Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 179: Three girls from the Huang family are rescued (2/4)

There are thousands of roads in the world, but he chose the most difficult one. Buddhas only save people with predestined relationships, but he chooses to save people all over the world.

But there is not much time left for him, and there are only sporadic surplus rural labor overflowing, which has already caused considerable confusion to the historical name of Guangzhou.

When more and more rural people want to go to big cities to make a living, what kind of scene will that kind of majestic migrant workers come in?

In addition, after a few years, there will still be a large number of employees of state-owned enterprises laid off. Under the double superposition, there will be a job gap of hundreds of millions by then, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

Although relying on China's accession to the WTO in the previous life, my country's foreign trade industry has been greatly developed and the high unemployment rate faced has been alleviated, but it will have to wait until almost 2002.

The employment gap created in the middle has brought great pressure and pain to people who are facing unemployment and lack of job opportunities. Although he has not experienced it, what he has seen through some materials is also shocking.

This is not the most frightening thing, the most frightening thing is that this kind of situation has completely crushed the spirit of the people of our country. Everything is based on money, and other things such as morality and other brilliance of human nature have been lost more and more.

It will become more and more difficult to pick it up again, because the environment has changed and people's hearts have changed. If you want to pick it up again, it will not be solved by simple provisions.

So he needs to do some things as soon as possible, and he can't do things slowly when things are imminent. It's not a good way to hold Buddha's feet temporarily.

After Ye Zishu stayed in the hotel, apart from going to the Public Security Bureau every day to inquire about the progress of the matter, the rest of the time was spent studying in the hotel.

As he wants to enter more and more fields, the knowledge he learned before is becoming less and less useful, and he needs to relearn a lot of knowledge.

Even if it is a copy, it must be copied clearly, so from the outsider's point of view, during this period of time, apart from the necessary activities, Ye Zishu is basically lying in bed and sleeping, as if he has returned to the state of living in the countryside.

If the industry wants to develop, the most basic part is the material. Only with various advanced materials can an advanced industry be constructed.

In addition, many plans in his hands are inseparable from the support of materials, so in the virtual library, he found a lot of material science knowledge and related technical materials suitable for the current technological level.

With materials, the ability to process these materials into various industrial products is also required. Although it is more complicated, the processing ability cannot be separated from advanced processing equipment.

This not only includes industrial machine tools, but also various processing technologies. In fact, he has given Xuanwu Technology Company CNC machine tool related technologies before.

The main purpose is to be able to process more advanced mechanical components, which are indispensable parts for assembling precision instruments, and also an indispensable link for precision equipment in the electronics and semiconductor industries.

It's just that at that time, he didn't actually do special research, he just looked for ready-made materials, and he didn't even change the parts himself, because he didn't have much ability to make changes at that time.

Because the more sophisticated the equipment, the more the modification will affect the whole body. It doesn't mean that it can be modified casually, but it is just a technology that he took out and thinks the technical content is not high.

For current scientific researchers, it is not considered a very high technical content, and there are still great difficulties in research and development.

However, once it is completed, the benefits will be huge. For example, the semiconductor technology information he gave to Xuanwu Technology Company can produce chips with a 130-nanometer process through appropriate process technology.

In the previous life, if one wanted to reach this support standard, one had to wait until 2001, which was 8 years ahead of time. The current mainstream semiconductor process is 800 nanometers.

The reason why it is raised so high is mainly because the chips required by many devices need to reach this level as the minimum requirement. If the level is too low, no matter how advanced the chip architecture is, it cannot meet the requirements.

For example, he wants Lingtong Technology to develop 3G communication technology, but to support 3G technology, the requirements for chips are very high. Even under the 130nm process, it can be realized through a more advanced chip architecture.

It stands to reason that to make it easier to develop 3G chips, it is best to achieve a 65-nanometer process, so that 3G chips can be made into a single chip, which can reduce power consumption, save costs, and have more powerful performance.

The development of science and technology mainly follows two laws. The first is that the more advanced the technology, the greater the energy consumption will be. The other is that the more advanced the technology, the higher the requirements for computing.

3G technology seems to be only a little bit more advanced than 2G. In fact, the improvement is all-round. In addition to the most basic electromagnetic communication technology algorithms and related research, the most obvious thing is that the requirements for computing power have been greatly improved.

2G communication technology, as long as it satisfies voice call and text communication, 3G communication technology can already be called mobile Internet.

Gu can see from the Internet of Everything that 3G communication technology has a qualitative leap compared with 2G communication technology, and naturally the requirements for related technologies have also been qualitatively improved.

This time, he didn't ask himself to be fully specialized, which is unrealistic, but he wanted to have a comprehensive and deep understanding of the fields he needed to be involved in, and to have a comprehensive understanding of basic concepts.

As for how much he wants to learn, it still needs to be driven by the project. When he sorts out the materials, it is actually a learning process. The more materials he sorts out, the deeper the understanding and the deeper the level of knowledge reserve will be.

Thanks to Ye Zishu's generous donation, the city's public security department has mobilized hundreds of officers from other police stations. The larger the number, the faster the investigation of clues.

In just two days, they locked the five clues that were most likely to be real clues, and then began to dispatch personnel to investigate these five clues.

At this time, the 100,000 yuan reward he offered played an important role. Didn't these criminals gather together for money, and the 100,000 yuan reward was enough for them to turn against each other.

When the police did not find them, they still had luck and tried to hide as much as possible, but when they found that the police had almost found them, some people thought differently.

This operation is obviously different from the previous ones, and the person who can organize such a large-scale police investigation is definitely not that simple. If it is found out, it is impossible to let it go gently.

At this time, the most sensible choice is to surrender and confess leniently. If you operate well, you can still get the 100,000 yuan bounty.

And the thing is so weird, when the police followed these five clues separately, someone finally went to the police station to report the case secretly.

At first, he just pretended to be an insider and provided clues to the police, wanting to share the reward of 100,000 yuan. At first, he really believed it and rescued the three girls of the Huang family.

When Ye Zishu arrived, they had already been taken to the police station. According to their description, when they got off the train, someone approached them.

At first they were very scared, but the train station was so big, they walked around for a long time, but they didn't know how to get there, the traffic in big cities was completely different from that in small counties.

The traffic routes in small counties can be known even with your eyes closed. Some counties even have only one or two main roads. They are said to be counties, but in fact they are barely considered small towns.

When they were anxious, the people who had struck up a conversation before came up to strike up a conversation again. It is estimated that they have been staring at them for a long time. When they were most confused, they expressed their willingness to help them.

The rest of the matter was very simple. The group directly took them to a pornographic place, but they refused to comply at the beginning. The group patiently persuaded them, and then started beating them directly.

Ye Zishu glanced at the three sisters of the Huang family. Although there were marks on their faces and bodies, they were all beautiful. No wonder these people tricked them into going to that kind of place.

There are only three girls in their family. They have been used as boys since they were young. Their personalities are much stronger than ordinary girls. Otherwise, the three girls would not dare to go to Guangzhou.

So in the past few days, the three girls did not give in even though they were beaten, and even the group who kidnapped them used a hunger strike, and they still didn't make them give in for a short time.

Fortunately, they found it quickly. Otherwise, if it took a long time, it would be up to them whether they could hold on. In the end, no matter what the result was, it was not what Ye Shu wanted to see.

Now those people have been caught by the police and are being interrogated. What's interesting is that the police also paid attention to the person who provided the clues, wrote down his appearance and drew a portrait.

Then he took it to the group of people who were arrested for identification, and found that the person who provided the clues was their peripheral member, who was only in charge of watching people at the train station. If he had a target, he would notify the group of people to cheat.

So the person who provided the clues is actually an accomplice, and can be regarded as a criminal, but the plot is not as serious as these people, but the 100,000 yuan reward is definitely gone.

When taking the three sisters away from the police station, Ye Zishu left a reward of 100,000 yuan to the police station, and then said: "This 100,000 yuan should be regarded as the hard work of the police station.

I hope that all police officers can bring these criminals to justice and stop endangering society. "

As soon as everyone heard this, they knew what it meant, and quickly agreed, and Ye Zishu left the police station with the three sisters of the Huang family.


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