Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 801 The Shock Caused by GDP Data


Ye Zishu also paid attention to the press conference of Huanyu Group in his spare time. He was quite satisfied with the products released, especially the emergence of new energy vehicles, which may change the existing automobile industry structure.

Compared with fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles are actually much less difficult to manufacture. If technologies such as autonomous driving are excluded, it is a battery pack in a shell.

If Huanyu Group's fuel vehicles are not treated by the market in the international market in the future, they plan to open up new energy vehicles, and then there will be an influx of powerful players from all walks of life.

Although you can't make money for the whole car, you can make money for services and parts, and you can even help others make OEMs. This is also a way out.

Of course, this is the worst-case scenario. It is still in the stage of market competition. Everyone has not completely broken their skins. It is precisely because they have not broken their skins that the Huanyu Group is thinking about whether they can improve their relationship and cooperate on some projects.

As for their announcement at the press conference to enter the aviation manufacturing and ship manufacturing industries, he did not expect it. After all, in his opinion, the matter has not yet been written off, and there is no need to publicize it everywhere.

However, it is good to announce in advance. It is estimated that Huanyu Group has already been approached by various local governments at this time. Regardless of whether their aviation manufacturing industry can be realized, they will first pull it to their own territory.

Even if the situation in the future is not very good, at least these investments have actually been invested in their territory, which is still very effective in promoting the development of the local economy.

Moreover, Yuzhu of Huanyu Group is ahead, and can even develop a complete set of super magnetic levitation technology. In comparison, the technical content of civil aviation airliners is much lower, so the confidence in Huanyu Group is still quite high.

Huanyu Group's major investment direction is determined by him, the boss. He has already reached a series of agreements with the Chengdu government, and even many things have been done in advance, but there is no publicity.

Moreover, Huanyu Group not only puts the final assembly business in Chengdu, but also puts the entire civil aviation industry chain there. If it is established, it will become a huge industrial system.

At that time, not only Chengdu will benefit greatly, but also cities around Chengdu will benefit a lot. After all, the industrial chain is very long, enough for these places to share the soup.

As for the market, he is not very worried. Even if he is deliberately made things difficult abroad, the domestic market is enough to support an aviation manufacturing company and survive well.

According to his estimation, when the income of the domestic people increases, the domestic aviation market will also usher in an explosion. Even if there are super maglev trains to grab business, the aviation market is still not small.

What's more, such a large domestic economy not only represents the wealth of the people, but also represents an increase in the right to speak in the international arena.

Speaking of domestic economic aggregate,

Usually in March, the statistics department would announce last year's gdp data, but this year it was not released until April.

Regarding last year’s domestic gdp data, it’s okay not to announce it. After the announcement, it really attracted a huge discussion. The main reason is that the data is too magical. It feels like riding a rocket and developing too fast.

If it weren't for the fact that wages have risen a lot this year, or everyone would really doubt whether this data is true, the total gdp has actually exceeded the 60 trillion yuan mark.

Calculated based on last year's average exchange rate, the total amount exceeded the US$7 trillion mark. This figure is about four times that of the previous year, which is simply too exaggerated.

It is precisely because the data is a bit exaggerated that the statistics department dare not confirm it casually, and only dare to announce it to the public after careful calculation many times, otherwise it would not have taken so long.

It can be said that this economic aggregate is only one step away from reaching the top of the world. If there are no accidents, a new record will be created this year. However, this is only the economic aggregate, and it is still far from the number one per capita.

When this data was released, not only the country exploded, but the Internet and traditional media were full of reports, and various analysis articles emerged one after another, and the whole country was immersed in joy.

Facing this data, foreign countries have different performances. Some countries are in anxiety, and some countries see a new market, because this represents the emergence of another super market in the world.

And the interpretation of this number in various countries is no less than that in China. Whether it is on the Internet or in traditional media, there are reports every day, and the intensity is no less than that in China.

It’s just that compared to the domestic joy of being completely immersed in achieving outstanding economic achievements, foreign interpretations of this number are mixed, and the proportion of unfriendly voices is not small.

But no matter what mentality, it is in fact the case, and it will not change because of their different emotions. This is an objective fact and they must face it.

There are also many economists who are not swayed by their own positions, but carefully analyze the reasons for my country's rapid economic development, hoping to uncover the answer.

In fact, my country's main export business is easy to analyze, because these will be reflected in the trade data of various countries, and only need to analyze these data to draw conclusions.

Although my country's exports are very complicated, the main export categories are very clear, that is, electronic semiconductors, consumer electronics, furniture and home appliances, biomedicine and medical equipment and services, textiles and clothing, and various mechanical and electrical products.

The composition here is also very complicated. The relatively pure high-end export products are only biomedicine, medical equipment and related services, because there is only Taiji Group, and other domestic pharmaceutical companies do not have the strength to export such products.

Other products Although most of the industries under the leaf book are dominated by mid-to-high-end products, there are also mid-to-low-end products produced by domestic companies. Although the total amount is not large, the number is quite a lot.

For example, the 90-nanometer chip production line gradually eliminated by Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. was bought by domestic manufacturers to produce low-end chips, which also has certain profits and has its own fixed market demand.

Although consumer electronics is the main product of Qinglong Technology Company, domestic small and medium-sized manufacturers also have their own similar products. The price is much cheaper, but the quality is relatively poor, and they are generally sold to third world countries.

Although the furniture industry is one of the main businesses of Kirin Wood Industry Group and has a large share in the international market, other domestic companies also export furniture products, and the orders are all from well-known international furniture brand companies.

They lost in the international market and Qilin Timber Industry Group in the furniture industry. After analyzing the reasons, they believe that the main reason is that the cost is not dominant, followed by design and workmanship.

So they searched for a new global supply chain, choosing only domestic ones that are more suitable, the cost is relatively low, and the workmanship is good, so many domestic furniture companies have won a large number of overseas orders.

The home appliance industry is generally not considered high-end. After all, after so many years of development, it has long been a mature industry, and it can even be regarded as a sunset industry in developed countries.

However, after Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. made such a move, the home appliance industry, which was originally a sunset industry, has miraculously ushered in great development, and its profit margin has increased significantly.

The reason is that the emergence of the concept of smart home has upgraded the traditional home appliance industry, which not only reduces the dimensionality of the traditional home appliance industry, but also brings considerable income to R\u0026D and production companies.

Moreover, Qinglong Technology Company not only proposed the concept of smart home, but also carried out a very excellent industrial design, which made the original ordinary home appliances look more artistic, high-end at first glance, and provided extremely high emotional value.

Of course, there are ordinary home appliances produced in China, and the quality is also very good. Xuanwu Technology also provides key parts and components for domestic home appliance companies, and even provides a complete set of parts.

Xuanwu Technology is still very open to this kind of thing that does not have a high technical content. If the other party is unwilling to build a factory, even an OEM is willing to help them do it, as long as they give them a reasonable profit.

The market for these ordinary home appliances is not small, and they are also exported in large quantities to foreign countries. Not everyone in foreign countries is rich, and there is also room for a large number of ordinary home appliances to survive.

This is especially true for textiles. In the past, my country's textiles were the main export business. Although they were cheap, they also earned a lot of foreign exchange for countries that were extremely short of foreign exchange at that time.

Although the high-end textiles of Kirin Textile Industry Group have begun to occupy the market, the market for mid- and low-end textiles is still not small, which ushers in a better development for the originally good textile industry.

Kirin Textile Industry Group can provide domestic textile enterprises with a large amount of high-quality textile fabrics, and Kirin Basic Industry Group can provide them with various advanced clothing production equipment and so on.

Coupled with the investment funds provided by Tidal Investment Company, domestic textile and garment enterprises have been upgraded. In addition to OEM, they have also begun to develop in the direction of independent brands.

It's just that the overall price of the textile and garment products they produce is still relatively low. For example, the export price of the products of Qilin Textile Industry Group is at least a hundred yuan. If the price is lower than this, there is no need to export.

What's more, they are basically independent brands with high international reputation and a large number of exclusive products, which are even more expensive, bringing them a lot of benefits.

However, other domestic clothing companies have also made a lot of money. The upgrade of technology, equipment and raw materials has led to their profit margins being not small, much better than before.

Electromechanical products have become more complex, including high-end electromechanical products produced by Kirin Electric Industry Group, mid-to-high-end electromechanical products produced by Xuanwu Technology Company, and low-end electromechanical products produced by other domestic companies.

In terms of volume, mid-to-low-end products definitely have an advantage, but in terms of industrial scale and profit margins, these high-end products must be used, and high-end products are the main driving force for my country's development in such a short period of time.

In addition to the more complex categories above, another industry in which my country has an absolute advantage is the software industry, the Internet industry and the communication industry.

These three industries basically do not have any competitors in the world, and they are still highly monopolized. They are basically controlled by the enterprises under the leaf book, which is completely different from the contention of other industries.

After the analysis of these economists, it is believed that the most important reason why my country's economy can develop so fast is that it occupies the absolute advantage of new industries and indirectly promotes the transformation and upgrading of other industries.

Industrial transformation and upgrading requires both technology and capital. Without money, it is extremely difficult to transform. However, these high-tech industries in our country have made a lot of money, which has prompted many enterprises in our country to have money to achieve transformation and upgrading.

For example, biomedicine, high-end medical equipment and services, software and Internet industry, communication industry, etc., which have an absolute advantage in my country, are all sunrise industries and are in a stage of vigorous development.

The most important thing is that there are no comparable substitute products in the world for these industries in which our country has advantages, and the advantages in these fields will become more obvious in the future.

Relying on these advanced industrial advantages, our country has earned a large amount of foreign exchange surplus from all over the world, and then used these foreign exchange surpluses to promote domestic industrial upgrading and at the same time promote the expansion of the domestic market.

The industrial population has increased significantly, and the per capita income has also increased rapidly. Naturally, the size of the domestic market has also increased rapidly. Now, with the huge domestic market alone, it can continue to develop for a long time.

Therefore, a large number of economists agree that it is impossible to curb my country's economic development. Our country's economy has formed an endogenous driving force, which cannot be stopped by simple containment measures.

Now the consideration is how to get more benefits from this huge emerging market.

If this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is missed, it will be difficult for an economy with such rapid growth and such a large volume to appear in the future, and if it is missed, it will be missed forever.

This piece of advice is actually very pertinent, but whether they can participate is still up for debate. The industries under Ye Zishu cannot give up the market in vain, and they need to compete for it with their own skills.

Compared with the various analyzes of economists, businessmen are much simpler and ruder. They immediately made plans to enter the mainland market, hoping to succeed in this huge market as well.

The large number of foreign capitals landing in China will not have a great impact on the industries under Ye Zishu. After all, they are able to maneuver in the international market, and it is unreasonable to lose to competitors in the domestic market.

It is a severe test for other domestic companies to survive this wave of shocks. Everyone also understands another meaning of Ye Zishu’s saying that this year will be difficult for many companies.

Although the industries under Ye Zishu are relatively strong in China, at least they will take care of the overall interests and will not do anything to kill them all.

However, international capital is not so polite to these local companies. As long as it is not illegal, it will use any means. It will never think about peaceful coexistence. It will only happen when the strength is equal.

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