Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 809 True and False, Unrecognizable


It's just that Baihu Technology's ambitious plan has once again ignited international public opinion, whether it's on the Internet, TV, newspapers, or media, everyone is discussing this topic.

Before, because of the gdp matter, there was a lot of noise in the international public opinion, as if everyone just slept and grew into an economic giant, which caught people off guard.

And this time White Tiger Technology's ambitious space program has once again pushed our country to the forefront. In addition to marveling at how White Tiger Technology dared to think, everyone still has many questions to discuss.

First of all, as a private enterprise, Baihu Technology Company has the strength to promote so many space programs. It must be known that only the country can promote space programs.

This is true whether it is a capitalist country or a socialist country, because the space program, although it looks good, is actually not profitable.

If private companies promote the space program, they will lose even their underwear. Even most countries do not have the strength to promote the space program. Why should Baihu Technology Company?

This is something they don't even understand. Baihu Technology has announced that there are only two projects in operation. The first is the satellite navigation system.

Although this can bring a certain amount of income, it can’t make a lot of money, and the profit cycle span is very long. It can’t make a lot of money in a short time, and it will take a long time to even recover the cost.

The second is the remote sensing satellite system. People don't know how much money this system can make, because Baihu Technology Company did not disclose any details, but only knows that such a satellite system is in operation.

But judging from the commercialization of remote sensing satellites, it may not even be as profitable as navigation satellite systems, and it is also impossible to earn a lot of money.

Apart from these two, it seems that there is no other income. Could it be that the behind-the-scenes boss keeps injecting capital? This guess has been recognized by many people.

Although no one knows who the behind-the-scenes boss of Baihu Technology Company is, most people still think that Ye Shu is the most likely behind-the-scenes boss.

If Ye Zishu is the boss behind the scenes, he has the ability to promote the development of some space programs, but what is he doing for the sake of future benefits?

In order to gain benefits, it is necessary to truly establish an advanced space mining industry, and it must be cheaper than ground mining, otherwise it will not be feasible. Can this be done?

There are many rich people in the world, and there are even rich families that have been passed down for hundreds of years, but no family has ever thought of spending such a huge amount of money and energy to promote the development of the space industry.

Is there any money-making secret that everyone doesn't know? As the most successful businessman in the 1990s, no one would believe that Ye Zishu is not selfish but dedicated to benefiting others, and is to explore the future path for mankind.

It's just that there is no basis for this guess. Many people have no idea what his intention is. Maybe no one will know until the answer is revealed.

The second is whether it is possible to realize it. Many media have invited relevant experts, including astronomers, physicists and space project leaders, to conduct in-depth discussions on this issue.

From the perspective of their respective professions, they analyzed what technology can promote such an ambitious plan. Anyway, starting from the current aerospace technology, it is impossible to do so.

Not to mention the establishment of a permanent base on the moon and the Mars transformation plan, it is not easy to even establish a space station that can accommodate 100 people at the same time.

This is not simply an increase in the number of people and an increase in volume, but a series of problems accompanied by the increase in the number of people, the most important of which is the issue of transportation costs.

If the current rocket technology is used to transport a few tons of materials, it can only satisfy so many people's food and drink for less than a month, not to mention other scientific instruments and space station operation and maintenance equipment.

At that time, let alone other things, the transportation cost of maintaining the space station at full capacity will be unbearable, enough to bring down a very powerful enterprise.

Although there are some technologies that make it possible to achieve cheap space transportation, these technologies are all possible, and at the current speed of development, it is absolutely impossible.

For example, the ion propulsion that replaces the chemical propellant can theoretically reduce the mass of the working medium and increase the payload of the rocket, but it is difficult for the ion propulsion to achieve such a large thrust.

At present, ion propulsion is mainly used in the orbit and attitude adjustment of space vehicles, because the adjustment of orbit and attitude in space does not require such a large thrust, and it is generally a continuous adjustment, which takes a long time.

Even if there is technology to make the thrust of the ion thruster large enough to propel the rocket into the sky, there is not that much energy supply.

With the current human battery technology, it is impossible to carry so much electric energy. It can even be said that the energy density carried by batteries is much lower than that of rocket propellants, that is, the chemical energy density.

Unless small-scale controllable nuclear fusion is used, it is possible for the rocket to have a large amount of energy to continuously provide electrical support for the ion thruster.

But now even commercialized nuclear fusion has not met the requirements, let alone miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology. It is unknown when controllable nuclear fusion will be realized.

Obviously, Baihu Technology Company also does not have mature controllable nuclear fusion technology in its hands. If there is, our country will not need to build so many solar power generation devices.

Compared with the power cost of controllable nuclear fusion, no matter how cheap the solar power generation device is, it is much higher. This is beyond doubt, otherwise the world would not be so diligent about controllable nuclear fusion.

Even cheap round-trip transportation between heaven and earth is impossible, let alone other things. If this problem is not solved, the bigger the follow-up plan, the greater the risk it will bring.

Some strategists believe that Baihu Technology is undoubtedly looking for death by doing this, which is just in line with the wishes of some countries. In the future, it will be able to bring down our country's economy without a single soldier.

Some people also believe that it is precisely because of such a radical space program that the risk is very high, so the country is unwilling to do it, because the country's priority is to ensure the interests of its own people.

If these space programs succeed, they will naturally gain a lot. If they fail, they will face huge disasters, and they cannot give up halfway, otherwise the initial investment will be in vain, and they will only gain a reputation.

The biggest gain is the successful transformation of Mars. The benefits obtained in that way will be endless. There is no greater gain than this, and everything that has been paid before is worthwhile.

But among these many space programs, the Mars transformation plan is the most unlikely. Even if there are cheap transportation tools that can transport materials to Mars, it is impossible to transform the entire planet into a habitable place.

The reason is simple. Let alone Mars, it is difficult to transform a desert on Earth into an oasis, not to mention that Mars is so far away. Transformation requires a complete set of advanced industrial support, and these industries need to be established on Mars.

Moreover, Mars also has a fatal weakness, that is, the magnetic field of Mars is not as high as that of the earth, and it is difficult to cope with the blowing of the solar wind, which can damage and malfunction electronic equipment on Mars in minutes.

That is to say, Mars does not have a super protective cover like the earth. Not only the high-energy particles produced by the sun can reach the ground directly, but also various high-energy particles in other parts of the universe are also unimpeded.

Without the protection of the magnetic field, it is impossible for organisms to survive in a natural state. This is the simplest reason, but with human technology, it is almost impossible to activate the magnetic field of a planet.

Therefore, the first step in transforming Mars is to activate the Martian magnetic field, and then we can talk about atmospheric composition transformation, and atmospheric transformation is also very difficult.

Not to mention the atmosphere of Mars, even if the atmosphere of the earth undergoes drastic changes, it will be difficult to transform it, and it will require a slow change process that lasts for a long time.

Although human beings seem to be the primates of all things, in fact, in front of nature, they are no different from ordinary mosquitoes and flies. If you want to change nature, it is not something that humans can easily touch now.

In addition to the two most difficult things, there are also a lot of water resources. If there is no water resources, it is also not suitable for biological survival. This is a well-known truth.

If it weren't for the fact that Baihu Technology had just completed the construction of two high-tech satellite systems last year, it was regarded as an insider, otherwise people in the industry felt that it was not worth discussing, because it was wishful thinking.

No wonder the country won't make trouble with Baihu Technology Company, because even the country thinks that such a space program is basically impossible to succeed, at least for a hundred years.

Baihu Technology Company's own wishful thinking is wishful thinking, because if it fails, it will only be the bankruptcy of a company, and it will not affect the overall situation.

Needless to say, this guess is correct. The state does not agree with the plan of Baihu Technology Company, but it does not prevent relevant state departments from participating in the cooperation. Anyway, they only send people, not money, and there is no loss if they fail.

On the contrary, their people participated in these projects, and they can accumulate a lot of experience. Failure is the mother of success. Maybe they can finally succeed by stepping on the bones of Baihu Technology Company?

Not to mention outsiders and countries, Baihu Technology has no confidence in these space programs, but it does not prevent them from listing these programs.

According to Ye Zishu, ideals are always needed. If there is no ideal, what is the difference with salted fish? Although they have formulated a huge space program.

However, when implementing it, it will still take one step at a time, whichever step it takes, anyway, it will be carried out according to its own strength, and will not put the company in a dangerous situation.

They are private companies, not listed companies. If they can't do it, they can just admit that they can't do it. It's not ashamed, and they don't have to care about face.

And the reason why they agreed to release such an ambitious space program is also to let Yeshu make more efforts, because the success does not depend on the scientific research strength of Baihu Technology Company itself, but on Yeshu.

If the plan is not more ambitious, Ye Zishu may not work so hard. This is one of the careful thoughts of the management of Baihu Technology Company.

Another careful thought is that they don't want to get into trouble with the boss because of the space program. The plan is made according to the boss's wishes. Whether it can be done is another matter, and they can still tell the difference.

Ye Zishu could see through their small thoughts at a glance, but he didn't care. No matter what the future holds, such a lofty goal is always inspiring many researchers to work hard, and that's enough.

He is not afraid of the bragging rights of his subsidiaries, but he is afraid that his subsidiaries will be lifeless without any vitality and ideals. At least he believes that there is no need for lifeless enterprises to exist.

Regarding the space program of White Tiger Technology Company, many people want to explore whether it is true or false. Is it another "Star Wars program" or is it serious?

What many people really care about is this. If it is fake, everyone will be relieved and just sit back and do nothing. After all, everyone has already had an experience and it is very clear what to do.

What I am afraid of is that Baihu Technology Company is serious. At that time, many countries will passively participate in space competition. Obviously, space competition will consume a lot of money.

They don't know how much Baihu Technology is going to spend. Anyway, if they implement these plans, they will spend a lot of money, and it can even be said to be unbearable.

If there is no competition, if they follow the steps step by step, it will not be so uncomfortable after years of apportionment, but according to the progress of Baihu Technology Company, they have not been given too much time.

Therefore, many people want to find out whether the white tiger technology company's space program is true or not. Netizens are much simpler and rude. Contact him directly on his social account, hoping that he can respond to this.

Netizens don't need evidence to prove that Ye Zishu is the boss of Baihu Technology Company, they just need to think it's you, so they should contact him if they have anything to do.

Fortunately, the social platform is not a phone call, so he can ignore it completely, otherwise the phone call alone will disturb him to death, so he doesn't care about the demands on the Internet at all.

If he really responded, it would be difficult. If he thought the plan was fake, wouldn't that be a slap in the face of Baihu Technology?

If you admit it is true, others will ask, how do you know it is true? Are you really the behind-the-scenes boss of Baihu Technology Company?

So not responding is the best choice, and even if he admits that he is the boss of Baihu Technology, he has no obligation to respond to their demands, because Baihu Technology has the right to independently develop the space program.

It's just that he didn't expect that even the relevant state departments would call him personally, wanting him to talk about whether the space program of Baihu Technology Company can be implemented.

Ye Zishu couldn't possibly be full of words. He just said that this is the long-term plan of Baihu Technology Company. Whether it can be realized is another matter. At least it can motivate the entire company to work together and not get lost in the current success.

As for the people in charge of his various industries, even his younger brother Ye Zihua called to ask if this was true, Ye Zishu always prevaricated by saying he had no comment.

This kind of thing doesn't have much to do with them. If Baihu Technology really needs their cooperation, they just cooperate. Whether it's true or not has nothing to do with them.

But what's interesting is that the current global aerospace powers have announced their own space programs after the White Tiger Technology Company released its space development plan, causing the atmosphere to be a bit weird.

Among these true and false news, everyone can't figure out the situation. Is it ushering in the great development of the aerospace industry, or is everyone singing "empty city plan"?

This is estimated to be clear to all parties themselves. It is impossible for outsiders to explore the truth and falsehood. Ye Zishu doesn't care about this, as long as he knows his own affairs, there is no need to care about others.

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