Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 779 The general purpose robot business is a piece of fat


In the communication with Lao Ren, the head of Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Zishu proposed that he would develop a universal humanoid robot.

This news shocked everyone present at the time, except of course Pei Qing who had already received the news. The universal humanoid robot and the robot released by Qinglong Technology Company are not the same concept.

The robots released by Qinglong Technology Company are actually similar to the robots we have seen. Most of them can only be applied to special scenarios and cannot be used universally.

According to the entire human social system, if you want to be universal, you need to be indistinguishable from human beings. After all, human society is constructed by human beings themselves.

Although Lao Ren was not a scientific researcher, after so many years of reading and seeing, he still has a clear understanding of the current technical ability and level.

With the current technical capabilities, it is definitely impossible to make a universal robot, because Qinglong Technology Company itself is a representative of advanced technology, they cannot do it, and other companies must not be able to do it either.

"Why does Mr. Ye suddenly want to be a universal robot?" Lao Ren asked.

He didn't question the technical possibility, because the boss created too many miracles, and they couldn't do it, which didn't mean the boss couldn't do it.

But I want to understand the boss's intentions. After all, there is still a relative surplus of domestic human resources. Even if the economy is developing at a high speed, it is still difficult for some people to find jobs.

In the case of a surplus of human resources, he believes that there is no need to make general-purpose robots. Even the robots they launched have no intention of replacing humans. They just want to be a supplement to the social economy and will not steal everyone's jobs.

If general-purpose robots really appear, it means that many jobs will be replaced by robots, and the problems caused by this will not be ignored by the boss.

In the face of such an obvious problem, the boss still insists on doing this, there must be a reason why he has to do it, and there are ways to avoid the problem of unemployment.

He doesn't intend to hide this issue, after all, they fully understand his intentions, which is conducive to better use of universal robots, so that there will be no situations he doesn't want to see.

"In fact, I didn't have this idea at first, but I was busy at home during this time, and I didn't want to cook, so I could only rely on others to deliver food for a living, so I wondered if I could have a robot to help me cook.

So I thought of the huge space for domestic robots in the market, especially when the domestic service industry in our country is not yet developed, there will not be too many problems in appropriate intervention.

Later, I saw that New Oriental Education Group had a serious shortage of teachers. This problem is difficult to solve in a short period of time and can only be solved slowly over time.

But children wait for no one,

Once the best learning period is missed, it is impossible to return to the previous state, which is tantamount to delaying the child's future.

In addition, although the labor force is sufficient in society, the problem of labor mismatch still exists seriously. Some positions are seriously short of people, but no suitable talents can be found.

I think you should have a deep understanding of this. If New Oriental Education Group hadn't played a certain role in skills training, this situation would have been even more serious.

What we used to rely on was to improve the advanced nature of the equipment, and try to use advanced technology to solve the parts with high technical requirements for workers, so as to reduce the technical dependence on people.

However, this situation is more difficult to solve in high-tech fields, so general-purpose robots still have great value in various fields of society. "Leaf Book said.

After listening to Ye Zishu's words, everyone understood what the boss meant, but they didn't expect that it was because of laziness that the boss had the idea of ​​making a universal robot.

They believe that the latter reason should be thought out after having this idea. After all, evaluating market demand and social impact is an essential link.

And what he said is very reasonable. As the industrial enterprise with the largest number of workers, Wu Chaoqiang, the head of Xuanwu Technology Company, has a deep understanding of this. The company seems to revolve around people all the time.

If there are such a group of robots, they can temporarily put the robots on top, and the training of employees does not need to be so urgent, and they can work slowly and carefully.

After the trained employees are competent for the actual work, they can just replace the robots. Now, in order to let the employees practice their hands, an unknown number of products are scrapped, and the loss is very large.

If they hadn't had a complete industrial chain and were able to remanufacture these scrapped products, the losses would have been even more unpredictable. It can be said that universal robots are great news for them.

As the president of New Oriental Education Group, Yu Minhong is full of surprise. He is surprised that a universal robot can also be a teacher? But thinking about it carefully, I feel that nothing is impossible.

They have a smart education platform themselves, and can complete the education work online. Now they are just arranging a body for the smart education system, which makes sense technically.

"Mr. Ye's idea is very good. We are all under Mr. Ye's industry, and we will abide by Mr. Ye's rules. As long as someone can step up to the top, we will remove the robot and give priority to protecting people's employment rights.

But other companies do not have such an idea. The advantages of robots are very obvious. They will not contradict the boss, work hard without complaint, and do not need to prepare too many supporting facilities.

I think as long as you are a business owner, you will be more inclined to use robots. We can't stipulate that they can't use them. After all, the products have been sold, and we have no right to interfere with how they use them. "Old Ren threw out this question.

Real employees not only need economic income, but also need the company to provide emotional value, which also brings more difficulties in management. Robots do not have these problems at all, just give them money.

"I am also clear about your question. Our humanoid robots will not be sold, but will only be rented out, which is equivalent to us playing the role of a labor service company.

There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the price of humanoid robots is too high, whether it is ordinary people or ordinary enterprises, the purchase cost is too high.

If we adopt the sales model, our general-purpose robots have no market at all, or the market is very small, so we can’t just cook me a meal, the most important thing is to create some value for us.

The second is to consider the problem you just mentioned. Sales means the transfer of ownership, and the buyer has full disposal rights. Even if we formulate relevant agreements, there is a risk that the law will not support them.

Only by renting out can we have the right to intervene in the use of robots, and we can also understand the direction of labor shortage in the market, which will help New Oriental Education Group to cultivate relevant talents.

Of course, this is not completely safe. Enterprises can say that they cannot recruit people, and then rent our robots to work all the time. This is entirely possible.

So if you want to rent our robot, you must sign a labor agency contract with us. If we find a suitable candidate, you must give priority to using real people, and then we will take the robot back.

If other companies don't agree to this clause, don't cooperate with them, and they can only rent a robot to do a specific job, not just rent a robot to do everything.

If you want to change the use of the robot, you must go through the process again and pay the change service fee. This can also avoid the risk of reducing labor positions, and you can also receive a service fee.

In addition, the robot rental fee you provide cannot be lower than the market labor cost, and can only be higher than this, so that it can be used as an emergency measure and avoid the problem of squeezing social jobs.

Business owners also know how to settle accounts. Such a high price can only be used as an emergency, and for long-term use, they themselves cannot bear the high cost, so it is better to use ordinary employees. "Leaf Book said.

If they really adopt the leasing model, they will actually become a labor service company, and it is not too outrageous to increase the general labor service business.

Qinglong Technology Company is not interested in the labor service business, which is completely different from their positioning. Although labor service companies with robots may make money, the cost is bound to be high.

Thinking about the cost, Lao Ren asked, "How much is the general-purpose robot that President Ye mentioned?"

The cost is the biggest obstacle to popularization. If it is too high, it will only be reduced to a niche product and cannot be mass-produced at all. Therefore, not only the old man is concerned about this issue, but other responsible persons are also very concerned.

In fact, Ye Zishu is not very clear about the cost, after all, he has not done technical arrangement, but he thinks that it must be controlled within 1 million, otherwise there will be nothing to do.

So he said: "Although there is no accurate evaluation yet, I think it should be within 1 million, otherwise it will not be able to be promoted, and it is meaningless if everyone can't afford it."

Hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Lao Ren asked: "How long is the service life? This is also very important. If a robot made of 1 million can only be used for three to five years, that's not enough. "

In order to be accepted by the market, the annual use cost must be controlled within 100,000 yuan, that is to say, the service life must be at least 10 years, which cannot be overhauled halfway.

"Don't worry about this. I care more about the cost of use than you. Although it has not been determined, I believe that it should not be a big problem if it is used for more than 50 years." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Others only think about making products when they have technology, but he thinks about making products first, and then prepares for technical things, and everyone is used to it.

Knowing this information, everyone knew what was going on, but who should give this business became a matter of concern to everyone, not to say that it must be given to Qinglong Technology Company.

In fact, many companies are not weaker than Qinglong Technology in terms of technical strength, nor are their capital weaker than Qinglong Technology. Seeing such a promising industry, everyone naturally wants to put it in their own bowl.

Seeing everyone's bright eyes, Ye Zishu knew what they were thinking. Originally, he wanted to give it to Qinglong Technology Company, but now that he thought about it, there was no need to do so.

So he said: "The production of robots will be handed over to Kirin Basic Industries Group, and you will be responsible for the manufacturing of parts.

The robot labor service business and general labor service business will be handed over to Wancheng Jiye. Some people will be transferred from the personnel department and a professional labor service company will be established to operate this business. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, the one who was most disappointed was Lao Ren, and the other people in charge were also very disappointed, even Pei Qing was no exception. Although they are not a machinery manufacturing company, they can definitely learn from it.

Anyway, such an advanced robot is definitely beyond the capabilities of the existing manufacturing technology. It is necessary to rebuild a production system. Tai Chi Group has no shortage of funds, as long as it has the technology to spend money on it.

The reason why Ye Zishu arranges this is that everyone thinks that this is a piece of fat. If it is given to Qinglong Technology Company, the other responsible persons will definitely not accept it. They are also capable of doing this well.

But when it was given to the Kirin Basic Industry Group under the Kirin Industrial Group, everyone immediately lost their temper. After all, this is a unit managed by the boss. Although I heard that the boss didn't take care of it at all, the relationship is still here.

They think they can't compete with the boss, so if they do it for Kirin Industrial Group, everyone will not be dissatisfied. Some people even think that this is the best arrangement, otherwise they will not be reconciled.

Everyone knows that such a huge industry, and it is also a top-notch technology industry, will be doing exclusive business for a long time in the future. Everyone wants such a high-quality industry.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu thought that his impromptu decision was correct, while Lao Ren asked, "Will universal robots affect our current robot business?"

"Probably not, there are four reasons: the first is that the cost of use is too high, compared to the use cost of the robots you are launching now, it is obviously not cost-effective.

The second is the rental review mechanism. The labor service company must be fully evaluated before reaching a cooperation. Be stricter in this regard, and don't ignore it just to make money.

The third is that general-purpose robots will not be used for foreign business, that is to say, they will only be used domestically, so that your overseas markets will not be impacted.

The fourth is the rental fee of a universal robot, which is not set according to the actual production cost or market price, but according to the social labor cost.

With the development of the economy, the cost of social labor will only increase, and the rental fee of general-purpose robots will also increase, while the robots you produce will only become lower and lower, at least to keep the price unchanged.

In the long run, it will not create strong competition for your existing robotics business. The two focus on not the same market, and the market positioning is different. "Leaf Book explained.

Hearing this, Lao Ren was relieved a lot. Now their robots have brought them a lot of revenue, and there may be more in the future. It would be a pity if they disappeared in an instant.

Finally, Ye Zishu talked about the production plan of the universal robot. In the initial stage, it will produce 1 million units per year, and they need to make relevant supporting preparations.

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