At night, Liu Yongheng lay on the bed with his hands under his head and looked at the ceiling quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lai Yi, who was wearing pajamas, took off his slippers and lay on Liu Yongheng’s chest, saying softly:”Husband, you are still thinking about starting a business!”

Liu Yongheng came back to his senses, put out his arms and hugged Lai Yi’s slim waist and said:”Wife, do you think I should be a charterer? Or should I try my best to be a boss?”

Liu Yongheng was very torn, he wanted to play, but he was envious when he saw Wu Yun creating such a big business.

We can’t blame Liu Yongheng for this. After all, he is still a teenager at heart. To think of starting a business at this age is already one step ahead.

Lai Yi thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he said,”Then why don’t you be both the lessor and the boss?”

“It’s not like you have to use up your twelve million in one go! You can spend money to buy a few houses first, and then leave half of the money to set up a company. I believe that the company will not be short of money in a short period of time through deposits and income!”

“If we are short of money at that time, we will take out one house and sell it, or���Once you have achieved results, you can still ask your dad for more funding! ?”

Liu Yongheng was so happy that he hugged Lai Yi’s face and kissed him:”Honey, you are really the woman behind my brother! Let’s be prepared when we get back here!””

Lai Yi turned over and climbed onto Liu Yongheng, smiling and saying:”No! I want to be the woman above the eldest brother!””


The next day, everyone slept until they woke up naturally and then got up and packed their belongings.

After breakfast at the hotel, the group walked out and prepared to explore Kangding city along the river.

Kangding is located in a canyon of stacked mountains, with peaks and ridges on both sides of the bank. The waves of the Zheduo River and the Yala River flowed through the city. Following the river, Wu Yun and others could directly see the famous Paoma Mountain outside the city.

Due to the restriction of the canyon terrain, the urban area of Kangding is long and narrow, and the area of the urban area is not too large.

There are local gift shops everywhere along the river. The group went shopping one by one as if they were going shopping.

After shopping around for a long time, a few people discovered that most of the stores had similar products, with nothing more than some ethnic characteristics and things that Han people couldn’t buy in cities.

Wu Yun only bought some gadgets, but Wen Meng bought a lot, including special bags, special silk scarves, and a big-brim cowboy hat for both Wu Yun and her dad.

After having lunch and resting for half an hour, the group followed the navigation system to Tagong Grassland, the last destination of the Mercedes-Benz weekend trip.

Tagong Grassland is located in Tagong Town, Kangding City, 113 kilometers away from Kangding City and on a plateau at an altitude of 3,730 meters. It has convenient transportation and is the most famous grassland in GZ Prefecture.

When Wu Yun and others were at the Zheduo Mountain Pass, they gave some tips before allowing them to park not far from the stone monument. Along with the snow-capped scenery, they left a few photos of tourists.

Fortunately, neither of the people in the two cars had any altitude sickness when they climbed over Zheduo Mountain.

On the Western Sichuan Plateau, the most important things are the cultural landscapes with ethnic characteristics, the snow-capped mountains, blue skies and white clouds, and the alpine meadows.

But Wu Yun and the others came at the wrong time.

When I first arrived at the grassland, I found that there were only some withered yellow grass left on the wide flat land.

Of course, the snow-capped mountains in the distance and the nearby Tagong Temple complement each other, creating a strange sense of beauty.

It took an hour to visit Tagong Temple, and then we rode horses for a lap on the grass outside. We stopped and took photos of each other. The afternoon was almost over.

How happy you are when you play, how tired you are when you go back

Except for Wu Yun, everyone dragged their heavy steps towards the parking lot.

As soon as I walked to the car, there was a loud noise in the sky!

“Boom~” It’s like an explosion

Wu Yun was still wondering when he suddenly felt the ground begin to shake violently.

The experienced Shu people present shouted:”There’s an earthquake!”

Wu Yun held the car door, resisting the fear of being dominated by heaven and earth, and looked at the grassland in the distance. The ground was like waves, rising and falling.

As the ground trembled, the perennial snow on the snow-capped mountains began to collapse. The sound of the avalanche roared along with the shaking of the ground. For a while, everyone could not hear what the people around were shouting.

I only saw some tourists from out of town running around like headless flies

After dozens of seconds, the ground gradually returned to calm, leaving only the sound of the avalanche intertwined with the sirens of half of the vehicles in the parking lot and the cries of fear.

“Is everything okay?”

Wu Yun walked around to the passenger seat, supported Wen Meng, whose legs were weak, and shouted in the direction of Liu Yongheng’s car.

“Boss! Help! My legs don’t work anymore!”

Wu Yun heard Liu Yongheng’s voice, supported Wen Meng and walked over.

Taking a closer look, Liu Yongheng was sitting on the ground, his thighs trembling involuntarily!

Wu Yun looked again and saw that everyone was fine, then he smiled and said:”It’s okay! Just rest and you’ll be fine! The first time we met was the same as you!”

Seeing that Liu Yongheng’s face was pale, Wu Yun touched Liu Yongheng’s carotid artery and found that Liu Yongheng’s heart was beating violently.

Worried that he would suffer from altitude sickness, Wu Yun shouted to Pang Guang at the back door of the car:”Pang Guang, take the oxygen bottle from the trunk and give him eternal oxygen!””

Seeing everyone gathered around him, Wu Yun greeted,”Is everything okay!? Stop crowding around! Leave some space for eternity.””

“Who else feels dizzy and weak in the legs? Don’t be brave! When you need to take oxygen, take oxygen!”

As soon as Wu Yun finished speaking, he heard Chang Yuanyuan say:”Bring me a bottle too, I feel a little flustered!”

After breathing oxygen for a while, Liu Yongheng felt that he had recovered and stood up with the help of Lai Yi.

“It’s really scary! At that moment, I felt like an ant in front of nature! He could be crushed to death at any time! Liu Yongheng said with lingering fear.

Wu Yun first learned about the earthquake in the system. Unexpectedly, they actually won the big prize and played in the center of the earthquake.

“We were not the epicenter in 2008, but we all had this strong feeling! If we were not at the epicenter today, would the power this time be so strong~?”Wen Meng did not continue talking, but the worry on his face was clearly visible.

Wu Yun put his arm around Wen Meng’s waist and comforted him:”I think we should be at the epicenter! Because we are now in the Hengduan Mountains, right on the fault zone! It’s easy for an earthquake to occur!”

Wu Yun looked at his phone and found that there was no signal! So he said with a smile:”You can’t even see a signal on your mobile phone! It means there is strong electromagnetic interference! We are probably not far from the epicenter!””

“Don’t worry! Everyone, check your health! Check the items on the car again! Li Shiming! Pang Guang! Come with me to buy some more water!”

Wu Yun glanced in the direction of Zheduo Mountain, frowned and said,”If you are unlucky! Everyone be prepared to be trapped for a few days!”

“Everyone else, look for a signal somewhere! Try to see what’s new!”

Wu Yun commanded in an orderly manner, and everyone’s panic calmed down.

The loud noises and avalanches in the sky and the earth gradually disappeared, leaving only the noise of the parking lot.

On the grassland in the distance, the horses used for tourists to ride on were calmed down by the comfort of their owners. Only a few yaks were left and ran away. Fortunately, because of the distance, no one was hurt.

After buying water and some yak meat, Wu Yun did not ask to leave immediately. He planned to wait until there was news or the signal was restored before making plans. Anyway, there was no shortage of food and drink on the car, so it would be no problem to hold on for a few days.

There was chaos in the parking lot. Some people drove directly towards Zheduo Mountain in a panic.

Of course, there are also some people who have the same idea as Wu Yun.

A couple in their thirties standing next to a pickup truck next to the white G63 looked at the chaos. The man looked at the vehicles going away, shook his head and said:”If you go to Zheduoshan now, you must be going to cause traffic! Drive on! Go up, and then it will be difficult to drive down!”

“It’s definitely below freezing on the mountain at night, and there’s nothing to eat or drink. Let’s see what they do! ?”

“There is news! There is news!”

The couple in the RV looked at the group of young people in the middle of the two big G’s listening side by side. There was a beautiful girl holding up a Huawei mobile phone in her hand.

The couple also came over, and the woman asked curiously:”Sister! What’s the news? Can you tell us too! This broken apple has no signal at all!”

Qin Rui read the news on her phone loudly:”News from China Earthquake Administration: At 16:55 pm on November 22, 2014, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred in Tagong Grassland, Kangding County, GZ Prefecture. The epicenter was located in the northern latitude 30.3 degrees, east longitude 101.7 degrees, focal depth 18 kilometers”

“Tagong Grassland?! Isn’t this where we are?! Chang Yuanyuan exclaimed:”No wonder the shock was so strong!””

Upon hearing the news, Wu Yun frowned and said:”It seems that we have no choice but to spend the night here tonight!”

November is not the coldest time in Tagong Grassland. The temperature at night is several degrees below zero.

Wu Yun and others were faced with a problem. They had brought enough clothes, but there were no quilts for the night.

It seems that I only need to idle the car all night. Wu Yun read a report before that the fuel consumption of one hour of idling is between 0.5-1.5L.

When we came to Tagong Grassland, the gas tanks of both cars were filled up, so the heat of the engine was enough to cope with the whole night. We only had to open the car windows for some ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Wu Yun looked at the no-service status displayed on the signal bar of his mobile phone, and then asked Qin Rui:”Senior Qin Rui, can your mobile phone make calls now?”

“Or not! I just received a notification message, but now there is no signal!”Qin Rui nodded.

Wu Yun then said:”If there is a signal at night! If you come out and report, please call to make sure you are safe! By the way, ask for leave from the school! Anyway, I won’t be able to have classes tomorrow! We will stay here tonight!”

After seeing Wu Yun arranging everything in an orderly manner, the man in the RV couple watching on the side said kindly:”Brothers, are you planning to spend the night here tonight?! Can two cars sleep so many people? How about you call us If two people come over, my booth can be put down and two or three more people can sleep!”

Wu Yun saw the kind-hearted look on the male car owner’s face, so he used his glasses to directly detect the information of the two people.

Chen Dong……..Favorability 20

Yan Hong……..Favorability 25

Seeing that the two of them had no ill intentions, Wu Yun smiled and asked their names and introduced himself.

“Brother Dong, let me ask my friends first. If possible, I will arrange for two girls to come over. Thank you for your help!”

Chen Dong said with a smile:”It’s okay, we should help each other when we go out.”

So Wu Yun called everyone together and talked about staying overnight in Chen Dong’s car. In line with the attitude of ladies first, Wu Yun said:”Senior Sister Yuanyuan and Senior Sister Qin Rui, let’s sleep in the RV!”

Wu Yun’s arrangement was unanimously approved except for the two parties involved.

“So happily decided!”Wu Yun turned around and walked towards the pickup truck.


Because of an earthquake, Liu Yongheng was moved out with a small folding table and chair that he used as a backup for drinking tea. The small gas tank was connected to the outdoor folding stove. The blue-red flame burned the mineral water in the stainless steel basin until it bubbled.

“It’s time to go down!”Li Shiming kept staring at the basin. When he saw the water boiling, he shouted to Liu Yongheng who was preparing instant noodles in the trunk.

Fortunately, the stainless steel basin Liu Yongheng brought was big enough, and the six noodles were put directly into the pot.

On the other side, four girls, together with Chen Dong and his wife, used the outdoor pull-out stove of the RV to cook instant noodles.

Divide all the noodles evenly into disposable bowls, Wenmeng then puts the chopped yak meat into the bowl, and a bowl of authentic beef noodles is completed.

Some tourists who were also stranded in the parking lot looked at this scene with envy. Most of them brought some fast snacks or bread. At this time, they could have a bite of hot food, even instant noodles. It’s a very happy thing

Two young men also came over with buckets of instant noodles that they had bought a long time ago and asked for some noodle soup to make instant noodles. This made some people regret that they had not thought of buying these things.

Dark night falls, the clear sky is filled with stars

Tagong Grassland is like a basin between the mountains. A bright star river runs through the central sky, connecting the snow-capped mountains on both sides.

This beautiful and addictive scene makes people forget the panic during the earthquake, but makes people feel more and more insignificant.

No wonder many people say that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of the pure lands of mankind. In cities with serious light pollution, the moon is hazy now.

Liu Yongheng said with emotion:”If it hadn’t been for the earthquake, I probably wouldn’t have stopped to take a closer look at the starry sky. It was so shocking to see it on the plateau!”

“Brother Dong! Take a photo for us!”

Chen Dong held his mobile phone, turned his back to the grassland, and said with a smile:”One, two, three! Eggplant!””

Wu Yun looked at this scene and recalled the memory of confessing to Qi Fei under the starry sky.

Thinking of this, I was about to take out my mobile phone when I felt the sound of messages popping up constantly on my mobile phone.

“There’s a signal!”Someone shouted in the parking lot

Everyone picked up their mobile phones in unison, and for a moment there were illuminated faces everywhere.

The message notification sound on Wu Yun’s mobile phone kept vibrating.

It took a while to calm down

Wu Yun ignored the news information and clicked on WeChat first.

The people who knew he was coming to Kangding were Qi Fei and Bai Yue, as well as several general managers, Wei Wu and Wang Hao

Wu Yun didn’t post anything on Moments, so most people didn’t know his whereabouts.

“Little Yunzi! Where are you? Is anything wrong?”

“Where are you! ? Why can’t I get through on the phone?”

“Don’t worry! Woohoo~ answer me quickly!”This is Qi Fei’s voice. As time goes by, Qi Fei’s tone becomes more anxious and sad.

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