Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 807 Response to a scholar's article


After doing these things, Ye Zishu felt that something was almost wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he sat in his seat and thought for a while, and finally knew the problem.

There is also a class of problems related to the nervous system, that is, neurological addiction diseases, which are generally caused by the consumption of addictive substances.

Although he knows that this industry is huge and is an important source of income for many underground organizations, Ye Zishu still feels that it is necessary to do something about it, and he can't ignore it just because he is afraid of touching the interests of these people.

Thinking of this, he started working again and spent a day sorting out the drugs for treating addictive diseases. There are quite a few types of drugs that can deal with the neurological problems and hormone secretion problems caused by all known addictive substances.

He thinks that these are not enough. He feels that tobacco is also addictive to a certain extent, but the intensity is not so strong. The biggest harm is that it is easy to cause cancer, respiratory tract and other diseases.

But tobacco is a serious business. If it is just to suppress addiction, the world will lose a lot of economic income, and sometimes human beings need something to lower blood pressure. Tobacco is the cheapest way to lower blood pressure.

So it can't be treated like other addictive diseases, but needs to be flexible. He thought of the electronic cigarette in his previous life. Although he can't copy the original copy, it is worth learning.

Now there are two ways before his eyes, one is to extract effective substances from plants, and the other is direct industrial production.

The two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The plant extraction industry chain is longer, which can not only benefit the industrial sector, but also benefit the agricultural sector and solve part of the agricultural employment population.

In particular, there are already a very large number of farmers engaged in tobacco planting. If there is no tobacco, they will face the risk of a sharp drop in income. If it is extracted from plants, the status quo of employment can be maintained.

The advantages of industrialized production are also obvious, that is, you don't need to depend on the sky to eat, you can maintain stable quality and output, and at the same time, the cost is controllable or even lower.

With two options in front of his eyes, he hardly thought about it. He planned to use plant extraction as the main production method and industrial production as the auxiliary method.

After drawing conclusions, Ye Zishu continued to work and began to design plant genes. With profound genetic knowledge and biological knowledge, the technical reserve was sufficient.

At the same time, with the blessing of a super quantum computer, the calculation speed is much stronger than the supercomputer of the Kirin Agricultural Development Group, so it took a day before and after to complete the design of the plant gene.

After completing the design of the plant gene, the following things are much simpler, just use the seed production equipment of Qilin Agricultural Development Group to produce.

As for the easier way of industrial production,

It took him less than half a day to sort out all the technical information, even including the previous plant active ingredient extraction technology.

Then the industrialized production method and extraction technology were handed over to Tai Chi Group, and then the designed plant genes and planting technology were handed over to Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

This kind of plant will be handed over to them to be responsible for planting, and he is not afraid that others will steal it, because it has been sterilized at the genetic level, and the seeds are not obtained through genetics, but produced through seed production equipment.

However, he also gave instructions on the planting area and technology. It is best to plant in the original tobacco planting area, so that the livelihood of the original tobacco farmers can be maintained.

At the same time, they are asked to adopt high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouses for planting. Although the cost is a bit higher, the quality is more stable and the output is relatively high.

Whether it is a plant extract or an industrially produced substance, it is a liquid substance, and the use of an atomizer is no different from the feeling of smoking.

Not only can it help smokers quit smoking, but it also has the effect of repairing the nervous system and physical condition. Although this effect is not immediate, it is more or less effective.

More importantly, using this product, the effect of relieving stress is better, there are not so many side effects, and it is generally much stronger than the current tobacco.

He doesn't know how big this market is, but the scale is definitely not small. As long as the price is not particularly expensive, it has the potential to completely replace tobacco.

After doing this, the day's work is done, and he is about to go back to rest after get off work, but the smart secretary reminds him that many people on his social account remind him.

He didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, after all, this kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice, but Smart Secretary suggested him to read it, so he chose to take a look.

It turned out that a domestic scholar wrote an article discussing the Huanyu Group's manufacturing of airliners. This is not a problem, and everyone has the right to speak.

It's just that after reading the article here, his expression was a little weird, why did he feel like a 25-year-old boy, no wonder there are so many people about him.

According to the meaning of this article, Huanyu Group currently sells a considerable part of its cars overseas, especially in developed countries. It should have a good relationship instead of a deadlock.

Obviously, Huanyu Group's approach is open to question. It actually wants to build passenger aircraft, which is one of the pillar industries of Old M and Europe. In order to protect its own passenger aircraft industry, Huanyu Group's international automobile market may face targeting.

There is nothing wrong with these things, and they are very likely to happen, but what he said later made him uncomfortable. The scholar suggested that Huanyu Group should abandon the manufacture of civil aviation airliners to ease the relationship between the two parties.

The reason is also very good, that is, it is extremely difficult to manufacture civil aviation airliners. Although Huanyu Group's technical strength is worthy of recognition, it does not mean that everything can be manufactured.

If it cannot be manufactured, it will damage the reputation of Huanyu Group. If it is manufactured, and the technology is still very advanced, it means that it will have a bad relationship with the two major airliner production giants and become a direct competitor.

In addition, if you want to sell it abroad, you need to obtain the airworthiness certificates of the two major markets. If they get in the way, it will not be so easy to get.

It is not yet known how many orders can be obtained if only relying on the domestic market, but the auto industry must have lost a lot, so it is not a cost-effective deal to calculate the general ledger.

Therefore, this scholar suggested that Huanyu Group should not be impulsive, but should make a choice to maximize benefits after a detailed analysis of the pros and cons. Obviously, the current choice to maximize benefits is to give up the manufacture of civil aviation airliners.

From a logical point of view, the whole article is not a big problem, but this kind of appeasement is not welcomed by many netizens. After all, it has not been long since my country announced the gdp data, which has made domestic netizens very emotional.

As a result, after such an article came out, he was still persuading Huanyu Group to be his grandson, so he was naturally unhappy, so he contacted him to see what he thought about it.

To be honest, he doesn't quite agree with this scholar's point of view. It seems that according to his thinking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but this is only the current situation, and it is still unknown whether the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages in the future.

The country itself has a huge aviation market. If Huanyu Group does not do it, it will be tantamount to handing over this huge market to others, and because it does not have its own enterprise, the domestic bargaining power is very weak.

Moreover, Huanyu Group's heavy reliance on foreign markets for its auto business is only temporary. The domestic auto market is already growing at a high speed, and it is certain that it will become the world's largest auto market in the future.

At that time, whether Huanyu Group needs their auto market, or their auto companies need our market, we will know the answer without further explanation.

The scholar made a serious mistake, that is, looking at the problem in a static way instead of a developmental perspective, and the conclusions drawn would be far from fallacious.

What's more, there are problems with this kind of thinking. Is it because we rely on the other party's market that we can't touch their fields. If we do this, then our country will not need to develop, and it should be their taboo everywhere.

Our economic development and scientific and technological development are not achieved by concessions, but by aggressiveness and strong market competitiveness.

What's more, it's not that he doesn't have a license in his hand. When looking at a problem, he can't look at the local area, but the overall situation. They can indeed take measures to reduce the competitiveness of Huanyu Group's automobile business.

The reason why they dare to do this is that they have substitutes, even if they are not very good substitutes, they are somewhat effective and will not cause huge public backlash.

But he still has a large number of products and technologies that have no substitutes. If the other party really wants to target Huanyu Group's auto industry, he can't be blamed for being rude.

He has a lot of ways to make the other party pay a high price, such as asking Taiji Group to increase the price of important medicines, so that he can make back the lost money.

What's more, the global market is not only developed countries, but also many developing countries. If his industries occupy these markets, they will also let them drink a pot.

He sells products to the global market. In addition to making money, he also promotes the improvement of the living standards of the people in these countries. It is believed that without his many advanced products, it is difficult for these people to enjoy the benefits brought by the world's top technology.

Moreover, he has passed the stage where he could not survive without overseas markets. With the domestic market and the size of its industries, he still has the motivation to continue to develop.

If we stay away from each other for a long time, the final result is that other countries will fall behind more and more, while our country will make more and more progress in all aspects, and this situation will definitely form.

If he really wants to maintain the trade balance, he has a way to make our country's import demand lower and lower. If this is the case, there is no need to export so many things.

Because in exchange for too much foreign exchange, there are not so many things to sell. We have what they have, and we still have what they don’t have. In this case, exporting is equivalent to benefiting them. What we get is nothing more than Just a pile of paper.

If it was before the change, he would be more worried, because although he has the strength to develop in an all-round way, he does not have enough energy and does not have so much time for more detailed industrial layout.

Now he has not only an efficiency artifact such as a virtual helmet, but also super computing power support such as a super quantum computer, as well as artificial intelligence and a general-purpose robot.

It can even be said that he does not need to do ordinary technological products. With the computing power of super quantum computers and the support of artificial intelligence technology, it is enough to beat engineers all over the world.

In this case, it doesn't matter whether there is an overseas market or not. What needs to be imported at that time is nothing more than mineral resources. Other industrial and agricultural products can be produced locally, and the quality is even better than them.

What's more, the markets of developed countries do not represent the world's markets. He thinks it is more than enough to earn foreign exchange for purchasing mineral resources, and he doesn't even need to be too concerned about it.

The foreign exchange spent to purchase these mineral resources is at best hundreds of billions of dollars, and he can earn back the money by selling some exclusive products under his banner.

What's more, he can't help it. It's not that domestic low-grade iron ore can't be used to make steel. If he doesn't like it, he can go to the seabed to mine. The ocean as big as the world is his mining place.

If they didn't really want to balance trade and strengthen the development of world trade, they would have ways to earn back the money lost in the international market, but what they lost was not only the opportunity to make money, but also the improvement in the quality of life brought about by advanced products.

When they begged to buy his products, he would have to sell them according to his mood, just like many of his advanced products, he never thought of selling them, no matter how much money he gave.

Moreover, this scholar may not know him well enough. Regardless of how big his business is, he is a very successful businessman. Even the word "very" is not enough to describe his success.

In fact, he doesn't value money and interests, as long as he can eat three meals a day without worrying about it. What he values ​​is industry and technology, which can actually improve domestic strength.

Although money can buy most things, money cannot buy many key things, at least many things in his hands cannot be bought by money.

Will he compromise for fear of losing his interests? It is obviously impossible. If such an idea really existed, it would be impossible for him to get to where he is today.

So when faced with this scholar's article, he actually didn't bother to talk to him. He just saw that many people wanted to see what he thought, so he thought it was necessary to respond.

So he wrote on his social account: "This scholar's analysis seems to be very reasonable, but in fact it is fundamentally wrong, and the conclusions he draws are naturally a thousand miles away.

First of all, international trade is not charity, but mutual need. If charity can develop international trade, then all countries in the world will become big trading countries.

Secondly, do not analyze the problem with static thinking, but analyze it with a dynamic and long-term perspective. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the analysis is, it will be wrong from the underlying structure.

Then the market in Western countries is not equal to the global market, and they cannot represent the global market. Although losing these markets may seem like a huge loss, it is actually just a temporary difficulty.

Again, our export trade is to be able to exchange for the things we need. When we don’t need their things, there is no need to do export trade, because we can make everything by ourselves.

We can even get energy and minerals by ourselves. When it comes to this point, the meaning of export trade will no longer exist, because we will not exchange the hard-produced things for other people's piles of paper.

Finally, I would like to say that it is good for a scholar to make suggestions, especially those that are beneficial to the country, but any suggestion must be made after careful consideration and with sufficient evidence.

Don't ask for one step to look at a hundred steps, at least three steps. If it is an obvious thing, you have to think about it, because it is impossible for others to fail to understand such obvious problems.

I'm busy, so that's all for now! "

It can be said that his last words were very sharp, tantamount to scolding many scholars, but he has no regrets. If he is a real scholar in these fields, he will only agree with his words and will never be disgusted.

After sending the message, Ye Zishu didn't bother, he just packed his things and went back to sleep in the room next to the office. This was just a small episode for him.

As a result, his reply was considered to be through the hornet's nest. It is already midnight, and there are still a large number of netizens who leave messages and comments below.

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