Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 138 Marketing Director Candidate (1/4)

"The Phoenix operating system will be launched soon, where is the marketing director I want?" Ye Zishu asked the person in charge of the HR department.

Now that the launch date is getting closer and closer, he has been paying attention to the launch of the Phoenix operating system during this time, but the director of marketing operations he has long wanted has not been in place for a long time.

"We have already contacted many target persons, but they don't trust our company. Our Phoenix operating system is in a confidential stage, and we can't tell them too much information." The person in charge of the personnel department said aggrievedly.

At the beginning, he was afraid of exposing their Phoenix operating system prematurely, attracting the attention of traditional operating system manufacturers, which would interfere with his plans.

"Then is there any target you are contacting now?" Ye Zishu asked after calming down.

"For the time being, there is one, and we think there is great hope." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

"Oh, tell me!"

"The other party is Li Kaifu, who is the director of the multimedia laboratory of Apple Computer. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a doctorate in computer science and has a certain influence in the United States." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

Ye Zishu knew who Li Kaifu was when he heard it. He was also a very famous person in his previous life, but he basically worked for foreign Internet companies in China in his previous life.

The companies we serve are all large companies, such as Apple Computer, Silicon Valley Graphics, Microsoft, and Google, and their positions generally reach the position of vice president.

It shows that the other party has the ability, but he is mostly in charge of technical work, and Ye Zishu has some doubts about whether the market operation can be done well.

However, he is currently short of talents, and it may not be suitable to find other people. It is better to let him come and try. After all, such a person is not stupid, and his learning ability must be very strong.

"Why didn't the other party agree immediately? Is there any concern?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The main reason is that we still don't believe in the strength of our company, and he has not considered being in charge of the marketing work, because it is a huge challenge for him." Ye Shu said.

"Can he come to China now? I want to talk to him face to face!" Ye Zishu asked.

"If there is no legitimate reason, it will be difficult. After all, his position is not low, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

"If invited to give lectures in the name of Tsinghua University,

This reason should be fine. "Leaf Book asked.

The person in charge of the personnel department was very surprised when he heard what Ye Zishu said. He used the relationship of Tsinghua University just to meet Li Kaifu.

Although Kai-fu Lee's resume is indeed good, after all, he has always been in charge of technical work. The reason why they chose Kai-fu Lee was because more suitable people had already rejected them.

Seeing the person in charge of the personnel department standing there in a daze, he said: "Just do what I said, I will contact Tsinghua University, and you will contact Li Kaifu to explain the situation.

If he accepts our arrangement, we will ask Tsinghua University to send out an invitation. If he does not accept it, then forget it, and we can only do it ourselves. "

After leaving the HR department, Ye Zishu found that it is really difficult to find talents with an international perspective, mainly because Phoenix Software is currently an unknown company.

It will be much easier for the company to recruit international talents when Phoenix Software's operating system is released to the world.

Inviting Li Kaifu this time is to show him the actual product. Anyway, it is not long before it goes on the market, and even if the secret is leaked, it will not cause incalculable consequences.

Shengshi Film and Television Company has its own office in Hollywood, in order to facilitate communication with major Hollywood film companies, and also to understand the situation of the North American film market.

The staff of Phoenix Software in North America is working in the name of the office of Shengshi Film and Television Company, so there is no need to set up an office by itself.

The staff of the personnel department in North America contacted Li Kaifu immediately after receiving the domestic call, and visited him in person, brought forward the boss's idea of ​​meeting him, and told him how to meet.

Li Kaifu did not expect that Phoenix Software Company would value him so much, and the boss of the company would personally meet with him, which made him feel a little respected.

Although he still doesn't think that a little-known company in the mainland can achieve anything, but out of respect, he still agrees. Anyway, it's good to just take a trip to the past.

After getting a positive answer from Li Kaifu, the personnel department reported the matter to Ye Zishu. Ye Zishu immediately called the dean of Tsinghua University, explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly, and asked him to help send an invitation letter.

The dean agreed without hesitation. No matter what, Li Kaifu is still very capable in computer technology. Even if Ye Zishu is not considered, it is a good thing to be invited to give a speech.

The next day Kai-fu Lee got on the flight back to the mainland, and when he arrived in the mainland, Ye Zishu, as a student of Tsinghua University, went to the airport to pick him up in person.

He drove his own car to pick up the plane. After picking up Li Kaifu in the car, Ye Zishu said, "It's a pleasure to invite Mr. Li over here. I'm Ye Zishu, the owner of Phoenix Software."

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Li Kaifu showed a surprised expression on his face. The purpose of his visit this time was Phoenix Software Company, but he didn't expect the boss of this company to be so young and a student of Tsinghua University.

"I didn't expect the boss of Phoenix Software to be so young!" Li Kaifu said.

"The so-called ambition does not depend on age. In ancient times, Huo Qubing also made great achievements at a young age. I just turned 20 this year." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Is Mr. Ye the singer Ye Shu?" Li Kaifu asked suddenly, as if he remembered something.

"Mr. Li has also listened to my album?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"I have an album of yours at home, and occasionally when I am free, I will take it out and listen to it." Li Kaifu said.

"Then you are not an experienced fan. I have released quite a few albums, but Mr. Li's family only has one!" Ye Zishu said jokingly.

After the two talked about some unrelated topics, the atmosphere of their conversation was already very good. Ye Zishu led the topic to work while driving.

"Our operating system was still in the confidential research and development stage before, and we did not disclose too much information to Mr. Li. This time our operating system has met the listing requirements.

So I invited Mr. Li to come over to see it first. I believe that after seeing it, Mr. Li will have more confidence in joining our company, and it is absolutely worthwhile to visit. "Leaf Book said seriously.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Li Kaifu, who came here with the mentality of traveling, also thought about this matter in his heart. Since Ye Zishu has such strong confidence, he must have something to rely on.

"Then let's go to your company now." Li Kaifu said.

According to the itinerary, after getting off the plane, Li Kaifu must be received to go to the hotel to rest, and some other activities will start the next day.

Hearing what Li Kaifu said, Ye Zishu naturally had no objection. He turned the front of the car and headed towards Phoenix Software Company in Zhongguancun.

After parking the car at the place, Ye Zishu led Li Kaifu to his company. Li Kaifu, who thought it was a small software company, changed his mind when he saw the office area was full.

"This is just an office space on one floor, and there are several floors above and below this floor, which are all our office space.

Even these places can’t accommodate our employees. Currently, the company is building a 1 million square meter R\u0026D center and company headquarters, as well as a 1 million square meter employee residential area. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Li Kaifu's original thoughts changed 180 degrees. This is not a small company, but definitely a very powerful company.


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