't be regarded as an ordinary robot.

If Kirin Basic Industries Group hadn't told them that the guy they were chatting with turned out to be a robot, many people were so shocked that they didn't realize it at all.

If these robots are not given legal identities, it will cause general-purpose robots to work in various positions in the country, but they are all black households, which will bring huge difficulties to social management.

If the use of general-purpose robots is restricted, it means giving up such a large amount of labor, and it is still a full-coverage labor force from low-end to high-end, which is a bit wasteful.

my country's economic development is indeed fast, but this is only a change brought about by partial improvement, and it does not mean that the entire society really has the economy to support such a rapid growth.

If it really has this ability, it will not only be the industry under Ye Zishu that is thriving. The industries outside this system are actually not very good, and the gap with the international advanced countries is still obvious.

Part of the reason why the industries under Ye Zishu are developing so fast is that they can attract relatively good domestic talents, but it is not the decisive factor.

There are two decisive factors. The first is the large number of scientific and technological products provided by Leaf Book, which has strong market competitiveness, and at the same time has trained and trained its scientific research personnel.

The second is the use of artificial intelligence, which allows Yeshu, who doesn't manage the company much, to control such a huge industrial system more easily, and can develop at a faster speed.

If these two are lacking, or even only artificial intelligence is needed, no matter how powerful his personal ability is, it will not help. If the industry reaches a certain scale, it will not go according to his intention and will completely escape his control.

As a high-level executive, he has a deep observation and understanding of the current domestic economic and social conditions, and it is impossible not to see the existing problems.

The emergence of general-purpose robots can be said to have solved the lack of high-end talents in my country, and laid the foundation for continuing to promote the development of the domestic economy from partial to comprehensive.

Since then, there has been no talent bottleneck in our country. At least in engineering, management, and advanced services, general-purpose robots can play a good role and become elite talents among them.

Therefore, it is impossible to leave the universal robot unused, and it is impossible to impose too many restrictions on the universal robot. This is why Ye Shu believes that it is not a fantasy to apply for a legal identity for the universal robot.

According to Kirin Basic Industries Group, relevant measures may be introduced before January to promote the implementation of the new household registration system and identity management system.

These systems may come into effect on January 1st, and there is not much time left. It is not an easy task to introduce a national policy in such a short period of time, and he did not expect it to be so fast.

Another thing about general robot vocational skills certification, Kylin Basic Industries Group is also actively communicating with various departments, which is also a must.

However, Kirin Basic Industries Group is no longer limited to specific issues such as teacher qualification certificates, but wants to obtain more convenient policy support for general robots.

The best thing is that all fields will be open to universal robots in the future. Universal robots can freely assume any social role and do not need to take relevant qualification certificates like ordinary people.

Because Kirin Basic Industries Group believes that it is completely unnecessary, and robots do not need to learn like humans, and it takes time to master relevant industry skills.

The robot only needs to connect to the background database to download all the knowledge needed by the industry. After relearning the knowledge, it is easy to understand it thoroughly.

Even if the biological brains of universal robots cannot be understood, there are super quantum computers and more powerful artificial intelligence behind them to help them. At present, there is no knowledge on the earth that cannot be understood.

Facing such an almighty monster, it wouldn't make much sense to ask him to take the qualification certificate test, and if he really wanted to take the test, he only needed one robot to take the test, and no other robots were needed.

At the beginning, the relevant departments did not believe the words of Kirin Basic Industries Group. After all, no matter how powerful a robot is, it is still a robot, and it can do anything.

But the fact is that they were severely slapped in the face. In order to prove that what they said was correct, they applied to the relevant departments to organize all the examinations independently to test the universal robot.

You must know that his industry covers almost all aspects of the whole society, not to mention the knowledge obtained from books, even the actual data collected is massive.

And these data are all mastered by the artificial intelligence behind it. If the background artificial intelligence is not proficient in industry knowledge, how to manage the entire enterprise is easy to be fooled by the executives.

It is because artificial intelligence knows almost all the knowledge of all walks of life that everyone can't fool around with the intelligent management system, and it is easy to be exposed and held accountable.

I heard from them that during this period of time, the general-purpose robot they brought to the capital spent most of their time in exams, and organized several exams every day.

For ordinary candidates, it takes a long time to think about the exam, but for universal robots, these objective knowledge do not appear to be any difficulty, and can be completed only by spending time on writing.

It took several days to pass all the qualification exams required by the country, and all of them got full marks, which shows that Universal Robots has a unique advantage in the qualification exams that focus on objective questions, so there is no need to toss about.

However, relevant departments believe that the universal robot only has excellent performance on objective questions, and if it is replaced by subjective questions, its performance may not be so good.

So they spent a long time, invited top experts in the industry, organized together to write a large number of subjective questions in various industries, and prepared to use them to test general robots.

Subjective questions are definitely not written blindly, but based on the existing knowledge system to answer the non-standard answers encountered. If you want to get good grades in the test, you need a very thorough understanding of industry knowledge.

Naturally, Kirin Basic Industries Group was not afraid of such an arrangement, and dispatched the general-purpose robot from the previous test to face it. The result was obvious and they won a complete victory.

Again, if there is no diamond ability, Ye Zishu would not dare to let artificial intelligence take over the management of the entire industry, otherwise it will only bring worse results.

Whether it's psychological questions, logic questions or social questions, there is no difficulty for artificial intelligence. Don't think that robots don't understand the world, it's a big mistake.

Artificial intelligence 2.0, in addition to not having a strong ability to innovate, is absolutely not bad at understanding, so it is not a problem to face the so-called subjective questions in their mouths.

After two rounds of examinations, Universal Robots finally proved its strength. They are competent in all existing industry knowledge.

However, the exam does not necessarily mean strong ability, it just means knowing that there is such a thing, and many industries still need strong on-the-spot processing ability and practical ability.

So the unreconciled examination group wanted to test the general robot in this respect, and Kirin Basic Industries Group naturally agreed without hesitation.

Robots are different from human beings. Human beings have a situation where their brains understand, but they can't do it with their hands, while robots almost achieve the integration of brain and hands.

Relevant departments have conducted practical tests in several industries with Universal Robots, and Universal Robots have done very well, even surpassing the masters who have been in the industry for many years.

After several tests, they also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to test in this area, because judging from the previous test results, it is a waste of time to continue.

At this point, Kirin Basic Industries Group finally convinced the relevant departments, and no one stood up to raise objections. In this way, Universal Robots has obtained the qualifications to engage in all industries and does not need a qualification certificate.

Universal Robots, and the artificial intelligence behind it, has also left a deep impression on many people, but there are also some unpleasant situations, that is, someone actually wants to get their hands on artificial intelligence.

As long as everyone understands that general-purpose robots are powerful, what is really powerful is the artificial intelligence behind them. As long as you master artificial intelligence, you have mastered powerful productivity.

However, Ye Zishu is not the original Wuxia Amon, and has great strength in itself. After this proposal was put forward, it was directly rejected.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if they want to control artificial intelligence, it means turning against Ye Zishu. No one knows the value of artificial intelligence in his hands. Didn't you see that everyone didn't make such an excessive request?

As for Ye Zishu, he can create artificial intelligence, and naturally he can easily destroy artificial intelligence. Only in his hands is artificial intelligence considered artificial intelligence.

Regarding this situation, Ye Zishu just smiled and didn't take it seriously, but I heard that the person who proposed this idea later was transferred to another post, and no one would pay attention to where he went.

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