Susan sat upright excitedly

However, he remembered the change in the share of the gift for signing with the company, so he hesitated and asked:”Young Master Wu, then if I sign for the company, the share of the gift will be even less?”

Wu Yun smiled and said:”One advantage of signing with a company is that if you broadcast for enough time, you will get a basic salary. You must know that you are just playing games anyway, so this is easy to achieve.”

“When you are a freelance anchor, you are likely to be on the street. The company spends resources to train you, so you should get some commission.”

“Of course, it depends on your choice. After all, we are friends who know everything. Whether you join my company or become a freelance anchor, I can support you.”

However, Wu Yun’s voice changed and he said:”It’s just that the intensity of support between the two types is different.”

“You don’t have to rush to answer me. You can think about it for two days before speaking.”

Zeng Siqi smiled and interjected:”Come on, come on! Eat quickly! I see you don’t even use your chopsticks.””

Susan and Tang Tang took a few bites. Susan noticed that Tang Tang was hesitant to speak and knew that she was embarrassed to speak. After all, she was not familiar with Wu Yun.

However, as her best friend from high school to college, Susan still wanted to help her best friend after she had a direction for her own future.

“Mr. Wu, you haven’t told Tang Tang what to do yet!”Susan acted coquettishly and kept rubbing her calf against Wu Yun’s calf.

They were just chatting, and Wu Yun didn’t hide anything:”Tang Tang is a secretarial major, so her external conditions are great! No matter where she applies for a secretary or assistant job, she can easily get through.”

“I don’t know if Tangtang Beauty is interested in continuing to have a professional counterpart. Does Tangtang Beauty have any other specialties?”

Hearing Wu Yun’s words, Susan immediately said next to her:”Tang Tang is very good at writing, and her writing style is excellent. She also won an award in school, and many of the manuscripts for the radio station were written by her.”

These words made Tang Tang’s face turn red. Looking at Wu Yun’s handsome face, Tang Tang felt a little embarrassed and said:”Don’t listen to her nonsense, I just wrote a few manuscripts.”

Wu Yun smiled and said:”There are many advantages to being good at writing! Whether it is helping others with soft articles or writing some slogans, it is a good way to generate income.”

“This is something you can do part-time while working, but this can only make a small amount of money, and there is basically no chance of making a fortune.”

“Of course, if you like reading novels, my most recommended thing is to write novels. If you write well and write well, you can write it as a part-time job in the early stage and earn some living expenses.”

“But if writing a novel becomes popular one day, the monthly manuscript fee can at best be equivalent to a year’s salary of an ordinary person! Even higher!”

“There is also reward income for novels. If your book is awarded a silver or gold alliance by a big boss and its quality is very high, then wait for it to take off!”

Susan showed a look of realization:”Oh, this is similar to anchor rewards!”

Wu Yun nodded in agreement

“Most importantly, copyright! If you are attracted by a film and television company, the copyright fee alone can make you a fortune.”

Listening to the blueprint drawn by Wu Yun, Tang Tang looked thoughtful.

“I also have a company that recently spent several million to acquire the rights to two novels. You must know that this copyright is only the income derived from your novel. If you are interested, you can search how much the copyright of Dou Po Shang Qiang has been sold!”

The three women all took out their mobile phones, and Baidu immediately knew that buying the copyright was like winning a lottery.

Seeing their excited expressions, Wu Yun poured cold water on them and said:”Stop dreaming, this kind of income is only available to writers at the top of the pyramid.””

“However, writing novels is a bit tiring. If you are slow, you can basically do it all year round. But I haven’t watched the female videos, so I don’t know what’s going on in them!”

Tang Tang smiled and asked:”Young Master Wu, can you recommend me which website this is published on?”

“Singularity, of course, has to be Singularity, the largest website in the country, but being largest also means great competition! But I don’t know the specifics about female videos. You can go investigate”

Wu Yun was not someone who was taken advantage of. He wanted to help the poor when he saw a beautiful woman, so he just talked about the basic situation he knew.

Unlike when he just gave Susan advice and even stated that he could help her

“Mr. Wu, you have so many companies, can you help Tang Tang introduce a job?”After Susan understood that the early stage of the novel basically made no money, she still said shamelessly.

Wu Yun smiled and refused:”I have a male secretary! Tang Tang hasn’t decided where to focus his development now. It won’t be too late to think about it after you guys have figured it out.””

Tang Tang leaned his leg against Susan who wanted to continue talking, but Susan immediately shut up.

I ate a barbecue for more than an hour

Wu Yun stood up, holding on to his bulging belly, and asked the waiter to pay the bill.

“Didn’t you agree that I would treat you?”Zeng Siqi stood up, stopped Wu Yun and said

Wu Yun didn’t argue, it was just a meal, just give her a few hundred million more in the evening.

After paying the bill, a few people stood on the roadside and watched the cars passing by.

“We are going back to the hotel, our old place! Where are you going?”Zeng Siqi looked at Susan and asked.

Susan was very moved……

But she looked at Tang Tang and felt that it was still a bit unsafe for her to go back to school alone.

“I would like to join you and ask Master Wu more about his views on the live broadcast.”Susan replied without any embarrassment.

“Wait a minute, let me ask Tang Tang”

With that said, Susan pulled Tangtang aside.

“Tang Tang, I think you should understand the relationship between me and that young witch!”Susan asked directly

Tang Tang asked with some uncertainty:”You guys have an affair?”

Susan smiled and said:”It’s not just me who had an affair with him, that Zeng Siqi……”

“Otherwise, why do you think he told me so much about live streaming and even said he would support me?”

Tang Tang looked into Susan’s eyes, trying to read Susan’s thoughts. Looking at Susan’s twinkling eyes, Tang Tang asked:”Shanshan, what do you want to express?”

Susan said directly:”I want to say that you will get something for every effort. Otherwise, why would others take the initiative to help you think about this? As you have seen during this period, it is really difficult to find a job that you like directly.”

“I don’t know if you understand what Mr. Wu means. He said that novels can take off by relying on rewards, which means that he also has this ability!”

“Even if you don’t write novels and want to find a professional job, he can provide it. I didn’t hear him say that he had a male secretary! There is just no female secretary!”

“Think about it, even if a beautiful secretary like you says that she has nothing to do with the boss, others will think she is having an affair! Unless you find a female boss”

If Wu Yun knew what Susan said, he would definitely cry out that she was wronged! He just said these words literally, without asking Susan to do any reading comprehension!

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