Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 818 I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse


Pei Qing played for a long time, and finally stopped playing. She just sighed and said: "With these two products, Qinglong Technology Company can increase its revenue by trillions of yuan this year."

Regarding Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu directly responded with a blank stare. The two products of Qinglong Technology Company do meet what she said and can bring huge revenue.

But at least half of the income here must be handed over to Xuanwu Technology Company. After all, they work hard and pay for raw materials. It is considered light to get half of the income, and there is a high probability that they will get more than 60% of the income.

Therefore, the money that really belongs to Qinglong Technology Company is not too much, plus the taxes that need to be paid and the funds spent on marketing, the actual profit is actually not high.

However, Taiji Group is different. Except that part of the basic raw materials comes from Kirin Industrial Group, most of the business is in its own hands, and the raw materials provided by Kirin Industrial Group are very cheap.

Therefore, most of Taiji Group's income has entered its own account, which is completely different from Qinglong Technology Company's need to share most of its income with others.

What's more, he also gave Taiji Group a large amount of new medicine and equipment not long ago. If it is successfully listed, the income it will bring will far exceed these two products of Qinglong Technology Company.

In addition, among the original business, except for the pharmaceutical business that treats major diseases, which may shrink to a certain extent, other pharmaceutical businesses are still growing.

It can even be said that all other businesses are in a state of growth, but some businesses grow very fast, some businesses grow relatively slowly, and basically few of them stagnate.

Not counting the medicine and equipment products he just gave him, relying on the original business alone, this year's income is expected to reach about 150,000 yuan, of which the business of nursing products, weight loss drugs, hair growth agents, and hangover drugs has grown strongly.

In addition, some drugs developed by themselves, although the unit price is not high, but the usage is very large. For example, the new antibiotics developed by themselves are important products.

Antibiotic products such as penicillin, aspergillus, and flavomycin have been available for a long time, and bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to these drugs due to frequent use.

In order to achieve the therapeutic effect, the dose is getting higher and higher, which is not a good phenomenon. The use of large doses will cause the occurrence of other diseases, which has become a serious problem in the medical field.

Therefore, the new antibiotic drugs developed by Tai Chi Group are very important to the global medical field and play an important role in solving drug resistance.

The many advanced medical and pharmaceutical research and development systems he developed are not for nothing, even if the level of scientific research personnel of the Taiji Group is still somewhat behind that of the world's top scientific research personnel.

But with the support of these advanced scientific research systems,

Not only can this gap be narrowed, but the comprehensive scientific research strength has surpassed that of any international pharmaceutical company in terms of overall scientific research strength.

Moreover, compared with the relatively simple chemical drugs developed by other pharmaceutical companies, the types of medicines Taiji Group is involved in are much more complicated, especially in the field of biopharmaceuticals, which has unique advantages.

Not to mention the support of the advanced scientific research system, the pharmacological analysis of these drugs given by Ye Zishu can greatly promote the biopharmaceutical level of the scientific research staff of Taiji Group.

Compared with simple chemical drugs, biopharmaceutical technology can develop more complex drugs, and often have better therapeutic effects, more stable and neutral drug properties, and fewer side effects.

Therefore, even the alternative medicines developed by them sell better in the market, and many medical institutions use their medicines as a priority.

Of course, their alternative medicines have better performance, and naturally the price is slightly higher, but they are all affordable by ordinary people, and in terms of therapeutic effects, they are definitely worth the money.

Although the revenue brought by each of these businesses is not particularly high, it may only be more than a billion yuan, and many of them are only tens of billions, but when they are all added up, the revenue is not small.

Therefore, Ye Zishu judged that Pei Qing's words, one is that Qinglong Technology Company has two precious products in its hands, and if there is no accident, these two products can be sold for a long time.

Second, there must be a purpose, but Ye Zishu didn't know what purpose Pei Qing had, but before he had time to think about it, Pei Qing revealed the answer by herself.

"Our drugs that promote cell metabolism have been developed for a long time, and we have been collecting more detailed data. So far, there has been no problem.

We feel that the technology of this drug is quite mature and has met the marketing requirements, but it is up to you to decide when this drug will be launched. "Pei Qing looked into Ye Zishu's eyes and said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu suddenly realized that the drug she was talking about to promote cell metabolism, according to the popular saying, is a longevity drug, which can prolong the life of human beings.

Using this longevity medicine can at least extend the user's lifespan by 5 years, and if it is long, it is possible to extend the lifespan by 20 years. It is definitely a strategic product.

No wonder Pei Qing has to talk in such a wide circle, because if such a drug is brought to the market, the benefits it will bring to Taiji Group will be immeasurable.

As long as conditions permit, it is believed that most people are willing to spend 10,000 yuan per year on injecting such drugs. There are a total of 5.7 billion people in the world.

Excluding those who cannot afford it, the total number of people who can afford it is more than one billion, or even 2 billion, and the annual income is one to two trillion yuan.

No one can turn a blind eye to such a huge benefit. Even if the Taiji Group is already making a lot of money, it is itchy to see this drug not on the market.

The reason why Ye Zishu did not let this drug go on the market, on the one hand, it needed to collect more clinical data, on the other hand, it also had some concerns, and did not know what to do.

Prolonging the lifespan is certainly a gratifying thing. From seeking survival to basically solving the problem of survival, the most important task in the future is to prolong one's own lifespan.

It's just that there is a big gap between the rich and the poor in the world after all. The rich can use such drugs wantonly, but the poor have to deduct money from their teeth, and they don't even have the ability to deduct money from their teeth.

Now the global society is divided into classes based on the amount of money. If the difference in life expectancy is so large, it is very likely that people will be divided into classes based on life expectancy later.

And compared to using money to classify classes, using lifespan to classify classes is more terrifying, and even more serious, it will form two societies that are difficult to blend, and will only intensify social conflicts.

From the perspective of the interests of the Taiji Group, it is natural not to consider these things. They are just an enterprise, and if they can make money and make contributions to society, they have already fulfilled their responsibilities.

But Ye Shu had to consider more. More money and less money were secondary factors. Social stability, smaller class gaps, equal access to public goods, etc., were what he paid more attention to.

Although it seems easy for him to create the current situation in a short period of time, it is also easy to destroy these achievements if social turmoil really occurs.

Ideas have their own inheritance attributes, and even if social turmoil is not easy to disappear, but science and technology are not. A stable social environment is needed to better inherit, and once lost, it is difficult to continue.

This is why our history is full of wars and chaos. Thoughts from thousands of years ago can still be passed down to this day. Even if there is a slight change, most of them can still be preserved.

However, there are very few ancient sciences that can be handed down to the present. Ancient people are also human beings, and they are not stupid, so scientific achievements will still be born more or less.

Whether Ye Shu is a businessman or a scientist, he does not want to see social division or social turmoil, and hopes to maintain a smooth operation.

But seeing the look in Pei Qing's eyes, he felt that even if he could suppress it for a while, he would not be able to suppress it forever, unless he shouldn't have taken it out in the first place.

So he considered it carefully, and said: "Although my suggestion is to wait, if you have to take it out now, I have no objection.

There is only one condition, that is, this drug will be included in the catalog of medical insurance and medical membership services. As long as people who buy medical insurance and membership can use this drug for free.

As for the foreign market, I don't care, you can sell as much as you like, as long as someone pays for it, this is my minimum requirement. "

His request meant that Taiji Group could not make much money in the domestic market, the selling price was too high, and the medical insurance funds and membership income could not support it at all.

Therefore, the price must be suitable, not to mention that you will not make any money at all, but the money you will make and the expected income will definitely be much less, otherwise you will not be able to achieve popularization.

Of course, Ye Zishu does this to make the domestic people more willing to buy medical insurance or membership of Tai Chi Medical Group, otherwise there are quite a few people who are unwilling to pay for it.

Whether it is the elderly or children, whether it is a man or a woman, there is no resistance to longevity. As long as they are people, even the poor, no one is unwilling to let their life span be longer.

Once this drug is included in the membership service catalog of medical insurance and Taiji Group, the value of medical insurance and membership will further increase, and the cost-effectiveness of purchase will be higher. As long as conditions permit, there is no reason not to buy it.

It's just this request, but it stumps Pei Qing. She can make decisions about Taiji Medical Group's affairs, but she is completely incapable of making decisions about medical insurance.

Last time we were able to reach a mutual recognition agreement with medical insurance, it is already a huge progress, which shows that everyone no longer has to worry about whether the medical insurance is public or whether the members of Tai Chi Medical Group are private.

Rather, both sides want to promote the improvement of national health, and only with this strong desire and ideal can the business of the two systems be integrated to a certain extent.

If this drug is not included in the medical insurance, it means that there will be certain obstacles in the mutual recognition between each other, and the operation will not be so smooth.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing for Tai Chi Medical Group to a certain extent, which means that their membership value is higher, and more people will buy their membership.

But the meaning of Ye Zishu is obviously not this, but to truly popularize it in the country. Compared with this goal, increasing the number of members of Taiji Medical Group is a trivial matter.

Pei Qing expressed her thoughts and said: "We are an international company, even if there are certain differences in product sales according to the level of economic development, the differences will not be particularly large.

We can’t sell it for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan abroad, and only sell it for 200 to 300 yuan in China. The price difference is too wide, which will cause us to attract huge criticism internationally.

To avoid such criticism, it must be included in the medical insurance and members for free use, so that we can achieve a little balance internally, and the outside world will not be able to see it.

As long as there is a separate sale in the domestic market, the price will inevitably be exposed. This is what I am worried about. We don't need to get burned for this.

What's more, our current medical insurance system is not perfect, and there are still a large number of people who neither have medical insurance nor have purchased members of Tai Chi Group. Do these people just ignore it?

What's more, it is not an easy task to include this drug in the medical insurance. It may take several years to negotiate back and forth. "

What Pei Qing said are facts, Ye Zishu nodded his head in agreement, but he still said: "What you said is the truth, but this goal will not change.

If you insist on going public early, you can use it for free for Qiangua members of Taiji Medical Group first. If someone wants to upgrade Kungua members to Qiangua members, they only need to make up the difference, and they can still enjoy this service for free. .

Sometimes a social reform requires not only self-consciousness, but also external pressure, and positive changes brought about by external pressure will be more effective.

You can talk slowly about the inclusion of medical insurance. This does not prevent you from promoting this matter according to your own intentions. Anyway, if you use it more for a few years and use it less for a few years, the difference is not too big.

And the use of this drug can also save you other medical costs. If you are healthy, other diseases will naturally decrease accordingly. "

After hearing what he said, Pei Qing nodded, expressing that she knew how to do it. As he said, doing so was also putting pressure on some people, and the negotiation effect might be better.

Moreover, the use of this drug can indeed effectively reduce other medical expenses, and the overall expenditure may not increase much, and may even be reduced.

"Now our total membership has reached 300 million. If this measure is implemented, the number of members may reach 500 million this year, or even higher." Pei Qing said worriedly.

The domestic population is almost 1.2 billion, excluding children, because children and their parents are jointly insured, and parents purchase memberships, and children are entitled to medical services.

So when the number of their members reaches 500 million, it means that they have covered nearly 800 million people in the country, which is actually very high.

"This is a good thing!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"A good thing is a good thing, but our private medical institution does what the country should do, so we don't know if it's a blessing or a curse?" Pei Qing said.

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