Reborn Sells Instant Noodles In America

Chapter 63: beggar in municipal park

Because the campus is far away from home, Lin Zidan has no plans to stay on the Brooklyn campus for a long time, so he decides to live in the dormitory like most students. The dormitories at their school are randomly assigned, with single, double and triple rooms.

Lin Zidan was assigned to a two-person room. The roommate was a local Jew from Brooklyn. He disappeared on weekends. Because of their different professions, the two had little chance to meet each other during the rest of the day, except to say hello every day before going to bed. many.

Lin Zidan has a very complete plan for his entry into university life. He has already learned a lot about NUY's on-campus transfer process. Therefore, from the first academic year, he planned to take the business school's management-related courses. In order to complete the credits, he is busy every day. 's inseparable.

On the contrary, Zhang Jing didn't take any revenge on his studies, and went to school with ease. After breaking up with his former girlfriend, he found a foreign **** the new campus. Whenever he was free, he went to Yankee Stadium to watch the ball game. , living a leisurely and extravagant life.

Lin Zidan wanted to learn more management and business knowledge. Zhang Jing only needed to get a college degree, and the topics that the two of them could talk about gradually became less and less, but the friendship between the two people was not affected, not to mention that they still There is a joint venture trading company.

Speaking of the trading company, Lin Zidan recently hired a few more competent purchasers due to sufficient preparations. With the cooperation of Zhang Jing's accountants and actuaries, they have gradually entered the track. Although it is far from the level of making money, it is slowly balancing the income and expenditure.

On this day, the two had an appointment to meet. Zhang Jing went south from West Bronx, and Lin Zidan went north from Brooklyn to meet at a Shanghai restaurant in Chinatown.

The dormitory where Lin Zidan lives has very developed traffic. All kinds of buses and subways can basically reach the main campus in Manhattan within half an hour. There are also special activity rooms and fitness equipment in the dormitory building, but Lin Zidan doesn’t like to exercise foolishly in the dormitory building. He only comes back to exercise in the evening when he occasionally has morning classes and is too late to go for a run.

Every morning, Lin Zidan would walk across the campus to the beach for half an hour. The meeting time was around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, which was plenty of time for him. Lin Zidan decided to take a bus and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. , then go to Chinatown.

At the end of October, New York has begun to cool down, but only the temperature difference between morning and evening is more obvious. If there is sun during the day, it will give people the illusion that winter is still far away. Lin Zidan put on the NF jacket that Li Manrui had newly bought for him, and carried a leather bag that wasn't too big, just enough to fit two big books in it.

Because the Brooklyn Bridge has a long-standing reputation, a large number of tourists come and go on the bridge every day. Walking on this century-old bridge again, Lin Zi is a little excited. Although this is the second time he has stepped on the bridge, It was the first time I walked across the bridge, but my mood was very different from the original one. The first time I walked up was to commit suicide, but this time I walked over to enjoy the scenery more leisurely.

Walking all the way and looking around, Lin Zidan raised his eyes and looked at the Statue of Liberty that could be seen in the distance. For the first time, he saw the place called Coney Island. This island is far from being as big as everyone thinks. The statue of the goddess can only be seen in its entirety from another small island.

It took Lin Zidan about half an hour to cross the Brooklyn Bridge, turn right to the street in front of the city hall, go straight down and turn right to reach the place Lin Zidan had agreed on. Shanghai restaurant. Lin Zidan raised his hand and looked at the time. It was only 3:20, and their appointment was 4:00 pm. In Zhang Jing's words: Let's go early, so we don't have to wait in line like those stupid foreigners.

Lin Zi was still too early to watch, so he turned left and walked towards the Municipal Park. At this time, it was late autumn, and the leaves of the trees in the park were golden, swaying in the breeze, like golden autumn fruits that could fall at any time.

The park benches were scattered with people in twos and threes. Most of them were tourists who were tired from strolling and sat down to rest. Those who hurriedly passed by were the office workers who had just finished their work nearby.

Lin Zidan found an empty corner and sat down, looking up at a small fountain. The trees surrounding the fountain obscured a quiet little world. Some people would stop by the pool to take pictures, while a few children laughed happily around the fountain, spinning like a group of dancing elves.

"Sir, do you have any change?" Lin Zidan was fascinated by the surrounding scenery when he was suddenly awakened by an unfamiliar voice.

"What?" Lin Zidan looked at a tall, thin middle-aged Caucasian man standing in front of him with a pale face. This man didn't look as dirty as a normal beggar, even though his clothes were tattered and dirty. , but tried to maintain a vague aura, making Lin Zidan feel that this person was just a momentary desperation.

"Sir, can you give me a piece of change and let me buy a hot dog to eat!" the middle-aged man repeated softly, his face seemed a little embarrassed by this low-pitched begging.

"Can you tell me your story?" Lin Zi said calmly.

"Story? What story?" The man was a little flustered, and he was about to leave if he disagreed.

"Tell me about your previous story. I believe you must have had a very successful time before you fell down." Because there was a lot of time, Lin Zidan suddenly wanted to sit here and chat with this person for a while.

"If your story is satisfactory to me, I might give you $100, or maybe give you a job." Lin Zidan saw the surprised look on the middle-aged man's face, and continued to seduce him.

"Really?" The middle-aged man's eyes finally showed an eager light, but his eyes lingered on Lin Zidan's clothes for a few seconds, as if he had made a temporary decision. After a while, pigu sat down on the seat next to Lin Zidan.

After the middle-aged old Bai sat down, he took a deep breath, turned his body slightly, and told Lin Zi about his own story. His name is Joseph Cox, and he was once a very popular figure in the high society of New York. At the beginning, his group company was also listed on the New York Stock Exchange. At the best time, the market value reached more than 100 million.

Joseph's company was originally founded with a high school classmate. Later, for some reason, there was a dispute. The classmate sold all his shares to Joseph, and took the money to quickly set up a business with Joseph. A similar At that time, Joseph's own company was very vigorous, and he didn't pay attention to this small company of his classmate at all. It was only two or three years later that his company's market value rushed to 5 Ten million, or even higher, then Joseph swelled up a bit.

Instigated by a few friends who were close friends on weekdays, the loan made a big project. As a result, the project was unfinished, the company went bankrupt, and the huge amount of stock almost evaporated overnight. In order to repay the loan, Joseph had no choice but to sell all the real estate. Mortgage was given to the bank, and his wife chose to divorce in desperation. The child also ended his studies in New York and was sent back to his hometown in Georgia, and he himself became the bachelor who just arrived in New York and worked hard with his bare hands.

Listening to Joseph's story, Lin Zidan was affected by the other party's strong emotions throughout the whole process, and finally looked at the middle-aged old Bai who fell into silence after telling the story, he stood up, shook his jacket, and said He drew a hundred dollars from his wallet and said to this foreigner:

"It's a good story, this is the $100 I promised you just now, good luck!" After speaking, he raised his foot and left.

"Hey! No... You just said that you might give me a job?" The middle-aged old Bai took Lin Ziduan's money in a daze, but suddenly woke up and chased Lin Zidan for two steps, eagerly asked.

"I just said maybe..." Lin Zidan turned his head and looked at him with a smile.

"You!! Okay. Thank you, thank you for listening to my story, haha~ I really didn't expect that such a failed story could be worth $100!"

After speaking, Joseph took a step back in despair. He wanted to turn around and leave, but he seemed to have suddenly lost all strength. He walked back to the bench in a vain step, and sat down with a look of frustration.

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