When Wu Yun went back, he would forget about this matter. When his wealth reached a certain level, he would find that the things he cared about before would become ordinary things.

Just like Rolls-Royce is like this to Wu Yun now

The weather in Shanghai in December has officially entered winter, and people wearing cotton-padded down jackets are everywhere.

Wu Yun came to Shanghai without any luggage. After all, Qi Fei had prepared a whole cloakroom of new clothes for him at COFCO Seaview One.

Women are like this sometimes, they like to dress up everything they own, including their boyfriends, according to their own preferences

Wu Yun basically doesn’t worry about things like dressing up now.

Because today is Monday, December 1st, there are classes at Qifei School, so I just asked Li Fengying to come to the airport to pick up Wu Yun and Wei Wu.

Originally, Wu Yun wanted to bring Wang Hao with him, but he encountered that disgusting thing yesterday. He had no choice but to let Wang Hao deal with the matter before coming to the magic city again.

Because it was just eleven o’clock when he got off the plane, Wu Yun did not go to fight Xixi immediately.

He just asked Li Fengying to send him to the Shanghai Academy of Drama

By the time Wu Yun arrived at the door of Qi Fei’s classroom, there were still ten minutes before get out of class ended.

Through the glass window, Wu Yun saw Qi Fei sitting in the front row, sitting upright, revealing a perfect side curve and face, and could not bear to disturb her immersion in the world of learning.

Of course, some people noticed Wu Yun peeping outside. Zeng Shengnan patted Qi Fei on the back and motioned her to look out the window.

Qi Fei turned around and saw Wu Yun’s smiling face facing her in the sunshine.

Qi Fei pretended not to see it, deliberately sat upright, and listened carefully to the teacher’s lecture.

However, because of Wu Yun’s influence, Qi Fei found that she could not calm down.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the teacher in class did not delay and immediately announced that the meeting was adjourned

A group of handsome men and beauties poured out of the classroom and looked at Qi Fei’s rich second-generation boyfriend whom they had met several times. Although they had met several times, everyone looked at Wu Yun a little differently this time.

Ever since the verdict was announced in Wang Tianqi’s case, some people with good intentions have speculated that the matter was fermented extremely quickly. The incident happened in the early morning of that day, and the whole country knew about it that day.

This has to make people wonder if there is someone behind the scenes. Wu Yun also meets the conditions of the driving force behind this, rich and powerful!

However, there is no direct evidence to prove that Qi Fei’s boyfriend sent someone to do this, so this statement is only spread within the school circle.

But the good thing for Qi Fei is that the flies around him have almost disappeared, and no one dares to try to touch this bad thing.

This makes Qi Fei’s life at school more and more comfortable, even if she occasionally hears envious words behind her back

As soon as Qi Fei came out, she saw Wu Yun with his hands on his hips and said with a straight face:”Xiao Yunzi, you are so ridiculous! There is actually someone who wants to marry you!”

Wu Yun was a little puzzled and asked for some reason:”Promise me with my body? Why didn’t I know about such a good thing?””

Seeing that Wu Yun didn’t look like he was pretending, Qi Fei’s pretended anger melted away like ice and snow, and said with a smile:”I thought you knew! Let me read this news for you!”

Wu Yun took Qi Fei’s cell phone and his face suddenly darkened when he saw the headline of the news:”A beautiful woman accidentally splashed a Rolls-Royce with fluorescent water, but she couldn’t afford the compensation and wanted to commit herself to her!””

The accompanying picture shows Wu Yun standing next to the Rolls-Royce Phantom, facing a slim woman whose back was photographed.

Wu Yun said depressedly:”What unscrupulous author is making this up! MD, it’s obviously this common girl who thought I wanted her phone number and said I parked my car there on purpose to block her way!””

“Me…..”Wu Yun felt disgusted when he thought of this woman’s face, and Wu Yun was so angry that he cursed

Immediately, Wu Yun took Qi Fei’s hand and walked, telling her what happened yesterday in detail.

After hearing Wu Yun’s story, the three girls from Song Qin who were walking by all had expressions of indignation on their faces. Apparently they couldn’t understand what this woman was doing.

Qi Fei asked curiously:”In other words, you asked Wang Hao to handle this matter, and now you are planning to sue this woman?”

Wu Yun said matter-of-factly:”Of course! Although my money is brought by the strong wind, this woman’s attitude makes me very unhappy. It doesn’t cost much to repair a car and repaint it, but I don’t want to indulge this kind of woman and let her She is so self-righteous that the whole world revolves around her! She must be taught a lesson!”

“right! More than 100,000 is already a large amount of money for ordinary people! This woman looks like she wants to default on her debt! Those who deliberately damage other people’s private property seem to be over 5,000 yuan, and if the circumstances are serious, they can be sent to jail!”Zeng Shengnan said with a smile showing his white teeth.

“Young Master Wu! We all support you in doing this! We watched some clips today, and we all thought this woman was absolutely disgusting! I can’t imagine where she got her confidence from!”Li Yao said without taking it too seriously. Both women and men are very disgusting people. She has encountered them before, so she can relate to them.

Several people were just curious about this matter. They all knew that if Wu Yun fell in love with this woman, they all thought that Wu Yun was blind!

Arriving at the school gate, seeing Song Qin and the others walking to the other side, Wu Yun asked,”Aren’t you going to eat with us?”

Song Qin smiled and said:”The wattage of our three light bulbs is too high! I won’t disturb your date!”

Li Yao waved and said:”Feifei! Pay attention to safety! Don’t forget the time because you have classes in the afternoon!”

“Ha ha ha ha~”


Seeing the three of them running away laughing, Qi Fei blushed and said,”Xiao Yunzi, don’t listen to their nonsense, what do you want to eat for lunch today?”

Wu Yun smiled and hugged Qi Fei’s waist:”Senior sister! You already know everything! Why are you still shy?”

“Just have something to eat outside your school. I will go to the company later and pick you up after class in the afternoon!”

Qi Fei nodded, then took Wu Yun’s hand and said,”Follow me, I’ve recently fallen in love with a newly opened Cantonese restaurant, I’ll take you to try it, it’s quite delicious!”

Seeing the two people coming out of school, Wei Wu and Li Fengying immediately got out of the nanny car and followed them.

Sitting in the Cantonese restaurant, Qi Fei first ordered dishes for her and Wu Yun, and then ordered one for Wei Wu and Wu Yun. Then she put her hands on her chin and stared at Wu Yun who was on the phone.

Wu Yun didn’t wait until he hung up the phone, then looked at Qi Fei and said,”Why are you looking at me like that! Have you never seen a man as handsome as me?”

Qi Fei rolled her eyes, made a retching motion, and then said:”Your words make me feel as confident as the woman in that video!”

Wu Yun sneered:”Tsk~ She has no self-awareness, what I’m telling you is the truth! Is it possible that I’m not handsome?”

As Wu Yun spoke, he made a sign on his chin with his hand.

“Xiao Yunzi, I just heard you say that Gao Qiang and Zhang Xiaojing are in love! ?”Qi Fei suddenly remembered that when Wu Yun was talking about that piece of news just now, he mentioned that he went to dinner with Gao Qiang and others and came back.

Wu Yun saw Qi Fei’s somewhat surprised look and asked,”What? Do you still know Zhang Xiaojing?””

Qi Fei nodded and recalled:”We know each other, we have met a few times! It can be said that my dad and his dad have a cooperative relationship.”

“She should be the same age as me, she is a sophomore this year! I still have her WeChat account! Look, is this the Zhang Xiaojing you are talking about?”With that said, Qi Fei clicked on Zhang Xiaojing’s circle of friends. The latest one was a photo of holding hands. The bigger hand Wu Yun looked like a strong one.

“That’s right! It’s her!”

“Hey~ I guess you won’t be able to talk to her for long!”Qi Fei sighed

“how? Is there something wrong with Zhang Xiaojing?”Wu Yun marveled at Qi Fei’s vision. It’s true! In his previous life, Gao Qiang did break up with Zhang Xiaojing after only talking for more than a month.

Qi Fei took a sip of tea and frowned:”It’s not that Zhang Xiaojing has a problem, it’s that there is a problem with his family.””

“If Gao Qiang doesn’t get along well with her, her family will be torn apart sooner or later.”Qi Fei held her tongue and said,”Her family has some money, but she really thinks of herself as a wealthy family. Basically all the problems of rich people can be found in her grandparents and parents!”

Qi Fei then told Wu Yun what she knew about Zhang Xiaojing’s family.

“Zhang Xiaojing’s father runs a relatively large construction company, and the results have been very good in recent years. Almost every year, they win the bid for a larger housing construction project or public or industrial building.”After all, Qi Fei has been exposed to it since she was a child, so she still knows some common sense about engineering.

“Because my dad is engaged in real estate development, in order to maintain this relationship, Zhang Xiaojing’s dad often meets my dad to drink tea and chat and even go out to play together!”

“Therefore, I have been to all the favors and guests, including Grandma Zhang Xiaojing’s 70th birthday.”

At this time, the dishes ordered by the two people were gradually brought out. Wu Yun took a bite of the dish and said,”Senior sister, is it possible that something else happened on this seventieth birthday?”

“In fact, nothing happened! I just think it’s really realistic, especially Zhang Xiaojing’s grandparents. I can still clearly remember the way people talk.”

After saying that, Qi Fei also imitated the expression of Zhang Xiaojing’s grandma when she spoke, and said with a proud face:”You are Xiao Liu from my son’s company! I heard Zhang Wei talk about you! Not bad, not bad! Do a good job! The company relies on the efforts of young people like you!”

“Xiao Yunzi, do you know how Zhang Xiaojing’s grandma’s nostrils looked at people at that time. Because we were following behind to give gifts, when my dad came forward, she immediately changed her face and looked approachable. She even kindly held my hand and complimented me on my beauty!”

Qi Fei rolled her eyes, obviously speechless at what Zhang Xiaojing’s grandma did.

After Qi Fei ate a piece of green vegetables, she continued to complain:”I also heard from my dad that their family is very superstitious. Of course, I can understand having a ceremony at the construction site, but is it too much to have to read the almanac when you go out?”

“My dad said that Zhang Xiaojing’s dad had a girlfriend back then, but because their zodiac signs and horoscopes were incompatible, they broke up without even meeting each other.”

“Later, I met Zhang Xiaojing’s mother through someone’s introduction. Another reason is that Zhang Xiaojing’s mother’s family is also very rich! No worse than the Zhang family at that time”

Wu Yun listened to Qi Fei’s complaints while eating. Qi Fei looked a little cute, even her angry hands were so attractive.

“If I had been a boy when we met, her family would probably have wanted to marry us!”

“So, you’d better give Gao Qiang a warning as soon as possible and don’t get into too deep! Come and eat a braised lion head!”Qi Fei used chopsticks to pick a lion head for Wu Yun, and then picked one for herself.

Wu Yun nodded to express his understanding, but still said:”Now that they have just started, I can’t be that evil person, but I have to let Gao Qiang suffer some losses, so as to save him from living a heartless life.”

“But I believe that with the high-quality conditions, even if I don’t stay with Zhang Xiaojing in the future, I can still find an excellent girlfriend!”Wu Yun added in his mind, the premise is not to keep messing around on the construction site like in his previous life!

“Whatever, it’s your hair, not mine!”

“Senior! I see you complaining so much! I haven’t heard from you yet whether your parents will dislike me for having no money and status!”Wu Yun was joking.

Qi Fei glanced at Wu Yun and scolded with a smile:”Just kidding me! Let’s see if I bite you to death tonight!””

However, Qi Fei changed her words and said with a smile:”My father has not objected to our affairs for a long time. At the beginning, my mother was still asking questions. But after knowing that you bought me a villa and a house in the Magic City, I still After I came to Shanghai to open a company for me, they didn’t have any objections.”

“According to my mother, stay safe! She doesn’t want to have her grandson so early!”When Qi Fei said this, she was still a little shy, and then asked worriedly:”You don’t bring an umbrella every time, why don’t I react at all? If there is something wrong, go check it out!”

Wu Yun:”…….no problem! If you want to bring a doll! I can give you one anytime!”

Qi Fei was also afraid of irritating Wu Yun, so she did not discuss this topic. Instead, she said:”My dad asked you to have dinner together at home during the Chinese New Year!”

“no problem!”Wu Yun was thinking about his time plan for this year, how to arrange the New Year greetings between Qi Fei and Wen Meng’s family without conflict.

As for Bai Yue, she hasn’t met her parents yet, so she should take it easy first!

Hey, this is the trouble of having too many girlfriends! Fortunately, Wu Yun could still use the company as an excuse, which saved him a lot of trouble.

“correct! Senior! Have the actors for The Pretender been confirmed?”Wu Yun was a little embarrassed. He had forgotten to know about Qi Fei recently.

Qi Fei said angrily:”You still know how to care about your company! I thought you were all in the US dollars!””

“The crew is set up! I just went to take the final makeup photos last week, and now I’m waiting for the notification for the opening ceremony!”

“Recently, I study during the day and memorize lines at night, which makes me physically and mentally exhausted! I do not care! You must come and accompany me during New Year’s Eve this year!”Qi Fei pursed her lips and acted mischievously.

Wu Yun liked such a changeable Qi Fei. He smiled and pinched her cheek:”Study and work must be balanced with work and rest. I will let you relax tonight!””

Qi Fei slapped Wu Yun’s hand away and said with a look of disgust:”Ha~ So that’s what you had in mind! What a pervert!”

Wu Yun swallowed the remaining lion head into his mouth and said vaguely:”Don’t you like it?”

Qi Fei’s beautiful eyes rolled around and she looked at Wu Yun affectionately:”How good are you! I like you so much~”


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