Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 803: A Genius Idea for Economic Development


In late April, Ye Zishu hurriedly managed to construct the virtual world in the real world. After running, the super quantum computer finally entered the formal operation state.

The entire virtual world is managed by artificial intelligence, even the entire super quantum computer is managed by artificial intelligence, there is no common operating system, because it is unnecessary.

When he picked up the virtual helmet and entered the virtual world, he experienced it carefully, which was exactly the same as what he experienced in the virtual laboratory, except that he was the only human being in the vast land, which seemed a bit desolate.

Then he spent another three days building up the ecosystem of this planet. After changing the previous desolation, all kinds of colorful colors suddenly appeared on the earth.

There are snow-capped mountains, marine life swimming freely in the ocean, lush green vegetation on land, and deserts full of yellow sand.

Among the various colors, cities are dotted and scattered, and the cities are no longer so silent. Various human beings simulated by artificial intelligence live in them, and the life in the city is orderly.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Zishu frowned, feeling that something was missing. After careful observation, he found the problem.

Although there are human beings living in cities and villages, there is no matching industrial system, as if everything we eat is created out of thin air, which is obviously unreasonable.

But if he wants to build these industries one by one, he obviously doesn't have that much energy, and it may not be perfect. If he wants to do this, he needs artificial intelligence to do it.

So I continued to work and spent three days to further improve the setting of the rules of the industrial development system, and then let the artificial intelligence automatically build the industry in virtual time according to these rules.

In order to simulate the real world as much as possible, he also classified and graded the main industries of each country, and at the same time stipulated the population of each country.

Artificial intelligence will carry out industrial layout according to these regulations, and at the same time simulate these industries according to the population. The principle is very simple, and these people need to be able to survive.

Since it can accommodate such a large population, there must be corresponding industries to allow these populations to survive, and then use the basic principles of economics to allow the entire economy to run smoothly.

Satisfying these constraints means that the artificial intelligence simulation is very successful. With the blessing of super quantum computer computing power, the artificial intelligence simulation can perform several reincarnations in one second.

After this improvement, the virtual world is almost no different from the real world. Even the stars in space are simulated according to the existing astronomical data.

Ye Zishu returned to his "hometown" in an instant,

Seeing the familiar village pattern in front of me, as well as the various houses and buildings seen during the New Year, it seems that I have really returned to my hometown.

It's just that when he entered the village, he found a gap between reality and fiction, that is, although the villagers were simulated very well, everyone has a personality and their own means of making a living.

But these villagers are completely different from the villagers in his hometown, both in appearance and population structure, there are big differences, except that the geographical location and geographical environment are almost the same, everything else is completely different.

The reason is simple, that is, he does not have the ability to collect these data, not to mention him personally, even the country does not have this ability.

Fortunately, the virtual world does not need to strive to be exactly the same as the real world, and it cannot be done. It is enough to maintain theoretical stability.

He went to Taiji Industrial Park again, entered the factory building, and found that the machines operating inside were different from the real world, and the industrial configuration of the entire industrial park was also different.

He didn't find it strange when he saw this, after all, he had expected it a long time ago, but seeing the machines running non-stop and the busy crowd here, he thought a little bit.

This scene made him think whether it is more meaningful to use super quantum computers to simulate industrial layout than his current spontaneous layout.

He has always had an ideal, that is, everyone can find a job at home, and everyone can live a comfortable life.

It is also for this idea that he has a lot of confusing operations, even giving up cities with more preferential policies, and arranging a large number of industries in cities with little presence.

Although this has achieved certain results, it has not fully met his expectations. At present, he has only managed to achieve a relative balance in the economy of each province. Each province has an important industrial layout.

However, the concentration of industries in the province is still very high. They are basically located in several key cities in each province, and have not yet spread to the counties. Everyone has to go to the county town to find a job. In a sense, they are considered leaving their hometowns.

Although he is not opposed to the influx of appropriate population into regional central cities, it is also necessary to establish a sustainable economic and industrial system for each county, so that the county will not only be lively during the Chinese New Year, but deserted at other times.

It's just that this matter is too difficult to do, and it can't be done with his next instruction. It takes a lot of time to investigate and study what industries should be set up in each place.

Moreover, the industry needs to adapt to changes in the market. It does not mean that everything will be fine once it is established. Every moment, industries will fade away and new industries will be established. This is a process of dynamic change.

It stands to reason that manpower cannot simulate such a complex economic and industrial operating system, and can only operate according to the natural state, but it is different now.

With super quantum computers, even astronomy, geography, and natural ecology can be simulated, not to mention human economic and industrial operating systems, which is simply a piece of cake.

If the scientific and technological system, social and cultural state, and policy and political system in the real world are digitized, it will not be too simple to simulate.

So he came up with this bold idea, which is to build an economic and industrial model, let artificial intelligence be responsible for the simulation, and find the optimal solution, even if it is a temporary optimal solution.

As long as the optimal solution is found at present or in the future, then his industrial investment can be targeted, and the layout can be done step by step, and the effect is definitely much better than it is now.

Not only can he complete his idea, but also the investment efficiency and return can be expected, because the answer has already been obtained in the simulation, even if there is a gap, it will not be too outrageous.

He believes that the planned economy is not actually a backward economic model, but because when manpower is limited, the ability of human beings in the past was simply unable to fully control the complex economic system.

Either economic development is beyond the control of human beings, and we can only passively accept the status quo of economic operation. This is the current market-oriented economic operation mode.

Either the economic operation is limited by the limit of human ability, and it is very easy to touch the ceiling, resulting in the relatively simple economic structure of the planned economic system, and the simple economic ecosystem accommodates much fewer employed people than the market economy.

Now he has the killer super quantum computer in his hands, as well as advanced artificial intelligence, which has greatly improved the ability of human beings to manage the economy, and the ceiling of the planned economy has also been greatly increased.

Of course, he does not want to completely return to the era of the planned economy. That is unrealistic. One is the aspiration of the people, and people have become accustomed to the gradually market-oriented economic system.

The second is that he does not have that much energy. Only the government has the ability to change the economic operation mode of a country, and it is a strong government. The general government does not have this ability.

What's more, completely planning the economy will also harm his interests. It's not that he cares about the loss of money, but that his role in it may not be that great.

As a scientist, in fact, the temptation of money is not so great. What I care more about is whether I can freely study my favorite topics without being too constrained.

Ordinary people pursue family harmony, businessmen pursue wealth, politicians pursue political harmony, and scientists pursue exploration of the world. Everyone and every character has their own ultimate pursuit, and he is no exception.

It's just that he is neither a pure businessman nor a pure scientist, and his pursuit is very different from ordinary roles. With the golden finger in his body, his ideal will naturally be greater.

Now with the trump card of a super quantum computer, he can completely promote the development of the planned economy in accordance with the market economic model, achieve the complementary advantages of the two, and make up for the shortcomings of the two.

The advantage of the market economy is that it can make the economic system more complex, the economic volume will be higher, and it can accommodate more employed people. Moreover, because it is formed spontaneously, the economic relationship will be stronger and the overall stability will be better.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, human beings are not strong enough to control it. Once a problem occurs, we can only watch the economic crisis emerge and wait for the market to adjust itself. All we can do is postpone it, but it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

This is why a market economy run by a highly capitalized country will have an economic crisis every once in a while.

The relationship between human beings based on interests is both rational and irrational. The rational aspect is conducive to improving efficiency and pursuing the maximization of interests.

Irrational aspects will lead to complex capital flows, the pursuit of short-term interests prevails, and the misallocation of resources will also occur, and it is also very secretive, and it is difficult to find out at ordinary times. Only when the accumulation reaches a certain stage will the problem be realized.

It's just that it was too late at that time, and we could only watch helplessly as the danger accumulated to a certain level, then exploded directly, and then began to redistribute wealth.

This is why in a fully capitalized and market-oriented economy, wealth will gradually be concentrated to a few people, and it will become more and more concentrated. The final result will definitely not be very good. We can find too much from our historical experience. example.

That's why he has so many assets under his banner, but he dare not think that they all belong to him. If he really has this idea, there will be big problems, and he will definitely not have a good result by then.

Therefore, the method he adopts is that the assets belong to him in name, but he must give full play to the social attributes of the assets instead of the private attributes, so that the society can enjoy the dividends brought by these assets as much as possible, and cannot be owned by him.

This is also the reason why his property is so large, but the dividends generated are basically not transferred to his personal account.

Either it is paid to employees in the form of salary, or it is fed back to the society in the form of welfare, or it is used to invest in expanding production and increasing the number of employees.

Only by making everyone feel that they have benefited from these assets can he feel at ease to control these assets. He has such awareness from the beginning and has always done so.

He just regards himself as the manager of social wealth, not the owner. Only by correcting his mentality can he be himself better, otherwise he is probably lost in the huge illusion of wealth and cannot extricate himself.

Closer to home, the advantage of a planned economy is that human beings have a stronger control over the economic system, and can find out the problem in a timely manner, and can use means to eliminate it before it accumulates to a certain stage.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the economic complexity is not enough, the volume is difficult to increase rapidly, the employment population accommodated is limited, and the economic potential cannot be fully stimulated.

In fact, my country's current economic model has both the shadow of the planned economy and the shadow of the market economy. It is an economic development model that combines the two.

This is also the reason why my country's economy has developed rapidly for more than 40 years in the previous life, and there was no major economic crisis. Although there may be economic crises in the future, the interval ratio is much longer.

In this way, the economic volume can be made large enough to accommodate more people to survive around this economic system, and it can also have a certain degree of control to a certain extent, so that it will not be completely laissez-faire.

This kind of control can deal with and adjust in a timely manner when obvious problems arise in the economy, making the economy more stable and resilient, and naturally developing faster.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu wished he could do it now. This kind of temptation was too great, and it could also reduce his mental effort.

If it was in the past, he would still give pointers to the industries under him, but as the industry got bigger and bigger, he himself felt that he could not fully control it, so he could only do some retreat work.

The specific implementation is still in the charge of the people below, but it is not very sure how the implementation will be, whether it is completely in accordance with his intention.

Moreover, the decline of this kind of executive power will show an accelerated decay state with the degree of decentralization of the hierarchy. In the end, he can only understand the overall situation from the financial report data such as revenue and profit.

But whether the following implementation is the best choice, and whether the economic balance development is carried out according to his ideas, he will become more and more vague about this, because with his energy, he can't even inspect it once.

This is also every time he inspects, it is like watching flowers on horseback, and basically he just goes to the headquarters of the group. It's not that they don't want to, but they can't do it. Unless he doesn't want to do other things, he just inspects all day long. .

Now the optimal planning is done by the super quantum computer, the artificial intelligence is responsible for the supervision, and the management system is responsible for supervising the implementation of the employees at all levels. It is simply perfect.

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